Пример #1
def main():
     progname = 'find_peak.py'
     args = get_opt(progname)
#     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/0737-3039A/profs/add_campaigns/0737-3039A.20??.??.add.asc']
#     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/profs/add_epochs/*.add.asc']
#     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/profs/template/gasp/1756-2251.1400.2048_bins.std']
#     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/profs/singleprofs/gasp/TemplateTestRot.asc']
     #phase_cut = []
    # number of points on *each* side of the profile in fit, so there are 
     # 2*n_poly_fit + 1 points to choose from

#     matplotlib.rc('font', size=22)

     input_files = []
     for file_name in args.profiles:
# For some reason this works and ".append()" doesn't:
          input_files[len(input_files):] = glob.glob(file_name)

     n_files = len(input_files)
     print "Number of input profiles: ", n_files, '\n'
     # print "Input files = ", input_files

     if(len(args.phasecut) > 0):
          print "Will separate profiles into separate phase ranges before processing."
          if(len(args.phasecut) ==1):
               print "   Profile will be split along phase ", args.phasecut[0]
               print "   Profile will be split along phases ", args.phasecut
          print " "

     mjd_obs = np.zeros(len(input_files))
#     A = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1))
#     pdf_width = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1), n_hist_bins)
#     x_width = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1), n_hist_bins)

     for i_prof in np.arange(n_files):
          prof_data = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof])
          prof_head = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
          psr_name = prof_head['psrname']
          mjd_obs[i_prof] = prof_head['imjd'] + prof_head['smjd']/86400.
          n_bins = len(prof_data['i'])
          phase_cut_bins = np.append(0., args.phasecut)*n_bins
          phase_cut_bins = np.append(phase_cut_bins, n_bins)
          phase_cut_bins = phase_cut_bins.astype(int)
          #print "phase_cut_bins = ", phase_cut_bins
          phase_cuts = phase_cut_bins.astype(float)/n_bins
          #print "arange = ", np.arange(len(phase_cut_bins) - 1)
#          print "File ", input_files[i_prof]
          print " "
          mjdtext = 'MJD {0:8.2f}'.format(mjd_obs[i_prof])
          datetext = '{0:10s}'.format(mjd.mjdtodate(mjd_obs[i_prof], dateformat="%Y-%b-%d"))
          print mjdtext, '  ', datetext
          prof_in = prof_data.copy()

          for i_phase in np.arange(len(phase_cut_bins) - 1):
               print "   Phase range {0:.2f} to {1:.2f}".format(prof_data['phase'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]], \
               print " "
               prof_in['i'] = prof_data['i'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]:phase_cut_bins[i_phase+1]-1]
               prof_in['phase'] = prof_data['phase'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]:phase_cut_bins[i_phase+1]-1]
               x_peak, y_peak = get_peak(prof_in, n_pts_fit=12, n_order=5, n_test_fit=4)
               if(len(args.phasecut) > 0):
               if(x_peak < 0):
                    print 'Could not choose one.  Exiting: '

               print 'Peak phase: ', x_peak[0]
               print 'Peak height: ', y_peak[0]
Пример #2
def main():
    # Input asp-style ascii profile will be first argument.
    # (command-line options to come later)
    prog_name = argv[0].strip(".py")

    # Scale factor for plotting difference plots
    scale = 2.0

    #     ref_file = argv[len(argv)-1]
    ref_file = argv[1]

    #     arg = get_opt(prog_name)
    print "n_args = ", len(argv) - 1
    #     prof_file = argv[1]

    input_files = []
    for file in argv[1:]:
        # For some reason this works and ".appen()" doesn't:
        input_files[len(input_files) :] = glob.glob(file)
    #          input_files.append(glob.glob(file))


    if input_files.count(ref_file) > 0:

    # First, read in profile data file, and assign each column to a separate
    # numpy array
    #     prof_file = input_files[0]
    #     prof_header = read_asc_header(prof_file)
    #     prof_data[0] = read_asc_prof(prof_file)

    ref_header = read_asc_header(ref_file)
    ref_data = read_asc_prof(ref_file)
    # ref_data['i'] = norm(ref_data['i'], duty)

