Пример #1
    def test_absolute_link(self):
        pages = [
        site_nav = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        markdown = "[test 1](/index.md) [test 2](/sub/index.md)"
        cfg = load_config({'strict': True})
        build.convert_markdown(markdown, cfg, site_nav)
Пример #2
    def test_strict_mode_valid(self):
        pages = [
        site_nav = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        valid = "[test](internal.md)"
        build.convert_markdown(valid, load_config({'strict': False}), site_nav)
        build.convert_markdown(valid, load_config({'strict': True}), site_nav)
Пример #3
    def test_strict_mode_invalid(self):
        pages = [
        site_nav = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        invalid = "[test](bad_link.md)"
        build.convert_markdown(invalid, load_config({'strict': False}), site_nav)

            build.convert_markdown, invalid, load_config({'strict': True}), site_nav)
Пример #4
    def test_markdown_table_extension(self):
        Ensure that the table extension is supported.
        html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(dedent("""
        First Header   | Second Header
        -------------- | --------------
        Content Cell 1 | Content Cell 2
        Content Cell 3 | Content Cell 4
        """), load_config())

        expected_html = dedent("""
        <th>First Header</th>
        <th>Second Header</th>
        <td>Content Cell 1</td>
        <td>Content Cell 2</td>
        <td>Content Cell 3</td>
        <td>Content Cell 4</td>

        self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected_html)
Пример #5
    def test_convert_markdown(self):
        Ensure that basic Markdown -> HTML and TOC works.
        html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(dedent("""
            page_title: custom title

            # Heading 1

            This is some text.

            # Heading 2

            And some more text.
        """), load_config())

        expected_html = dedent("""
            <h1 id="heading-1">Heading 1</h1>
            <p>This is some text.</p>
            <h1 id="heading-2">Heading 2</h1>
            <p>And some more text.</p>

        expected_toc = dedent("""
            Heading 1 - #heading-1
            Heading 2 - #heading-2

        expected_meta = {'page_title': ['custom title']}

        self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected_html)
        self.assertEqual(str(toc).strip(), expected_toc)
        self.assertEqual(meta, expected_meta)
Пример #6
 def test_not_use_directory_urls(self):
     md_text = 'An [internal link](internal.md) to another document.'
     expected = '<p>An <a href="internal/index.html">internal link</a> to another document.</p>'
     pages = [
     site_navigation = nav.SiteNavigation(pages, use_directory_urls=False)
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config(), site_navigation=site_navigation)
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #7
    def test_markdown_custom_extension(self):
        Check that an extension applies when requested in the arguments to
        md_input = "foo__bar__baz"

        # Check that the plugin is not active when not requested.
        expected_without_smartstrong = "<p>foo<strong>bar</strong>baz</p>"
        html_base, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(md_input, load_config())
        self.assertEqual(html_base.strip(), expected_without_smartstrong)

        # Check that the plugin is active when requested.
        cfg = load_config({
            'markdown_extensions': ['smart_strong']
        expected_with_smartstrong = "<p>foo__bar__baz</p>"
        html_ext, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(md_input, cfg)
        self.assertEqual(html_ext.strip(), expected_with_smartstrong)
Пример #8
 def test_markdown_duplicate_custom_extension(self):
     Duplicated extension names should not cause problems.
     cfg = load_config({
         'markdown_extensions': ['toc']
     md_input = "foo"
     html_ext, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(md_input, cfg)
     self.assertEqual(html_ext.strip(), '<p>foo</p>')
Пример #9
 def test_ignore_email_links(self):
     md_text = 'A <*****@*****.**> and an [link](mailto:[email protected]).'
     expected = ''.join([
         '<p>A <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#97;&#117;&#116;',
         '</a> and an <a href="mailto:[email protected]">link</a>.</p>'
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config())
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #10
    def test_anchor_only_link(self):
        pages = [

        site_navigation = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        for page in site_navigation.walk_pages():
            markdown = '[test](#test)'
            html, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(markdown, load_config(), site_navigation=site_navigation)
            self.assertEqual(html, '<p><a href="#test">test</a></p>')
Пример #11
    def test_markdown_fenced_code_extension(self):
        Ensure that the fenced code extension is supported.
        html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(dedent("""
        print 'foo'
        """), load_config())

        expected_html = dedent("""
        <pre><code>print 'foo'\n</code></pre>

        self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected_html)
Пример #12
    def test_extension_config(self):
        Test that a dictionary of 'markdown_extensions' is recognized as
        both a list of extensions and a dictionary of extnesion configs.
        cfg = load_config({
            'markdown_extensions': [{'toc': {'permalink': True}}]

        html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(dedent("""
        # A Header
        """), cfg)

        expected_html = dedent("""
        <h1 id="a-header">A Header<a class="headerlink" href="#a-header" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1>

        self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected_html)
Пример #13
    def test_dont_convert_code_block_urls(self):
        pages = [

        site_navigation = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        expected = dedent("""
        <p>An HTML Anchor::</p>
        <pre><code>&lt;a href="index.md"&gt;My example link&lt;/a&gt;

        for page in site_navigation.walk_pages():
            markdown = 'An HTML Anchor::\n\n    <a href="index.md">My example link</a>\n'
            html, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(markdown, load_config(), site_navigation=site_navigation)
            self.assertEqual(dedent(html), expected)
Пример #14
    def test_convert_internal_asbolute_media(self):
        """Test absolute image URL's are correct for different base_urls"""
        pages = [

        site_navigation = nav.SiteNavigation(pages)

        expected_results = (

        template = '<p><img alt="The initial MkDocs layout" src="%s" /></p>'

        for (page, expected) in zip(site_navigation.walk_pages(), expected_results):
            md_text = '![The initial MkDocs layout](/img/initial-layout.png)'
            html, _, _ = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config(), site_navigation=site_navigation)
            self.assertEqual(html, template % expected)
Пример #15
 def test_convert_internal_link_with_anchor(self):
     md_text = 'An [internal link](internal.md#section1.1) to another document.'
     expected = '<p>An <a href="internal/#section1.1">internal link</a> to another document.</p>'
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config())
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #16
 def test_convert_internal_link_differing_directory(self):
     md_text = 'An [internal link](../internal.md) to another document.'
     expected = '<p>An <a href="../internal/">internal link</a> to another document.</p>'
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config())
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #17
 def test_ignore_external_link(self):
     md_text = 'An [external link](http://example.com/external.md).'
     expected = '<p>An <a href="http://example.com/external.md">external link</a>.</p>'
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config())
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #18
 def test_convert_multiple_internal_links(self):
     md_text = '[First link](first.md) [second link](second.md).'
     expected = '<p><a href="first/">First link</a> <a href="second/">second link</a>.</p>'
     html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown(md_text, load_config())
     self.assertEqual(html.strip(), expected.strip())
Пример #19
    def test_empty_document(self):
        html, toc, meta = build.convert_markdown("", load_config())

        self.assertEqual(html, '')
        self.assertEqual(len(list(toc)), 0)
        self.assertEqual(meta, {})