def Edit(self, ID): listboxid = self.staffsummarylistbox.GetSelection() staffid = self.staffsummarylistbox.htmllist[listboxid][0] success = False date = self.dateentry.GetValue() date = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromWXDate(date) vet = self.vetentry.GetValue() timeon = self.timeonentry.GetValue() timeoff = self.timeoffentry.GetValue() if self.operatingcheckbox.GetValue() == True: operating = 1 else: operating = 0 if miscmethods.ValidateTime( timeon) == True and miscmethods.ValidateTime(timeoff) == True: timeonint = int(timeon[:2] + timeon[3:5]) timeoffint = int(timeoff[:2] + timeoff[3:5]) if timeonint < timeoffint: success = True else: miscmethods.ShowMessage( self.GetLabel("vetfinishedbeforestartingmessage")) if success == True: dbmethods.WriteToStaffTable(self.localsettings.dbconnection, date, vet, timeon, timeoff, operating, staffid) self.RefreshRota() else: miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("invalidtimemessage"))
def WriteToStaffTable(connection, date, name, position, timeon, timeoff, operating, ID, localsettings): success = False if miscmethods.ValidateTime(timeon) == True and miscmethods.ValidateTime( timeoff) == True: timeonint = int(timeon[:2] + timeon[3:5]) timeoffint = int(timeoff[:2] + timeoff[3:5]) if timeonint < timeoffint: success = True else: miscmethods.ShowMessage( GetLabel(localsettings, "vetfinishedbeforestartingmessage")) if success == True: starttimesql = timeon[:2] + ":" + timeon[3:5] + ":00" offtimesql = timeoff[:2] + ":" + timeoff[3:5] + ":00" action = "SELECT ID FROM staff WHERE DATE = \'" + str( date ) + "\' AND Name = \'" + name + "\' AND ( \'" + starttimesql + "\' BETWEEN TimeOn AND TimeOff OR \'" + offtimesql + "\' BETWEEN TimeOn AND TimeOff OR TimeOn BETWEEN \'" + starttimesql + "\' AND \'" + offtimesql + "\' OR TimeOff BETWEEN \'" + starttimesql + "\' AND \'" + offtimesql + "\' )" results = db.SendSQL(action, connection) if len(results) > 0 and ID == False: miscmethods.ShowMessage( GetLabel(localsettings, "vettwoplacesatoncemessage")) success = False else: if ID == False: action = "INSERT INTO staff (Name, Date, Position, TimeOn, TimeOff, Operating) VALUES (\'" + name + "\', \'" + str( date ) + "\', \'" + position + "\', \'" + timeon + "\', \'" + timeoff + "\', " + str( operating) + ")" else: action = "REPLACE INTO staff (ID, Name, Date, Position, TimeOn, TimeOff, Operating) VALUES (" + str( ID ) + ", \'" + name + "\', \'" + str( date ) + "\', \'" + position + "\', \'" + timeon + "\', \'" + timeoff + "\', " + str( operating) + ")" db.SendSQL(action, connection) else: miscmethods.ShowMessage(GetLabel(localsettings, "invalidtimemessage")) return success
def Submit(self, ID): success = False date = self.dateentry.GetValue() date = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromWXDate(date) vet = self.vetentry.GetValue() timeon = self.timeonentry.GetValue() timeoff = self.timeoffentry.GetValue() if self.operatingcheckbox.GetValue() == True: operating = 1 else: operating = 0 if vet == "": miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("novetnamemessage")) else: if miscmethods.ValidateTime( timeon) == True and miscmethods.ValidateTime( timeoff) == True: timeonint = int(timeon[:2] + timeon[3:5]) timeoffint = int(timeoff[:2] + timeoff[3:5]) if timeonint < timeoffint: success = True else: miscmethods.ShowMessage( self.GetLabel("vetfinishedbeforestartingmessage")) if success == True: starttimesql = timeon[:2] + ":" + timeon[3:5] + ":00" offtimesql = timeoff[:2] + ":" + timeoff[3:5] + ":00" action = "SELECT ID FROM staff WHERE DATE = \"" + date + "\" AND Vet = \"" + vet + "\" AND ( \"" + starttimesql + "\" BETWEEN TimeOn AND TimeOff OR \"" + offtimesql + "\" BETWEEN TimeOn AND TimeOff OR TimeOn BETWEEN \"" + starttimesql + "\" AND \"" + offtimesql + "\" OR TimeOff BETWEEN \"" + starttimesql + "\" AND \"" + offtimesql + "\" )" results = db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) if len(results) > 0: miscmethods.ShowMessage( self.GetLabel("vettwoplacesatoncemessage")) else: dbmethods.WriteToStaffTable( self.localsettings.dbconnection, date, vet, timeon, timeoff, operating) self.RefreshRota() else: miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("invalidtimemessage"))