    #     if(len(input_files) > 1):
    #     for prof_file in input_files:
    prof_data = []
    date_text = []
    nobs = []
    for i_prof in np.arange(len(input_files)):
        prof_header = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
        duty = get_duty(prof_header["psrname"])
        print "NOBS = ", nobs
        prof_data_temp = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof])
        #          prof_data_temp['i'] = norm(prof_data_temp['i'], duty)
        #          prof_data_temp['i'] = prof_data_temp['i'] + i_prof
        diff_prof = remove_base((prof_data_temp["i"] - ref_data["i"]), duty)
        prof_data_temp["i"] = scale * (diff_prof) + i_prof + 1.2
        print "Index = ", i_prof, ", Min = ", np.min(prof_data_temp["i"]), ", Max = ", np.max(prof_data_temp["i"])
        # Set up labelling for each profile:
        prof_date = mjd.mjdtodate(prof_header["imjd"], dateformat="%Y %b %d")
        date_text.append((0.8, i_prof + 0.25, prof_date))

    print "Date = ", date_text

    # Make first prof in list for plot to be the ref profile
    ref_date = mjd.mjdtodate(ref_header["imjd"], dateformat="%Y %b %d")
    date_text.append((0.5, 0.20, ref_date))

    nobs_unique = list(set(nobs))
    clr = []
    for i_nobs in range(len(nobs)):
        if nobs_unique <= 1:
            clr.append(cm.gist_heat(float(nobs_unique.index(nobs[i_nobs])) / float(len(nobs_unique))))

    # Do this just to make the ordering such that the first alphanumerically
    # is at the top...
    # prof_data.reverse()
    # date_text.reverse()

    print "LENGTH of PROF DATA = ", len(prof_data)
    print "LENGTH of colour = ", len(clr)

        canvassize=(8, 10),
        ylim=(np.min(prof_data[0]["i"]) - 0.1, len(input_files) + 0.1 + 1.0),

    # meaningThe following means that the 2nd argument is the
    # desired output plot file name
    # plot_file = 'multi_profile.png'
    plot_file = "diff_profile.pdf"

    #    plt.show()
Пример #3
def main():

     progname = 'find_widths.py'
     args = get_opt(progname)

# Cast command-line arguments into separate variables:
     in_files = args.profiles
     percent_height = args.percent
     phase_cut = args.phasecut
     n_poly_fit = args.npolyfit
     n_poly_order = args.npolyorder
         n_pts_omit = 0
         n_pts_omit = n_poly_fit - 1
     n_bootstrap = args.niter
     n_hist_bins = args.nhistbins
     n_pts_test = args.ntestphase
     peak_phase = args.peakphase
     peak_height = args.peakheight
     n_peak_bins = int(args.npeakbins/2.) # making it to be number of points on either side of data peak

##     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/0737-3039A/profs/add_campaigns/0737-3039A.20??.??.add.asc']
###     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/profs/add_epochs/*.add.asc']
##     in_files = ['/Users/ferdman/Work/pulsar/1756-2251/profs/singleprofs/gasp/TemplateTestRot.asc']
##     percent_height = float(argv[1])
#    percent_height = 25.
#     phase_cut = [0.5]
##     phase_cut = []
    # number of points on *each* side of the profile in fit, so there are 
     # 2*n_poly_fit + 1 points to choose from
##     n_poly_fit = 12
##     n_poly_fit = 12  
     # number of iterations of fit
##     n_bootstrap = 32768
##     n_hist_bins = 48
##     n_hist_bins = 32
     # number of points to omit for each iteration of fit 
     # (= half total # of points -1)
##     n_pts_omit = n_poly_fit-1
     # number of points to use around expected phase to do root finding
     # for getting exact phase
##     n_pts_test = 4
     # order of polynomial in fit
##     n_poly_order = 6
##     n_poly_order = 10

#####     peak_phase = 0.00321002 # known from finding peak in high-S/N template which we assume is aligned

#     n_poly_fit = 16
#     n_bootstrap = 32768
#     n_hist_bins = 48
#     n_pts_omit = n_poly_fit
#     n_pts_test = 6
#     n_poly_order = 8
# n_poly_order = 2*n_poly_fit - n_pts_omit - 

