def test_regexp_operator_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

a regexp 'expr'
a not regexp 'expr'

    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    for child_ast in ast:
        assert child_ast.type == 'operator'
        assert child_ast.value == 'regexp'
        assert len(child_ast.children) == 2

    assert ast[0].children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert ast[0].children[0].value == 'a'

    assert ast[0].children[1].type == 'literal'
    assert ast[0].children[1].value == "'expr'"

    assert ast[1].children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert ast[1].children[0].value == 'a'

    assert ast[1].children[1].type == 'operator'
    assert ast[1].children[1].value == "not"

    not_op = ast[1].children[1]

    assert len(not_op.children) == 1

    assert not_op.children[0].type == 'literal'
    assert not_op.children[0].value == "'expr'"
Пример #2
def test_function_call_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

MAX((2 + 4) * 2, SUM(col))
MIN(sum(col), AVG(col2))


    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    expected_fn_names = ['SUM', 'MAX', 'MIN']

    counter = 0
    for ast_child in ast:
        assert ast_child.type == 'function'
        assert ast_child.value == expected_fn_names[counter]
        assert len(ast_child.children) >= 1
        counter += 1

    min_fn_ast = ast.pop()
    assert min_fn_ast.children[0].type == 'function'
    assert min_fn_ast.children[0].value == 'sum'

    assert min_fn_ast.children[1].type == 'function'
    assert min_fn_ast.children[1].value == 'AVG'
def test_update_multiple_tables_stmt_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    UPDATE table1, table2 SET col = 20, col1 = (col5 + table2.col4) WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'update'
    assert len(ast.children) == 5

    table_refs = ast.get_child('table_references')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 2

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    table_ref = table_refs.children[1]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table2'
def test_delete_from_multiple_tables():
    raw_sql = '''
    DELETE FROM table1, table2 WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'delete'
    assert len(ast.children) == 4

    table_refs = ast.get_child('from')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 2

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    table_ref = table_refs.children[1]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table2'

    assert ast.get_child('where') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('order') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('limit') is not None
def test_delete_from_partition_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    DELETE FROM table1 PARTITION (p1, p2) WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'delete'
    assert len(ast.children) == 4

    table_refs = ast.get_child('from')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 1

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 2

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    partition = table_ref.children[1]
    assert partition.type == 'partition'
    assert len(partition.children) == 1
    assert partition.children[0].type == 'paren_group'
    assert len(partition.children[0].children) == 2

    assert ast.get_child('where') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('order') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('limit') is not None
Пример #6
def test_insert_with_assignment_list_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    INSERT INTO table SET col1 = 2, col2 = 3

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'insert'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    into = ast.get_child('into')
    assert into is not None
    assert len(into.children) == 1
    assert into.children[0].children[0].value == 'table'

    assignment_list = ast.get_child('assignment_list')
    assert assignment_list is not None
    assert len(assignment_list.children) == 2

    assignment = assignment_list.children[0]
    assert assignment.type == 'operator'
    assert assignment.value == '='
    assert len(assignment.children) == 2
    assert assignment.children[0].value == 'col1'
    assert assignment.children[1].value == '2'

    assignment = assignment_list.children[1]
    assert assignment.type == 'operator'
    assert assignment.value == '='
    assert len(assignment.children) == 2
    assert assignment.children[0].value == 'col2'
    assert assignment.children[1].value == '3'
Пример #7
def test_multiple_unions_are_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    (SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl1)
    (SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl2)
    SELECT 1
    FROM tbl1 JOIN tbl2 JOIN tbl3 USING (a,b, c)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'operator'
    assert ast.value == 'UNION'

    assert ast.children[0].type == 'select'
    assert ast.children[1].type == 'operator'
    assert ast.children[1].value == 'UNION'

    nested_union = ast.children[1]
    assert nested_union.children[0].type == 'select'
    assert nested_union.children[1].type == 'operator'
    assert nested_union.children[1].value == 'UNION'

    nested_union = nested_union.children[1]
    assert nested_union.children[0].type == 'select'
    assert nested_union.children[1].type == 'select'
Пример #8
def test_set_variable_from_subquery():
    raw_sql  = '''
    SET @s :=
        (SELECT col FROM table JOIN table2 ON table.a = table.b),
        LOCAL l = 20

