Пример #1
    def _find_best_split(self, X, target, n_features):
        """Find best feature and value for a split. Greedy algorithm."""

        # Sample random subset of features
        subset = random.sample(list(range(0, X.shape[1])), n_features)
        max_gain, max_col, max_val = None, None, None

        for column in subset:
            split_values = self._find_splits(X[:, column])
            for value in split_values:
                if self.loss is None:
                    # Random forest
                    splits = split(X[:, column], target["y"], value)
                    gain = self.criterion(target["y"], splits)
                    # Gradient boosting
                    left, right = split_dataset(X,
                    gain = xgb_criterion(target, left, right, self.loss)

                if (max_gain is None) or (gain > max_gain):
                    max_col, max_val, max_gain = column, value, gain
        return max_col, max_val, max_gain
Пример #2
    def _find_best_split(self, X, target, n_features):
        """Find best feature and value for a split. Greedy algorithm."""

        # Sample random subset of features
        subset = random.sample(list(range(0, X.shape[1])), n_features)
        max_gain, max_col, max_val = None, None, None

        for column in subset:
            split_values = self._find_splits(X[:, column])
            for value in split_values:
                if self.loss is None:
                    # Random forest
                    splits = split(X[:, column], target['y'], value)
                    gain = self.criterion(target['y'], splits)
                    # Gradient boosting
                    left, right = split_dataset(X, target, column, value, return_X=False)
                    gain = xgb_criterion(target, left, right, self.loss)

                if (max_gain is None) or (gain > max_gain):
                    max_col, max_val, max_gain = column, value, gain
        return max_col, max_val, max_gain