Пример #1
        def __init__(self, reliability_for_action, discount, learning_rate, momentum, bias, hidden_layers, number_of_neurons):
            #set instance variables
            self.reliability_for_action = reliability_for_action
            self.discount = discount
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate
            self.bias = bias
            self.momentum = momentum
            self.hidden_layers = hidden_layers
            self.number_of_neurons = number_of_neurons

            #create mlp
            self.mlp = MLP(self.learning_rate, self.momentum)
            #create defined number of hidden layers
            for layer in range(self.hidden_layers):
Пример #2
def get_weight(source_feature_path, target_feature_path,
               validation_feature_path):  # 这三个feature根据类别不同,是不一样的. source与target这里需注意一下数据量threshold 2倍的事儿
    :param source_feature: shape [N_tr, d], features from training set
    :param target_feature: shape [N_te, d], features from test set
    :param validation_feature: shape [N_v, d], features from validation set
    print("Start calculating weight")

    print("Loading feature files")
    source_feature = np.load(source_feature_path)
    target_feature = np.load(target_feature_path)
    validation_feature_np = np.load(validation_feature_path)

    N_s, d = source_feature.shape
    N_t, _d = target_feature.shape
    if float(N_s) / N_t > 2:
        source_feature = random_select_src(source_feature, target_feature)
        source_feature = source_feature.copy()

    print('num_source is {}, num_target is {}, ratio is {}\n'.format(N_s, N_t, float(N_s) / N_t))  # check the ratio

    N_s, d = source_feature.shape
    target_feature = target_feature.copy()
    all_feature = np.concatenate((source_feature, target_feature))
    all_label = np.asarray([1] * N_s + [0] * N_t, dtype=np.int32)  # 1->source 0->target

    feature_for_train_np, feature_for_test_np, label_for_train_np, label_for_test_np = train_test_split(all_feature, all_label,

    # here is train, test split, concatenating the data from source and target

    decays = [1e-1, 3e-2, 1e-2, 3e-3, 1e-3, 3e-4, 1e-4, 3e-5, 1e-5, 0.0005]
    val_acc = []
    domain_classifiers = []

    # created the MLP network
    MLP = mlp_network.MLP(d, 2).cuda()
    loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    # convert all numpy to variables
    feature_for_train = Variable(torch.from_numpy(feature_for_train_np)).cuda()
    feature_for_test = Variable(torch.from_numpy(feature_for_test_np)).cuda()
    label_for_train = Variable(torch.from_numpy(label_for_train_np).long()).cuda()
    label_for_test = Variable(torch.from_numpy(label_for_test_np).long()).cuda()
    validation_feature = Variable(torch.from_numpy(validation_feature_np)).cuda()
    print("start training")
    for decay in decays:
        print("Decay: {}".format(decay))
        for ep in range(1, 1001):
            optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(MLP.parameters(), lr=0.001, weight_decay=decay)
            pred = MLP(feature_for_train)
            loss = loss_function(pred, label_for_train)
            # check training accuracy
            if ep % 100 == 0:
                print("Check for testing set accuracy")
                pred_test = MLP(feature_for_test)
                predicted_test = torch.max(F.softmax(pred_test), dim=1)[1]
                pred_y = predicted_test.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
                label_y = label_for_test.detach().cpu().numpy()
                accuracy = sum(pred_y == label_y) / label_y.size
                print("Accuracy is {}".format(accuracy))
        pre_path = "MLP" + str(accuracy)
        path = pre_path.replace(".", "_") + ".pth"
        torch.save(MLP, path)

    index = val_acc.index(max(val_acc))
    path_2_load = domain_classifiers[index]

    Best_MLP = torch.load(path_2_load)

    out = Best_MLP(validation_feature)
    domain_out = out.detach().cpu().numpy()
    print("Domain out: {}".format(domain_out))
    return domain_out[:, :1] / domain_out[:, 1:] * N_s * 1.0 / N_t  # (Ntr/Nts)*(1-M(fv))/M(fv)
Пример #3
class brainModel:
        def __init__(self, reliability_for_action, discount, learning_rate, momentum, bias, hidden_layers, number_of_neurons):
            #set instance variables
            self.reliability_for_action = reliability_for_action
            self.discount = discount
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate
            self.bias = bias
            self.momentum = momentum
            self.hidden_layers = hidden_layers
            self.number_of_neurons = number_of_neurons

            #create mlp
            self.mlp = MLP(self.learning_rate, self.momentum)
            #create defined number of hidden layers
            for layer in range(self.hidden_layers):

        def get_params(self):
                returns the instance variables
            return self.reliability_for_action, self.discount, self.learning_rate, self.momentum, self.bias, self.hidden_layers, self.number_of_neurons

        def set_params(self, reliability_for_action, discount, learning_rate, momentum):
                sets changable instace variables, especially the mlp config
            self.reliability_for_action = reliability_for_action
            self.discount = discount
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate

            self.mlp.learning_rate = self.learning_rate
            self.mlp.discount = self.discount
            self.mlp.momentum = momentum
        def get_reward(self, input_vals):
                checks for reward
            right_color_no = 0 # 0 for red, 1 for green and 2 for yellow
            right_color_position_no = right_color_no + 1

            right_color_position_difference = abs(input_vals[right_color_position_no])

            right_color = 0.0 + input_vals[right_color_no]
            reward = 0.0

            #right_color = 0.0 + right_color / 10

            reward = right_color * (1 - right_color_position_difference)

            return reward

        def update_weights(self, old_q, new_q, old_action, new_action, old_input_vals, new_input_vals, reward):
                calculates target values for MLP and back propagates them
            old_q_vector = self.mlp.get_result(old_input_vals)
            if (reward == 1):
                prediction_error = reward
                prediction_error = reward + self.discount * new_q[new_action] - old_q_vector[old_action]
            new_q = [old_q_vector[0],old_q_vector[1],old_q_vector[2]]

            new_q[old_action] += prediction_error
            error = self.mlp.back_propagate(new_q)

        def select_action(self,q_vector):
                selects action based on output of the MLP init_network

            h = numpy.array(q_vector)
            h_exp = numpy.exp(h * self.reliability_for_action)
            h_exp = h_exp / numpy.sum(h_exp)
            random = numpy.random.rand(1)
            action = 0
            if random > h_exp[0] and random < h_exp[0] + h_exp[1]:
                action = 1
            elif random > h_exp[0] + h_exp[1] and random < h_exp[0] + h_exp[1] + h_exp[2]:
                action = 2
            #comment this in for 4 actions
            #elif random > h_exp[0] + h_exp[1] + h_exp[2]:
            #    action = 3'''
            return action