def test_finite_difference(test_name, make_scene, diff_integrator, diff_spp,
                           diff_passes, fd_integrator, fd_spp, fd_passes,

    print("Running test:", test_name)

    path = "output/" + test_name + "/"
    if not os.path.isdir(path):

    print("Rendering finite differences...")

    scene_fd0 = make_scene(fd_integrator, fd_spp, 0)
    scene_fd1 = make_scene(fd_integrator, fd_spp, fd_eps)
    fsize = scene_fd0.sensors()[0].film().size()

    for i in range(fd_passes):
        print("pass:"******"Writing " + path + 'radiance_fd0.exr')
    Bitmap(values_fd0).write(path + 'radiance_fd0.exr')
    print("Writing " + path + 'radiance_fd1.exr')
    Bitmap(values_fd1).write(path + 'radiance_fd1.exr')

    gradient_fd = (values_fd1 - values_fd0) / fd_eps
    gradient_fd = gradient_fd[:, :, [0]]

    scale = np.abs(gradient_fd).max()
    write_gradient_image(gradient_fd / scale, path + 'gradient_fd', fsize)

    del scene_fd0, scene_fd1, values_fd0, values_fd1, channels, gradient_fd

    print("Rendering gradients... ({} spp, {} passes)".format(
        diff_spp, diff_passes))

    scene = make_scene(diff_integrator, diff_spp, None)
    assert scene is not None
    params = traverse(scene)

    gradient_rp_np = render_gradient(scene, diff_spp, diff_passes, scale, path,
                                     params, fd_eps)
Пример #2
    def render_offset(offset):
        scene = make_scene(integrator, spp, offset)
        fsize = scene.sensors()[0].film().size()

        values = render(scene)
        for i in range(passes-1):
            values += render(scene)
        values /= passes

        return values.numpy().reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], -1)
def render_gradient(scene, spp, pass_count, scale, path, params, eps):
    sensor = scene.sensors()[0]
    fsize =

    for i in range(pass_count):
        print("grad:", i, end='\r')
        y_i = render(scene)

        set_gradient(params[''], np.sign(eps), backward=False)

        Float32.forward()  #i == pass_count - 1

        nb_channels = len(y_i) // (fsize[1] * fsize[0])
        grad_i = gradient(y_i).numpy().reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], nb_channels)
        grad_i = grad_i[:, :, 0]

        grad_i[grad_i != grad_i] = 0
        if i == 0:
            y = y_i.numpy()
            y[y != y] = 0
            grad = grad_i
            temp = detach(y_i).numpy()
            temp[temp != temp] = 0
            y += temp
            del y_i
            grad += grad_i

    grad /= pass_count
    y /= pass_count

    if (scale == 0.0):
        scale = np.abs(grad).max()

    grad = grad.reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], 1)

    write_gradient_image(grad / scale, path + 'gradient', fsize)

    y_np = y.reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], nb_channels)
    print('Writing ' + path + 'radiance.exr')
    Bitmap(y_np).write(path + 'radiance.exr')

    return grad
Пример #4
def render_gradient(scene, passes, diff_params):
    """Render radiance and gradient image using forward autodiff"""
    from mitsuba.python.autodiff import render

    fsize = scene.sensors()[0].film().size()

    img  = np.zeros((fsize[1], fsize[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)
    grad = np.zeros((fsize[1], fsize[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(passes):
        img_i = render(scene)
        ek.forward(diff_params, i == passes - 1)

        grad_i = ek.gradient(img_i).numpy().reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], -1)[:, :, [0]]
        img_i = img_i.numpy().reshape(fsize[1], fsize[0], -1)

        # Remove NaNs
        grad_i[grad_i != grad_i] = 0
        img_i[img_i != img_i] = 0

        grad += grad_i
        img += img_i

    return img / passes, grad / passes
Пример #5
# Load example scene
scene = load_file('bunny/bunny.xml')

