Пример #1
def delete_key(request):
    """Delete key.

    When a keypair gets deleted, it takes its asociations with it so just need
    to remove from the server too.

    If the default key gets deleted, it sets the next one as default, provided
    that at least another key exists. It returns the list of all keys after
    the deletion, excluding the private keys (check also list_keys).


    key_id = request.matchdict.get('key')
    if not key_id:
        raise KeypairParameterMissingError()

    user = user_from_request(request)
    methods.delete_key(user, key_id)
    return list_keys(request)
Пример #2
def delete_key(request):
    """Delete key.

    When a keypair gets deleted, it takes its asociations with it so just need
    to remove from the server too.

    If the default key gets deleted, it sets the next one as default, provided
    that at least another key exists. It returns the list of all keys after
    the deletion, excluding the private keys (check also list_keys).


    key_id = request.matchdict.get('key')
    if not key_id:
        raise KeypairParameterMissingError()

    user = user_from_request(request)
    methods.delete_key(user, key_id)
    return list_keys(request)