class Test_ObjFrameworkDump(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.of = ObjFactory(True) self.obj1 =, 'Student', objid='booker', nationality='british', modname=__name__) def test_(self): from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('pobjid', 'ROOT'),('objid', 'booker'), ('objtype', 'Student'), ('nationality', 'british')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj() results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results)
class Test_ObjFrameworkDumpNestedSchoolsched(unittest.TestCase): # same as above just with the school sched nested object # so each attr is another object of (not a string or int) that # potentially needs to be accessed via accessors def setUp(self): self.of = ObjFactory(True) self.database = Database('foobar') datamembers = dict(period='830', student='Booker', dow='MO', teacher='Amelia', saveversion=0, session='AM.AC.SC') self.foobar=, 'DBLesson', objid='dblesson0', constructor='datamembers', database=self.database, of=self.of, modname=__name__, dm=datamembers) def test_(self): from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('name', 0), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 0), ('objtype', 'saveversion'), ('userobjid', 0)], [('name', 0), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 0), ('objtype', 'saveversion'), ('userobjid', 0)], [('name', '830'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', '830'), ('objtype', 'period'), ('userobjid', '830')], [('name', '830'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', '830'), ('objtype', 'period'), ('userobjid', '830')], [('name', 'AM.AC.SC'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'AM.AC.SC'), ('objtype', 'session'), ('userobjid', 'AM.AC.SC')], [('name', 'AM.AC.SC'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 'AM.AC.SC'), ('objtype', 'session'), ('userobjid', 'AM.AC.SC')], [('name', 'Amelia'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'Amelia'), ('objtype', 'teacher'), ('userobjid', 'Amelia')], [('name', 'Amelia'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 'Amelia'), ('objtype', 'teacher'), ('userobjid', 'Amelia')], [('name', 'Booker'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'Booker'), ('objtype', 'student'), ('userobjid', 'Booker')], [('name', 'Booker'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 'Booker'), ('objtype', 'student'), ('userobjid', 'Booker')], [('name', 'MO'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'MO'), ('objtype', 'dow'), ('userobjid', 'MO')], [('name', 'MO'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 'MO'), ('objtype', 'dow'), ('userobjid', 'MO')], [('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'dblesson0'), ('objtype', 'DBLesson')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj() results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results) def test_filter_lesson(self): from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'dblesson0'), ('objtype', 'DBLesson')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj(['DBLesson']) results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results) def test_filter_lesson_student(self): # will only give children of lesson or student that are of type lesson or student from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('name', 'Booker'), ('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'Booker'), ('objtype', 'student'), ('userobjid', 'Booker')], [('name', 'Booker'), ('pobjid', 'dblesson0'), ('objid', 'Booker'), ('objtype', 'student'), ('userobjid', 'Booker')], [('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'dblesson0'), ('objtype', 'DBLesson')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj(['DBLesson','student']) results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results)
class Test_ObjFrameworkDumpNested(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.of = ObjFactory(True) self.student =, 'Student', objid='booker', nationality='british', modname=__name__) self.lesson =, 'Lesson', objid='1.1', period='830-910', dow='MO', student=self.student, modname=__name__) def test_(self): from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('pobjid', '1.1'), ('objid', 'booker'), ('objtype', 'Student'), ('nationality', 'british')], [('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('period', '830-910'), ('dow', 'MO'), ('objid', '1.1'), ('objtype', 'Lesson')], [('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'booker'), ('objtype', 'Student'), ('nationality', 'british')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj() results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results) def test_filter_on_lesson(self): # only report on the Lesson object (and its children) from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('period', '830-910'), ('dow', 'MO'), ('objid', '1.1'), ('objtype', 'Lesson')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj(['Lesson']) results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results) def test_filter_on_student(self): # only report on the Student object and its children from types import StringType,IntType, UnicodeType expected_results = [[('pobjid', 'ROOT'), ('objid', 'booker'), ('objtype', 'Student'), ('nationality', 'british')]] _results = self.of.dumpobj(['Student']) results = [] for result in _results: result.pop('id') results.append([(k,v) for k,v in result.iteritems() if type(v) in [IntType,StringType,UnicodeType]]) expected_results.sort() results.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_results,results)