Пример #1
    def _build_pipeline(self):
        self._pipeline = MLPipeline(self.template)

        if self._hyperparameters:

        self.fitted = False
Пример #2
    def _get_tunables(cls, template_dicts):
        tunables = {}
        for name, template in template_dicts.items():
            pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
            pipeline_tunables = pipeline.get_tunable_hyperparameters(flat=True)
            tunables[name] = Tunable.from_dict(pipeline_tunables)

        return tunables
Пример #3
def _load_pipeline(pipeline, hyperparams=None):
    if isinstance(pipeline, str) and os.path.isfile(pipeline):
        pipeline = MLPipeline.load(pipeline)
        pipeline = MLPipeline(pipeline)

    if hyperparams is not None:

    return pipeline
Пример #4
    def _get_mlpipeline(self):
        pipeline = self._pipeline
        if isinstance(pipeline, str) and os.path.isfile(pipeline):
            with open(pipeline) as json_file:
                pipeline = json.load(json_file)

        mlpipeline = MLPipeline(pipeline)
        if self._hyperparameters:

        return mlpipeline
Пример #5
def _load_pipeline(pipeline):

    if isinstance(pipeline, MLPipeline):
        return pipeline

    if isinstance(pipeline, str):
        return MLPipeline.load(pipeline)

    if isinstance(pipeline, dict):
        return MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline)

    raise ValueError('Invalid pipeline %s', pipeline)
Пример #6
def build_pipeline(pipeline_spec):
    pipeline = MLPipeline(
        pipeline_spec.get('init_params', dict()),
        pipeline_spec.get('input_names', dict()),
        pipeline_spec.get('output_names', dict()),

    hyperparameters = pipeline_spec.get('hyperparameters')
    if hyperparameters:

    return pipeline
Пример #7
    def _load_mlpipeline(self, template):
        if not isinstance(template, dict):
            template = self._load_template(template)

        self.template = template

        return MLPipeline.from_dict(template)
Пример #8
    def cv_score(self, X, y, context, metric=None, cv=None):
        """Cross Validate this pipeline."""

        scorer = METRICS_DICT[metric or self.metric]

        LOGGER.debug('CV Scoring pipeline %s', self)

        self.cv_scores = list()

        for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):

            LOGGER.debug('Scoring fold: %s', fold)

            X_train, y_train = self._get_split(X, y, train_index)
            pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(self._tunable)
            pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train, **context)

            X_test, y_test = self._get_split(X, y, test_index)
            pred = pipeline.predict(X_test, **context)
            score = scorer(pred, y_test)

            LOGGER.debug('Fold %s score: %s', fold, score)

        score, std, rank = self._get_score()

        LOGGER.debug('CV score: %s +/- %s; rank: %s', score, std, rank)

        self.score = score
        self.std = std
        self.rank = rank + random.random() * 1.e-12  # to avoid collisions
Пример #9
def test_jsons():
    """Validate MLBlocks primitive jsons"""

    primitives = (f for f in os.listdir(MLPRIMITIVES_JSONS_PATH) if f.endswith('.json'))
    for primitive_filename in primitives:
            primitive_path = os.path.join(MLPRIMITIVES_JSONS_PATH, primitive_filename)
            with open(primitive_path, 'r') as f:
                primitive = json.load(f)

            primitive_name = primitive['name']
            fixed_hyperparameters = primitive.get('hyperparameters', dict()).get('fixed', dict())

            init_hyperparameters = dict()
            for name, hyperparameter in fixed_hyperparameters.items():
                if 'default' not in hyperparameter:
                    type_ = hyperparameter.get('type')
                    init_hyperparameters[name] = HYPERPARAMETER_DEFAULTS.get(type_)

            block_name = primitive_name + '#1'
            mlpipeline = MLPipeline([primitive_name], {block_name: init_hyperparameters})

            # Validate methods
            mlblock = mlpipeline.blocks[block_name]
            if mlblock._class:
                fit = primitive.get('fit')
                if fit:
                    assert hasattr(mlblock.instance, fit['method'])

                produce = primitive['produce']
                assert hasattr(mlblock.instance, produce['method'])

        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Invalid JSON primitive: {}".format(primitive_filename))
Пример #10
    def load(self):
        """Load this Template as an MLPipeline.

