defaultDataGenValues[u'simLength'] = 4000
    defaultDataGenValues[u'AR_n'] = AR_n
    defaultDataGenValues[u'coefVariance'] = 0.2
    defaultDataGenValues[u'batchSize'] = 32
    defaultDataGenValues[u'dataLength'] = 20
    defaultDataGenValues[u'seed'] = 10
    defaultDataGenValues[u'cuda'] = True

    dataGenParameters = [
        defaultDataGenValues['simLength'], defaultDataGenValues['AR_n'],
        defaultDataGenValues['batchSize'], defaultDataGenValues['dataLength']

    trueStateData, measuredStateData = ARDatagenMismatch(

# If a file path was passed to it, load the data from the file. Expects it to be formatted how
# ARDatagenMismatch formats it
    # Throw error if filepath could not be found
    if (not path.exists(args.filePath)):
        raise Exception('file path: "{}" could not be found'.format(

    matData = hdf5s.loadmat(args.filePath)
    measuredStateData = matData['measuredData']
    trueStateData = matData['predAndCurState']
    print('loaded from file: ', args.filePath)
Пример #2
if (args.model_path != 'None'):
    testSession = True
    modelContext = torch.load(args.model_path)
modelPath = args.model_path
### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOAD DATA/GENERATE MODEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###
# Here we have the option of loading from a saved .mat file or just calling the data generation
# function explicitly

# AR data generation parameters
AR_n = 2

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOAD TRAINING SET
if not testSession:
    if (trainFile == 'None'):
        # Generate AR process training data set - both measured and real states
        trainStateData, trainStateInfo = ARDatagenMismatch(
            [trainDataLen, AR_n, AR_var, seq_length], seed, args.cuda)
        # Convert the data from normal formatting to batches
        trueStateTRAIN, measuredStateTRAIN = convertToBatched(
            trainStateData[2], trainStateData[1], batch_size)
        fileContent[u'trainDataFile'] = trainStateInfo['filename']
        fileContent[u'trainDataSize'] = trueStateTRAIN.shape
        # TODO: Improve the format at some point in the future, but for now we are just grabbing the trainingData to train
        # TODO: the LS
        LSTrainData = trainStateData
        # Grab the data from the .mat file
        trainDataDict = hdf5s.loadmat(trainFile)
        print('train data loaded from: {}'.format(trainFile))
        # Convert the loaded data into batches for the TCN to run with
        trueStateTRAIN, measuredStateTRAIN = convertToBatched(
            trainDataDict['finalStateValues'], trainDataDict['observedStates'],
Пример #3
trainFile = args.trainDataFile
testFile = args.testDataFile

### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###
### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOAD DATA/GENERATE MODEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###
# Here we have the option of loading from a saved .mat file or just calling the data generation
# function explicitly

# AR data generation parameters
AR_n = 2

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOAD TRAINING SET
if (trainFile == 'None'):

    # Generate AR process training data set - both measured and real states
    trueState, measuredState = ARDatagenMismatch(
        [simu_len, AR_n, AR_var, batch_size, seq_length], seed, args.cuda)

    # Logging the train data
    fileContent[u'trainDataActual'] = trueState
    fileContent[u'trainDataMeas'] = measuredState
# loading the data from the file
    # Grab the data from the .mat file
    trainDataDict = hdf5s.loadmat(trainFile)
    measuredState = trainDataDict['measuredData']
    trueState = trainDataDict['predAndCurState']

# Convert numpy arrays to tensors
trueState = torch.from_numpy(trueState)
measuredState = torch.from_numpy(measuredState)
Пример #4
#                                   coefficients used for testing in the 1st dimension,
#                                   batch elements in the 2nd dimension, real and complex
#                                   values in the 3rd dimension, sequence elements in the
#                                   4th dimension, and by batches in the 5th dimension

measuredStateTEST = np.empty(
    (numCoeffs, batchSize, 2, seqLen, testSeriesLength), dtype=float)

LSandKFTestData = []
testDataInfo = []
for k in range(0, numCoeffs):

