Пример #1
def test_lomb_scargle_regular_single_freq():
    Test Lomb-Scargle model features on regularly-sampled periodic data with one
    frequency/multiple harmonics. Estimated parameters should be very accurate in
    this case.
    frequencies = np.hstack((WAVE_FREQS[0], np.zeros(len(WAVE_FREQS)-1)))
    amplitudes = np.zeros((len(frequencies),4))
    amplitudes[0,:] = [8,4,2,1]
    phase = 0.1
    times, values, errors = regular_periodic(frequencies, amplitudes, phase)
    all_lomb = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,

    # Only test the first (true) frequency; the rest correspond to noise
    npt.assert_allclose(all_lomb['freq1_freq'], frequencies[0])

    # Hard-coded value from previous solution
    npt.assert_allclose(0.001996007984, all_lomb['freq1_lambda'], rtol=1e-7)

    for (i,j), amplitude in np.ndenumerate(amplitudes):
                all_lomb['freq{}_amplitude{}'.format(i+1,j+1)], rtol=1e-2,

    # Only test the first (true) frequency; the rest correspond to noise
    for j in range(1, NUM_HARMONICS):
            all_lomb['freq1_rel_phase{}'.format(j+1)], rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)

    # Frequency ratio not relevant since there is only; only test amplitude/signif
    for i in [2,3]:
        npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['freq_amplitude_ratio_{}1'.format(i)], atol=1e-3)

    npt.assert_array_less(10., all_lomb['freq1_signif'])

    # Only one frequency, so this should explain basically all the variance
    npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['freq_varrat'], atol=5e-3)

    # Exactly periodic, so the same minima/maxima should reoccur
    npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['freq_model_max_delta_mags'], atol=1e-6)
    npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['freq_model_min_delta_mags'], atol=1e-6)

    # Linear trend should be zero since the signal is exactly sinusoidal
    npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['linear_trend'], atol=1e-4)

    folded_times = times % 1./(frequencies[0]/2.)
    sort_indices = np.argsort(folded_times)
    folded_times = folded_times[sort_indices]
    folded_values = values[sort_indices]

    # Residuals from doubling period should be much higher
    npt.assert_array_less(10., all_lomb['medperc90_2p_p'])

    # Slopes should be the same for {un,}folded data; use unfolded for stability
    slopes = np.diff(values) / np.diff(times)
        all_lomb['fold2P_slope_10percentile'], rtol=1e-2)
        all_lomb['fold2P_slope_90percentile'], rtol=1e-2)
Пример #2
def test_lomb_scargle_irregular_multi_freq():
    Test Lomb-Scargle model features on irregularly-sampled periodic data with
    multiple frequencies, each with a single harmonic. More difficult than
    regularly-sampled case, so we allow parameter estimates to be slightly noisy.
    frequencies = WAVE_FREQS
    amplitudes = np.zeros((len(frequencies),4))
    amplitudes[:,0] = [4,2,1]
    phase = 0.1
    times, values, errors = irregular_periodic(frequencies, amplitudes, phase)
    all_lomb = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,

    for i, frequency in enumerate(frequencies):
                all_lomb['freq{}_freq'.format(i+1)], rtol=1e-2)

    for (i,j), amplitude in np.ndenumerate(amplitudes):
                rtol=1e-1, atol=1e-1)

    for i in [2,3]:
        npt.assert_allclose(amplitudes[i-1,0] / amplitudes[0,0],
                all_lomb['freq_amplitude_ratio_{}1'.format(i)], atol=2e-2)
        npt.assert_allclose(frequencies[i-1] / frequencies[0],
                all_lomb['freq_frequency_ratio_{}1'.format(i)], atol=5e-2)

    npt.assert_array_less(10., all_lomb['freq1_signif'])
Пример #3
def test_lomb_scargle_regular_multi_freq():
    Test Lomb-Scargle model features on regularly-sampled periodic data with
    multiple frequencies, each with a single harmonic. Estimated parameters should
    be very accurate in this case.
    frequencies = WAVE_FREQS
    amplitudes = np.zeros((len(frequencies),4))
    amplitudes[:,0] = [4,2,1]
    phase = 0.1
    times, values, errors = regular_periodic(frequencies, amplitudes, phase)
    all_lomb = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,