##     n_subplot_rows = 3  # 0737A
##     n_subplot_cols = 5  # 0737A
     n_subplot_rows = 6
     n_subplot_cols = 6

#     matplotlib.rc('font', size=22)

     input_files = []
     for file_name in in_files:
# For some reason this works and ".append()" doesn't:
          input_files[len(input_files):] = glob.glob(file_name)

     n_files = len(input_files)

# Determine number of rows and columns for subplotting 
# bootstrap results histograms.  Always have it so n_cols >= n_rows
     n_subplot_rows, n_subplot_cols = get_rows_cols(n_files)

     print "n_profs = ", n_files
     print "Input files = ", input_files
     print " "
     print "Percent height = ", percent_height
     print "Num rows = ", n_subplot_rows
     print "Num cols = ", n_subplot_cols

     if(len(phase_cut) > 0):
          print "Will separate profiles into separate phase ranges before processing."
          if(len(phase_cut) ==1):
               print "   Profile will be split along phase ", phase_cut[0]
               print "   Profile will be split along phases ", phase_cut
          print " "

     mjd_width = np.zeros(len(input_files))
     width = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1))
     width_err = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1))
#     A = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1))
#     pdf_width = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1), n_hist_bins)
#     x_width = np.zeros((len(input_files), len(phase_cut)+1), n_hist_bins)

     for i_prof in np.arange(n_files):
          prof_data = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof], ionly=True)  # Stokes I only for now
          prof_head = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
          psr_name = prof_head['psrname']
          mjd_width[i_prof] = prof_head['imjd'] + prof_head['smjd']/86400.
          n_bins = len(prof_data['i'])
          phase_cut_bins = np.append(0., phase_cut)*n_bins
          phase_cut_bins = np.append(phase_cut_bins, n_bins)
          phase_cut_bins = phase_cut_bins.astype(int)
          #print "phase_cut_bins = ", phase_cut_bins
          phase_cuts = phase_cut_bins.astype(float)/n_bins
          #print "arange = ", np.arange(len(phase_cut_bins) - 1)
#          print "File ", input_files[i_prof]
          print " "
          mjdtext = 'MJD {0:8.2f}'.format(mjd_width[i_prof])
          datetext = '{0:10s}'.format(mjd.mjdtodate(mjd_width[i_prof], dateformat="%Y-%b-%d"))
          print mjdtext, '  ', datetext
          prof_in = prof_data.copy()
#          x_peak, y_peak = get_peak(prof_in, n_pts_fit=10, n_order=19, n_test_fit=4)
#          plt.savefig('peak_fit.'+'{0:5.0f}'.format(mjd_width[i_prof])+'.png')
          for i_phase in np.arange(len(phase_cut_bins) - 1):
               print "   Phase range {0:.2f} to {1:.2f}".format(prof_data['phase'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]], \
               print " "
               prof_in['i'] = prof_data['i'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]:phase_cut_bins[i_phase+1]-1]
               prof_in['phase'] = prof_data['phase'][phase_cut_bins[i_phase]:phase_cut_bins[i_phase+1]-1]
               width[i_prof,i_phase], width_err[i_prof,i_phase], A, pdf_width, x_width = \
                   get_width(prof_in, psr_name, percent_height, 
                             x_peak=peak_phase, y_peak=peak_height,
                             n_pts_fit=n_poly_fit, n_order=n_poly_order, 
                             n_omit=n_pts_omit, n_test_fit=n_pts_test, 
                             n_boot=n_bootstrap, hist_bins=n_hist_bins, 
                             n_peak_bins=n_peak_bins, poisson=args.poisson,
               # Plot gaussian fit to bootstrap histograms as we go along as a grid of subplots:
               fig = plt.figure(i_phase)
               print 'N_ROWS = ', n_subplot_rows
               print 'N_COLS = ', n_subplot_cols
               print 'I_PROF = ', i_prof
               ax = fig.add_subplot(n_subplot_rows, n_subplot_cols, i_prof+1)
#              plt.subplot(3, 4, i_prof)
               ax.plot(x_width*360., pdf_width, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue')
               ax.plot(x_width*360., gaussian(x_width, A, width[i_prof, i_phase], width_err[i_prof, i_phase]), color='red')
               # Set y limits here since we can't retrieve them later:
               ax.set_ylim(0., 1.1*np.amax(np.append(pdf_width, A)))
               # set the number of ticks, putting them at nice locations, pruning off edge labels if they 
               # happen on the plot corners:
               ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(4, prune='both'))
               ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(4, prune='both'))
               # No y ticklabels:

               # Add date as text to the top left corner of each subplot
               ax.text(0.04, 0.96, datetext, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', \
                            fontsize='6', transform=ax.transAxes)

               print "   Width = ", width[i_prof, i_phase], "+/-", width_err[i_prof, i_phase]
               print ""
               print ""
#        plt.show()

     # Set up formatter for scaling xtick labels:
     # major_formatter = FuncFormatter(tick_scale_formatter)
     print "len(phase_cut_bins) = ", len(phase_cut_bins)

#      print "phase_cuts = ", phase_cuts
     for i_phase in np.arange(len(phase_cut_bins) - 1):
          width_data = {'mjd':mjd_width, 'width':width[:, i_phase], 'werr':width_err[:, i_phase]}
               outfile_root = '{0}.w{1:.1f}.{2:3.1f}_{3:3.1f}'.format(psr_name, percent_height, phase_cuts[i_phase], phase_cuts[i_phase+1])
               outfile_root = args.outbase
          # Plot widths we just calculated
          plot_widths(width_data, yunits='deg')
          print np.std(width_data['width'])*360. # std dev in degrees
          print np.mean(width_data['werr'])*360.  # Mean error
          print np.median(width_data['werr'])*360.  # Mean error

          # Output plot of bootstrap histogram
          fig = plt.figure(i_phase)
          # Find overall lowest and highest x values, and calculate differnce
          x_lo = 360.0*np.amin((width_data['width'] - 6.0*width_data['werr']))
          x_hi = 360.0*np.amin((width_data['width'] + 6.0*width_data['werr']))
          x_span = np.abs(x_hi - x_lo)
          # Run through each profile and adjust limits to be consistent and show variation, and fix up labels
          for i_prof in np.arange(n_files):
               ax = fig.add_subplot(n_subplot_rows, n_subplot_cols, i_prof+1)
               # Centre on histogram, but set limits so that all subplots are on same scale:
               ax.set_xlim(360.*(width_data['width'][i_prof]) - 0.5*x_span, \
                                360.0*(width_data['width'][i_prof]) + 0.5*x_span)
               # Set text size for tick labels, and get rid of all labels other than lower x axis:
               ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8, top='off')
               ax.tick_params(axis='y', left='off', right='off')
               # Rescale tick labels to some reasonable numbers by removing the lowest x value of all width hists
               major_formatter = FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: ('%.1f')%(x - x_lo))

#               x_tick_labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
#                    tick_label.set_label(str( float(tick_label.get_text())/x_base_val) ) 
#               x_tick_vals = [str( float(x_tick_labels[i_tick])/x_base_val ) for i_tick in len(x_ticks)]
#               ax.xticks(x_tick_locs, x_tick_labels)

#               ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=0.6475, axis='x')
#               for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
#                    tick.label1.set_fontsize(8)
#               for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
#                    tick.label1.set_fontsize(8) 

          # Set common labels by setting text on current plot (easiest way I found) -- x label only here:
          fig.text(0.5, 0.04, \
                        '{0:2d}% profile width (- {1:.1f} degrees)'.format(int(percent_height), x_lo), \
                        ha='center', va='center')