        return MLPipeline(self.json)
Пример #11
def pipeline_score(pipeline_dict, X, y, scorer, context=None,
                   n_splits=5, cv=None, random_state=0):

    context = context or dict()

    LOGGER.debug('CV Scoring pipeline %s')

    cv_scores = list()

    if not cv:
        metadata = pipeline_dict.get('metadata', pipeline_dict.get('loader', dict()))
        if metadata.get('task_type') == 'classification':
            cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)
            cv = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)

    for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):
        LOGGER.debug('Scoring fold: %s', fold)

        X_train, y_train = get_split(X, y, train_index)
        pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline_dict)
        pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train, **context)

        X_test, y_test = get_split(X, y, test_index)
        pred = pipeline.predict(X_test, **context)

        score = scorer(pred, y_test)

        LOGGER.debug('Fold %s score: %s', fold, score)

    return np.mean(cv_scores), np.std(cv_scores)
Пример #12
    def fit(self, data_params):
        """Fit the pipeline on the given params."""
        X, y = data_params.X, data_params.y

        self.pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(self.pipeline_dict)
        self.pipeline.fit(X, y, **data_params.context)

        self.fitted = True
Пример #13
    def pipeline(self):

                The pipeline in the modeler.
        return MLPipeline(self._pipeline)
Пример #14
    def _generate_splits(self, X, y, readings):
        if self._preprocessing:
            pipeline = MLPipeline(self.template)
            LOGGER.debug('Running %s preprocessing steps', self._preprocessing)
            context = pipeline.fit(X=X,
                                   output_=self._preprocessing - 1)
            del context['X']
            del context['y']
            context = {'readings': readings}

        splits = list()
        for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(self._cv.split(X, y)):
            LOGGER.debug('Running static steps for fold %s', fold)
            X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
            y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index]

            pipeline = MLPipeline(self.template)
            fit = pipeline.fit(X_train,
                               output_=self._static - 1,
            predict = pipeline.predict(X_test,
                                       output_=self._static - 1,

            splits.append((fold, pipeline, fit, predict, y_test))

        return splits
Пример #15
    def test_load_orion_mlpipeline(self, tmpdir):
        pipeline = MLPipeline('dummy')

        orion = functional._load_orion(pipeline)

        assert isinstance(orion, Orion)
        assert orion._pipeline == pipeline
        assert not orion._fitted
        assert orion._hyperparameters is None
    def test_mlpipeline(self):
        primitives = ['sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier']
        init_params = {
            'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                'n_estimators': 500

        pipeline = MLPipeline(primitives=primitives, init_params=init_params)
        pipeline2 = MLPipeline(pipeline)

        assert pipeline2.primitives == [
        assert pipeline2.init_params == {
            'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                'n_estimators': 500
Пример #17
 def preprocess(self, X, y, context):
     """Execute the preprocessing steps of the pipeline."""
     if self._preprocessing:
         LOGGER.info("Executing preprocessing pipeline")
         pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(self._preprocessing)
         pipeline.fit(X, y, **context)
         return pipeline.predict(X, **context)
         LOGGER.info("No preprocessing steps found")
         return X
Пример #18
    def create_pipeline(self, primitives, hyperparameters=None):
        """Creates a pipeline of primitives.

            primitives: A list of primitive.
            hyperparameters: A dictionary of hyperparameters for each primitives.

            A MLPipeline instance.

        self.primitive = self.check_path(primitives)

        if hyperparameters is not None:
            hyperparameters = self.check_path_hyperparameters(hyperparameters)
            pipeline = MLPipeline(self.primitive, hyperparameters)
            pipeline = MLPipeline(self.primitive)
        return pipeline
Пример #19
    def _generate_splits(self, template_name, target_times, readings, turbines=None):
        template = self._template_dicts.get(template_name)
        pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
        preprocessing = self._preprocessing.get(template_name)
        static = self._count_static_steps(pipeline)
        X = target_times[['turbine_id', 'cutoff_time']]
        y = target_times['target']

        if preprocessing:
            if preprocessing > static:
                raise ValueError('Preprocessing cannot be bigger than static')

