#structureList = ['Protein.gro', 'Ligand.gro', 'Solvent.gro'] #topologyList = ['Protein.top', 'Ligand.top', 'Solvent.top'] #sys = System("Test", structureList, topologyList, "Gromacs") #print "Done." #print "Adding a molecule to a system ...", #sys.addMolecule('Ion.gro', 'Ion.gro', "Gromacs") #print "Done." # Test a single topology and multiple structures #print "Reading multiple structures and a single topology ...", #structureList = ['LG2-0-eq.gro'] #topologyList = ['LG2.top'] #sys = System("Test", structureList, topologyList, "Gromacs") #print "Done." # Write out as a single pair of structure and topology files print "Writing multiple structures and topologies into a single structure and topology file ...", sys.writeToFiles('Gromacs') print "Done." # Write out as seperate structure and topology files #print "Writing multiple structures and topologies into multiple structure and topology files ..." #ligandList = ['Protein', 'Ligand', 'Solvent'] #structureFileList = ['Protein-out.gro', 'Ligand-out.gro', 'Solvent-out.gro'] #topologyFileList = ['Protein-out.top', 'Ligand-out.top', 'Solvent-out.gro'] #sys.writeToFiles('Gromacs', topologyName=toplogyFileList, structureName=structureFileList, molecules=LigandFileList) #print "Done" #pdb.set_trace()