Пример #1
 def __init__(self, arguments, address, port, refreshrate, playername, 
     """Create a client that connects to the mMOSS server, interacts with 
     the human player and displays game state.
     arguments - argparse arguments object
     address - IP address (in text form e.g. "")
     port - Internet port number
     refreshrate - Screen refresh rate (seconds per cycle)
     playername - Name of the player
     screensize - Tuple that specifies requested screen area (W,H)
     super(Client,self).__init__(arguments, address, port, refreshrate, 
         playername, screensize)
     self.controller = Controller([A,S,D,W,Q,SPACE,TAB])
     self.rotateheld = False
     self.lastrotate = 0.0
     self.shipimage = pygame.image.load("mmossfiles/"+
     self.shiprect = self.shipimage.get_rect()
     self.myshipobject = None
     self.outoffuel = False
     self.background = white
     self.screen = None
Пример #2
class Client(MMOSSClient):
    """The Client class overrides MMOSSClient and implements the user look
    and feel of the mMOSS game.
    def __init__(self, arguments, address, port, refreshrate, playername,
        """Create a client that connects to the mMOSS server, interacts with 
        the human player and displays game state.
        arguments - argparse arguments object
        address - IP address (in text form e.g. "")
        port - Internet port number
        refreshrate - Screen refresh rate (seconds per cycle)
        playername - Name of the player
        screensize - Tuple that specifies requested screen area (W,H)
        super(Client, self).__init__(arguments, address, port, refreshrate,
                                     playername, screensize)
        self.controller = Controller([A, S, D, W, Q, SPACE, TAB])
        self.rotateheld = False
        self.lastrotate = 0.0
        self.shipimage = pygame.image.load("mmossfiles/" +
                                           self.arguments.ship_image + ".png")
        self.shiprect = self.shipimage.get_rect()
        self.myshipobject = None
        self.outoffuel = False
        self.background = black

    # Handlers for event notifications from the server

    def notifyConnected(self, protocol):
        """Perform any processing required when a connection is created with
        the game server. Call the base class handler.
        protocol - Reference to the server connection.
        MMOSSClient.notifyConnected(self, protocol)

    def joinResponse(self, myid, thetime, gamewidth, gameheight):
        """After requesting that the server admit the client, the server
        will send a response message, which is handled in this method.
        myid - The numeric ID of MY ship.
        thetime - The current server time.
        gamewidth - The width of the game field (pixels).
        gameheight - The height of the game field (pixels).
        super(Client, self).joinResponse(myid, thetime, gamewidth, gameheight)
        size = width, height = self.gamedimensions
        self.myshipobject.gamedimensions = size
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screensize)

    def notifyPlayerStatsComplete(self):
        """Do something to let the player know what the current server/player
        statistics are.
        for player in self.playerstats.getPlayers():
            print player

    # Check for user input

    def handleControls(self):
        """Keep track of the keys that have been pressed and issue an 
        appropriate control message to the server.
        super(Client, self).handleControls()
        if self.myshipobject:
            if self.myshipobject.flevel == 0.0:
                self.outoffuel = True
            thrust = self.checkThrustControl()
            ccwthrust = self.checkRotationalThrustControl()
            bullete = self.checkFireControl()
            controlling, shooting = self.myshipobject.processCommand(
                self.servertime, thrust, ccwthrust, BULLETV, bullete)
            if controlling or shooting:

    def checkThrustControl(self):
        """Handle forward (W) and reverse (S) thrust keys.
        Returns: Thrust strength (force).
        fwd = self.controller.key(W)
        rev = self.controller.key(S)
        if fwd and not fwd.down and self.outoffuel:
            self.outoffuel = False
        if fwd and fwd.down and not self.outoffuel:
            thrust = THRUST
        elif rev and rev.down:
            thrust = -THRUST / 5
            thrust = 0.0
        return thrust

    def checkRotationalThrustControl(self):
        """Handle left (A) and right (D) rotational thrust keys.
        Returns: Rotational thrust strength (torque). CCW is +.
        ccwthrust = 0.0
        helddown = False
        left = self.controller.key(A)
        if left:
            if left.down:
                ccwthrust = ROTATETHRUST
            if left.helddown:
                helddown = True
        right = self.controller.key(D)
        if right:
            if right.down:
                ccwthrust = ccwthrust - ROTATETHRUST
            if right.helddown:
                helddown = True
        if helddown and self.servertime < self.lastrotate + REPEAT_RATE:
            ccwthrust = 0.0
            self.lastrotate = self.servertime
        return ccwthrust

    def checkFireControl(self):
        """Handle the fire (SPACE) key.
        Returns: Energy of the bullet (0.0 if none fired).
        fire = self.controller.key(SPACE)
        if fire and fire.down and not fire.helddown:
            bullete = BULLETE
            bullete = 0.0
        return bullete

    def checkStatsControl(self):
        """Handle the "show stats" (TAB) key.
        tab = self.controller.key(TAB)
        if tab and tab.down and not tab.helddown:

    def checkQuitControl(self):
        """Handle the quit (Q) key.
        if self.controller.key(Q):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()

    # Periodic processing

    def sendJoinRequest(self):
        """Create a new ship object and send a join request to the server.
        super(Client, self).sendJoinRequest()
        self.myshipobject = Ship(client=self,

    def eraseScreen(self):
        """Periodic call to erase screen objects.
        super(Client, self).eraseScreen()

    def writeScreen(self):
        """Periodic call to write screen objects.
        super(Client, self).writeScreen()

    def clientPoll(self):
        """Periodic processing to monitor player control/keyboard activity
        and update ship/asteroid/bullet positions on the screen.
        super(Client, self).clientPoll()