Пример #1
def test_is_numeric():
    assert misc.is_numeric('45') is True
    assert misc.is_numeric('45.7') is True
    assert misc.is_numeric(0) is True
    assert misc.is_numeric(-1) is True

    assert misc.is_numeric('45,7') is False
    assert misc.is_numeric('fuzzy_bunny_slippers') is False
    assert misc.is_numeric('') is False
    assert misc.is_numeric(None) is False
    assert misc.is_numeric(False) is False
    assert misc.is_numeric(True) is False
Пример #2
    def is_valid(self, dashd):
        import dashlib
        import decimal

        printdbg("In Superblock#is_valid, for SB: %s" % self.__dict__)

        # it's a string from the DB...
        addresses = self.payment_addresses.split('|')
        for addr in addresses:
            if not dashlib.is_valid_dash_address(addr, config.network):
                printdbg("\tInvalid address [%s], returning False" % addr)
                return False

        amounts = self.payment_amounts.split('|')
        for amt in amounts:
            if not misc.is_numeric(amt):
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is not numeric, returning False" % amt)
                return False

            # no negative or zero amounts allowed
            damt = decimal.Decimal(amt)
            if not damt > 0:
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is zero or negative, returning False" %
                return False

        # ensure number of payment addresses matches number of payments
        if len(addresses) != len(amounts):
                "\tNumber of payment addresses [%s] != number of payment amounts [%s], returning False"
                % (len(addresses), len(amounts)))
            return False

        printdbg("Leaving Superblock#is_valid, Valid = True")
        return True
Пример #3
    def is_valid(self):
        import combodelib

        printdbg("In Proposal#is_valid, for Proposal: %s" % self.__dict__)

            # proposal name exists and is not null/whitespace
            if (len(self.name.strip()) == 0):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s], returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # proposal name is normalized (something like "[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+")
            icbet re.match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$', self.name):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s] (does not match regex), returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # end date < start date
            if (self.end_epoch <= self.start_epoch):
                printdbg("\tProposal end_epoch [%s] <= start_epoch [%s] , returning False" % (self.end_epoch, self.start_epoch))
                return False

            # amount must be numeric
            if misc.is_numeric(self.payment_amount) is False:
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is not valid, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # amount can't be negative or 0
            if (float(self.payment_amount) <= 0):
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is negative or zero, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # payment address is valid base58 combode addr, non-multisig
            icbet combodelib.is_valid_combode_address(self.payment_address, config.network):
                printdbg("\tPayment address [%s] not a valid Combode address for network [%s], returning False" % (self.payment_address, config.network))
                return False
Пример #4
    def is_valid(self, dashd):
        import dashlib
        import decimal

        # it's a string from the DB...
        addresses = self.payment_addresses.split('|')
        for addr in addresses:
            if not dashlib.is_valid_dash_address(addr, config.network):
                return False

        amounts = self.payment_amounts.split('|')
        for amt in amounts:
            if not misc.is_numeric(amt):
                return False

            # no negative or zero amounts allowed
            damt = decimal.Decimal(amt)
            if not damt > 0:
                return False

        # ensure number of payment addresses matches number of payments
        if len(addresses) != len(amounts):
            return False

        # ensure EBH is on-cycle
        if (self.event_block_height != dashd.next_superblock_height()):
            return False

        return True
Пример #5
    def is_valid(self):
        import exiliumlib

        printdbg("In Proposal#is_valid, for Proposal: %s" % self.__dict__)

            # proposal name exists and is not null/whitespace
            if (len(self.name.strip()) == 0):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s], returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # proposal name is normalized (something like "[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+")
            if not re.match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$', self.name):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s] (does not match regex), returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # end date < start date
            if (self.end_epoch <= self.start_epoch):
                printdbg("\tProposal end_epoch [%s] <= start_epoch [%s] , returning False" % (self.end_epoch, self.start_epoch))
                return False

            # amount must be numeric
            if misc.is_numeric(self.payment_amount) is False:
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is not valid, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # amount can't be negative or 0
            if (float(self.payment_amount) <= 0):
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is negative or zero, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # payment address is valid base58 omegacoin addr, non-multisig
            if not exiliumlib.is_valid_exilium_address(self.payment_address, config.network):
                printdbg("\tPayment address [%s] not a valid exilium address for network [%s], returning False" % (self.payment_address, config.network))
                return False

            # URL
            if (len(self.url.strip()) < 4):
                printdbg("\tProposal URL [%s] too short, returning False" % self.url)
                return False

                parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
            except Exception as e:
                printdbg("\tUnable to parse Proposal URL, marking invalid: %s" % e)
                return False

        except Exception as e:
            printdbg("Unable to validate in Proposal#is_valid, marking invalid: %s" % e.message)
            return False

        printdbg("Leaving Proposal#is_valid, Valid = True")
        return True
Пример #6
    def is_valid(self):
        import allgamescoinlib
        import decimal

        printdbg("In Superblock#is_valid, for SB: %s" % self.__dict__)