    for i, frequency in enumerate(frequencies):

    for (i,j), amplitude in np.ndenumerate(amplitudes):
                rtol=5e-2, atol=5e-2)

    for i in [2,3]:
        npt.assert_allclose(amplitudes[i-1,0] / amplitudes[0,0],
                all_lomb['freq_amplitude_ratio_{}1'.format(i)], atol=2e-2)

    npt.assert_array_less(10., all_lomb['freq1_signif'])
Пример #4
def test_lomb_scargle_irregular_single_freq():
    Test Lomb-Scargle model features on irregularly-sampled periodic data with one
    frequency/multiple harmonics. More difficult than regularly-sampled case, so
    we allow parameter estimates to be slightly noisy.
    frequencies = np.hstack((WAVE_FREQS[0], np.zeros(len(WAVE_FREQS)-1)))
    amplitudes = np.zeros((len(WAVE_FREQS),4))
    amplitudes[0,:] = [8,4,2,1]
    phase = 0.1
    times, values, errors = irregular_periodic(frequencies, amplitudes, phase)
    all_lomb = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,

    # Only test the first (true) frequency; the rest correspond to noise
    npt.assert_allclose(all_lomb['freq1_freq'], frequencies[0], rtol=1e-2)

    # Only test first frequency here; noise gives non-zero amplitudes for residuals
    for j in range(NUM_HARMONICS):
                all_lomb['freq1_amplitude{}'.format(j+1)], rtol=5e-2, atol=5e-2)
        if j >= 1:
                all_lomb['freq1_rel_phase{}'.format(j+1)], rtol=1e-1, atol=1e-1)

    npt.assert_array_less(10., all_lomb['freq1_signif'])

    # Only one frequency, so this should explain basically all the variance
    npt.assert_allclose(0., all_lomb['freq_varrat'], atol=5e-3)

    npt.assert_allclose(-np.mean(values), all_lomb['freq_y_offset'], rtol=5e-2)
Пример #5
def test_feature_generation():
    """Compare generated features to reference values."""
    this_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    test_files = [
            os.path.join(this_dir, 'data/257141.dat'),
            os.path.join(this_dir, 'data/245486.dat'),
            os.path.join(this_dir, 'data/247327.dat'),
    features_extracted = None
    values_computed = None
    for i, ts_data_file_path in enumerate(test_files):
        t, m, e = ctt.parse_ts_data(ts_data_file_path)
        features = sft.generate_science_features(t, m, e, cfg.features_list_science)
        sorted_features = sorted(features.items())
        if features_extracted is None:
            features_extracted = [f[0] for f in sorted_features]
            values_computed = np.zeros((len(test_files),
        values_computed[i,:] = [f[1] for f in sorted_features]

    def features_from_csv(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            feature_names = f.readline().strip().split(",")
            feature_values = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=',')

        return feature_names, feature_values

    this_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    features_expected, values_expected = features_from_csv(
        os.path.join(this_dir, "data/expected_features.csv"))

    npt.assert_equal(features_extracted, features_expected)
    npt.assert_array_almost_equal(values_computed, values_expected)
Пример #6
def test_weighted_average():
    """Test weighted average and distance from weighted average features."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['weighted_average'])
    weighted_std_err = 1. / sum(errors**2)
    error_weights = 1. / (errors)**2 / weighted_std_err
    weighted_avg = np.average(values, weights=error_weights)
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], weighted_avg)

    dists_from_weighted_avg = values - weighted_avg
    stds_from_weighted_avg = (dists_from_weighted_avg /

    # TODO broken feature
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,
    npt.assert_equal(f.values()[0], np.mean(stds_from_weighted_avg > 1.))
Пример #7
def test_stetson():
    """Test Stetson variability features."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random(size=201)
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['stetson_j'])
    # Stetson mean approximately equal to standard mean for large inputs
    dists = np.sqrt(float(len(values)) / (len(values) - 1.)) * (values - np.mean(values)) / 0.1
    # Stetson_j should be somewhat close to (scaled) variance for normal data
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0]*0.1, np.var(values), rtol=2e-1)
    # Hard-coded original value
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], 7.591347175195703)

