Пример #1
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0 # total loss in this iteration.
        for x, y in train_data:
            x = np.array(x, ndmin = 2, dtype=np.double) # make row vector    
            loss, grads = lp.loss_and_gradients(x,y,params)
            cum_loss += loss
            for i in range(len(params)):
                params[i] = params[i] - learning_rate * grads[i]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print("I {0:}, train_loss {1:}, train_accuracy {2:}, dev_accuracy {3:}"\
            .format(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy))
    return params
Пример #2
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    W, b, U, b_tag = params
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = ut.L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = model.loss_and_gradients(x, y, [W, b, U, b_tag])
            cum_loss += loss
            gW, gb, gU, gb_tag = grads
            W -= gW * learning_rate
            b -= gb * learning_rate
            U -= gU * learning_rate
            b_tag -= gb_tag * learning_rate

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return [W, b, U, b_tag]
Пример #3
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
	Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

	train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
	dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
	num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
	learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
	params: list of parameters (initial values)
	for I in range(num_iterations):
		cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
		for label, features in train_data:
			x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
			y = ut.L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
			loss, grads = mpl1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
			cum_loss += loss

			# update the parameters according to the gradients
			# and the learning rate.
			params[0] -= grads[0] * learning_rate
			params[1] -= grads[1] * learning_rate

		train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
		train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
		dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
		print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
	return params
Пример #4
def train_xor(train_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params, decay=1e-3):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for y, x in train_data:
            loss, grads = ll.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

            gW, gb, gU, gb_tag = grads
            W, b, U, b_tag = params

            W -= (learning_rate * gW)
            b -= (learning_rate * gb)
            U -= (learning_rate * gU)
            b_tag -= (learning_rate * gb_tag)

        learning_rate = max(1e-3, learning_rate - decay)

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        print I, train_loss
    return params
Пример #5
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.
    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for epoch in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec_uni(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = ll.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            gw, gb, gu, gb_tag = grads
            cum_loss += loss
            W, b, U, b_tag = params
            W -= learning_rate * gw
            b -= learning_rate * gb
            U -= learning_rate * gu
            b_tag -= learning_rate * gb_tag
            params = W, b, U, b_tag
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
        """if epoch == 4:
            learning_rate = 0.001"""
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(epoch, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params
Пример #6
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0 # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features) # convert features to a vector.
            y = label# convert the label to number if needed.

            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            params =np.subtract(params,np.multiply(grads,learning_rate))#gradients computed previous file, now the sgd is the train
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print (I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params
Пример #7
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)

    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = utils.L2I[label]
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            params = np.subtract(params, np.multiply(learning_rate, grads))

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params
Пример #8
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            loss, grads = mlp.loss_and_gradients(features, label, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            params = [
                param - grad for param, grad in zip(
                    params, [grad * learning_rate for grad in grads])

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print((I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy))
    return params
Пример #9
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    [W, b, U, b_tag] = params
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I.get(label)  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, [gW, gb, gU, gb_tag] = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            W -= learning_rate * gW
            b -= learning_rate * gb
            U -= learning_rate * gU
            b_tag -= learning_rate * gb_tag
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params
Пример #10
def train_classifier(train_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for y, x in train_data:
            loss, grads = ml.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            params[0] -= learning_rate * grads[0]
            params[1] -= learning_rate * grads[1]
            params[2] -= learning_rate * grads[2]
            params[3] -= learning_rate * grads[3]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy
    return params
Пример #11
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    U, W, bu, bw = params
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = utils.L2I[label]
            # grads is [gW, gbw, gU, gbu]
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, [U, W, bu, bw])
            cum_loss += loss
            W = W - learning_rate * grads[0]
            bw = bw - learning_rate * grads[1]
            U = U - learning_rate * grads[2]
            bu = bu - learning_rate * grads[3]
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, [U, W, bu, bw])
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, [U, W, bu, bw])
        print I + 1, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params
Пример #12
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = features  # numpy vector.
            y = label  # a number.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss

            # SGD update parameters
            U, W, b, b_tag = params
            updated_U = U - learning_rate * grads[0]
            updated_W = W - learning_rate * grads[1]
            updated_b = b - learning_rate * grads[2]
            updated_btag = b_tag - learning_rate * grads[3]
            params = (updated_U, updated_W, updated_b, updated_btag)

        # notify progress
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params
Пример #13
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    max_dev_accuracy = dev_accuracy = 0
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            #x = features XOR problem
            y = label  # convert the label to number if needed.
            y = utils.L2I[y]
            loss, grads = mlp.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss

            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

            for i in range(len(params)):
                eff_grad = grads[i] * learning_rate
                params[i] -= eff_grad

        #if ((I + 1) % 10 == 0): learning_rate /= 2
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
        if (dev_accuracy >= max_dev_accuracy) and (dev_accuracy > 0.6):
            max_dev_accuracy = dev_accuracy
            best_params = []
            best_params_index = I
            for i in range(len(params)):

    if (max_dev_accuracy > 0.6):
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, best_params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, best_params)
        print(" train_accuracy, dev_accuracy")
        print(train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
        return best_params
        return params
Пример #14
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    gU = np.zeros(params[0].shape)
    gb2 = np.zeros(params[1].shape)
    gW = np.zeros(params[2].shape)
    gb1 = np.zeros(params[3].shape)

    for I in xrange(num_iterations):