          # Output bootstrap histogram plots:

    # Now output widths to file.    
          outfile = '{0}.w{1:.1f}.{2:3.1f}_{3:3.1f}'.format(psr_name, 
              percent_height, phase_cuts[i_phase], phase_cuts[i_phase+1])+'.dat'
          f_out = open(outfile, 'w')
    # First include a header line containing PSR name, percent height, 
    # and phase range (which will usually be 0.0 to 1.0)
          f_out.write('# {0}   w{1:.1f}   {2:3.1f}  {3:3.1f}\n'.format(psr_name, 
              percent_height, phase_cuts[i_phase], phase_cuts[i_phase+1]))
                          np.transpose((width_data['mjd'], width_data['width'], width_data['werr'])), 
                          fmt='%-23.15f %14.10f   %14.10f') # x,y,z equal sized 1D arrays
Пример #4
def main():
# Input asp-style ascii profile will be first argument.
# (command-line options to come later)
     prog_name = argv[0].strip('.py')

# Scale factor for plotting difference plots
     scale = 2.0
#     arg = get_opt(prog_name)

#     prof_file = argv[1]
#     ref_file = argv[1]
     ref_file = argv[len(argv)-1]

     input_files = []
     for file in argv[1:]:
# For some reason this works and ".append()" doesn't:
          input_files[len(input_files):] = glob.glob(file)
#          input_files.append(glob.glob(file))


# Remove reference file from list if it is in the plotting list
     if(input_files.count(ref_file) > 0):
     duty = get_duty('0737-3039A')
# Read in reference profile
     ref_header = read_asc_header(ref_file)
     ref_data = read_asc_prof(ref_file)
     # ref_data['i'] = norm(ref_data['i'], duty)
# Make first prof in list for plot to be the ref profile
     prof_data = [ref_data]
     ref_date = mjd.mjdtodate(ref_header['imjd'], \
                                   dateformat='%Y %b %d')
     date_text = [(0.5, 0.20, ref_date)]

     nobs = []      
# Now calculate difference profiles and append to plotting list
     for i_prof in np.arange(len(input_files)):
          prof_header = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
          print 'NOBS = ', nobs
          prof_data_temp = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof])
          # prof_data_temp['i'] = norm(prof_data_temp['i'], duty)
          diff_prof = remove_base((prof_data_temp['i'] - ref_data['i']), duty)
          prof_data_temp['i'] = scale*(diff_prof) + i_prof + 1.2 
          print "Index = ", i_prof
# Set up labelling for each profile:
          prof_date = mjd.mjdtodate(prof_header['imjd'], \
                                              dateformat='%Y %b %d')
          date_text.append((0.5, i_prof+1.4+scale*0.02, prof_date))
     print "Date = ", date_text

     nobs_unique = list(set(nobs))
     for i_nobs in range(len(nobs)):
         if(nobs_unique <= 1):

# Do this just to make the ordering such that the first alphanumerically
# is at the top...
#      prof_data.reverse()
#      date_text.reverse()

     plot_prof(prof_data, yticks=False, canvassize=(8,10), vgrid=False, \
                    ylim=(np.min(prof_data[0]['i'])-0.1, len(input_files)+1 +0.1), \
                    figtext=date_text, linecolour=clr)

# meaningThe following means that the 2nd argument is the 
# desired output plot file name
     # plot_file = 'diff_profile.png'
     plot_file = 'diff_profile.pdf'

Пример #5
def main():
# Input asp-style ascii profile will be first argument.
# (command-line options to come later)
     prog_name = argv[0].strip('.py')
#     arg = get_opt(prog_name)

#     prof_file = argv[1]

     input_files = []
     for file in argv[1:]:
# For some reason this works and ".appen()" doesn't:
          input_files[len(input_files):] = glob.glob(file)
#          input_files.append(glob.glob(file))

     prof_data = []
#     prof_date = []
     date_text = []
# First, read in profile data file, and assign each column to a separate
# numpy array     
#     prof_file = input_files[0]
#     prof_header = read_asc_header(prof_file)
#     prof_data[0] = read_asc_prof(prof_file)
     duty = get_duty('0737-3039A')

#     if(len(input_files) > 1):
#     for prof_file in input_files:
     for i_prof in np.arange(len(input_files)):
          prof_header = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
          prof_data_temp = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof])
          prof_data_temp['i'] = norm(prof_data_temp['i'], duty)
          prof_data_temp['i'] = prof_data_temp['i'] + i_prof
          print "Index = ", i_prof, \
                   ", Min = ", np.min(prof_data_temp['i']), \
                   ", Max = ", np.max(prof_data_temp['i']) 
# Set up labelling for each profile:
          prof_date = mjd.mjdtodate(prof_header['imjd'], \
                                              dateformat='%Y %b %d')
          date_text.append((0.5, i_prof+0.16, prof_date))
     print "Date = ", date_text