    # Generating the data with no variance between sequences (which is what the False in the array is for)
    # because we want to generate data with a single set of AR Coefficients
    subsetTestStateData, subsetTestDataInfo = ARDatagenMismatch(
        params=[testDataLen, 2, 0, seqLen, False],
        seed=seed + k,
    trueStateTEST[k, :, :, :], measuredStateTEST[
        k, :, :, :, :] = convertToBatched(subsetTestStateData[2],
                                          subsetTestStateData[1], batchSize)

    # Storing the data that the Least Squares and Kalman Filter will be using

    subsetInfoHolder = {}
    # Grabbing the first riccatiConvergence because they should all be the same for both the estimate and prediction
    subsetInfoHolder[u'riccatiConvergencePred'] = subsetTestDataInfo[
        'riccatiConvergences'][0, 0]
    subsetInfoHolder[u'riccatiConvergenceEst'] = subsetTestDataInfo[
        'riccatiConvergences'][1, 0]
    # Grabbing the first set of AR Coefficients from the F matrix because they should all be the same
Пример #5
    defaultDataGenValues[u'simLength'] = 400
    defaultDataGenValues[u'AR_n'] = AR_n
    defaultDataGenValues[u'coefVariance'] = 0
    defaultDataGenValues[u'dataLength'] = 20
    defaultDataGenValues[u'seed'] = 10
    defaultDataGenValues[u'cuda'] = False

    dataGenParameters = [
        defaultDataGenValues['simLength'], defaultDataGenValues['AR_n'],

    # trueStateData, measuredStateData = ARDatagenMismatch(dataGenParameters, defaultDataGenValues['seed'], cuda=defaultDataGenValues['cuda'])
    stateData, stateInfo = ARDatagenMismatch(dataGenParameters,
    trueStateData = stateData[2]
    measuredStateData = stateData[1]
    all_F = stateInfo['allF']

# If a file path was passed to it, load the data from the file. Expects it to be formatted how
# ARDatagenMismatch formats it - also loads all F matrices for best possible MSE value computation
    # Throw error if filepath could not be found
    if (not path.exists(args.filePath)):
        raise Exception('file path: "{}" could not be found'.format(

    matData = hdf5s.loadmat(args.filePath)
    measuredStateData = matData['observedStates']
Пример #6
# Variance of AR Coeffieients
parser.add_argument('--arVar', type=float, default=0.1,
                    help='the variance of the AR Coefficients for each AR process (default=0.1)')

# Order of AR process
parser.add_argument('--AR_n', type=int, default=2,
                    help='the order of the AR process that will be generated (default=2)' \
                         '{as of this comment, features related to this parameter have not been implmented yet, so' \
                         'change the value of this from the default at your own peril}')
# GPU used for data generation
parser.add_argument('--cuda', action='store_true',
                    help='use CUDA for data generation (default: False)')

# Seed for the random number generation
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1111,
                    help='seed for the rng of the data')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Setting up a time to determine how long data generation takes
start = time.time()

trueState, measuredState = ARDatagenMismatch([int(args.simLength),args.AR_n, args.arVar,int(args.batchSize), int(args.sequenceLength)],
                                             args.seed, args.cuda)

print('it took this many seconds to generate the data', end-start)


Пример #7
# Order of AR process
parser.add_argument('--AR_n', type=int, default=2,
                    help='the order of the AR process that will be generated (default=2)' \
                         '{as of this comment, features related to this parameter have not been implmented yet, so' \
                         'change the value of this from the default at your own peril}')
# GPU used for data generation
                    help='use CUDA for data generation (default: False)')

# Seed for the random number generation
                    help='seed for the rng of the data')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Setting up a time to determine how long data generation takes
start = time.time()

stateData, info = ARDatagenMismatch(
    [int(args.simLength), args.AR_n, args.arVar,
     int(args.sequenceLength)], args.seed, args.cuda)
end = time.time()

print('it took this many seconds to generate the data', end - start)
