def replace_assigned_weight(self, fixed_json_path, name): """ Find a place within the master dict called 'name' and add dates from the json file of fixed_json_path In some situations you may find a complex problem or a mistake and want to replace a given place rather than have to - rerun the whole constructor. This allows you to replace a given place by its key in the base_weights file you made on all your data, and a new smaller update file. The changes between the update and the master will be logged and then the master file will be updated. :param fixed_json_path: The path to the json file to load the fixed dates from :type fixed_json_path: Path | str :param name: The place key in the master _weights to load and replace dates from :type name: str """ # Load the fix file fixed = load_json(fixed_json_path) # Create the restructured values for the named place key_list = self._replacement_keys(name, fixed) restructured = {str(year): self._replacement_values(fixed, name, year, new) for year, new in key_list} # Updating the existing json with the new information write_data = self._weights write_data[name] = restructured write_json(write_data, self._weights_path.parent, self._weights_path.stem)
def __init__(self, external_data_path, weights_path, date_max, delimiter="__"): # Load the external data assert Path( external_data_path).exists(), "Path to external data is invalid" self.database = load_json(external_data_path) # The delimiter to access GID and the end date for weighting self.delimiter = delimiter self._user_end_date = date_max # Create a GID: Place lookup dict to aid extraction of data self.searcher = { place.split(self.delimiter)[0]: place for place in self.database.keys() } # The unique attributes from all places self.attributes = list( set([ attr for place in self.database.keys() for attr in self.database[place].keys() if isinstance(self.database[place][attr], dict) ])) # The weight dates created via AssignWeights self._weights_dates = load_json(weights_path) # Output json's of the master weighting database as well as a non_common to aid finding weight errors self._master = {} self._non_common = { place_name: {} for place_name in self._weights_dates }
def combine_dataset(self, path_list, write_directory, database_name): """ This will combine all the dataset's you have made into a single json database This will combine all the regional data from all standardised dataset's into a single json database. If you only had 1 database to begin with, then this just adds all the separate json databases into a single 1. Where it is mostly used, is when you have run this process on multiple dataset's and now want all the standardised places to share attribute data in a single database. :param path_list: A list of paths, where each path goes to a set directory :type path_list: list[str | Path] :param write_directory: The write directory of the master database :type write_directory: str | Path :param database_name: The master database name :type database_name: str :return: Nothing, write the database to file then stop :rtype: None """ # Initialise the output database master_database = {} # Isolate all the paths to all the files we want to load across all the database for this geo-level level_data = [ Path(path, file) for path in path_list for file in directory_iterator(path) ] for index, file in enumerate(level_data): if index % 100 == 0: print(f"{index}/{len(level_data)}") # Load the data for this file into memory, set the master database assign name via Place_Name load_data = load_json(file) assign_name = load_data["Place_Name"] # If the current attribute does not exist within the current database, add it to it current_attributes = self._current_attributes( master_database, assign_name) for attr in load_data.keys(): if attr not in current_attributes: master_database[assign_name][attr] = load_data[attr] write_json(master_database, write_directory, database_name)
def __init__(self, args): load_path, label_threshold, name_index, x_index, y_index, ico_scale, text_scale, label_scale, text_colour = args self.scatter_groups = load_json(load_path) self.label_threshold = float(label_threshold) self.name_index = int(name_index) self.x_index = int(x_index) self.y_index = int(y_index) self.ico_scale = (float(ico_scale)) self._text_scale = float(text_scale) self._label_scale = float(label_scale) self._text_colour = tuple_convert(text_colour) self._y_max = [] self._make_point_groups() self.make_y_axis()
def __init__(self, args): self.root = args self.x_iterator = 0 self.y_iterator = 0 self.background_colour = (0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1) self.scale_adjust = 0.85 # Border width is 0.1-1 self.border_width = 0.05 self.iterator = 2 - self.border_width = load_json(args) self.bg_material = self._make_material('Background', self.background_colour) self._load_materials() [self.construct_grid(key) for key in["Process"]]
def main(): write_directory = r"I:\Work\Figures_and_tables\BIO-HGIS" frame_dict = load_json(r"I:\Work\BIO-HGIS\Releases\Json\GBHD.txt") attributes = sorted(list(set(flatten([[vv for vv in v.keys()] for v in frame_dict.values()])))) attributes = [attr for attr in attributes if attr != 'GID'] colours = [(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1)] + [(0.15 + i / 10, 0.15 + i / 10, 0.15 + i / 10, 1) for i in range(8)] + [ (1, 1, 1, 1)] colours = colours[::-1] dates = sorted(list(set(flatten( [flatten([v.keys() for k, v in value.items() if k != 'GID']) for value in frame_dict.values()])))) obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.get('Districts') obj.select_set(True) place_dict = { colour.node_tree.nodes.get('Emission') for colour in} for attr in attributes: print(attr) _make_directory(write_directory, attr) for d in dates: colour_dict, q_values = _create_colour_dict(frame_dict, attr, d, colours) if colour_dict: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for i, text in enumerate(q_values, 1): _change_element_colour(f"Q{i}", colours[i - 1]) _change_element_colour(f"Q{i}T", colours[i - 1]) _change_text(f"Q{i}T", text) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for place, colour in colour_dict.items(): place_dict[place].inputs[0].default_value = colour bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = str(Path(write_directory, attr, f"{d}.png").absolute()) bpy.context.scene.eevee.use_gtao = True bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
def _setup(working_directory, weights_path, population_weights, dates_path): """ Validate paths, load files, and set weight key nad date indexes """ assert Path(working_directory).exists(), f"Working Directory invalid" # Validate dates and load the csv assert Path(dates_path).exists(), "Dates path invalid" dates = CsvObject(dates_path) date_indexes = [index for index, head in enumerate(dates.headers) if "Changes" in head] # Validate weights path and load the json weights_path = Path(weights_path) assert weights_path.exists() weights = load_json(weights_path) # Determine the population key based on the type specified if population_weights: weight_key = "Population" else: weight_key = "Area" return working_directory, weights, weight_key, dates, date_indexes
from miscSupports import load_json from pathlib import Path import bpy frame_dict = load_json( r"C:\Users\Samuel\PycharmProjects\pyBlendFigures\TestV2\Map2\Test2\UE_Values.txt" ) write_directory = r"I:\Work\Figures_and_tables\Depreivation indexes\UEOverTime" for frame_id, frame_place_values in frame_dict.items(): for index, (place, colour) in enumerate(frame_place_values.items()): print(f"F{frame_id}: {index}/{len(frame_place_values)}") # Deselect any objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Isolate the current object obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.get(place) obj.select_set(True) # Isolate the first material emission node, change its colour to the colour required for mat in emission = mat.node_tree.nodes.get('Emission') emission.inputs[0].default_value = colour bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = str( Path(write_directory, f"{frame_id}.png").absolute()) bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)
def __init__(self, working_directory, weights_path): self._working_dir = working_directory self._weights_path = Path(weights_path) assert self._weights_path.exists(), "Path to weights is invalid" self._weights = load_json(self._weights_path)