            LOGGER.debug('Running %s preprocessing steps', preprocessing)
            context = pipeline.fit(X=X, y=y, readings=readings,
                                   turbines=turbines, output_=preprocessing - 1)
            del context['X']
            del context['y']

            context = {
                'readings': readings,
                'turbines': turbines,

        splits = list()
        for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(self._cv.split(X, y)):
            LOGGER.debug('Running static steps for fold %s', fold)
            X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
            y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index]

            pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
            fit = pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train, output_=static - 1,
                               start_=preprocessing, **context)
            predict = pipeline.predict(X_test, output_=static - 1,
                                       start_=preprocessing, **context)

            split = (fold, pipeline, fit, predict, y_test, static)

            if self._cache_path:
                split_name = '{}_{}.pkl'.format(template_name, fold)
                split_path = os.path.join(self._cache_path, split_name)
                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(split_path), exist_ok=True)

                with open(split_path, 'wb') as split_file:
                    pickle.dump(split, split_file)

                split = split_path


        return splits
Пример #20
    def add_template(self, name, template=None):
        """Add a new Template object to the database.

        The template can be passed as a name of a registered MLPipeline,
        or as a path to an MLPipeline JSON specification, or as a full
        dictionary specification of an MLPipeline or directly as an
        MLPipeline instance.

        If the ``template`` argument is not passed, the given ``name`` will
        be used to load an MLPipeline.

        During this step, apart from the Template object, a new Pipeline object
        using the default hyperparameters and with the same name as the
        Template will also be created.

            name (str):
                Name of the Template.
            template (str, dict or MLPipeline):
                Name of the MLBlocks template to load or path to its JSON
                file or dictionary specification or MLPipeline instance.
                If not given, the ``name`` of the template is used.

                If a Template with the same name already exists.

        template = template or name
        if isinstance(template, str) and os.path.isfile(template):
            with open(template, 'r') as f:
                template = json.load(f)

        pipeline_dict = MLPipeline(template).to_dict()

        template = schema.Template.insert(

        return template
Пример #21
    def _load_mlpipeline(self, template):
        if not isinstance(template, dict):
            template_name = template
            if os.path.isfile(template_name):
                with open(template_name, 'r') as template_file:
                    template = json.load(template_file)

            elif self._db:
                template = self._db.load_template(template_name)

            if not template:
                raise ValueError('Unknown template {}'.format(template_name))

            self.template = template

        return MLPipeline.from_dict(template)
Пример #22
def train_mlblocks(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, mtype, common_name_model,
                   problemtype, classes, default_featurenames, transform_model,
                   settings, model_session):

    # name model
    model_name = common_name_model + '.pickle'
    files = list()

    if mtype == 'c':
        # aet up primitives and train model
        primitives = ['sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer', 'xgboost.XGBClassifier']
        init_params = {
            'sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer': {
                'strategy': 'median'
            'xgboost.XGBClassifier': {
                'learning_rate': 0.1
        pipeline = MLPipeline(primitives, init_params=init_params)
        pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)

    if mtype == 'r':
        # aet up primitives and train model
        primitives = ['sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer', 'xgboost.XGBRegressor']
        pipeline = MLPipeline(primitives)
        pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)

    # saving model
    print('saving model')
    modelfile = open(model_name, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(pipeline, modelfile)

    # get model directory
    model_dir = os.getcwd()

    return model_name, model_dir, files
    def test_dict(self):
        pipeline_dict = {
            'primitives': ['sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier'],
            'init_params': {
                'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                    'n_estimators': 500
            'input_names': {
                'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                    'X': 'X1'
            'output_names': {
                'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                    'y': 'y1'

        pipeline = MLPipeline(pipeline_dict)

        assert pipeline.primitives == [
        assert pipeline.init_params == {
            'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                'n_estimators': 500
        assert pipeline.input_names == {
            'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                'X': 'X1'
        assert pipeline.output_names == {
            'sklearn.ensemble.RandomForest#1': {
                'y': 'y1'
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, pipeline_dict, loader, metric, problem_doc):
        self.pipeline_dict = pipeline_dict
        self.name = pipeline_dict['name']
        self.template = pipeline_dict.get('template')
        self.loader = loader
        self.metric = metric
        self.problem_doc = problem_doc

        preprocessing_blocks = self.pipeline_dict.get('preprocessing_blocks')
        if preprocessing_blocks:
            preprocessing = pipeline_dict.copy()
            preprocessing_primitives = preprocessing[
            preprocessing['primitives'] = preprocessing_primitives
            self._preprocessing = preprocessing