        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            gU = momentum * gU + (1. - momentum) * grads[0]
            gb2 = momentum * gb2 + (1. - momentum) * grads[1]
            gW = momentum * gW + (1. - momentum) * grads[2]
            gb1 = momentum * gb1 + (1. - momentum) * grads[3]

            regularization = 0.01
            params[0] -= learning_rate * gU + regularization * gU
            params[1] -= learning_rate * gb2
            params[2] -= learning_rate * gW + regularization * gW
            params[3] -= learning_rate * gb1

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        if dev_accuracy > 0.89:
            print dev_accuracy
            return params
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
        Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.
        train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
        dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
        num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
        learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
        params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = np.copy(
                feats_to_vec(features))  # convert features to a vector.
            y = np.copy(L2I[label])  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

            # new_grad = np.array(grads)
            W, b, U, b_tag = params
            W -= learning_rate * grads[0]
            b -= learning_rate * grads[1]
            U -= learning_rate * grads[2]
            b_tag -= learning_rate * grads[3]

            params = [W, b, U, b_tag]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
            'iteration :' + str(I) + 'train_ loss: ' +
            str(train_loss) + 'train_acc:' + str(train_accuracy) + ' dev_acc:',
    return params
Пример #16
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0 # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features) # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I[label]                  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x,y,params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

            W, b, U, b_tag = params
            gW, gb, gU, gb_tag = grads

            W_new = W - (learning_rate*gW)
            b_new = b.reshape(-1,1) - (learning_rate * gb)
            U_new = U - (learning_rate * gU)
            b_tag_new = b_tag.reshape(-1,1) - (learning_rate * gb_tag)

            params = [W_new, b_new, U_new, b_tag_new]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params
Пример #17
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    costs = []
    acc = []
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = ut.L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            params[0] -= learning_rate * grads[0]
            params[1] -= learning_rate * grads[1]
            params[2] -= learning_rate * grads[2]
            params[3] -= learning_rate * grads[3]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        acc.append((train_accuracy, dev_accuracy))
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    #fig = plt.plot(acc)
    #fig1 = plt.plot(costs)
    return params
Пример #18
def train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations, learning_rate,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            # convert features to a vector.
            x = feats_to_vec(features)
            #print (x.shape)
            language_label = utils.L2I[label]
            y = language_label  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            #print 'helllllll'
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            # update b matrix - rule update : b = b -n * gradientB

            update_rule_params(grads, learning_rate, params)

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy

    return params
Пример #19
def train_classifier(train_data, num_iterations, learning_rate, params):
    for I in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for y, x in train_data:
            loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss

            W, b, U, b_tag = params
            gW, gb, gU, gb_tag = grads

            W_new = W - (learning_rate * gW)
            b_new = b.reshape(-1, 1) - (learning_rate * gb)
            U_new = U - (learning_rate * gU)
            b_tag_new = b_tag.reshape(-1, 1) - (learning_rate * gb_tag)

            params = [W_new, b_new, U_new, b_tag_new]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy)
        if train_accuracy == 1:
            return params
    return params
Пример #20
    learning_rate = 0.1
    hidden_dim = 10
    train_data = [(l, numpy.array(f)) for l, f in xr.data]
    dev_data = list(train_data)
    in_dim = 2
    out_dim = 2

    params = m1.create_classifier(in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim)

    print "itn train_l train_a dev_a"

    while acc < 1.0:
        num_iterations += 1
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            # x = feats_to_vec(features, F2I)  # convert features to a vector.
            # y = ut.L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = m1.loss_and_gradients(features, label, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            for i, g in enumerate(grads):
                params[i] -= learning_rate * g

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        acc = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print num_iterations, train_loss, train_accuracy, acc
Пример #21
 def _loss_and_b_tag_grad(b_tag):
     x = np.array([[1, 2, 3]], np.double)
     loss, grads = mlp1.loss_and_gradients(x, 0, [W, b, U, b_tag])
     return loss, grads[3]
Пример #22
def train_classifier(train_data,
    Create and train a classifier, and return the parameters.

    train_data: a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    dev_data  : a list of (label, feature) pairs.
    num_iterations: the maximal number of training iterations.
    learning_rate: the learning rate to use.
    params: list of parameters (initial values)

    for I in xrange(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:

            import numpy as np

            if Xor == False:
                x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
                x = np.array(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = label  # convert the label to number if needed.

            if dropout == True:
                ber = np.random.choice(
                    [0, 1], size=params[1].shape, p=[1. / 2, 1. / 2]
                )  # random bernoli vector for dropout at the size of the hidden layer
                loss, grads = ml.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params, reg_lambda,
                loss, grads = ml.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params, reg_lambda,

            cum_loss += loss

            w_hid = grads[0] * learning_rate
            b_hid = grads[1] * learning_rate
            w_out = grads[2] * learning_rate
            b_out = grads[3] * learning_rate

            params[0] = np.subtract(params[0], w_hid)
            params[1] = np.subtract(params[1], b_hid)
            params[2] = np.subtract(params[2], w_out)
            params[3] = np.subtract(params[3], b_out)

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params, Xor)
        if Xor == False:
            dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
            print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
            print I, train_loss, train_accuracy
    return params