def SubmitProcedure(self, ID): panel = ID.GetEventObject().GetParent() name = panel.nameentry.GetValue() if name == "": miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("proceduresunnamedproceduremessage")) else: description = panel.descriptionentry.GetValue() price = panel.priceentry.GetValue() price = str(miscmethods.ConvertPriceToPennies(price)) if panel.procedureid > -1: procedureid = panel.procedureid action = "REPLACE INTO procedures (ID, Name, Description, Price) VALUES (" + str(procedureid) + ", \"" + name + "\", \"" + description + "\", \"" + price + "\")" db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) else: action = "INSERT INTO procedures (Name, Description, Price) VALUES (\"" + name + "\", \"" + description + "\", \"" + price + "\")" db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) self.RefreshList() panel.GetParent().Close()
def SubmitLookup(self, ID): panel = ID.GetEventObject().GetParent() name = panel.nameentry.GetValue() lookup = self.lookup columnname = lookup[0].upper() + lookup[1:] + "Name" if name == "": miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("lookupsnonamemessage")) else: if panel.lookupid == False: action = "INSERT INTO " + lookup + " (" + columnname + ") VALUES (\"" + name + "\")" else: action = "UPDATE " + lookup + " SET " + columnname + " = \"" + name + "\" WHERE ID = " + str( panel.lookupid) db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) self.RefreshLookups() panel.GetParent().Close()
def Submit(self, ID): panel = ID.GetEventObject().GetParent() extension = panel.extensionentry.GetValue() program = panel.programentry.GetValue() output = "" success = True if panel.countid == -1: existingextensions = [] for a in range(0, len(self.listbox.htmllist)): existingextensions.append(self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][0].strip()) output = output + self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][0].strip() + "$$$" + self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][1].strip() + "\n" output = output + extension.strip() + "$$$" + program.strip() if existingextensions.__contains__(extension): success = False miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("fileassociationexistsmessage")) else: for a in range(0, len(self.listbox.htmllist)): if a == panel.countid: output = output + self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][0].strip() + "$$$" + program + "\n" else: output = output + self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][0].strip() + "$$$" + self.listbox.htmllist[a][1][1].strip() + "\n" output = output.strip() if success == True: pathtofiletypesfile = miscmethods.GetHome() + "/.evette/filetypes.conf" out = open(pathtofiletypesfile, "w") out.write(output) out.close() self.listbox.RefreshList() panel.GetParent().Close()
def ResetAllTables(self, ID=False): if miscmethods.ConfirmMessage(self.GetMenu("resetdatabasequestion")) == True: connection = db.GetConnection(self.localsettings) action = "DROP DATABASE evette" db.SendSQL(action, connection) connection.close() db.CreateDatabase(self.localsettings) miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetMenu("alltablesresetmessage"))
def AddMedia(self, ID): busy = wx.BusyCursor() filename = wx.FileSelector() if filename == "": pass else: inp = open(filename, "rb") size = os.path.getsize(filename) size = size / 1024.00 if size > 20480: miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("mediatoolargemessage")) else: content = content = base64.encodestring(content) inp.close() todaysdate = todayssqldate = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromDate(todaysdate) uploadedby = todayssqldate + "$$$" + self.localsettings.username if filename.__contains__("\\"): filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") dbmethods.WriteToMediaTable(self.localsettings.dbconnection, False, self.linktype, self.linkid, filename.split("/")[-1], "", size, content, uploadedby) self.listbox.RefreshList() del busy
def EditVetForm(self, ID): panel = ID.GetEventObject().panel listbox = panel.listbox notebook = self.GetGrandParent().GetParent() appointmentid = listbox.htmllist[listbox.GetSelection()][3] appointmentdata = appointmentmethods.AppointmentSettings( self.localsettings, False, appointmentid) stayingid = appointmentdata.staying animalid = appointmentdata.animalid today = appointmentdate = miscmethods.GetDateFromSQLDate( if appointmentdate != today: appointmentdata.staying = 0 appointmentdata.done = 1 appointmentdata.withvet = 0 appointmentdata.Submit(True) miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("animalstayedmessage"), self) appointmentdata = appointmentmethods.AppointmentSettings( self.localsettings, animalid, False) appointmentdata.reason = self.GetLabel("overnightstaylabel") appointmentdata.time = str([:5] appointmentdata.arrived = 1 appointmentdata.withvet = 1 appointmentdata.staying = stayingid appointmentdata.Submit() vetform = vetmethods.VetForm(notebook, appointmentdata, self.localsettings, self) notebook.AddPage(vetform)