# Find differentiable scene parameters
params = traverse(scene)

# Make a backup copy
param_res = params['my_envmap.resolution']
param_ref = Float(params[''])

# Discard all parameters except for one we want to differentiate

# Render a reference image (no derivatives used yet)
image_ref = render(scene, spp=16)
crop_size = scene.sensors()[0].film().crop_size()
write_bitmap('out_ref.png', image_ref, crop_size)

# Change to a uniform white lighting environment
params[''] = ek.full(Float, 1.0, len(param_ref))

# Construct an Adam optimizer that will adjust the parameters 'params'
opt = Adam(params, lr=.02)

time_a = time.time()

iterations = 100
for it in range(iterations):
    # Perform a differentiable rendering of the scene
time_a = time.time()

outpath = os.path.join('outputs/invert_infloasion/', outimg_dir)
os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True)
out_config(outpath, render_config)  # Write out config file

losses = np.array([])

film = scene.sensors()[0].film()
crop_size = film.crop_size()

iterations = render_config['num_iteration']
for it in range(iterations):
    # Perform a differentiable rendering of the scene
    image = render(scene, optimizer=opt, unbiased=True, spp=4)
    if it % 10 == 0:
        write_bitmap(os.path.join(outpath, 'out_%04i.png' % it), image,
        write_bitmap(os.path.join(outpath, 'texture_%04i.png' % it),
                     params[opt_param_name], (param_res[1], param_res[0]))

    # Objective : MSE between 'image' and 'image_ref'
    ob_val = ek.hsum(ek.sqr(image - image_ref)) / len(image)

    # Back-propropagate errors to input parameters

    # Optimizer : take a gradient step
Пример #7
from mitsuba.python.autodiff import render, write_bitmap

# Load the Cornell Box
scene = load_file(
    'C:/MyFile/code/ray tracing/misuba2/test/gpu_autodiff/cbox/cbox.xml')

# Find differentiable scene parameters
params = traverse(scene)

# Keep track of derivatives with respect to one parameter
param_0 = params['red.reflectance.value']

# Differentiable simulation
image = render(scene, spp=4)

# Assign the gradient [1, 1, 1] to the 'red.reflectance.value' input
ek.set_gradient(param_0, [1, 1, 1], backward=False)

# Forward-propagate previously assigned gradients

# The gradients have been propagated to the output image
image_grad = ek.gradient(image)

# .. write them to a PNG file
crop_size = scene.sensors()[0].film().crop_size()
fname = 'C:/MyFile/code/ray tracing/misuba2/test/gpu_autodiff/output/out.png'
write_bitmap(fname, image_grad, crop_size)
print('Wrote forward differentiation image to: {}'.format(fname))
Пример #8
# width and height determines the resolution of rendered image
width   = 128
height  = 128
# spp: samples per pixel
spp_ref = 64
spp_opt = 8

# Prepare output folder
output_path = 'output/diffuser_smooth/' + task + '/'

if not os.path.isdir(output_path):

# Generate the scene and image with a plain glass panel
scene = make_scene(path_str, spp_ref, width, height)
image_plain = render(scene)
write_bitmap(output_path + "out_plain.png", image_plain, (width, height))
print("Writing " + "out_plain.png")

params = traverse(scene)
positions_buf = params['grid_mesh.vertex_positions_buf']
positions_initial = ravel(positions_buf)
normals_initial = ravel(params['grid_mesh.vertex_normals_buf'])
vertex_count = ek.slices(positions_initial)

filename = 'scene/diffuser_surface_1.jpg'

# Create a texture with the reference displacement map
disp_tex_1 = xml.load_dict({
import os

test = list()
from mitsuba.core import Thread
from mitsuba.core.xml import load_file
from mitsuba.python.util import traverse

# Absolute or relative path to the XML file
filename = 'scenes/cboxwithdragon/cboxwithdragon.xml'

dump_path = 'results/BSDFTest/'
# Add the scene directory to the FileResolver's search path

# Load the scene
scene = load_file(filename)

# Render a reference image (no derivatives used yet)
from mitsuba.python.autodiff import render, write_bitmap
image_ref = render(scene, spp=8)

crop_size = scene.sensors()[0].film().crop_size()
write_bitmap(dump_path + 'out_ref.png', image_ref, crop_size)