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['stetson_k'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], 1./0.798 * np.mean(np.abs(dists)) / np.sqrt(np.mean(dists**2)), rtol=5e-4)
    # Hard-coded original value
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], 1.0087218792719013)
Пример #8
def test_scatter_res_raw():
    """Test feature that measures scatter of Lomb-Scargle residuals."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    lomb_model = sft.sf.lomb_scargle_model(times, values, errors)
    residuals = values - lomb_model['freq_fits'][0]['model']
    resid_mad = np.median(np.abs(residuals - np.median(residuals)))
    value_mad = np.median(np.abs(values - np.median(values)))
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['scatter_res_raw'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f['scatter_res_raw'], resid_mad / value_mad, atol=3e-2)
Пример #9
def test_percent_close_to_median():
    """Test feature which finds the percentage of points near the median value."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,
    amplitude = (np.abs(max(values)) - np.abs(min(values))) / 2.
    #amplitude = (max(values) - min(values)) / 2.
    within_buffer = np.abs(values - np.median(values)) < 0.2*amplitude
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], np.mean(within_buffer))
Пример #10
def test_qso_features():
    Test features which measure fit of QSO model.

    Reference values are hard-coded values from previous implementation; not sure
    of examples with a closed-form solution.
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,
            ['qso_log_chi2_qsonu', 'qso_log_chi2nuNULL_chi2nu'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f['qso_log_chi2_qsonu'], 6.9844064754)
    npt.assert_allclose(f['qso_log_chi2nuNULL_chi2nu'], -0.456526327522)
Пример #11
def test_amplitude():
    """Test features related to amplitude/magnitude percentiles."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['amplitude'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], (max(values) - min(values)) /2.)

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['percent_amplitude'])
    max_scaled = 10**(-0.4 * max(values))
    min_scaled = 10**(-0.4 * min(values))
    med_scaled = 10**(-0.4 * np.median(values))
    peak_from_median = max(abs((max_scaled - med_scaled) / med_scaled),
            abs((min_scaled - med_scaled)) / med_scaled)
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], peak_from_median, rtol=5e-4)

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['percent_difference_flux_percentile'])
    band_offset = 13.72
    w_m2 = 10**(-0.4*(values+band_offset)-3)  # 1 erg/s/cm^2 = 10^-3 w/m^2
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], np.diff(
        np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])) / np.median(w_m2))

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['flux_percentile_ratio_mid20'])
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [40, 60])) /
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])))

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['flux_percentile_ratio_mid35'])
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [32.5, 67.5])) /
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])))

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['flux_percentile_ratio_mid50'])
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [25, 75])) /
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])))

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['flux_percentile_ratio_mid65'])
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [17.5, 82.5])) /
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])))

    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['flux_percentile_ratio_mid80'])
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [10, 90])) /
                            np.diff(np.percentile(w_m2, [5, 95])))
Пример #12
def test_lomb_scargle_period_folding():
    Tests for features derived from fitting a Lomb-Scargle periodic model and
    period-folding the data by the estimated period.
    frequencies = np.hstack((WAVE_FREQS[0], np.zeros(len(WAVE_FREQS)-1)))
    amplitudes = np.zeros((len(WAVE_FREQS),4))
    amplitudes[0,:] = [8,4,2,1]
    phase = 0.1
    times, values, errors = irregular_periodic(frequencies, amplitudes, phase)
    all_lomb = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors,