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'set'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    assert ast.children[0].type == 'variable'
    assert len(ast.children[0].children) == 1

    op = ast.children[0].children[0]

    assert op.type == 'operator'
    assert len(op.children) == 2
    assert op.children[0].value == '@s'
    assert op.children[1].type == 'select'

    op = ast.children[1].children[0]
    assert op.type == 'operator'
    assert len(op.children) == 2
    assert op.children[0].value == '@@LOCAL.l'
    assert op.children[1].value == '20'
Пример #9
def test_set_variable_modifiers_is_parsed():
    raw_sql  = '''
    SET GLOBAL g = 1, SESSION s = 2, LOCAL l = 3, @var = 1;
    SET @@GLOBAL.g = 1, @@SESSION.s = 2, @@LOCAL.l = 3, @var = 1;

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) == 2

    def test(set_ast):
        assert set_ast.type == 'set'
        assert len(set_ast.children) == 4

        op = set_ast.children[0].children[0]
        assert op.type == 'operator'
        assert len(op.children) == 2
        assert op.children[0].value == '@@GLOBAL.g'

        op = set_ast.children[1].children[0]
        assert op.type == 'operator'
        assert len(op.children) == 2
        assert op.children[0].value == '@@SESSION.s'

        op = set_ast.children[2].children[0]
        assert op.type == 'operator'
        assert len(op.children) == 2
        assert op.children[0].value == '@@LOCAL.l'

        op = set_ast.children[3].children[0]
        assert op.type == 'operator'
        assert len(op.children) == 2
        assert op.children[0].value == '@var'

Пример #10
def test_match_expr_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

MATCH(col1, col2) AGAINST ("string")
match(col3. col4) AGAINST ((1 * 2))
MATCH(col1) AGAINST ('some other string' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
MATCH(col1) against ('some other string' WITH QUERY EXPANSION)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    for child_ast in ast:
        assert child_ast.type == 'match'
        assert child_ast.value.lower() == 'match'
        assert len(child_ast.children) == 2
        assert child_ast.children[0].type == 'paren_group'
        assert child_ast.children[1].type == 'operator'
        assert child_ast.children[1].value.lower() == 'against'

    ast = ast.pop()
    against_op = ast.children.pop()
    modifier_op = against_op.children.pop()

    assert modifier_op.type == 'operator'
    assert modifier_op.value == 'modifier'
    assert len(modifier_op.children) == 3

    for modifier in modifier_op.children:
        assert modifier.type == 'keyword'
        assert len(modifier.value) > 0
Пример #11
def test_simple_insert_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    INSERT DELAYED INTO table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (100, 200, 300)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'insert'
    assert len(ast.children) == 4

    modifier = ast.get_child('modifier')
    assert modifier is not None
    assert len(modifier.children) == 1

    into = ast.get_child('into')
    assert into is not None
    assert len(into.children) == 1
    assert into.children[0].children[0].value == 'table'

    columns = ast.get_child('columns')
    assert columns is not None
    assert len(columns.children) == 1
    assert len(columns.children[0].children) == 3

    values = ast.get_child('values')
    assert values is not None
    assert len(values.children) == 1
    assert len(values.children[0].children) == 3
def test_like_operator_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

a like 'something'
a not like '%something%' escape '%'

    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    for child_ast in ast:
        assert child_ast.type == 'operator'
        assert child_ast.value == 'like'
        assert len(child_ast.children) > 1

    assert ast[0].children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert ast[0].children[0].value == 'a'

    assert ast[0].children[1].type == 'literal'
    assert ast[0].children[1].value == "'something'"

    assert ast[1].children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert ast[1].children[0].value == 'a'

    assert ast[1].children[1].type == 'operator'
    assert ast[1].children[1].value == "not"

    not_op = ast[1].children[1]