# Do this just to make the ordering such that the first alphanumerically
# is at the top...
     # prof_data.reverse()
     # date_text.reverse()

     plot_prof(prof_data, yticks=False, canvassize=(8,10), \
                    hgrid=False, vgrid=False, \
                    ylim=(np.min(prof_data[0]['i'])-0.1, len(input_files)+0.1), \

# meaningThe following means that the 2nd argument is the 
# desired output plot file name
     # plot_file = 'multi_profile.png'
     plot_file = 'multi_profile.eps'

Пример #6
def main():
# Input asp-style ascii profile will be first argument.
# (command-line options to come later)
     prog_name = argv[0].strip('.py')
#     arg = get_opt(prog_name)
     print 'n_args = ', len(argv) - 1
#     prof_file = argv[1]

     input_files = []
     for file in argv[1:]:
# For some reason this works and ".appen()" doesn't:
          input_files[len(input_files):] = glob.glob(file)
#          input_files.append(glob.glob(file))

     prof_data = []
#     prof_date = []
     date_text = []
# First, read in profile data file, and assign each column to a separate
# numpy array     
#     prof_file = input_files[0]
#     prof_header = read_asc_header(prof_file)
#     prof_data[0] = read_asc_prof(prof_file)

#     if(len(input_files) > 1):
#     for prof_file in input_files:
     nobs = []
     for i_prof in np.arange(len(input_files)):
          prof_header = read_asc_header(input_files[i_prof])
          duty = get_duty(prof_header['psrname'])
          print 'NOBS = ', nobs
          prof_data_temp = read_asc_prof(input_files[i_prof], ionly=True)
          prof_data_temp['i'] = norm(prof_data_temp['i'], duty)
          prof_data_temp['i'] = prof_data_temp['i'] + i_prof
          print "Index = ", i_prof, \
                   ", Min = ", np.min(prof_data_temp['i']), \
                   ", Max = ", np.max(prof_data_temp['i']) 
# Set up labelling for each profile:
          prof_date = mjd.mjdtodate(prof_header['imjd'], \
                                              dateformat='%Y %b %d')
          date_text.append((0.8, i_prof+0.25, prof_date))
     print "Date = ", date_text
     nobs_unique = list(set(nobs))
     for i_nobs in range(len(nobs)):
         if(nobs_unique <= 1):

# Do this just to make the ordering such that the first alphanumerically
# is at the top...
     # prof_data.reverse()
     # date_text.reverse()

     plot_prof(prof_data, yticks=False, canvassize=(8,10), \
                    hgrid=False, vgrid=False, \
                    ylim=(np.min(prof_data[0]['i'])-0.1, len(input_files)+0.1),
                    figtext=date_text, linecolour=clr)

# meaningThe following means that the 2nd argument is the 
# desired output plot file name
     # plot_file = 'multi_profile.png'
     plot_file = 'multi_profile.png'

#    plt.show()
Пример #7
def xte_chan2energy(ph_mjd, ph_chan, ph_pcuid, return_chans=False):

    # Set up start and stop dates for channel-energy table
    start_date = [datetime(1800,1,1,0,0,0),  # just pick a time far in the past here
                  datetime(1996, 3, 21, 18, 33, 0),
                  datetime(1996, 4, 15, 23, 5, 0),
                  datetime(1999, 3, 22, 17, 37, 0),
                  datetime(2000, 5, 13, 0, 0, 0)]

    stop_date  = [datetime(1996, 3, 21, 18, 33, 0),
                  datetime(1996, 4, 15, 23, 5, 0),
                  datetime(1999, 3, 22, 17, 37, 0),
                  datetime(2000, 5, 13, 0, 0, 0),
                  datetime(3000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)]  # just pick a time far in the future here
    n_date = len(start_date)