            tunable = pipeline_dict.copy()
            tunable_primitives = tunable['primitives'][preprocessing_blocks:]
            tunable['primitives'] = tunable_primitives
            self._tunable = tunable

            pre_params, tun_params = self._extract_hyperparameters(
            self._preprocessing['hyperparameters'] = pre_params
            self._tunable['hyperparameters'] = tun_params

            self._preprocessing = None
            self._tunable = pipeline_dict

        self.id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.cv_scores = list()

        self.rank = None
        self.score = None
        self.dumped = False
        self.fitted = False

        self.pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline_dict)
Пример #25
def score_pipeline(pipeline_metadata, n_splits=5, random_state=0, dataset=None):
    if isinstance(pipeline_metadata, str):
        LOGGER.info('Loading pipeline %s', pipeline_metadata)
        with open(pipeline_metadata, 'r') as pipeline_file:
            pipeline_metadata = json.load(pipeline_file)

    validation = pipeline_metadata['validation']
    if dataset is None:
        dataset = validation['dataset']

    LOGGER.info('Loading dataset %s', dataset)
    dataset = load_dataset(dataset)
    metric = validation.get('metric')
    metric_args = validation.get('metric_args', dict())
    if metric:
        scorer = get_scorer(metric, metric_args)
        scorer = dataset.score
        metric = dataset.metric

    scores = list()
    splits = dataset.get_splits(n_splits, random_state)
    if n_splits == 1:
        splits = [splits]

    for split, (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) in enumerate(splits):
        LOGGER.info('Scoring split %s', split + 1)
        context = get_context(dataset, validation.get('context', dict()))
        pipeline = MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline_metadata)
        pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train, **context)
        predictions = pipeline.predict(X_test, **context)

        score = scorer(y_test, predictions)
        LOGGER.info('Split %s %s: %s', split + 1, metric, score)


    return np.mean(scores), np.std(scores)
Пример #26
    def k_fold_validation(self, hyperparameters, X, y, scoring=None):
        """Score the pipeline through k-fold validation with the given scoring function.

            hyperparameters (dict or None):
                A dictionary of hyper-parameters for each primitive in the target pipeline.
            X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray):
                Inputs to the pipeline.
            y (pandas.Series or ndarray):
                Target values.
            scoring (str):
                The name of the scoring function.

                The average score in the k-fold validation.
        model_instance = MLPipeline(self._pipeline)
        X = pd.DataFrame(X)
        y = pd.Series(y)

        if hyperparameters:

        if self._problem_type == 'regression':
            scorer = self.regression_metrics[scoring or 'R2 Score']
            scorer = self.classification_metrics[scoring or 'F1 Macro']

        scores = []
        kf = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=None, shuffle=True)
        for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X):
            model_instance.fit(X.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[train_index])
            y_pred = model_instance.predict(X.iloc[test_index])
            scores.append(scorer(y.iloc[test_index], y_pred))

        return np.mean(scores)
Пример #27
 def load_pipeline(self, pipeline):
     LOGGER.info("Loading pipeline %s", pipeline.name)
     return MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline.mlpipeline)
Пример #28
class GreenGuardPipeline(object):
    """Main Machine Learning component in the GreenGuard project.

    The ``GreenGuardPipeline`` represents the abstraction of a Machine
    Learning pipeline architecture specialized on the GreenGuard data

    In order to use it, an MLBlocks pipeline template needs to be given,
    alongside information about how to evaluate its performance using
    cross validation.

        template (MLPipeline):
            MLPipeline instance used as the template for tuning.
            Name of the template being used.
        fitted (bool):
            Whether this GreenGuardPipeline has already been fitted or not.
        steps (list):
            List of primitives that compose this template.
        preprocessing (list):
            List of preprocessing steps. These steps have no learning stage
            and are executed only once on the complete training dataset, before
            partitioning it for cross validation.
        static (list):
            List of static steps. These are all the steps in the pipeline that
            come after the preprocessing ones but have no hyperparameters.
            These are executed on each cross validation split only once, when
            the data is partitioned, and their output is cached to be reused
            later on at every tuning iteration.
        tunable (list):
            List of steps that have hyperparameters and will be tuned during
            the tuning loop.

