Пример #1
def add(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, model):
    Average Distance of Model Points for objects with no indistinguishable views
    - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV 2012).

    :param R_est, t_est: Estimated pose (3x3 rot. matrix and 3x1 trans. vector).
    :param R_gt, t_gt: GT pose (3x3 rot. matrix and 3x1 trans. vector).
    :param model: Object model given by a dictionary where item 'pts'
    is nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
    :return: Error of pose_est w.r.t. pose_gt.
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], R_est, t_est)
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], R_gt, t_gt)
    e = np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt, axis=1).mean()
    return e
Пример #2
def add(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts):
    """Average Distance of Model Points for objects with no indistinguishable
  views - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV'12).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :return: The calculated error.
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt, t_gt)
    e = np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt, axis=1).mean()
    return e
Пример #3
def add(pose_est, pose_gt, model):
    Average Distance of Model Points for objects with no indistinguishable views
    - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV 2012).

    :param pose_est: Estimated pose given by a dictionary:
    {'R': 3x3 rotation matrix, 't': 3x1 translation vector}.
    :param pose_gt: The ground truth pose given by a dictionary (as pose_est).
    :param model: Object model given by a dictionary where item 'pts'
    is nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
    :return: Error of pose_est w.r.t. pose_gt.
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_gt['R'], pose_gt['t'])
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_est['R'], pose_est['t'])
    e = np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt, axis=1).mean()
    return e
Пример #4
def adi(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, model):
    Average Distance of Model Points for objects with indistinguishable views
    - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV 2012).

    :param R_est, t_est: Estimated pose (3x3 rot. matrix and 3x1 trans. vector).
    :param R_gt, t_gt: GT pose (3x3 rot. matrix and 3x1 trans. vector).
    :param model: Object model given by a dictionary where item 'pts'
    is nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
    :return: Error of pose_est w.r.t. pose_gt.
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], R_est, t_est)
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], R_gt, t_gt)

    # Calculate distances to the nearest neighbors from pts_gt to pts_est
    nn_index = spatial.cKDTree(pts_est)
    nn_dists, _ = nn_index.query(pts_gt, k=1)

    e = nn_dists.mean()
    return e
Пример #5
def adi(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts):
    """Average Distance of Model Points for objects with indistinguishable views
  - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV'12).

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :return: The calculated error.
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt, t_gt)

    # Calculate distances to the nearest neighbors from vertices in the
    # ground-truth pose to vertices in the estimated pose.
    nn_index = spatial.cKDTree(pts_est)
    nn_dists, _ = nn_index.query(pts_gt, k=1)

    e = nn_dists.mean()
    return e
Пример #6
def adi(pose_est, pose_gt, model):
    Average Distance of Model Points for objects with indistinguishable views
    - by Hinterstoisser et al. (ACCV 2012).

    :param pose_est: Estimated pose given by a dictionary:
    {'R': 3x3 rotation matrix, 't': 3x1 translation vector}.
    :param pose_gt: The ground truth pose given by a dictionary (as pose_est).
    :param model: Object model given by a dictionary where item 'pts'
    is nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
    :return: Error of pose_est w.r.t. pose_gt.
    pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_gt['R'], pose_gt['t'])
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_est['R'], pose_est['t'])

    # Calculate distances to the nearest neighbors from pts_gt to pts_est
    nn_index = spatial.cKDTree(pts_est)
    nn_dists, _ = nn_index.query(pts_gt, k=1)

    e = nn_dists.mean()
    return e
Пример #7
def mcpd(poses_est, poses_gt, model):
    Maximum Corresponding Point Distance.

    :param poses_est: List of poses that are indistinguishable from the
    estimated pose. Each pose is given by a dictionary:
    {'R': 3x3 rotation matrix, 't': 3x1 translation vector}.
    :param poses_gt: List of poses that are indistinguishable from the
    ground truth pose (format as for poses_est).
    :param model: Object model given by a dictionary where item 'pts'
    is nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
    :return: Error of pose_est w.r.t. pose_gt.
    e = -1
    for pose_est in poses_est:
        pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_est['R'], pose_est['t'])
        for pose_gt in poses_gt:
            pts_gt = misc.transform_pts_Rt(model['pts'], pose_gt['R'], pose_gt['t'])
            dist = np.linalg.norm(pts_gt - pts_est, axis=1).max()
            if dist < e or e == -1:
                e = dist
    return e
Пример #8
def mssd(R_est, t_est, R_gt, t_gt, pts, syms):
    """Maximum Symmetry-Aware Surface Distance (MSSD).

  See: http://bop.felk.cvut.cz/challenges/bop-challenge-2019/

  :param R_est: 3x3 ndarray with the estimated rotation matrix.
  :param t_est: 3x1 ndarray with the estimated translation vector.
  :param R_gt: 3x3 ndarray with the ground-truth rotation matrix.
  :param t_gt: 3x1 ndarray with the ground-truth translation vector.
  :param pts: nx3 ndarray with 3D model points.
  :param syms: Set of symmetry transformations, each given by a dictionary with:
    - 'R': 3x3 ndarray with the rotation matrix.
    - 't': 3x1 ndarray with the translation vector.
  :return: The calculated error.
    pts_est = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_est, t_est)
    es = []
    for sym in syms:
        R_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['R'])
        t_gt_sym = R_gt.dot(sym['t']) + t_gt
        pts_gt_sym = misc.transform_pts_Rt(pts, R_gt_sym, t_gt_sym)
        es.append(np.linalg.norm(pts_est - pts_gt_sym, axis=1).max())
    return min(es)