def Submit(self, ID): success = True if self.selectedstaffid == 0: staffid = False else: staffid = self.selectedstaffid date = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromDate( name = self.nameentry.GetValue() if name == "": miscmethods.ShowMessage("No name") success = False position = self.positionentry.GetValue() timeon = self.inentry.GetValue() timeoff = self.outentry.GetValue() operating = self.operatingentry.GetValue() if operating == True: operating = 1 else: operating = 0 if success == True: if dbmethods.WriteToStaffTable(self.localsettings.dbconnection, date, name, position, timeon, timeoff, operating, staffid, self.localsettings) == True: self.parent.GetParent().OpenDay()
def Submit(self, ID): miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("randomdatawarningmessage")) RandomClientsThread(self)
def SubmitAppointment(self, ID): time = self.appointmenttimeentry.GetValue() success = False if miscmethods.ValidateTime(time) == True: if miscmethods.GetMinutesFromTime(time) < miscmethods.GetMinutesFromTime(self.appointmentdata.localsettings.opento) + 1: if miscmethods.GetMinutesFromTime(time) > miscmethods.GetMinutesFromTime(self.appointmentdata.localsettings.openfrom) - 1: time = time[:2] + ":" + time[3:5] success = True else: failurereason = self.GetLabel("appointmenttimetooearlymessage") else: failurereason = self.GetLabel("appointmenttimetoolatemessage") else: failurereason = self.GetLabel("appointmentinvalidtimemessage") if success == True: = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromWXDate(self.appointmententry.GetValue()) self.appointmentdata.time = time self.appointmentdata.reason = self.reasonentry.GetValue() self.appointmentdata.operation = 0 if self.vetcombobox.GetValue() == "Vet": = "None" else: = self.vetcombobox.GetValue() choice = self.statuschoice.GetSelection() if choice == 0: self.appointmentdata.arrived = 0 self.appointmentdata.withvet = 0 self.appointmentdata.done = 0 elif choice == 1: self.appointmentdata.arrived = 1 self.appointmentdata.withvet = 0 self.appointmentdata.done = 0 elif choice == 2: self.appointmentdata.arrived = 1 self.appointmentdata.withvet = 1 self.appointmentdata.done = 0 elif choice == 3: self.appointmentdata.arrived = 1 self.appointmentdata.withvet = 0 self.appointmentdata.done = 1 self.appointmentdata.Submit() try: self.parent.RefreshAppointments() except: pass self.Close() else: miscmethods.ShowMessage(failurereason)
def GenerateCVSFile(self, ID=False): fromdate = self.fromdateentry.GetValue() fromdate = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromWXDate(fromdate) todate = self.todateentry.GetValue() todate = miscmethods.GetSQLDateFromWXDate(todate) action = "SELECT client.ClientTitle, client.ClientSurname, client.ClientAddress, client.ClientPostcode, animal.Name, animal.Species, medication.Name, medicationout.NextDue AS NextDue FROM medicationout INNER JOIN appointment ON medicationout.AppointmentID = appointment.ID INNER JOIN animal ON appointment.AnimalID = animal.ID INNER JOIN client ON appointment.OwnerID = client.ID INNER JOIN medication ON medicationout.MedicationID = medication.ID WHERE medicationout.NextDue BETWEEN \"" + str( fromdate) + "\" AND \"" + str(todate) + "\"" if self.vaccinetickbox.GetValue() == False: if len(self.includedvaccinationslist) == 0: action = action + " AND medication.Name IS NULL" else: action = action + " AND (" for a in self.includedvaccinationslist: action = action + "medication.Name = \"" + a + "\" OR " action = action[:-4] action = action + ")" if self.speciestickbox.GetValue() == False: if len(self.includedspecieslist) == 0: action = action + " AND animal.Species IS NULL" else: action = action + " AND (" for a in self.includedspecieslist: action = action + "animal.Species = \"" + a + "\" OR " action = action[:-4] action = action + ")" action = action + " UNION SELECT client.ClientTitle, client.ClientSurname, client.ClientAddress, client.ClientPostcode, animal.Name, animal.Species, manualvaccination.Name, manualvaccination.Next AS NextDue FROM manualvaccination INNER JOIN animal ON manualvaccination.AnimalID = animal.ID INNER JOIN client ON animal.OwnerID = client.ID WHERE manualvaccination.Next BETWEEN \"" + str( fromdate) + "\" AND \"" + str(todate) + "\"" if self.vaccinetickbox.GetValue() == False: if len(self.includedvaccinationslist) == 0: action = action + " AND manualvaccination.Name IS NULL" else: action = action + " AND (" for a in self.includedvaccinationslist: action = action + "manualvaccination.Name = \"" + a + "\" OR " action = action[:-4] action = action + ")" if self.speciestickbox.GetValue() == False: if len(self.includedspecieslist) == 0: action = action + " AND animal.Species IS NULL" else: action = action + " AND (" for