    # Set chan_list to lower limit of channel range instead of a string with dashes...
    chan_list = np.loadtxt(chan_table_file, dtype=str, skiprows=13, usecols=(0,))
    #chan_list = np.append(chan_list, 256)
    for i_chan in range(len(chan_list)):
        n_dash = chan_list[i_chan].count('-')
        if(n_dash > 0):
            chan_list[i_chan] = chan_list[i_chan][0:chan_list[i_chan].index('-')]
    chan_list = np.array(map(int, chan_list))

    # Now fill in 'in between' indices and map them to energy index.
    energy_ind = []
    for i_chan in range(len(chan_list)): # Not counting the last element, in which case I will append, not insert
        if(i_chan < len(chan_list)-1):
            n_diff = chan_list[i_chan+1] - chan_list[i_chan]
            n_diff = 256 - chan_list[len(chan_list) - 1]
        for i_ind in range(n_diff):
    energy_ind = np.array(energy_ind)

#    print 'n_energy = ', len(energy_ind)
#    print 'energy_ind = ', energy_ind

    # add a final number on the end here for ease of testing ranges
    #print 'n_chan = ', len(chan_list)
    #print 'n_chan = ', len(chan_list)
    #print 'CHAN_LIST = ', chan_list
    # Now read in table of energies, which depend on date the datra was taken
    chan_table = np.loadtxt(chan_table_file, skiprows=13, usecols=(2,3,4,5,6,7))

    # Channel table is now indexed as chan_table[pha_range][date/pcuid]
    # Need to differentiate between PCUOD = 0 OR > 0 for start/stop_date[4]

    n_event = len(ph_mjd)
##    ph_chan_new = np.zeros_like(ph_chan)
    # Map ph_chan input (0-255) to a row number from table (0-128) using chan_list extracted above
##    for i_event in range(n_event):
#        for i_chan in range(len(chan_list)):
##        i_chan = 0
##        while((i_chan < len(chan_list)-1) and (not (chan_list[i_chan] <= ph_chan[i_event] < chan_list[i_chan+1]))):
           #print 'i_chan = ', i_chan
##           i_chan += 1
##        if(i_chan >= len(chan_list)):
##            print 'Warning: PHA value at MJD {0:10.4f} is {1:d}'.format(ph_mjd, ph_chan)
##            print ' Setting to -1.'
##            ph_chan_new[i_event] = -1
##        else:
##            ph_chan_new[i_event] = i_chan

    # Make array of datetime-format dates from MJDs
    ph_datetime = mjd.mjdtodate(ph_mjd)

    ph_chan_col = np.zeros_like(ph_datetime) - 1 # initialize to -1
    for i_date in range(n_date):
        if(i_date < 4):
            match_ind = np.where((ph_datetime > start_date[i_date]) & (ph_datetime < stop_date[i_date]))
            ph_chan_col[match_ind] = i_date
        else:  # to accoutn for final date split between PCUID 0 vs 1/2/3/4
            match_ind = np.where((ph_datetime > start_date[i_date]) & (ph_datetime < stop_date[i_date]) & (ph_pcuid == 0))
            ph_chan_col[match_ind] = 4
            match_ind = np.where((ph_datetime > start_date[i_date]) & (ph_datetime < stop_date[i_date]) & (ph_pcuid > 0))
            ph_chan_col[match_ind] = 5

    # Read off energies from table based on PHA channel keyword and date index.
    # Energies in table are EMAX, so EMIN for a given channel is given as the energy corresponding to channel-1
    # If channel = 0, then EMIN = 0.
    ph_emin = np.array([chan_table[energy_ind[ph_chan[i_event]]-1][ph_chan_col[i_event]] if(energy_ind[ph_chan[i_event]]>0) else 0. for i_event in range(n_event)])
    ph_emin[ph_chan_col < 0] = -1.
    ph_emax = np.array([chan_table[energy_ind[ph_chan[i_event]]][ph_chan_col[i_event]] for i_event in range(n_event)])
    ph_emax[ph_chan_col < 0] = -1.
    ph_erange = np.array([(ph_emin[i_event], ph_emax[i_event]) for i_event in range(n_event)])

        return ph_erange, ph_chan, energy_ind[ph_chan]
        return ph_erange