Пример #1
    def diff(self, collection: T.bpy_prop_collection, key: str,
             collection_property: T.Property,
             context: Context) -> Optional[DeltaUpdate]:
        Computes the difference between the state of an item tracked by this proxy and its Blender state.

        As this proxy tracks a collection, the result will be a DeltaUpdate that contains a DatablockCollectionProxy
        with an Delta item per added, deleted or update item

            collection: the collection diff against this proxy
            collection_property: the property of collection in its enclosing object

        # This method is called from the depsgraph handler. The proxy holds a representation of the Blender state
        # before the modification being processed. So the changeset is (Blender state - proxy state)

        # TODO how can this replace BpyBlendDiff ?

        diff = self.__class__()

        item_property = collection_property.fixed_type

        # keys are uuids
        # BpyDataCollectionDiff.diff() for why proxies without datablocks are ignores
        proxy_keys = {k for k, v in self._data.items() if v.target(context)}

        blender_items = {
            datablock.mixer_uuid: datablock
            for datablock in collection.values()
        blender_keys = blender_items.keys()
        added_keys = blender_keys - proxy_keys
        deleted_keys = proxy_keys - blender_keys
        maybe_updated_keys = proxy_keys & blender_keys

        for k in added_keys:
            value = read_attribute(blender_items[k], k, item_property,
                                   collection, context)
            assert isinstance(value, (DatablockProxy, DatablockRefProxy))
            diff._data[k] = DeltaAddition(value)

        for k in deleted_keys:
            diff._data[k] = DeltaDeletion(self._data[k])

        for k in maybe_updated_keys:
            delta = diff_attribute(blender_items[k], k, item_property,
                                   self.data(k), context)
            if delta is not None:
                assert isinstance(delta, DeltaUpdate)
                diff._data[k] = delta

        if len(diff._data):
            return DeltaUpdate(diff)

        return None
    def diff(
        self, collection: T.bpy_prop_collection, key: Union[int, str], collection_property: T.Property, context: Context
    ) -> Optional[Union[DeltaUpdate, DeltaReplace]]:
        Computes the difference between the state of an item tracked by this proxy and its Blender state.

        This proxy tracks a collection of items indexed by string (e.g Scene.render.views) or int.
        The result will be a ProxyDiff that contains a Delta item per added, deleted or updated item

            collection; the collection that must be diffed agains this proxy
            key: the name of the collection, to record in the visit path
            collection_property; the property os collection as found in its enclosing object
        sequence = self._sequence
        if len(sequence) == 0 and len(collection) == 0:
            return None

        if specifics.diff_must_replace(collection, sequence, collection_property):
            # A collection cannot be updated because either:
            # - some of its members cannot be updated :
            #   SplineBezierPoints has no API to remove points, so Curve.splines cannot be update and must be replaced
            # - updating the name of members will cause unsolicited renames.
            #   When swapping layers A and B in a GreasePencilLayers, renaming layer 0 into B cause an unsolicited
            #   rename of layer 0 into B.001
            # Send a replacement for the whole collection
            self.load(collection, context)
            return DeltaReplace(self)
            item_property = collection_property.fixed_type
            diff = self.__class__()

            # items from clear_from index cannot be updated, most often because eir type has changed (e.g
            # ObjectModifier)
            clear_from = specifics.clear_from(collection, sequence, context)

            # run a diff for the head, that can be updated in-place
            for i in range(clear_from):
                delta = diff_attribute(collection[i], i, item_property, sequence[i], context)
                if delta is not None:
                    diff._diff_updates.append((i, delta))

            if specifics.can_resize(collection, context):
                # delete the existing tail that cannot be modified
                diff._diff_deletions = len(sequence) - clear_from

                # add the new tail
                for i, item in enumerate(collection[clear_from:], clear_from):
                    value = read_attribute(item, i, item_property, collection, context)

            if diff._diff_updates or diff._diff_deletions or diff._diff_additions:
                return DeltaUpdate(diff)

        return None
Пример #3
    def diff(
        self, collection: T.bpy_prop_collection, key: Union[int, str], collection_property: T.Property, context: Context
    ) -> Optional[DeltaUpdate]:
        Computes the difference between the state of an item tracked by this proxy and its Blender state.

        This proxy tracks a collection of items indexed by string (e.g Scene.render.views) or int.
        The result will be a ProxyDiff that contains a Delta item per added, deleted or updated item

            collection; the collection that must be diffed agains this proxy
            collection_property; the property os collection as found in its enclosing object

        diff = self.__class__()
        item_property = collection_property.fixed_type
            sequence = self._data.get(MIXER_SEQUENCE)
            if sequence:
                # indexed by int
                # TODO This produces one DeltaDeletion by removed item. Produce a range in case may items are
                # deleted

                # since the diff sequence is hollow, we cannot store it in a list. Use a dict with int keys instead
                for i, (proxy_value, blender_value) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(sequence, collection)):
                    if proxy_value is None:
                        value = read_attribute(collection[i], i, item_property, context)
                        diff._data[i] = DeltaAddition(value)
                    elif blender_value is None:
                        diff._data[i] = DeltaDeletion(self.data(i))
                        delta = diff_attribute(collection[i], i, item_property, proxy_value, context)
                        if delta is not None:
                            diff._data[i] = delta
                # index by string. This is similar to DatablockCollectionProxy.diff
                # Renames are detected as Deletion + Addition

                # This assumes that keys ordring is the same in the proxy and in blender, which is
                # guaranteed by the fact that proxy load uses SynchronizedProperties.properties()

                bl_rna = getattr(collection, "bl_rna", None)
                if bl_rna is not None and isinstance(
                    bl_rna, (type(T.ObjectModifiers.bl_rna), type(T.ObjectGpencilModifiers))
                    # TODO move this into specifics.py
                    # order-dependant collections with different types like Modifiers
                    proxy_names = list(self._data.keys())
                    blender_names = collection.keys()
                    proxy_types = [self.data(name).data("type") for name in proxy_names]
                    blender_types = [collection[name].type for name in blender_names]
                    if proxy_types == blender_types and proxy_names == blender_names:
                        # Same types and names : do sparse modification
                        for name in proxy_names:
                            delta = diff_attribute(collection[name], name, item_property, self.data(name), context)
                            if delta is not None:
                                diff._data[name] = delta
                        # names or types do not match, rebuild all
                        # There are name collisions during Modifier order change for instance, so prefix
                        # the names to avoid them (using a tuple fails in the json encoder)
                        for name in proxy_names:
                            diff._data["D" + name] = DeltaDeletion(self.data(name))
                        for name in blender_names:
                            value = read_attribute(collection[name], name, item_property, context)
                            diff._data["A" + name] = DeltaAddition(value)
                    # non order dependant, uniform types
                    proxy_keys = self._data.keys()
                    blender_keys = collection.keys()
                    added_keys = blender_keys - proxy_keys
                    for k in added_keys:
                        value = read_attribute(collection[k], k, item_property, context)
                        diff._data["A" + k] = DeltaAddition(value)

                    deleted_keys = proxy_keys - blender_keys
                    for k in deleted_keys:
                        diff._data["D" + k] = DeltaDeletion(self.data(k))

                    maybe_updated_keys = proxy_keys & blender_keys
                    for k in maybe_updated_keys:
                        delta = diff_attribute(collection[k], k, item_property, self.data(k), context)
                        if delta is not None:
                            diff._data[k] = delta

        if len(diff._data):
            return DeltaUpdate(diff)

        return None