        templates (str, MLPipeline or list):
            Template to use. If a ``str`` is given, load the corresponding
            ``MLPipeline``. Also can be a list combining both.
        metric (str or function):
            Metric to use. If an ``str`` is give it must be one of the metrics
            defined in the ``greenguard.metrics.METRICS`` dictionary.
        cost (bool):
            Whether the metric is a cost function (the lower the better) or not.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        init_params (dict or list):
            There are three possible values for init_params:

                * Init params ``dict``: It will be used for all templates.
                * ``dict`` with the name of the template as a key and dictionary with its
                  init params.
                * ``list``: each value will be assigned to the corresponding position of

            Defaults to ``None``.
        stratify (bool):
            Whether to stratify the data when partitioning for cross validation.
            Defaults to ``True``.
        cv_splits (int):
            Number of cross validation folds to use. Defaults to ``5``.
        shuffle (bool):
            Whether to shuffle the data when partitioning for cross validation.
            Defaults to ``True``.
        random_state (int or RandomState):
            random state to use for the cross validation partitioning.
            Defaults to ``0``.
        preprocessing (int, dict or list):
            There are three possible values for preprocessing:

                * ``int``: the value will be used for all templates.
                * ``dict`` with the template name as a key and a number as a value, will
                  be used for that template.
                * ``list``: each value will be assigned to the corresponding position of

            Defaults to ``0``.
        cache_path (str):
            If given, cache the generated cross validation splits in this folder.
            Defatuls to ``None``.

    template = None
    template_name = None
    fitted = False
    cv_score = None

    _cv_class = None
    _metric = None
    _cost = False
    _tuner = None
    _pipeline = None
    _static = None
    _init_params = None
    _preprocessing = None

    def _get_cv(self, stratify, cv_splits, shuffle, random_state):
        if stratify:
            cv_class = StratifiedKFold
            cv_class = KFold

        return cv_class(n_splits=cv_splits, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state)

    def _set_hyperparameters(self, new_hyperparameters):
        self._hyperparameters = deepcopy(new_hyperparameters)

    def _set_template(self, template_name):
        self.template_name = template_name
        self.template = self._template_dicts[self.template_name]

    def _update_params(old, new):
        for name, params in new.items():
            if '#' not in name:
                name = name + '#1'

            block_params = old.setdefault(name, dict())
            for param, value in params.items():
                block_params[param] = value

    def _count_static_steps(self, pipeline):
        tunable_hyperparams = pipeline.get_tunable_hyperparameters()
        for index, block_name in enumerate(pipeline.blocks.keys()):
            if tunable_hyperparams[block_name]:
                return index

        return 0

    def _get_templates(self, templates):
        template_dicts = dict()
        template_names = list()
        for template in templates:
            if isinstance(template, str):
                template_name = template
                template = load_pipeline(template_name)
                template_name = md5(json.dumps(template)).digest()
            template_dicts[template_name] = template

        return template_names, template_dicts

    def _generate_init_params(self, init_params):
        if not init_params:
            self._init_params = {}
        elif isinstance(init_params, list):
            self._init_params = dict(zip(self._template_names, init_params))
        elif any(name in init_params for name in self._template_names):
            self._init_params = init_params

    def _generate_preprocessing(self, preprocessing):
        if isinstance(preprocessing, int):
            self._preprocessing = {name: preprocessing for name in self._template_names}
            if isinstance(preprocessing, list):
                preprocessing = dict(zip(self._template_names, preprocessing))

            self._preprocessing = {
                name: preprocessing.get(name, 0)
                for name in self._template_names

    def _build_pipeline(self):
        self._pipeline = MLPipeline(self.template)

        if self._hyperparameters:

        self.fitted = False

    def __init__(self, templates, metric='accuracy', cost=False, init_params=None, stratify=True,
                 cv_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=0, preprocessing=0, cache_path=None):

        if isinstance(metric, str):
            metric, cost = METRICS[metric]

        self._metric = metric
        self._cost = cost
        self._cv = self._get_cv(stratify, cv_splits, shuffle, random_state)
        self.cv_score = np.inf if cost else -np.inf

        if not isinstance(templates, list):
            templates = [templates]

        self.templates = templates
        self._template_names, self._template_dicts = self._get_templates(templates)
        self._default_init_params = {}

        for name, template in self._template_dicts.items():
            init_params = self._init_params.get(name, self._default_init_params)
            template_params = template.setdefault('init_params', {})
            self._update_params(template_params, init_params)

        self._hyperparameters = dict()
        self._cache_path = cache_path
        if cache_path:
            os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True)

    def get_hyperparameters(self):
        """Get the current hyperparameters.

