def dopago(logger, pt, req):"stepping in dopago handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None) pag_id = req.get('pag_id', None) if (pag_id is None) or (usr_id is None) or (filename is None): return ErrorCode.REQUEST_INCOMPLETE.value source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) def update_filename(): q = """UPDATE erp_pagos set aux_no_fac = '{}' WHERE erp_pagos.numero_transaccion = {}""".format(filename.replace('.xml', ''), pag_id) try: HelperPg.onfly_update(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES return ErrorCode.SUCCESS def update_consecutive_alpha(f_xmlin): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xmlin) q = """update fac_cfds_conf_folios set folio_actual = (folio_actual + 1) FROM gral_suc AS SUC LEFT JOIN fac_cfds_conf ON fac_cfds_conf.gral_suc_id = LEFT JOIN gral_usr_suc AS USR_SUC ON USR_SUC.gral_suc_id = WHERE fac_cfds_conf_folios.proposito = 'PAG' AND AND USR_SUC.gral_usr_id = {}""".format(usr_id) try: HelperPg.onfly_update(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES return ErrorCode.SUCCESS rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'pagxml', usr_id = usr_id, pag_id = pag_id) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: pass else: _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, req.get('usr_id', None), pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: rc = ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) rc, signed_file = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = update_filename() if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = update_consecutive_alpha(signed_file) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, signed_file.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), resdir, 'pagpdf', xml = signed_file, rfc = _rfc) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value
def format_wrt(self, output_file, dat): self.logger.debug('dumping contents of dat: {}'.format(repr(dat))) def save(xo): tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() f = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) writedom_cfdi(xo.toDOM(), self.__MAKEUP_PROPOS, f) return f c = Comprobante() c.Version = '3.3' c.Serie = dat['CONTROL']['SERIE'] # optional c.Folio = dat['CONTROL']['FOLIO'] # optional c.Fecha = dat['TIME_STAMP'] c.Sello = '__DIGITAL_SIGN_HERE__' c.FormaPago = dat["FORMA_PAGO"]['CLAVE'] # optional c.NoCertificado = dat['NUMERO_CERTIFICADO'] c.Certificado = dat['CERT_B64'] c.SubTotal = dat['TOTALES']['IMPORTE_SUM'] c.Descuento = dat['TOTALES'][ 'DESCTO_SUM'] if dat['TOTALES']['DESCTO_SUM'] > 0 else None c.Total = dat['TOTALES']['MONTO_TOTAL'] if dat['MONEDA']['ISO_4217'] == 'MXN': c.TipoCambio = 1 else: # optional (requerido en ciertos casos) c.TipoCambio = truncate(dat['MONEDA']['TIPO_DE_CAMBIO'], self.__NDECIMALS) c.Moneda = dat['MONEDA']['ISO_4217'] c.TipoDeComprobante = 'I' c.MetodoPago = "PUE" # optional and hardcode until ui can suply such value c.LugarExpedicion = dat['LUGAR_EXPEDICION'] c.Emisor = pyxb.BIND() c.Emisor.Nombre = dat['EMISOR']['RAZON_SOCIAL'] # optional c.Emisor.Rfc = dat['EMISOR']['RFC'] c.Emisor.RegimenFiscal = dat['EMISOR']['REGIMEN_FISCAL'] c.Receptor = pyxb.BIND() c.Receptor.Nombre = dat['RECEPTOR']['RAZON_SOCIAL'] # optional c.Receptor.Rfc = dat['RECEPTOR']['RFC'] c.Receptor.UsoCFDI = dat['RECEPTOR']['USO_CFDI'] c.Conceptos = pyxb.BIND() for i in dat['CONCEPTOS']: c.Conceptos.append( pyxb.BIND( Cantidad=i['CANTIDAD'], ClaveUnidad=i['UNIDAD'], ClaveProdServ=i['PRODSERV'], Descripcion=i['DESCRIPCION'], ValorUnitario=i['PRECIO_UNITARIO'], NoIdentificacion=i['SKU'], # optional Importe=truncate(i['IMPORTE'], self.__NDECIMALS), Descuento=i['DESCTO'] if i['DESCTO'] > 0 else None, Impuestos=self.__tag_impuestos(i) if i['TASA_IMPUESTO'] > 0 else None)) def traslado(c, tc, imp): return pyxb.BIND(TipoFactor='Tasa', Impuesto=c, TasaOCuota=tc, Importe=imp) def zigma(v): z = Decimal(0) for w in v: z += self.__narf(w['importe']) return float(z) c.Impuestos = pyxb.BIND( TotalImpuestosRetenidos=0, TotalImpuestosTrasladados=zigma(dat['TRASLADOS']), Traslados=pyxb.BIND(*tuple([ traslado(t['clave'], self.__place_tasa(t['tasa']), t['importe']) for t in dat['TRASLADOS'] ]))) tmp_file = save(c) HelperStr.edit_pattern('TipoCambio="1.0"', 'TipoCambio="1"', tmp_file) # XXX: Horrible workaround HelperStr.edit_pattern( '(Descuento=)"([0-9]*(\.[0-9]{0,1})?)"', lambda x: 'Descuento="%.2f"' % (float(, ), tmp_file) HelperStr.edit_pattern( '(Importe=)"([0-9]*(\.[0-9]{0,1})?)"', lambda x: 'Importe="%.2f"' % (float(, ), tmp_file) with open(output_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as a: a.write(sign_cfdi(dat['KEY_PRIVATE'], dat['XSLT_SCRIPT'], tmp_file)) os.remove(tmp_file)
