def write_tx(self, oldfile, newfile, reg, creg, des, lan, channel): if (not isWindows): f = open(oldfile) else: f = open(oldfile, encoding='UTF-8') line = f.readline() txd = '' while line: line = line.replace('\n', '') if (len(line) == 0): line = f.readline() continue originLine = line utils.printf('original:' + originLine) line = re.findall(reg, line) if (len(line) and line[0]): txc = self.translate(line[0], des, lan, channel) if (len(txc)): originLine = re.sub(reg, creg.replace('content', txc), originLine) else: utils.printf('translate fail:' + line) elif (reg == creg == r'text'): originLine = self.translate(originLine, des, lan, channel) else: utils.printf('skip: ' + originLine) originLine = self.fix_tx(originLine) utils.printf('translated:' + originLine) txd += originLine + '\n' utils.printf('-----') line = f.readline() f = open(newfile, 'w+') f.write(txd) f.close()
def trans1(self, text, dest, src): s.get('') data1 = {'q': text, 'from': 'Auto', 'to': dest} resp =, headers=self.headers1, data=data1) try: if (resp.json()['translation']): return resp.json()['translation'][0] except: utils.printf('使用有道备用翻译通道2') return self.trans2(text, dest, src)
def translate_i18ns(self, dest, word, language): if (not language): return 'null' tlanguage = 'translations.' + language uri = "" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic aTE4bnM6KioqKioq", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0" } body = json.dumps({ "query": { "simple_query_string": { "query": word, "fields": [tlanguage], "minimum_should_match": "100%", "default_operator": "AND", "analyzer": "smartcn" } } }) response =, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=120) if response.status_code != 200: return 'null' txd = [] try: tx = json.loads(response.text, encoding="UTF-8") txd = tx['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['translations'] except Exception as e: return 'null' if (len(txd) > 1): isExist = False for x in txd: if (language == x['lang']): orit = json.dumps(x[language], ensure_ascii=False) orit = orit.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('"', '') if (word == orit): isExist = True if (isExist): for x in txd: if (dest == x['lang']): utils.printf( 'use \'\' translation ' + word + ' to ' + x[dest][0] + ',others use google translation') return x[dest][0] + '' return 'null'
def translate_doc(self, filepath, destination, sourcelanguage, channel): channel = network.select_network(channel) self.log(channel, destination) filepath = self.get_file(filepath) pathArray = filepath.split(pathSeparator) oldFileName = pathArray[len(pathArray) - 1] fileType = oldFileName.split('.')[len(oldFileName.split('.')) - 1] currentPath = filepath.replace( pathSeparator + oldFileName, '') if len(pathArray) > 2 else os.path.abspath('.') newFile = '' if (destination == 'zh-hant' or destination == 'zh-hans'): newFile = os.path.join( currentPath, 'translate_' + destination + '_' + oldFileName) else: newFile = os.path.join( currentPath, 'translate_' + destination + '_by_' + channel + '_' + oldFileName) txd = '' utils.printf('translating..') # text if (fileType.lower() == 'text' or fileType.lower() == 'txt'): self.write_tx(filepath, newFile, r"text", r"text", destination, sourcelanguage, channel) # oc:xx.string elif (fileType.lower() == 'strings'): self.write_tx(filepath, newFile, r"=\s*\"(.+?)\"\s*;", '="' + 'content' + '";', destination, sourcelanguage, channel) # java:xx.xml elif (fileType.lower() == 'xml'): self.write_tx(filepath, newFile, r">\s*(.+?)\s*</string>", '>' + 'content' + '</string>', destination, sourcelanguage, channel) else: if (not isWindows): f = open(filepath) else: f = open(filepath, encoding='UTF-8') line = f.readline() while line: if (len(line)): txd += self.translate(line, destination, sourcelanguage, channel) + '\n' line = f.readline() f.close() f = open(newFile, 'w+') f.write(txd) f.close() utils.printf('translation completed,file saved in [' + newFile + ']')
def translate_text(self, text, destination, sourcelanguage, channel): channel = network.select_network(channel) self.log(channel, destination) if (channel == 'None'): pass elif (channel == 'google'): utils.printf(mkGoogleTranslator().translate_text( text, dest=destination).text) else: utils.printf(mkYouDaoTranslator().translate( text, destination, sourcelanguage))
def trans3(self, text, dest, src): utils.printf('使用接口,仅支持中英互译,将翻译为英文') params = { 'keyfrom': 'woodcol', 'key': '1522180019', 'type': 'data', 'doctype': 'json', 'version': '1.1', 'q': text } try: r = requests.get('', params=params) r.raise_for_status() self.result = r.json() return self.result['translation'][0] except RequestException as e: utils.printf( '有道免费接口遭遇封锁,请联系作者:') sys.exit()
def translate(self, word, destination, language, channel): if (len(word) == 0): return 'null' try: tx = self.translate_i18ns(destination, word, language) if (tx != 'null'): return tx except Exception as e: utils.printf('') if (destination.lower() == 'zh-hant'): return mkConverter('zh-hant').convert(word) elif (destination.lower() == 'zh-hans'): return mkConverter('zh-hans').convert(word) else: pass if (channel == 'google'): return mkGoogleTranslator().translate(word, dest=destination).text else: return mkYouDaoTranslator().translate(word, destination, language)
def feed(self, char, map): node = map[self.pool + char] if node.have_child: if node.is_tail: if node.is_original: cond = UNMATCHED_SWITCH else: cond = MATCHED_SWITCH else: cond = CONNECTOR else: if node.is_tail: cond = TAIL else: cond = ERROR new = None if cond == ERROR: self.state = FAIL elif cond == TAIL: if self.state == WAIT_TAIL and node.is_original_long_word(): self.state = FAIL else: += node.to_word self.len += 1 self.pool = UEMPTY self.state = END elif self.state == START or self.state == WAIT_TAIL: if cond == MATCHED_SWITCH: new = self.clone(node.from_word) += node.to_word self.len += 1 self.state = END self.pool = UEMPTY elif cond == UNMATCHED_SWITCH or cond == CONNECTOR: if self.state == START: new = self.clone(node.from_word) += node.to_word self.len += 1 self.state = END else: if node.is_follow(self.pool): self.state = FAIL else: self.pool = node.from_word elif self.state == END: self.state = START new = self.feed(char, map) elif self.state == FAIL: raise utils.printf('Translate States Machine ' 'have error with input data %s' % node) return new
def log(self, channel, dest): if (dest == 'zh-hant' or dest == 'zh-hans'): return if (channel == 'None'): utils.printf('[No network, no translation!]') sys.exit() elif (channel == 'google'): utils.printf('[Use google translation]') else: utils.printf('[Use youdao translation]')