                Current hyperparameters.
        return deepcopy(self._hyperparameters)

    def _is_better(self, score):
        if self._cost:
            return score < self.cv_score

        return score > self.cv_score

    def _generate_splits(self, template_name, target_times, readings, turbines=None):
        template = self._template_dicts.get(template_name)
        pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
        preprocessing = self._preprocessing.get(template_name)
        static = self._count_static_steps(pipeline)
        X = target_times[['turbine_id', 'cutoff_time']]
        y = target_times['target']

        if preprocessing:
            if preprocessing > static:
                raise ValueError('Preprocessing cannot be bigger than static')

            LOGGER.debug('Running %s preprocessing steps', preprocessing)
            context = pipeline.fit(X=X, y=y, readings=readings,
                                   turbines=turbines, output_=preprocessing - 1)
            del context['X']
            del context['y']

            context = {
                'readings': readings,
                'turbines': turbines,

        splits = list()
        for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(self._cv.split(X, y)):
            LOGGER.debug('Running static steps for fold %s', fold)
            X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
            y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index]

            pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
            fit = pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train, output_=static - 1,
                               start_=preprocessing, **context)
            predict = pipeline.predict(X_test, output_=static - 1,
                                       start_=preprocessing, **context)

            split = (fold, pipeline, fit, predict, y_test, static)

            if self._cache_path:
                split_name = '{}_{}.pkl'.format(template_name, fold)
                split_path = os.path.join(self._cache_path, split_name)

                with open(split_path, 'wb') as split_file:
                    pickle.dump(split, split_file)

                split = split_path


        return splits

    def _cross_validate(self, template_splits, hyperparams):
        scores = []
        for split in template_splits:
            if self._cache_path:
                with open(split, 'rb') as split_file:
                    split = pickle.load(split_file)

            fold, pipeline, fit, predict, y_test, static = split

            LOGGER.debug('Scoring fold %s', fold)
            pipeline.fit(start_=static, **fit)
            predictions = pipeline.predict(start_=static, **predict)

            score = self._metric(y_test, predictions)
            LOGGER.debug('Fold fold %s score: %s', fold, score)

        return np.mean(scores)

    def _make_btb_scorer(self, target_times, readings, turbines):
        splits = {}

        def scorer(template_name, config):
            template_splits = splits.get(template_name)
            if template_splits is None:
                template_splits = self._generate_splits(
                    template_name, target_times, readings, turbines)

                splits[template_name] = template_splits

            cv_score = self._cross_validate(template_splits, config)
            if self._is_better(cv_score):
                _config = '\n'.join('      {}: {}'.format(n, v) for n, v in config.items())
                LOGGER.info(('New configuration found:\n'
                             '  Template: %s \n'
                             '    Hyperparameters: \n'
                             '%s'), template_name, _config)

                self.cv_score = cv_score

            return cv_score

        return scorer

    def cross_validate(self, target_times, readings, turbines,
                       template_name=None, hyperparams=None):
        """Compute cross validation score using the given data.

        If the splits have not been previously computed, compute them now.
        During this computation, the data is partitioned using the indicated
        cross validation parameters and later on processed using the
        pipeline static steps.

        The results of the fit and produce executions are cached and reused
        in subsequent calls to this method.

            X (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``target_times`` data, without the ``target`` column.
                Only needed if the splits have not been previously computed.
            y (pandas.Series or numpy.ndarray):
                ``target`` vector corresponding to the passed ``target_times``.
                Only needed if the splits have not been previously computed.
            readings (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``readings`` table. Only needed if the splits have not been
                previously computed.
            turbines (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``turbines`` table. Only needed if the splits have not been
                previously computed.
            params (dict):
                hyperparameter values to use.