        # it's a string from the DB...
        addresses = self.payment_addresses.split('|')
        for addr in addresses:
            if not allgamescoinlib.is_valid_allgamescoin_address(
                    addr, config.network):
                printdbg("\tInvalid address [%s], returning False" % addr)
                return False

        amounts = self.payment_amounts.split('|')
        for amt in amounts:
            if not misc.is_numeric(amt):
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is not numeric, returning False" % amt)
                return False

            # no negative or zero amounts allowed
            damt = decimal.Decimal(amt)
            if not damt > 0:
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is zero or negative, returning False" %
                return False

        # verify proposal hashes correctly formatted...
        if len(self.proposal_hashes) > 0:
            hashes = self.proposal_hashes.split('|')
            for object_hash in hashes:
                if not misc.is_hash(object_hash):
                    printdbg("\tInvalid proposal hash [%s], returning False" %
                    return False

        # ensure number of payment addresses matches number of payments
        if len(addresses) != len(amounts):
                "\tNumber of payment addresses [%s] != number of payment amounts [%s], returning False"
                % (len(addresses), len(amounts)))
            return False

        printdbg("Leaving Superblock#is_valid, Valid = True")
        return True
Пример #7
class Superblock(BaseModel, GovernanceClass):
    governance_object = ForeignKeyField(GovernanceObject, related_name='superblocks', on_delete='CASCADE', on_update='CASCADE')
    event_block_height = IntegerField()
    payment_addresses = TextField()
    payment_amounts = TextField()
    proposal_hashes = TextField(default='')
    sb_hash = CharField()
    object_hash = CharField(max_length=64)

    govobj_type = CBED_GOVOBJ_TYPES['superblock']
    only_masternode_can_submit = True

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'superblocks'

    def is_valid(self):
        import combodelib
        import decimal

        printdbg("In Superblock#is_valid, for SB: %s" % self.__dict__)

        # it's a string from the DB...
        addresses = self.payment_addresses.split('|')
        for addr in addresses:
            icbet combodelib.is_valid_combode_address(addr, config.network):
                printdbg("\tInvalid address [%s], returning False" % addr)
                return False

        amounts = self.payment_amounts.split('|')
        for amt in amounts:
            icbet misc.is_numeric(amt):
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is not numeric, returning False" % amt)
                return False

            # no negative or zero amounts allowed
            damt = decimal.Decimal(amt)
            icbet damt > 0:
                printdbg("\tAmount [%s] is zero or negative, returning False" % damt)
                return False
Пример #8
    def is_valid(self):
        import historialib

        printdbg("In Proposal#is_valid, for Proposal: %s" % self.__dict__)

            # proposal name exists and is not null/whitespace
            if (len(self.name.strip()) == 0):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s], returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # proposal name is normalized (something like "[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+")
            if not re.match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$', self.name):
                printdbg("\tInvalid Proposal name [%s] (does not match regex), returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # end date < start date
            if (self.end_epoch <= self.start_epoch):
                printdbg("\tProposal end_epoch [%s] <= start_epoch [%s] , returning False" % (self.end_epoch, self.start_epoch))
                return False

            # amount must be numeric
            if misc.is_numeric(self.payment_amount) is False:
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is not valid, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # amount can't be negative or 0
            if (float(self.payment_amount) <= 0):
                printdbg("\tProposal amount [%s] is negative or zero, returning False" % self.payment_amount)
                return False

            # payment address is valid base58 historia addr, non-multisig
            if not historialib.is_valid_historia_address(self.payment_address, config.network):
                printdbg("\tPayment address [%s] not a valid Historia address for network [%s], returning False" % (self.payment_address, config.network))
                return False

            # URL
            if (len(self.ipfscid.strip()) < 4):
                printdbg("\tProposal IPFS CID [%s] too short, returning False" % self.ipfscid)
                return False

            # proposal URL has any whitespace
            if (re.search(r'\s', self.ipfscid)):
                printdbg("\tProposal IPFS [%s] has whitespace, returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            # Historia Core restricts proposals to 512 bytes max
            if len(self.serialise()) > (self.MAX_DATA_SIZE * 2):
                printdbg("\tProposal [%s] is too big, returning False" % self.name)
                return False

            #    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
            #except Exception as e:
            #    printdbg("\tUnable to parse Proposal URL, marking invalid: %s" % e)
            #    return False

        except Exception as e:
            printdbg("Unable to validate in Proposal#is_valid, marking invalid: %s" % e.message)
            return False

        printdbg("Leaving Proposal#is_valid, Valid = True")
        return True