def save(xo): tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() f = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) writedom_cfdi(xo.toDOM(), self.__MAKEUP_PROPOS, f) return f
def donota(logger, pt, req): def store(f_xml): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xml) q = """select * from ncr_save_xml( {}::integer, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::boolean, {}::integer ) AS result( rc integer, msg text ) """.format( # Store procedure parameters req.get('ncr_id', None), # _ncr_id os.path.basename(f_xml), # _file_xml xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], # _serie xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO'], # _folio req.get('saldado', None), # _saldado req.get('usr_id', None) # _usr_id ) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: res = HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True) if len(res) != 1: raise Exception('unexpected result regarding execution of store') rcode, rmsg = res.pop() if rcode == 0: return ErrorCode.SUCCESS raise Exception(rmsg) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES"stepping in donota handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'ncrxml', usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None), nc_id = req.get('ncr_id', None)) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: pass else: _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, req.get('usr_id', None), pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: rc = ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) rc, signed_file = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = store(signed_file) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, signed_file.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), resdir, 'ncrpdf', xml = signed_file, rfc = _rfc) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value
def facturar(logger, pt, req): def fetch_empdat(usr_id): sql = """select upper(EMP.rfc) as rfc, EMP.no_id as no_id FROM gral_suc AS SUC LEFT JOIN gral_usr_suc AS USR_SUC ON USR_SUC.gral_suc_id = LEFT JOIN gral_emp AS EMP ON = SUC.empresa_id WHERE USR_SUC.gral_usr_id=""" q = "{0}{1}".format(sql, usr_id) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q): return ErrorCode.SUCCESS, dict(rfc=row['rfc'], no_id=row['no_id']) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES, None def store(f_xmlin, usr_id, prefact_id, no_id): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xmlin) ref_id = '{}_{}{}'.format(no_id, xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO']) q = """select fac_save_xml from fac_save_xml( '{}'::character varying, {}::integer, {}::integer, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, {}::double precision, {}::double precision, {}::double precision, {}::boolean, '{}'::character varying )""".format( # Store procedure parameters os.path.basename(f_xmlin), # file_xml prefact_id, # prefact_id usr_id, # usr_id xml_dat['CFDI_DATE'].split('T')[0], # creation_date ref_id, # no_id_emp xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], # serie xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO'], # folio 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # items_str 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # traslados_str 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # retenciones_str xml_dat['INCEPTOR_REG'], # reg_fiscal 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # pay_method xml_dat['INCEPTOR_CP'], # exp_place 'FACTURA', # proposito - It is obviously hardcoded 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # no_aprob 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # ano_aprob xml_dat['RECEPTOR_RFC'], # rfc_custm - RFC customer xml_dat['RECEPTOR_NAME'], # rs_custm - Razon social customer '0000', # account_number - An account fake number invented by me xml_dat['TAXES']['TRAS']['TOTAL'], # total_tras '0', # subtotal_with_desc xml_dat['CFDI_TOTAL'], # total 'false', # refact xml_dat['UUID'] # id de documento - It came from SAT timbrado throughout PAC ) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: s_out = None for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True): # Just taking first row of query result s_out = row['fac_save_xml'] break # here we should parse s_out line logger.debug('store procedure fac_save_xml has returned: {}'.format(s_out)) return ErrorCode.SUCCESS except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.ETL_ISSUES"stepping in factura handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'facxml', usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None), prefact_id = req.get('prefact_id', None)) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc, inceptor_data = fetch_empdat(req.get('usr_id', None)) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], inceptor_data['rfc']) rc, outfile = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = store(outfile, req.get('usr_id', None), req.get('prefact_id', None), inceptor_data['no_id']) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, outfile.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), # We replace the xml extension resdir, 'facpdf', xml = outfile, rfc = inceptor_data['rfc']) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value
def two_dec_attr(attr): HelperStr.edit_pattern( '(' + attr + '=)"([0-9]*(\.[0-9]{0,1})?)"', lambda x: attr + '="%.2f"' % (float(,), tf )
def wa(tf): """ The sundry work arounds to apply """ def two_dec_attr(attr): HelperStr.edit_pattern( '(' + attr + '=)"([0-9]*(\.[0-9]{0,1})?)"', lambda x: attr + '="%.2f"' % (float(,), tf ) HelperStr.edit_pattern('ValorUnitario="0.0"', 'ValorUnitario="0"', tf) HelperStr.edit_pattern('Importe="0(\.0{1})"', 'Importe="0"', tf) HelperStr.edit_pattern('Cantidad="1.0"', 'Cantidad="1"', tf) HelperStr.edit_pattern('TipoCambio="1.0"', 'TipoCambio="1"', tf) HelperStr.edit_pattern('Total="0.0"', 'Total="0"', tf) HelperStr.edit_pattern('SubTotal="0.0"', 'SubTotal="0"', tf) for a in ['Monto', 'ImpSaldoInsoluto', 'ImpPagado', 'ImpSaldoAnt']: two_dec_attr(a)
def dopago(logger, pt, req):"stepping in dopago handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None) pag_id = req.get('pag_id', None) if (pag_id is None) or (usr_id is None) or (filename is None): return ErrorCode.REQUEST_INCOMPLETE.value source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) def update_consecutive_alpha(f_xmlin): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xmlin) q = """update fac_cfds_conf_folios set folio_actual = (folio_actual + 1) FROM gral_suc AS SUC LEFT JOIN fac_cfds_conf ON fac_cfds_conf.gral_suc_id = LEFT JOIN gral_usr_suc AS USR_SUC ON USR_SUC.gral_suc_id = WHERE fac_cfds_conf_folios.proposito = 'PAG' AND AND USR_SUC.gral_usr_id = {}""".format(usr_id) try: HelperPg.onfly_update(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES return ErrorCode.SUCCESS rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'pagxml', usr_id = usr_id, pag_id = pag_id) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: pass else: _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, req.get('usr_id', None), pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: rc = ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) rc, signed_file = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = update_consecutive_alpha(signed_file) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, signed_file.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), resdir, 'pagpdf', xml = signed_file, rfc = _rfc) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value def undofacturar(logger, pt, req): fact_id = req.get('fact_id', None) usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None) reason = req.get('reason', None) mode = req.get('mode', None) if reason is None: reason = '' if (fact_id is None) or (usr_id is None) or (mode is None): return ErrorCode.REQUEST_INCOMPLETE.value q_val = """select * from fac_val_cancel( {}::integer ) AS result( rc integer, msg text ) """.format( # Store procedure parameters fact_id # _fac_id ) q_do = """select * from fac_exec_cancel( {}::integer, {}::integer, '{}'::text, {}::integer ) AS result( rc integer, msg text ) """.format( # Store procedure parameters usr_id, # _usr_id fact_id, # _fac_id reason, # _reason mode # _mode ) def run_store(q): logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) res = HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True) # For this case we are just expecting one row if len(res) != 1: raise Exception('unexpected result regarding execution of store') return res def check_result(r): rcode, rmsg = r.pop() if rcode != 0: raise Exception(rmsg) def get_xml_name(): q = """select ref_id as filename FROM fac_docs WHERE""" for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, "{0}{1}".format(q, fact_id), True): # Just taking first row of query result return row['filename'] + '.xml' source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) _uuid = None _res = None _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, usr_id, pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES.value try: cfdi_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) f_xml = os.path.join(cfdi_dir, get_xml_name()) logger.debug('File to cancel {}'.format(f_xml)) parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xml) _uuid = xml_dat['UUID'] except: return ErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.value rc = __run_sp_ra(logger, q_val, pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, tmode = False) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: return rc.value rc = __pac_cancel(logger, _uuid, _rfc, pt.tparty.pac) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: return rc.value rc = __run_sp_ra(logger, q_do, pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) return rc.value def facturar(logger, pt, req): def fetch_empdat(usr_id): sql = """select upper(EMP.rfc) as rfc, EMP.no_id as no_id FROM gral_suc AS SUC LEFT JOIN gral_usr_suc AS USR_SUC ON USR_SUC.gral_suc_id = LEFT JOIN gral_emp AS EMP ON = SUC.empresa_id WHERE USR_SUC.gral_usr_id=""" q = "{0}{1}".format(sql, usr_id) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q): return ErrorCode.SUCCESS, dict(rfc=row['rfc'], no_id=row['no_id']) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES, None def store(f_xmlin, usr_id, prefact_id, no_id): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xmlin) ref_id = '{}_{}{}'.format(no_id, xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO']) q = """select fac_save_xml from fac_save_xml( '{}'::character varying, {}::integer, {}::integer, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, {}::double precision, {}::double precision, {}::double precision, {}::boolean, '{}'::character varying )""".format( # Store procedure parameters os.path.basename(f_xmlin), # file_xml prefact_id, # prefact_id usr_id, # usr_id xml_dat['CFDI_DATE'].split('T')[0], # creation_date ref_id, # no_id_emp xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], # serie xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO'], # folio 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # items_str 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # traslados_str 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # retenciones_str xml_dat['INCEPTOR_REG'], # reg_fiscal 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # pay_method xml_dat['INCEPTOR_CP'], # exp_place 'FACTURA', # proposito - It is obviously hardcoded 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # no_aprob 'THIS FIELD IS DEPRECATED', # ano_aprob xml_dat['RECEPTOR_RFC'], # rfc_custm - RFC customer xml_dat['RECEPTOR_NAME'], # rs_custm - Razon social customer '0000', # account_number - An account fake number invented by me xml_dat['TAXES']['TRAS']['TOTAL'], # total_tras '0', # subtotal_with_desc xml_dat['CFDI_TOTAL'], # total 'false', # refact xml_dat['UUID'] # id de documento - It came from SAT timbrado throughout PAC ) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: s_out = None for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True): # Just taking first row of query result s_out = row['fac_save_xml'] break # here we should parse s_out line logger.debug('store procedure fac_save_xml has returned: {}'.format(s_out)) return ErrorCode.SUCCESS except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.ETL_ISSUES"stepping in factura handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'facxml', usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None), prefact_id = req.get('prefact_id', None)) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc, inceptor_data = fetch_empdat(req.get('usr_id', None)) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], inceptor_data['rfc']) rc, outfile = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = store(outfile, req.get('usr_id', None), req.get('prefact_id', None), inceptor_data['no_id']) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, outfile.