Пример #1
def generalize(f, ss, maxV, minV):
    assert z3.is_expr(f), f
    assert isinstance(ss, set) and all(z3.is_expr(x) for x in ss), ss

    ofs = Miscs.getTermsFixedCoefs(ss, 2)
    ofs = [OctForm.convert(of) for of in ofs]  #octagonal forms
    #fExprs = [f.expr for f in fs]

    ofs = [(of, of.mkUbExpr(maxV)) for of in ofs]
    rs = [(of, SMT.check(f, ubExpr)) for (of, ubExpr) in ofs]

    rs = [(of, cexs) for (of, (cexs, isSucc)) in rs
          if SMT.getStat(cexs, isSucc) != SMT.DISPROVED]

    def _f(octForm):
        statsd = {maxV: SMT.PROVED}
        boundV = gc(f, octForm, minV, maxV, statsd)
        if boundV not in statsd or statsd[boundV] != SMT.DISPROVED:
            return boundV
            return None

    print "compute upperbounds for {} oct terms".format(len(rs))
    ubVs = [(of, _f(of)) for (of, _) in rs]
    ubVs = [(of, v) for (of, v) in ubVs if v is not None]

    return ubVs
Пример #2
    def gen(self, deg, traces, inps):
        assert deg >= 1, deg
        assert isinstance(traces, DTraces), traces
        assert isinstance(inps, Inps), inps

        assert isinstance(traces, DTraces) and traces, traces
        assert isinstance(inps, Inps), inps

        mymaxv = 10
        maxV = mymaxv
        minV = -1 * maxV

        #without these restrictions, klee takes a long time to run
        ubmaxV = maxV * 2
        ubminV = -1 * ubmaxV

        locs = traces.keys()
        vss = [[sage.all.var(k) for k in self.invdecls[loc]] for loc in locs]
        mydeg = 2
        if mydeg > 2:
            logger.warn("not Oct invs (deg {}). Might be slow".format(deg))
        termss = [Miscs.getTermsFixedCoefs(vs, mydeg) for vs in vss]
            "{} locs: check upperbounds for {} terms (range {})".format(
                len(locs), sum(map(len, termss)), mymaxv))

        refs = {
            loc: {Inv(t <= maxV): t
                  for t in terms}
            for loc, terms in zip(locs, termss)
        ieqs = DInvs((loc, Invs.mk(refs[loc].keys())) for loc in refs)
        myinps = None
        cInps, cTraces, ieqs = self.prover.check(ieqs, myinps, ubminV, ubmaxV)
        if cInps:
            newInps = Gen.updateInps(cInps, inps)
            _ = self.getTracesAndUpdate(newInps, traces)

        ieqs = ieqs.removeDisproved()
        tasks = [(loc, refs[loc][ieq]) for loc in ieqs for ieq in ieqs[loc]]

        logger.debug("{} locs: compute upperbounds for {} terms".format(
            len(locs), len(tasks)))

        def _f(loc, term):
            vs = traces[loc].myeval(term)
                mminV = int(max(minV, max(v for v in vs if v < maxV)))
            except ValueError:
                mminV = minV

                "{}: compute ub for '{}', start w/ min {}, maxV {})".format(
                    loc, term, mminV, maxV))

            disproves = set()
            boundV = self.guessCheck(
                term,  #traces, inps, 
            if boundV not in disproves and boundV not in {maxV, minV}:
                inv = Inv(term <= boundV)
                logger.detail("got {}".format(inv))
                return inv
                return None

        def wprocess(tasks, Q):
            rs = [(loc, _f(loc, term)) for loc, term in tasks]
            if Q is None:
                return rs

        doMP = settings.doMP and len(tasks) >= 2
        wrs = Miscs.runMP('guesscheck', tasks, wprocess, chunksiz=1, doMP=doMP)
        rs = [(loc, inv) for loc, inv in wrs if inv]
        dinvs = DInvs()
        for loc, inv in rs:
            if loc not in dinvs: dinvs[loc] = Invs()
        return dinvs