                Computed cross validation score. This score is the average
                of the scores obtained accross all the cross validation folds.
        if not template_name:
            template_name = self.template_name
            if hyperparams is None:
                hyperparams = self.get_hyperparameters()

        elif hyperparams is None:
            hyperparams = {}

        template_splits = self._generate_splits(template_name, target_times, readings, turbines)
        return self._cross_validate(template_splits, hyperparams)

    def _get_tunables(cls, template_dicts):
        tunables = {}
        for name, template in template_dicts.items():
            pipeline = MLPipeline(template)
            pipeline_tunables = pipeline.get_tunable_hyperparameters(flat=True)
            tunables[name] = Tunable.from_dict(pipeline_tunables)

        return tunables

    def tune(self, target_times, readings, turbines=None):
        """Create a tuning session object that tunes and selects the templates.

            target_times (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``target_times`` table, containing the ``turbine_id``, ``cutoff_time``
                and ``target`` columns.
                Only needed if the splits have not been previously computed.
            readings (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``readings`` table. Only needed if the splits have not been
                previously computed.
            turbines (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``turbines`` table. Only needed if the splits have not been
                previously computed.
        scoring_function = self._make_btb_scorer(target_times, readings, turbines)
        tunables = self._get_tunables(self._template_dicts)
        return BTBSession(tunables, scoring_function, maximize=not self._cost)

    def fit(self, target_times, readings, turbines=None):
        """Fit this pipeline to the given data.

            target_times (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``target_times`` table, containing the ``turbine_id``, ``cutoff_time``
                and ``target`` columns.
            readings (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``readings`` table.
            turbines (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``turbines`` table.
        X = target_times[['turbine_id', 'cutoff_time']]
        y = target_times['target']
        self._pipeline.fit(X, y, readings=readings, turbines=turbines)
        self.fitted = True

    def predict(self, target_times, readings, turbines=None):
        """Make predictions using this pipeline.

            target_times (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``target_times`` table, containing the ``turbine_id``, ``cutoff_time``
                and ``target`` columns.
            readings (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``readings`` table.
            turbines (pandas.DataFrame):
                ``turbines`` table.

                Vector of predictions.
        if not self.fitted:
            raise NotFittedError()

        X = target_times[['turbine_id', 'cutoff_time']]
        return self._pipeline.predict(X, readings=readings, turbines=turbines)

    def save(self, path):
        """Serialize and save this pipeline using cloudpickle.

            path (str):
                Path to the file where the pipeline will be saved.
        with open(path, 'wb') as pickle_file:
            cloudpickle.dump(self, pickle_file)

    def load(cls, path):
        """Load a previously saved pipeline from a file.

            path (str):
                Path to the file where the pipeline is saved.

                Loaded GreenGuardPipeline instance.
        with open(path, 'rb') as pickle_file:
            return cloudpickle.load(pickle_file)
Пример #29
def test_SigPro_nested_pipeline():
    """Test nested sigpro primitive."""
    # setup
    aggregations = [{
        'primitive': 'sigpro.SigPro',
        'init_params': {
            'transformations': [{
                'init_params': {
                    'low': 100,
                    'high': 200
            'aggregations': [{
    }, {
        'primitive': 'sigpro.SigPro',
        'init_params': {
            'transformations': [{
                'init_params': {
                    'low': 3000,
                    'high': 4000
            'aggregations': [{
    }, {

    pipeline = MLPipeline({
        'primitives': ['sigpro.SigPro'],
        'init_params': {
            'sigpro.SigPro#1': {
                'transformations': [{

    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'timestamp': pd.to_datetime(['2020-01-01 00:00:00']),
        'values': [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]],
        'sampling_frequency': [10000],
        'dummy': [1],

    # run
    output = pipeline.predict(readings=data)
    outputs = dict(zip(pipeline.get_output_names(), output))

    # assert
    expected_features = [

    assert outputs['feature_columns'] == expected_features
    expected_readings = pd.DataFrame({
        'fft_real.SigPro.frequency_band.mean.mean_value': [float('nan')],
        'fft_real.SigPro.frequency_band.band_3k_4k_mean.mean_value': [-3.0],
        'fft_real.mean.mean_value': [1.0],

    pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_readings, outputs['readings'])
Пример #30
 def _clone_pipeline(pipeline):
     return MLPipeline.from_dict(pipeline.to_dict())