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), # We replace the xml extension resdir, 'facpdf', xml = outfile, rfc = inceptor_data['rfc']) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value def donota(logger, pt, req): def store(f_xml): parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xml) q = """select * from ncr_save_xml( {}::integer, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::character varying, '{}'::boolean, {}::integer ) AS result( rc integer, msg text ) """.format( # Store procedure parameters req.get('ncr_id', None), # _ncr_id os.path.basename(f_xml), # _file_xml xml_dat['CFDI_SERIE'], # _serie xml_dat['CFDI_FOLIO'], # _folio req.get('saldado', None), # _saldado req.get('usr_id', None) # _usr_id ) logger.debug("Performing query: {}".format(q)) try: res = HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True) if len(res) != 1: raise Exception('unexpected result regarding execution of store') rcode, rmsg = res.pop() if rcode == 0: return ErrorCode.SUCCESS raise Exception(rmsg) except: logger.error(dump_exception()) return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES"stepping in donota handler within {}".format(__name__)) filename = req.get('filename', None) source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, HelperStr.random_str()) rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, tmp_file, resdir, 'ncrxml', usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None), nc_id = req.get('ncr_id', None)) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: pass else: _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, req.get('usr_id', None), pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: rc = ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: out_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) rc, signed_file = __pac_sign(logger, tmp_file, filename, out_dir, pt.tparty.pac) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = store(signed_file) if rc == ErrorCode.SUCCESS: rc = __run_builder(logger, pt, signed_file.replace('.xml', '.pdf'), resdir, 'ncrpdf', xml = signed_file, rfc = _rfc) if os.path.isfile(tmp_file): os.remove(tmp_file) return rc.value def undonota(logger, pt, req): ncr_id = req.get('ncr_id', None) usr_id = req.get('usr_id', None) reason = req.get('reason', None) mode = req.get('mode', None) if reason is None: reason = '' if (ncr_id is None) or (usr_id is None) or (mode is None): return ErrorCode.REQUEST_INCOMPLETE.value def get_xml_name(): q = """select ref_id as filename FROM fac_nota_credito WHERE = {}""".format(ncr_id) for row in HelperPg.onfly_query(pt.dbms.pgsql_conn, q, True): # Just taking first row of query result return row['filename'] + '.xml' source = ProfileReader.get_content(pt.source, ProfileReader.PNODE_UNIQUE) resdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), os.pardir)) rdirs = fetch_rdirs(resdir, pt.res.dirs) _uuid = None _rfc = None try: _rfc = __get_emisor_rfc(logger, usr_id, pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) except: return ErrorCode.DBMS_SQL_ISSUES.value try: cfdi_dir = os.path.join(rdirs['cfdi_output'], _rfc) f_xml = os.path.join(cfdi_dir, get_xml_name()) logger.debug('File to cancel {}'.format(f_xml)) parser = SaxReader() xml_dat, _ = parser(f_xml) _uuid = xml_dat['UUID'] except: return ErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.value rc = __pac_cancel(logger, _uuid, _rfc, pt.tparty.pac) if rc != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: return rc.value q_do = """select * from ncr_exec_cancel( {}::integer, {}::integer, '{}'::text, {}::integer ) AS result( rc integer, msg text ) """.format( # Store procedure parameters usr_id, # _usr_id ncr_id, # _ncr_id reason, # _reason mode # _mode ) rc = __run_sp_ra(logger, q_do, pt.dbms.pgsql_conn) return rc.value