def R_trim(self, outfile_R_ori, outfile_R): cldict = self.cldict trim_script = cldict.trim_script trim_cmd = trim_script + " " + outfile_R_ori print("trim_cmd: " + trim_cmd + ", outfile_R: " + outfile_R) exe_command(trim_cmd, outfile_R) return
def gen_sam_single_bwamem(self, sample_id, ref_acc, read_file, outdir): cldict = self.cldict ldelim = cldict.ldelim bwa_path = cldict.bwa_path patho_path = self.get_patho_ref_path(ref_acc) # bwa mem ref.fa reads.fq > aln-se.sam bwamem_cmd = bwa_path + " mem " + patho_path + " " + read_file print("Aligning with bwa mem: " + bwamem_cmd) outsamfile = outdir + ldelim + sample_id + "_" + ref_acc + ".sam" exe_command(bwamem_cmd, outsamfile) return outsamfile
def sample_to_sai(self, outdir, sample_id, ref_acc, suf, read_file, patho_path): cldict = self.cldict ldelim = cldict.ldelim bwa_path = cldict.bwa_path R_sai = outdir + ldelim + sample_id + "_" + ref_acc + "_" + suf + ".sai" read_cmd = bwa_path + " aln " + patho_path + " " + read_file print("bwa aln cmd: " + read_cmd) exe_command(read_cmd, R_sai) print("bwa aln cmd done.") return R_sai
def gen_sam_single(self, sample_id, ref_acc, read_file, suf, outdir): cldict = self.cldict ldelim = cldict.ldelim bwa_path = cldict.bwa_path samtools_path = cldict.samtools patho_path = self.get_patho_ref_path(ref_acc) R_sai = self.sample_to_sai(outdir, sample_id, ref_acc, suf, read_file, patho_path) sampecmd = bwa_path + " samse " + patho_path + " " + R_sai + " " + read_file print("sampe cmd: " + sampecmd) outsamfile = outdir + ldelim + sample_id + "_" + ref_acc + ".sam" exe_command(sampecmd, outsamfile) print("sampe cmd done.") os.remove(R_sai) print("removed " + R_sai) return outsamfile
def gen_sam_paired(self, sample_id, ref_acc, read1_file, read2_file, suf1, suf2, outdir): cldict = self.cldict ldelim = cldict.ldelim bwa_path = cldict.bwa_path samtools_path = cldict.samtools patho_path = self.get_patho_ref_path(ref_acc) R1_sai = self.sample_to_sai(outdir, sample_id, ref_acc, suf1, read1_file, patho_path) R2_sai = self.sample_to_sai(outdir, sample_id, ref_acc, suf2, read2_file, patho_path) sampecmd = bwa_path + " sampe " + patho_path + " " + R1_sai + " " + R2_sai +\ " " + read1_file + " " + read2_file outsamfile = outdir + ldelim + sample_id + "_" + ref_acc + ".sam" print("bwa sampe cmd: " + sampecmd) exe_command(sampecmd, outsamfile) print("bwa sampe cmd done.") os.remove(R1_sai) os.remove(R2_sai) return outsamfile
def sam_to_bam(samtools_path, outsamfile, outbamfile): bamcmd = samtools_path + ' view -b -S ' + outsamfile print("sam to bam cmd: " + bamcmd) exe_command(bamcmd, outbamfile) print("sam to bam cmd done.")
def bam_to_sam(samtools_path, outbamfile, outsamfile): samcmd = samtools_path + ' view -h ' + outbamfile print("Converting bam to sam: " + outbamfile) print("samcmd: " + samcmd) exe_command(samcmd, outsamfile)
def sam_to_bam(samtools_path, outsamfile, outbamfile): bamcmd = samtools_path + ' view -b -S ' + outsamfile exe_command(bamcmd, outbamfile)