    # Folding is numerically unstable so we need to use the exact fitted frequency
    freq_est = all_lomb['freq1_freq']
    # Fold by 1*period
    fold1ed_times = (times-times[0]) % (1./freq_est)
    sort_indices = np.argsort(fold1ed_times)
    fold1ed_times = fold1ed_times[sort_indices]
    fold1ed_values = values[sort_indices]
    # Fold by 2*period
    fold2ed_times = (times-times[0]) % (2./freq_est)
    sort_indices = np.argsort(fold2ed_times)
    fold2ed_times = fold2ed_times[sort_indices]
    fold2ed_values = values[sort_indices]

    npt.assert_allclose(np.sum(np.diff(fold2ed_values)**2) /
            np.sum(np.diff(values)**2), all_lomb['p2p_scatter_2praw'])
    npt.assert_allclose(np.sum(np.diff(values)**2) / ((len(values) - 1) *
        np.var(values)), all_lomb['p2p_ssqr_diff_over_var'])
    npt.assert_allclose(np.median(np.abs(np.diff(values))) /
    npt.assert_allclose(np.median(np.abs(np.diff(fold1ed_values))) /
Пример #13
def test_std():
    """Test standard deviation feature."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['std'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], np.std(values))
Пример #14
def test_skew():
    """Test statistical skew feature."""
    from scipy import stats
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['skew'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], stats.skew(values))
Пример #15
def test_median():
    """Test median value feature."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['median'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], np.median(values))
Пример #16
def test_median_absolute_deviation():
    """Test median absolute deviation (from the median) feature."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['median_absolute_deviation'])
    npt.assert_allclose(f.values()[0], np.median(np.abs(values -
Пример #17
def featurize_single_ts(ts, features_to_use, custom_script_path=None,
                        custom_functions=None, use_docker=True):
    """Compute feature values for a given single time-series. Data is
    returned as dictionaries/lists of lists (as opposed to a more
    convenient DataFrame/DataSet) since it will be serialized as part of

    ts : TimeSeries object
        Single time series to be featurized.
    features_to_use : list of str
        List of feature names to be generated.
    custom_script_path : str, optional
        Path to custom features script .py file to be run in Docker container.
    custom_functions : dict, optional
        Dictionary of custom feature functions to be evaluated for the given
        time series, or a dictionary representing a dask graph of function
        evaluations. Dictionaries of functions should have keys `feature_name`
        and values functions that take arguments (t, m, e); in the case of a
        dask graph, these arrays should be referenced as 't', 'm', 'e',
        respectively, and any values with keys present in `features_to_use`
        will be computed.
    use_docker : bool, optional
        Bool specifying whether to generate custom features inside a Docker
        container. Defaults to True.

        Dictionary with feature names as keys, lists of feature values (one per
        channel) as values.
    all_feature_lists = {feature: [0.] * ts.n_channels
                         for feature in features_to_use}
    for (t_i, m_i, e_i), i in zip(ts.channels(), range(ts.n_channels)):
        obs_features = oft.generate_obs_features(t_i, m_i, e_i,
        science_features = sft.generate_science_features(t_i, m_i, e_i,
        if custom_script_path:
            custom_features = cft.generate_custom_features(
                custom_script_path, t_i, m_i, e_i,
                features_already_known=dict(list(obs_features.items()) +
                                            list(science_features.items()) +
            custom_features = {key: custom_features[key]
                               for key in custom_features.keys()
                               if key in features_to_use}
        elif custom_functions:
            # If all values in custom_functions are functions, evaluate each
            if all(hasattr(v, '__call__') for v in custom_functions.values()):
                custom_features = {feature: f(t_i, m_i, e_i)
                                   for feature, f in custom_functions.items()
                                   if feature in features_to_use}
            # Otherwise, custom_functions is a dask graph
                dask_graph = {key: value
                              for key, value in custom_functions.items()
                              if key in features_to_use}
                dask_keys = list(dask_graph.keys())
                dask_graph['t'] = t_i
                dask_graph['m'] = m_i
                dask_graph['e'] = e_i
                dask_graph.update(dict(list(obs_features.items()) +
                                       list(science_features.items()) +
                custom_features = dict(zip(dask_keys,
            custom_features = {}

        # We set values in this order so that custom features take priority
        # over MLTSP features in the case of name conflicts
        for feature, value in (list(obs_features.items()) +
                               list(science_features.items()) +
            all_feature_lists[feature][i] = value

    return all_feature_lists
Пример #18
def test_min():
    """Test minimum value feature."""
    times, values, errors = irregular_random()
    f = sft.generate_science_features(times, values, errors, ['minimum'])
    npt.assert_equal(f.values()[0], min(values))