a in self.includedspecieslist: action = action + "animal.Species = \"" + a + "\" OR " action = action[:-4] action = action + ")" action = action + " ORDER BY NextDue desc" results = db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) output = "\"title\",\"surname\",\"address\",\"postcode\",\"animalname\",\"species\",\"vaccinationtype\",\"duedate\"\n" for a in results: for b in range(0, len(a)): if b == 7: duedate = a[b] duedate = miscmethods.FormatSQLDate( duedate, self.localsettings) output = output + "\"" + str(duedate) + "\"," elif b == 2: address = a[b] #.replace("\n", ", ") output = output + "\"" + str(address) + "\"," else: output = output + "\"" + str(a[b]) + "\"," output = output[:-1] + "\n" output = output[:-1] path = wx.SaveFileSelector("CSV", "csv", "duevaccinations.csv") out = open(path, "w") out.write(output) out.close() miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetLabel("csvsavedtolabel") + " " + path)
else: serverpresent = True localsettings.dbconnection = db.GetConnection(localsettings) if localsettings.dbconnection == False: if db.CreateDatabase(localsettings) == False: sys.exit() else: miscmethods.ShowMessage( GetLabel("launchdatabasecreatedmessage", localsettings), None) localsettings.dbconnection = db.GetConnection(localsettings) versioncheck = dbupdates.CheckVersion(localsettings) if versioncheck == True: LaunchDialog(localsettings, splashimagepath) else: sys.exit() app.MainLoop()
def SubmitASMImport(self, ID): panel = ID.GetEventObject().GetGrandParent() listboxid = panel.listbox.GetSelection() if listboxid != -1: animaldata = panel.animaldata[listboxid] action = "SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE ASMRef = \"" + animaldata[0] + "\"" results = db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) if len(results) > 0: if miscmethods.ConfirmMessage(self.GetMenu("alreadyimportedmessage"), self.notebook): animalsettings = animalmethods.AnimalSettings(self.localsettings, False, results[0][0]) animalpanel = animalmethods.AnimalPanel(self.notebook, animalsettings) self.notebook.AddPage(animalpanel) panel.GetParent().Close() else: archived = animaldata[10] activemovementtype = animaldata[11] if archived == 0 or activemovementtype == 2: action = "SELECT ShelterID FROM settings" clientid = db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection)[0][0] #miscmethods.ShowMessage("Animal is on shelter", panel) else: action = "SELECT owner.OwnerSurname, owner.OwnerAddress, owner.OwnerPostcode, owner.HomeTelephone, owner.MobileTelephone, owner.WorkTelephone, owner.EmailAddress, animal.ActiveMovementType, owner.OwnerTitle, owner.OwnerForenames FROM owner INNER JOIN adoption ON adoption.OwnerID = owner.ID INNER JOIN animal ON adoption.ID = animal.ActiveMovementID WHERE animal.ShelterCode = \"" + animaldata[0] + "\" AND ( animal.ActiveMovementType = 1 OR animal.ActiveMovementType = 2 ) AND animal.Archived = 1" results = db.SendSQL(action, panel.asmconnection) if len(results) == 1: ownersurname = results[0][0] if ownersurname == None: ownersurname = "" owneraddress = results[0][1] if owneraddress == None: owneraddress = "" owneraddress = owneraddress.replace("\r", "") ownerpostcode = results[0][2] if ownerpostcode == None: ownerpostcode = "" ownerhometelephone = results[0][3] if ownerhometelephone == None: ownerhometelephone = "" ownermobiletelephone = results[0][4] if ownermobiletelephone == None: ownermobiletelephone = "" ownerworktelephone = results[0][5] if ownerworktelephone == None: ownerworktelephone = "" owneremailaddress = results[0][6] if owneremailaddress == None: owneremailaddress = "" movementtype = results[0][7] ownertitle = results[0][8] if ownertitle == None: ownertitle = "" ownerforenames = results[0][9] if ownerforenames == None: ownerforenames = "" action = "SELECT ID, ClientTitle, ClientForenames, ClientSurname, ClientAddress FROM client WHERE ClientPostCode = \"" + ownerpostcode + "\" OR ClientSurname = \"" + ownersurname + "\"" evetteowners = db.SendSQL(action, self.localsettings.dbconnection) possiblematches = [] asmhousenumber = owneraddress.split(" ")[0] for a in evetteowners: evettehousenumber = a[4].split(" ")[0] if asmhousenumber == evettehousenumber: possiblematches.append(a) else: if ownerforenames == "" or a[2] == "" or ownerforenames == a[2]: possiblematches.append(a) selectedownerid = 0 panel.chosenownerid = 0 if len(possiblematches) > 0: panel.possiblematches = possiblematches dialog = wx.Dialog(panel, -1, "Possible Owners") dialog.panel = panel topsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sheltermanagerownerinfo = wx.StaticText(dialog, -1, ownertitle + " " + ownerforenames + " " + ownersurname + ". " + owneraddress.replace("\n", ", ") + ". " + ownerpostcode) topsizer.Add(sheltermanagerownerinfo, 0, wx.EXPAND) topsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dialog, -1, "", size=(-1,10))) chooseownerlabel = wx.StaticText(dialog, -1, "Choose an owner") topsizer.Add(chooseownerlabel, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT) dialog.listbox = wx.ListBox(dialog) dialog.listbox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, self.SelectOwner) for v in possiblematches: listboxoutput = v[1] + " " + v[2] + " " + v[3] + ". " + v[4].replace("\n", ", ").replace("\r", "") dialog.listbox.Append(listboxoutput) topsizer.Add(dialog.listbox, 1, wx.EXPAND) dialog.SetSizer(topsizer) dialog.ShowModal() clientid = panel.chosenownerid if panel.chosenownerid == 0: clientsettings = clientmethods.ClientSettings(self.localsettings) clientsettings.title = ownertitle clientsettings.forenames = ownerforenames clientsettings.surname = ownersurname clientsettings.address = owneraddress clientsettings.postcode = ownerpostcode clientsettings.hometelephone = ownerhometelephone clientsettings.mobiletelephone = ownermobiletelephone clientsettings.worktelephone = ownerworktelephone clientsettings.emailaddress = owneremailaddress clientsettings.comments = "Imported from ASM" clientsettings.Submit() clientid = clientsettings.ID else: clientid = 0 if clientid > 0: animalsettings = animalmethods.AnimalSettings(self.localsettings, clientid) = animaldata[1] ## print "animaldata[2] = " + str(animaldata[2]) ## if animaldata[2] == 0: ## = 2 ## elif animaldata[2] == 1: ## = 1 ## else: ## = 0 ## ## print "sex = " + str( if animaldata[2] == self.GetMenu("malelabel"): = 1 elif animaldata[2] == self.GetMenu("femalelabel"): = 2 else: = 0 animalsettings.species = animaldata[4] animalsettings.breed = animaldata[5] animalsettings.colour = animaldata[6] dob = animaldata[7] animalsettings.dob = miscmethods.FormatDate(dob, self.localsettings) animalsettings.comments = "" animalsettings.neutered = animaldata[3] animalsettings.chipno = animaldata[8] if animalsettings.chipno == None: animalsettings.chipno = "" if animalsettings.comments == None: animalsettings.comments = "" animalsettings.asmref = animaldata[0] animalsettings.Submit() animalpanel = animalmethods.AnimalPanel(self.notebook, animalsettings) self.notebook.AddPage(animalpanel) panel.GetParent().Close() else: miscmethods.ShowMessage(self.GetMenu("errorobtainingownermessage"), panel)
def CheckVersion(localsettings): success = False try: connection = db.GetConnection(localsettings) action = "SELECT VersionNo FROM version" results = db.SendSQL(action, connection) oldversion = results[0][0] connection.close() success = True except: if miscmethods.ConfirmMessage( GetLabel(localsettings, "versiontablenotfoundquestion")): action = "CREATE TABLE version (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, VersionNo varchar(10))" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "INSERT INTO version (VersionNo) VALUES (\"1.1.2\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.2" success = True if success == True: if versionno > oldversion: if miscmethods.ConfirmMessage( GetLabel(localsettings, "versionupdatequestion1") + " " + versionno + ", " + GetLabel(localsettings, "versionupdatequestion2") + " " + oldversion + ". " + GetLabel(localsettings, "versionupdatequestion3")): if oldversion == "1.1.2": action = "CREATE TABLE manualvaccination (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, AnimalID int, Date date, Name varchar(50), Batch varchar(50), Next date)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) currenttime ="%x %X") for a in ("medication", "medicationin", "medicationout", "vaccinationtype", "vaccinationin", "vaccinationout", "receipt"): action = "ALTER TABLE " + a + " ADD ChangeLog text" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE " + a + " SET ChangeLog = \"" + currenttime + "%%%" + str( localsettings.userid) + "\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.3\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings DROP HTMLViewer" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE user ADD Permissions varchar(50)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE user SET Permissions = \"111$11$111$11$11$11$11$111$111\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.3" if oldversion == "1.1.3": action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.4\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.4" if oldversion == "1.1.4": action = "ALTER TABLE animal ADD IsDeceased int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET IsDeceased = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE animal ADD DeceasedDate date" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET DeceasedDate = \"0000-00-00\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE animal ADD CauseOfDeath text" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET CauseOfDeath = \"\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.5\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.5" if oldversion == "1.1.5": action = "DROP TABLE staff" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "CREATE TABLE staff (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, Name varchar(20), Date date, Position varchar(20), TimeOn varchar(20), TimeOff varchar(20), Operating int)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.6\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.6" if oldversion == "1.1.6": dbmethods.CreateDiaryTable(localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.7\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE user SET Permissions = CONCAT(Permissions, \"$111\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.7" if oldversion == "1.1.7": dbmethods.CreateMediaTable(localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.8\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.8" if oldversion == "1.1.8": dbmethods.CreateWeightTable(localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE medication ADD ReOrderNo int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE medication SET ReOrderNo = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.1.9\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.1.9" if oldversion == "1.1.9" or oldversion == "1.2": action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PracticeAddress varchar(250)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PracticePostcode varchar(10)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PracticeTelephone varchar(20)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PracticeEmail varchar(100)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PracticeWebsite varchar(250)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET PracticeAddress = \"\", PracticePostcode = \"\", PracticeTelephone = \"\", PracticeEmail = \"\", PracticeWebsite = \"\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE form ADD FormType varchar(50)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE form SET FormType = \"animal\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) formbody = """ <p> <<PracticeName>><br> <<PracticeAddress>><br> <<PracticePostcode>><br> <<PracticeTelephone>> </p> <p> <<Today>> </p> <p> <<ClientName>><br> <<ClientAddress>><br> <<ClientPostcode>> </p> <p> Dear <<ClientName>> </p> <p> We have been trying to contact you unsuccessfully for some time on the following numbers: </p> <p> <ul> <li><<ClientHomeTelephone>></li> <li><<ClientMobileTelephone>></li> <li><<ClientWorkTelephone>></li> </ul> </p> <p> Could you please contact us on <<PracticeTelephone>> so that we can update you record. </p> <p> Thank you in advance </p> <p> <<PracticeName>> </p> """ action = "INSERT INTO form (Title, Body, FormType) VALUES (\"Unable to contact letter\", \"" + formbody + "\", \"client\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) formbody = """ <h2 align=center>Invoice #<<InvoiceNumber>></h2> <p align=center>from <<FromDate>> to <<ToDate>></p> <table align=center> <tr> <td valign=top> <fieldset> <legend>Client</legend> <<ClientName>><br> <<ClientAddress>><br> <<ClientPostcode>> </td> <td width=20> </td> <td valign=top> <<InvoiceBreakdown>> <br> <table align=right> <tr> <td> <fieldset> <legend>Total</legend> <font size=5>£<<InvoiceTotal>></font> </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width=20> </td> <td valign=top> <fieldset> <legend>Payable to</legend> <<PracticeName>><br> <<PracticeAddress>><br> <<PracticePostcode>> </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> """ action = "INSERT INTO form (Title, Body, FormType) VALUES (\"Standard Invoice\", \"" + formbody + "\", \"invoice\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) formbody = """ <table width=300 align=center> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center> <font size=2><b><<PracticeName>></b></font><br> <font size=1><<PracticeAddress>>, <<PracticePostcode>>, <<PracticeTelephone>>.