Пример #1
def tprocess_created_mission(str_mission_id):
  Insert a mission's candidate to the active set if its accuracy is at least equal to the
  mission's accuracy threshold
    # Find recently created mission
    mission = missions_collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(str_mission_id)})
    if not mission: raise ValueError('Mission with id {} doesn\'t exist'.format(str_mission_id))

    # Make sure the mission's accuracy is valid and matching images overlap
    if mission.get('is_accuracy_valid', False) and matching_has_overlap(mission):
      # Retrieve mission's candidate and validate its dimensions
      attrs = get_candidate_from_mission(mission)
      if not has_expected_dim(attrs): raise ValueError('Mission with id {} candidate has invalid dimensions'.format(str_mission_id))

      # Add mission's details to active set if successfully completed, create potential anomaly otherwise
      if mission.get('accuracy') >= mission.get('accuracy_threshold'):
        attrs['usno_vector'] = get_usno_projection(attrs.get('image_key'), attrs.get('usno_band')).tolist()
        attrs['panstarr_vector'] = get_panstarr_projection(attrs.get('image_key'), attrs.get('panstarr_band')).tolist()
        member_id = active_set_collection.insert_one(attrs).inserted_id
        log_info('Inserted member with id {} in active set'.format(member_id))
        # Run crawler as a new member has been inserted in the active set
        task = tcrawl_candidates.delay()
        log_info('Created crawl task with id: {}'.format(task.id))
        potential_anomaly_id = potential_anomalies_collection.insert_one(attrs).inserted_id
        log_info('Inserted potential anomaly with id {} in DB'.format(potential_anomaly_id))
      log_info('Ignored mission with id {}'.format(str_mission_id))
  except Exception as e:
    log_error('Unable to process created mission: {}'.format(e))
Пример #2
def tcrawl_candidates():
  Crawl potential candidates in `m` and add the one with the lowest `v` value to the
  candidates collection
        # Generate candidates that will be crawled
        m = 1001
        S = get_potential_candidates(range(m), datasets_bands)

        # Define processes' chunk size
        num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        chunk_size = math.floor(len(S) / num_processes)

        # Create `num_processes` parallel tasks
        tasks = [
                    S[(chunk_size * i):(len(S) if i == num_processes -
                                        1 else chunk_size * (i + 1))], ))
            for i in range(num_processes)

        # Define callback to execute when all parallel tasks are finished
        callback = thandle_compute_v_finished.s(json.dumps(S))

        # Execute chord in the background
        chord((tasks), callback).delay()
    except Exception as e:
        log_error('Unable to crawl candidates: {}'.format(e))
Пример #3
def tcompute_v(S):
  Return a dictionary where keys represent `S` candidates encoded using their `s_id` and
  values their respective `v`
    # Retrieve potential candidates in `S`
    S = json.loads(S)

    # Retrieve active set
    A = list(
            '$match': {}
        }, {
            '$project': {
                '_id': 0,
                'usno_vector': 1,
                'panstarr_vector': 1

    # Compute `v` for each element in `S`
    vs = {}
    for s in S:
            # Each `v` is initially set to 0
            s_id = get_s_id(s)
            vs[s_id] = 0

            # Retrieve potential candidate's projections
            x = get_usno_projection(s.get('image_key'), s.get('usno_band'))
            y = get_panstarr_projection(s.get('image_key'),

            # Compute `v` using the members of the active set
            for member in A:
                xi = member.get('usno_vector')
                yi = member.get('panstarr_vector')
                v = np.dot(np.dot(x, xi), np.dot(y, yi))

                # Keep track of each `v` value using `s_id`
                vs[s_id] = vs[s_id] + v if s_id in vs else v
        except Exception as e:
            log_error('Exception thrown: {}'.format(e))
            # An exception might be thrown if an image file doesn't exist. If so, assume candidate is
            # infinitely unlikely to be an anomaly
            vs[s_id] = float('Inf')
    return vs
Пример #4
def thandle_compute_v_finished(results, S):
  Create a candidate in DB given the result of each individual process computation
        # Retrieve processes' results and `S`
        S = json.loads(S)
        vs = reduce(lambda acc, x: acc.update(x) or acc, results, {})

        # Find minimum `v` value and `s_id`
        vm = min(vs.values())
        vm_s_id = next(s_id for s_id in vs if vs[s_id] == vm)

        # Extend candidate with its `v` value
        attrs = next(s for s in S if get_s_id(s) == vm_s_id)
        attrs['v'] = vm
        candidate_id = insert_candidate(attrs)
        log_info('[vm_s_id vm id]: [{} {} {}]'.format(vm_s_id, vm,
    except Exception as e:
        log_error('Unable to insert candidate in DB: {}'.format(e))
Пример #5
def tinsert_in_active_set(potential_anomaly_as_str):
  Insert a potential anomaly in the active set collection
    # Retrieve potential anomaly
    potential_anomaly = json.loads(potential_anomaly_as_str)

    # Extend its attributes with the pre-processed USNO and PanSTARR vectors
    potential_anomaly['usno_vector'] = get_usno_projection(
    potential_anomaly['panstarr_vector'] = get_panstarr_projection(

    # Insert 'anomaly' in the active set
    member_id = active_set_collection.insert_one(potential_anomaly).inserted_id
    log_info('Inserted member with id {} in active set'.format(member_id))
  except Exception as e:
    log_error('Unable to insert potential anomaly in the active set: {}'.format(e))