def validate_args(self): super().validate_args() if self.loss_key not in LossKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception("Loss specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( self.loss_key, LossKey.get_all_keys())) for metric_key in self.metrics_keys: if metric_key not in MetricKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception( "Metric specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( metric_key, MetricKey.get_all_keys())) if self.scoring_type not in ScoringTypeKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception( "Scoring type specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( self.scoring_type, ScoringTypeKey.get_all_keys()))
def validate_args(self): """ Validate the arguments to be used with RelevancePipeline """ super().validate_args() if self.loss_key not in LossKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception("Loss specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( self.loss_key, LossKey.get_all_keys())) for metric_key in self.metrics_keys: if metric_key not in MetricKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception( "Metric specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( metric_key, MetricKey.get_all_keys())) if self.scoring_type not in ScoringTypeKey.get_all_keys(): raise Exception( "Scoring type specified [{}] is not one of : {}".format( self.scoring_type, ScoringTypeKey.get_all_keys()))
def define_args(self): self.add_argument( "--data_dir", type=str, help="Path to the data directory to be used for training and inference. " "Can optionally include train/ val/ and test/ subdirectories. " "If subdirectories are not present, data will be split based on train_pcent_split", ) self.add_argument( "--data_format", type=str, choices=DataFormatKey.get_all_keys(), default="tfrecord", help="Format of the data to be used. " "Supported Data Formats are specified in ml4ir/base/config/", ) self.add_argument( "--tfrecord_type", type=str, choices=TFRecordTypeKey.get_all_keys(), default="example", help="TFRecord type of the data to be used. " "Supported TFRecord type are specified in ml4ir/base/config/", ) self.add_argument( "--feature_config", type=str, help="Path to YAML file or YAML string with feature metadata for training.", ) self.add_argument( "--model_file", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="Path to a pretrained model to load for either resuming training or for running in" "inference mode.", ) self.add_argument( "--model_config", type=str, default="ml4ir/base/config/default_model_config.yaml", help="Path to the Model config YAML used to build the model architecture.", ) self.add_argument( "--loss_key", type=str, choices=RankingLoss.get_all_keys() + ClassificationLoss.get_all_keys(), help="Loss to optimize." ) self.add_argument( "--metrics_keys", type=str, nargs="+", default=None, choices=RankingMetricKey.get_all_keys() + ClassificationMetricKey.get_all_keys(), help="A space separated list of metrics to compute.", ) self.add_argument( "--monitor_metric", type=str, default=None, choices=RankingMetricKey.get_all_keys() + ClassificationMetricKey.get_all_keys(), help="Metric name to use for monitoring training loop in callbacks.", ) self.add_argument( "--monitor_mode", type=str, default=None, help="Metric mode to use for monitoring training loop in callbacks", ) self.add_argument( "--num_epochs", type=int, default=5, help="Max number of training epochs(or full pass over the data)", ) self.add_argument( "--batch_size", type=int, default=128, help="Number of data samples to use per batch.", ) self.add_argument( "--compute_intermediate_stats", type=ast.literal_eval, default=True, help="Whether to compute intermediate stats on test set (mrr, acr, etc) (slow)", ) self.add_argument( "--execution_mode", type=str, choices=ExecutionModeKey.get_all_keys(), default="train_inference_evaluate", help="Execution mode for the pipeline.", ) self.add_argument( "--random_state", type=int, default=123, help="Initialize the seed to control randomness for replication", ) self.add_argument( "--run_id", type=str, default="", help="Unique string identifier for the current training run. " "Used to identify logs and models directories. " "Autogenerated if not specified.", ) self.add_argument( "--run_group", type=str, default="general", help="Unique string identifier to group multiple model training runs." " Allows for defining a meta grouping to filter different model " "training runs for best model selection as a post step.", ) self.add_argument( "--run_notes", type=str, default="", help="Notes for the current training run. Use this argument " "to add short description of the model training run that " "helps in identifying the run later.", ) self.add_argument( "--models_dir", type=str, default="models/", help="Path to save the model. Will be expanded to models_dir/run_id", ) self.add_argument( "--logs_dir", type=str, default="logs/", help="Path to save the training/inference logs. " "Will be expanded to logs_dir/run_id", ) self.add_argument( "--checkpoint_model", type=ast.literal_eval, default=True, help="Whether to save model checkpoints at the end of each epoch. Recommended - set to True", ) self.add_argument( "--train_pcent_split", type=float, default=0.8, help="Percentage of all data to be used for training. The remaining is used for validation and " "testing. Remaining data is split in half if val_pcent_split or test_pcent_split are not " "specified.", ) self.add_argument( "--val_pcent_split", type=float, default=-1, help="Percentage of all data to be used for testing.", ) self.add_argument( "--test_pcent_split", type=float, default=-1, help="Percentage of all data to be used for testing.", ) self.add_argument( "--max_sequence_size", type=int, default=0, help="Maximum number of elements per sequence feature.", ) self.add_argument( "--inference_signature", type=str, choices=ServingSignatureKey.get_all_keys(), default="serving_default", help="SavedModel signature to be used for inference", ) self.add_argument( "--use_part_files", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="Whether to look for part files while loading data", ) self.add_argument( "--logging_frequency", type=int, default=25, help="How often to log results to log file. Int representing number of batches.", ) self.add_argument( "--group_metrics_min_queries", type=int, default=None, help="Minimum number of queries per group to be used to computed groupwise metrics.", ) self.add_argument( "--compile_keras_model", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="Whether to compile a loaded SavedModel into a Keras model. " "NOTE: This requires that the SavedModel's architecture, loss, metrics, etc are the same as the RankingModel" "If that is not the case, then you can still use a SavedModel from a model_file for inference/evaluation only", ) self.add_argument( "--use_all_fields_at_inference", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="Whether to require all fields in the serving signature of the SavedModel." " If set to False, only requires fields with required_only=True", ) self.add_argument( "--pad_sequence_at_inference", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="Whether to pad sequence at inference time. " "Used to define the TFRecord serving signature in the SavedModel", ) self.add_argument( "--output_name", type=str, default="relevance_score", help="Name of the output node of the model", ) self.add_argument( "--early_stopping_patience", type=int, default=2, help="How many epochs to wait before early stopping on metric degradation", ) self.add_argument( "--file_handler", type=str, default="local", choices=FileHandlerKey.get_all_keys(), help="String specifying the file handler to be used.", ) self.add_argument( "--initialize_layers_dict", type=str, default="{}", help="Dictionary of pretrained layers to be loaded." "The key is the name of the layer to be assigned the pretrained weights." "The value is the path to the pretrained weights.", ) self.add_argument( "--freeze_layers_list", type=str, default="[]", help="List of layer names that are to be frozen instead of training." "Usually coupled with initialize_layers_dict to load pretrained weights and freeze them", ) self.add_argument( "--non_zero_features_only", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="[Ranklib format only] Only non zero features are stored.", ) self.add_argument( "--keep_additional_info", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="[Ranklib format only] Option to keep additional info " "(All info after the '#' in the format [key = val]).", ) self.add_argument( "--kfold", type=int, default=1, help="The number of folds for K-fold Cross Validation. Must be > 2 if testset is included in folds and > 1 otherwise.", ) self.add_argument( "--include_testset_in_kfold", type=ast.literal_eval, default=False, help="Merge the testset with the training and validation sets and perform kfold on the merged dataset.", ) self.add_argument( "--kfold_analysis_metrics", type=str, default=[], nargs='*', help="Metric to use for post Kfold CV analysis.", )