</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top> <fieldset><legend><font size=1>Client</font></legend> <font size=1><<ClientName>><br><<ClientAddress>><br><<ClientPostcode>></font> </fieldset> </td> <td valign=top> <fieldset><legend><font size=1>Animal</font></legend> <font size=1><<AnimalName>><br><<AnimalSpecies>><br><<AnimalColour>></font> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <fieldset><legend><div><font size=1>Medication</font></div></legend> <font size=2><b><<MedicationName>> x <<Quantity>></b></font> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <fieldset><legend><font size=1>Instructions</font></legend> <font size=2><b><<Instructions>></b></font> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center> <font size=1>Keep all medicines out of reach of children<br>ANIMAL TREATMENT ONLY</font> </td> </tr> </table> """ action = "INSERT INTO form (Title, Body, FormType) VALUES (\"Medication Label\", \"" + formbody + "\", \"medication\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE medication ADD ExpiryDate date" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE medication SET ExpiryDate = \"0000-00-00\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "CREATE TABLE invoice (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, ClientID int, FromDate date, ToDate date, Total int, Body text, Paid int)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.1\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.1" if oldversion == "1.2.1": action = "ALTER TABLE medication ADD Type int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE medication SET Type = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE medicationout ADD NextDue date" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE medicationout SET NextDue = \"0000-00-00\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) try: action = "SELECT * FROM vaccinationtype" results = db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "SELECT * FROM vaccinationin" vaccinationindata = db.SendSQL( action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "SELECT * FROM vaccinationout" vaccinationoutdata = db.SendSQL( action, localsettings.dbconnection) for a in results: #VaccinationType --- (ID, Name, Description, CurrentBatch, Price, ChangeLog) #MedicationType --- (ID, Name, Description, Unit, BatchNo, CurrentPrice, ChangeLog, ReOrderNo, ExpiryDate) vaccinationid = a[0] action = "INSERT INTO medication (Name, description, Unit, BatchNo, CurrentPrice, ChangeLog, ReOrderNo, ExpiryDate, Type) VALUES (\"" + a[ 1] + "\", \"" + a[2] + "\", \"" + GetLabel( localsettings, "vaccinationsvaccinelabel" ).lower() + "\", \"" + a[3] + "\", " + str( a[4] ) + ", \"" + a[5] + "\", 0, \"0000-00-00\", 1)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) #action = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM medication" action = "SELECT ID from medication ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" medicationid = db.SendSQL( action, localsettings.dbconnection) #print 'medicationid', type(medicationid), medicationid if type(medicationid) in [ type(['array']), type(('touple')) ]: pass medicationid = medicationid[0][0] print 'medicationid', type( medicationid), medicationid for b in vaccinationindata: if a[0] == b[1]: #Vaccinationin --- (ID, VaccinationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, Expires, WhereFrom, ChangeLog) #Medicationin --- (ID, MedicationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, Expires, WhereFrom, ChangeLog) action = "INSERT INTO medicationin (MedicationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, Expires, WhereFrom, ChangeLog) VALUES (" + \ str(medicationid) + ", \"" + str(b[2]) + "\", \"" + str(b[3]) + "\", \"" + b[4] + "\", \"" + str(b[5]) + "\", \"" + b[6] + "\", \"" + b[7] + "\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) for b in vaccinationoutdata: if a[0] == b[1]: #Vaccinationout --- (ID, VaccinationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, WhereTo, AppointmentID, NextDue, ChangeLog) #Medicationout --- (ID, MedicationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, WhereTo, AppointmentID, ChangeLog, NextDue) action = "INSERT INTO medicationout (MedicationID, Date, Amount, BatchNo, WhereTo, AppointmentID, ChangeLog, NextDue) VALUES (" + str( medicationid ) + ", \"" + str(b[2]) + "\", \"" + str( b[3] ) + "\", \"" + b[4] + "\", \"" + str( b[5]) + "\", " + str( b[6] ) + ", \"" + b[8] + "\", \"" + str( b[7]) + "\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "DROP TABLE vaccinationtype" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "DROP TABLE vaccinationin" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "DROP TABLE vaccinationout" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) except: print "Vaccination tables not found - ignored!" action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.2\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.2" if oldversion == "1.2.2": dbmethods.CreateKennelTables(localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE appointment ADD Staying int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE appointment SET Staying = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE animal ADD ASMRef varchar(10)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET ASMRef = \"\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD ShelterID int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET ShelterID = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "CREATE TABLE reason (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, ReasonName varchar(200))" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.3\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.3" if oldversion == "1.2.3": action = "ALTER TABLE appointment ADD ArrivalTime time" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE appointment SET ArrivalTime = NULL" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "SELECT ID, Permissions FROM user" results = db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) for a in results: permissions = a[1] permissions = permissions[:30] + "1" + permissions[30:] action = "UPDATE user SET Permissions = \"" + str( permissions) + "\" WHERE ID = " + str(a[0]) db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE medication ADD CostPrice int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE medication SET CostPrice = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.6\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.6" if oldversion == "1.2.6": action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD MarkupMultiplyBy varchar(10)" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET MarkupMultiplyBy = \"1.175\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD MarkupRoundTo int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET MarkupRoundTo = 5" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.7\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.7" if oldversion == "1.2.7": dbmethods.CreateLostAndFoundTables( localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE client ADD PhonePermissions int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE client SET PhonePermissions = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) animalsexes = [] action = "ALTER TABLE animal ADD TempSex int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET TempSex = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET TempSex = 1 WHERE Sex = \"" + GetLabel( localsettings, "malelabel") + "\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET TempSex = 2 WHERE Sex = \"" + GetLabel( localsettings, "femalelabel") + "\"" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE animal MODIFY Sex int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE animal SET Sex = TempSex" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE animal DROP TempSex" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.8\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.8" if oldversion == "1.2.8": action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.2.9\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.2.9" if oldversion == "1.2.9": action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.3\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.3" if oldversion == "1.3": action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.3.1\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.3.1" if oldversion == "1.3.1": action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD ASMVaccinationID int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET ASMVaccinationID = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "ALTER TABLE settings ADD PrescriptionFee int" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "UPDATE settings SET PrescriptionFee = 0" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "SELECT ID, Permissions FROM user" results = db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) for a in results: permissions = a[1] permissions = permissions[:31] + "0" + permissions[31:] action = "UPDATE user SET Permissions = \"" + str( permissions) + "\" WHERE ID = " + str(a[0]) db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) action = "REPLACE INTO version (ID, VersionNo) VALUES (1, \"1.3.2\")" db.SendSQL(action, localsettings.dbconnection) oldversion = "1.3.2" home = miscmethods.GetHome() out = open(home + "/.evette.conf", "w") out.write(localsettings.dbip + "\n" + localsettings.dbuser + "\n" + localsettings.dbpass + "\n\nuser\n" + str(localsettings.language) + "\n15") out.close() else: success = False elif versionno < oldversion: miscmethods.ShowMessage( GetLabel(localsettings, "clientolderthanservermessage")) success = False return success