    assert len(not_op.children) == 1
    assert not_op.children[0].type == 'literal'
    assert not_op.children[0].value == "'%something%'"
def test_parens_hae_precendance():
    raw_sql = '''
(-1 * (2 + 3)) MOD 3
    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'operator'
    assert ast.value == 'mod'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    last = ast.children[0]
    rast = ast.children[1]

    assert rast.type == 'literal'
    assert rast.value == '3'

    assert last.type == 'paren_group'
    assert len(last.children) == 1

    ast = last.children[0]
    assert ast.type == 'operator'
    assert ast.value == '*'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    last = ast.children[0]
    rast = ast.children[1]

    assert rast.type == 'paren_group'
    assert rast.children[0].type == 'operator'
def test_simple_update_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    UPDATE table1 SET col = 20 WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'update'
    assert len(ast.children) == 5

    table_refs = ast.get_child('table_references')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 1

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    assignment_list = ast.get_child('assignment_list')
    assert assignment_list is not None
    assert assignment_list.value == 'SET'

    assert len(assignment_list.children) == 1

    assert assignment_list.children[0].type == 'operator'
    assert assignment_list.children[0].value == '='

    assert ast.get_child('where') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('order') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('limit') is not None
def test_subquery_as_column():
    raw_sql = '''

        (SELECT col2 FROM tbl2 LIMIT 1)
    FROM tbl


    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    columns = ast.get_child('columns')
    tables = ast.get_child('from')

    assert len(columns.children) == 2
    assert len(tables.children) == 1

    col = columns.children[0]
    col_ = col.children[0]
    assert col_.value == 'col1'

    col = columns.children[1]
    col_ = col.children[0]
    assert col_.type == 'select'
def test_multiple_join_single_join_spec_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2
    ON (t1.a = t2.c AND t2.c = t3.d and t3.e = t4.e)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    from_node = ast.get_child('from')

    assert from_node is not None
    assert len(from_node.children) == 1

    join_spec = from_node.get_child('join_spec')

    assert join_spec is not None
    assert len(join_spec.children) == 1
    assert join_spec.children[0]
def test_simple_select_stmt_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

    SELECT col1, col2 FROM tbl1


    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'select'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    columns = ast.get_child('columns')
    table = ast.get_child('from')

    assert len(columns.children) == 2
    assert len(table.children) == 1

    col = columns.children[0]
    col = col.get_last_child()
    assert col.value == 'col1'

    col = columns.children[1]
    col = col.get_last_child()
    assert col.value == 'col2'

    table = table.get_last_child()
    assert table.value == 'tbl1'
def test_natural_join_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    FROM t1 NATURAL JOIN t2 t on t1.a =

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    from_node = ast.get_child('from')

    assert from_node is not None
    assert len(from_node.children) == 1

    join_type = from_node.get_child('join_type')

    assert join_type is not None
    assert join_type.value == 'NATURAL'
    assert len(join_type.children) == 1
    assert join_type.children[0].type == 'join'
def test_right_outer_join_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    FROM t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t2 t on t1.a =

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    from_node = ast.get_child('from')

    assert from_node is not None
    assert len(from_node.children) == 1

    join_dir = from_node.get_child('join_dir')

    assert join_dir is not None
    assert join_dir.value == 'RIGHT'
    assert len(join_dir.children) == 1

    join_type = join_dir.children[0]
    assert join_type is not None
    assert join_type.value == 'OUTER'
    assert len(join_type.children) == 1
    assert join_type.children[0].type == 'join'
def test_left_join_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 t on t1.a =

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    from_node = ast.get_child('from')

    assert from_node is not None
    assert len(from_node.children) == 1

    join_dir = from_node.get_child('join_dir')

    assert join_dir is not None
    assert join_dir.value == 'LEFT'
    assert len(join_dir.children) == 1
    assert join_dir.children[0].type == 'join'
Пример #21
def test_collate_keyword_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

expr COLLATE utf8
FN(col1 collate latin)


