Пример #1
	def __mmpython(self, file):
		meta = {}
		info = mmpython.parse(file)
#		print info

		if info:
			tables = ["video", "audio", "image"]
			not_save = ["dict", "i18ndir", "url", "name"]
			for table in tables:
				if info.has_key(table):
					mediums = info[table]
					for medium in mediums:
						for key in medium.keys:
							if medium[key] and key not in not_save:
								meta[table + "_" + key] = medium[key]

			for table in info._tables:
				mm = info._tables[table]
				for key, value in mm.__dict__.items():
					if value and key not in not_save:
						meta[key] = value

			for key in info.keys:
				if info[key] and key not in not_save:
					meta[key] = info[key]

		return meta
Пример #2
    def read(self, filename, metainfo):
        import mmpython
            minfo = mmpython.parse(filename)
        except TypeError:
            logger.exception("MP3 tag parse error")

            if minfo.title:
                metainfo["title"] = minfo.title
            if minfo.genre:
                metainfo["genre"] = minfo.genre
            if minfo.date:
                metainfo["year"] = minfo.date
            if minfo.trackno:
                metainfo["tracknr"] = minfo.trackno
            if minfo.album:
                metainfo["album"] = minfo.album
            if minfo.artist:
                metainfo["artist"] = minfo.artist
            if minfo.length:
                metainfo["length"] = "00:%02d:%02d" % \
                                     (minfo.length / 60, minfo.length % 60)

        import mmpython.audio.eyeD3
        file = mmpython.audio.eyeD3.Mp3AudioFile(filename)
        metainfo["bitrate"] = file.getBitRateString()
        metainfo["samplefreq"] = file.header.sampleFreq
        metainfo["audio_mode"] = file.header.mode
        metainfo["subtype"] = "MPEG %s layer %s" % (file.header.version,
                                                    'I' * file.header.layer)
Пример #3
    def detailsFromDisk(self, filename, details):
        """Automagically load media metadata out of the provided filename,
           adding entries to details. This works on any file type
           mmpython recognizes, and other files should be tagged
           appropriately for Rio Taxi.
        info = mmpython.parse(filename)
        st = os.stat(filename)

        # Generic details for any file. Note that we start out assuming
        # all files are unreadable, and label everything for Rio Taxi.
        # Later we'll mark supported formats as music.
        details['length'] = st.st_size
        details['type'] = 'taxi'
        details['rid'] = RidCalculator().fromFile(filename, st.st_size, info)

        # We get the bulk of our metadata via mmpython if possible
        if info:
            self.detailsFromMM(info, details)

        if details['type'] == 'taxi':
            # All taxi files get their filename as their title, regardless of what mmpython said
            details['title'] = os.path.basename(filename)

            # Taxi files also always get a codec of 'taxi'
            details['codec'] = 'taxi'

        # Music files that still don't get a title get their filename minus the extension
        if not details.get('title'):
            details['title'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
Пример #4
    def read(self, metainfo):
        import mmpython
            minfo = mmpython.parse(self.filename)
        except TypeError:
            logger.exception("MP3 tag parse error")

            if minfo.title:
                metainfo["title"] = minfo.title
            if minfo.genre:
                if metainfo.has_key('genre'):
                    metainfo["genre"] = [minfo.genre]
            if minfo.date:
                metainfo["year"] = minfo.date
            if minfo.trackno:
                metainfo["tracknr"] = minfo.trackno
            if minfo.album:
                metainfo["album"] = minfo.album
            if minfo.artist:
                metainfo["artist"] = minfo.artist
            if minfo.length:
                metainfo["length"] = "00:%02d:%02d" % \
                                     (minfo.length / 60, minfo.length % 60)

        file = mmpython.audio.eyeD3.Mp3AudioFile(self.filename)
        metainfo["bitrate"] = file.getBitRateString()
        metainfo["samplefreq"] = file.header.sampleFreq
        metainfo["audio_mode"] = file.header.mode
        metainfo["subtype"] = "MPEG %s layer %s" % (file.header.version,
                                                    'I' * file.header.layer)

        # Try get musicbrainz tags out of the file
        from mmpython.audio.eyeD3.frames import \
             UserTextFrame, DateFrame

        for frame in file.tag.frames:
            print "Found frame id", frame.header.id
            if frame.header.id == "TXXX":
                print "TXXX:%s" % frame.description
                if self.TXXX_FIELD_MAP.has_key(frame.description):
                    metainfo[self.TXXX_FIELD_MAP[frame.description]] = frame.text
            elif frame.header.id == "TSOP":
                metainfo["artist_sortname"] = frame.text
            elif frame.header.id == "UFID":
                ufid = UFIDFrame(frame.data, frame.header)
                metainfo["mb_track_id"] = ufid.id
        return metainfo
Пример #5
    def GetMetadata(self, fullPath):
        fullPath = ConvertPath(fullPath)
        if not self.__LegalPath(fullPath):
            return False

            fileType = self.GetFileType(fullPath)
            if not fileType:
                return False
            elif fileType == "pdf":  # for pdfs
                return "Pages: " + str(countPDFpages.getPDFPageCount(fullPath))
            else:  # for all other types
                metadata = mmpython.parse(fullPath)
                if metadata:  # metadata extracted successfully
                    return unicode(metadata).encode('latin-1', 'replace')
                    return False
            WriteLog(str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
            return False
Пример #6
    def GetMetadata(self, fullPath):
        fullPath = ConvertPath(fullPath)
        if not self.__LegalPath(fullPath):
            return False

            fileType = self.GetFileType(fullPath)
            if not fileType:
                return False
            elif fileType == "pdf":    # for pdfs
                return "Pages: "+str(countPDFpages.getPDFPageCount(fullPath))
            else:                      # for all other types
                metadata = mmpython.parse(fullPath)
                if metadata:   # metadata extracted successfully
                    return unicode(metadata).encode('latin-1', 'replace')
                    return False
            WriteLog( str(sys.exc_info()[0])+" "+str(sys.exc_info()[1]) )
            return False
Пример #7
    def fromFile(self, filename, length=None, mminfo=None):
        """Calculate the RID from a file, given its name. The file's length and
           mmpython results may be provided if they're known, to avoid duplicating work.
        if mminfo is None:
            mminfo = mmpython.parse(filename)

        f = open(filename, "rb")

        if length is None:
            f.seek(0, 2)
            length = f.tell()

        # Is this an MP3 file? For some silliness we have to skip the header
        # and the last 128 bytes of the file. mmpython can tell us where the
        # header starts, but only in a somewhat ugly way.
        if isinstance(mminfo, mmpython.audio.eyed3info.eyeD3Info):
	        offset = mp3info.MPEG(f)._find_header(f)[0]
            except ZeroDivisionError:
	        # This is a bit of a kludge, since mmpython seems to crash
		# here on some MP3s for a currently-unknown reason.
		print "WARNING, mmpython got a div0 error on %r" % filename
		offset = 0

	    if offset < 0:
                # Hmm, it couldn't find the header? Set this to zero
                # so we still get a usable RID, but it probably
                # won't strictly be a correct RID.
                offset = 0

            return self.fromSection(f, offset, length-128)

        # Otherwise, use the whole file
            return self.fromSection(f, 0, length)