    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    assert ast[0].type == 'operator'
    assert ast[0].value == 'collate'
    assert len(ast[0].children) == 2

    assert ast[0].children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert ast[0].children[0].value == 'expr'

    assert ast[0].children[1].type == 'collation'
    assert ast[0].children[1].value == 'utf8'

    assert ast[1].children[0].type == 'operator'
    assert ast[1].children[0].value == 'collate'

    collate_op = ast[1].children[0]
    assert collate_op.children[0].type == 'unknown'
    assert collate_op.children[0].value == 'col1'

    assert collate_op.children[1].type == 'collation'
    assert collate_op.children[1].value == 'latin'
Пример #22
def test_param_marker_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

FN(?, 'literal')


    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    assert ast[0].type == 'param_marker'
    assert ast[1].children[0].type == 'param_marker'
Пример #23
def test_variable_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

@variable, @@GLOBAL, @@SESSION
@`my-var` @'my-var' @"my-var"


    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    for child_ast in ast:
        assert child_ast.type == 'variable'
        assert len(child_ast.value) > 0
def test_not_operator_precedance():
    raw_sql = '''

NOT 1 + 2 MOD (3 / 4)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    ast = ast.pop()

    assert len(ast.children) == 1
    assert ast.type == 'unary_operator'
    assert ast.value == 'not'
def test_update_joined_tables_stmt_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    UPDATE table1 t1, table2 AS t2 JOIN table3 t3 ON ( = AND =  SET col = 20, col1 = (col5 + table2.col4) WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'update'
    assert len(ast.children) == 5

    table_refs = ast.get_child('table_references')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 2

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 2

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    table = table_ref.children[1]
    assert table.type == 'alias'

    table_ref = table_refs.children[1]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 3

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table2'

    table = table_ref.children[1]
    assert table.type == 'alias'

    table = table_ref.children[2]
    assert table.type == 'join'

    assignment_list = ast.get_child('assignment_list')
    assert assignment_list is not None
    assert assignment_list.value == 'SET'

    assert len(assignment_list.children) == 2

    assert assignment_list.children[0].type == 'operator'
    assert assignment_list.children[0].value == '='

    assert ast.get_child('where') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('order') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('limit') is not None
def test_delete_using_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    DELETE t1.*, t2.* FROM table1 USING t1 JOIN t2 WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 10

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'delete'
    assert len(ast.children) == 6

    table_refs = ast.get_child('table_references')
    assert table_refs is not None
    assert len(table_refs.children) == 2

    table_ref = table_refs.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 't1'

    table_ref = table_refs.children[1]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 't2'

    from_ = ast.get_child('from')
    assert from_ is not None
    assert len(from_.children) == 1

    table_ref = from_.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 1

    table = table_ref.children[0]
    assert table.value == 'table1'

    using = ast.get_child('using')
    assert len(using.children) == 1

    table_ref = using.children[0]
    assert len(table_ref.children) == 2

    assert table_ref.children[0].value == 't1'
    assert table_ref.children[1].type == 'join'

    assert ast.get_child('where') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('order') is not None
    assert ast.get_child('limit') is not None
Пример #27
def test_do_statement_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''
    do 1 + 1, sleep(5)

    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    assert len(ast) > 0

    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'do'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    assert ast.children[0].type == 'operator'
    assert ast.children[1].type == 'function'
def test_mul_div_operators_have_precedance():
    raw_sql = '''
1 * 2 + 9 / 3
    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'operator'
    assert ast.value == '+'
    assert len(ast.children) == 2

    assert ast.children[0].type == 'operator'
    assert ast.children[0].value == '*'

    assert ast.children[1].type == 'operator'
    assert ast.children[1].value == '/'
Пример #29
def test_exists_expr_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

exists (select * from table)


    ast = parse(raw_sql)
    ast = ast[0]

    assert ast.type == 'unary_operator'
    assert ast.value == 'exists'
    assert len(ast.children) == 1

    assert ast.children[0].type == 'select'
    assert ast.children[0].value == 'select'
Пример #30
def test_interval_is_parsed():
    raw_sql = '''

interval '1.99999' SECOND_MICROSECOND

    ast = parse(raw_sql)

    for child_ast in ast:
        assert child_ast.type == 'interval'
        assert child_ast.value.lower() == 'interval'
        assert len(child_ast.children) == 2
        assert child_ast.children[0].type == 'literal'
        assert child_ast.children[1].type == 'keyword'