Пример #1
    def image(self,
        image, assign_to_variable = "layered", new_variable = True,
        x = 0, y = 0, scale = 1.0, angle = 0,
        canvas = "layered", uv = "stuv", anchor = "vec2(0.5, 0.5)",
        shift = "vec2(0.5, 0.5)", repeat = False,
        undo_gamma = True, gamma = 2.0, **kwargs
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMakerTransformations.image]"

        new = "vec4 " if new_variable else ""
        repeat = self.utils.bool_to_string(repeat)
        undo_gamma = self.utils.bool_to_string(undo_gamma)

        boc = BlockOfCode((
            f"{new}{assign_to_variable} = mmv_blit_image(\n"
            f"    {canvas}, // Canvas\n"
            f"    {image}, // Image\n"
            f"    {image}_resolution, // Resolution\n"
            f"    {uv}, // UV\n"
            f"    {anchor}, // Anchor\n"
            f"    {shift}, // Shift\n"
            f"    {scale}, // Scale\n"
            f"    {angle}, // Angle\n"
            f"    {repeat}, // Repeat\n"
            f"    {undo_gamma}, // Undo gamma\n"
            f"    {gamma} // Gamma\n"
        ), scoped = kwargs.get("scoped", True))

        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Returning BlockOfCode:")
        for line in boc.get_content(): logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | {line}")
        return boc
Пример #2
    def build_final_shader(self) -> BlockOfCode:
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.build_final_shader]"

        # Replaces pair of name on the final shader and the items
        replaces = [
            ["includes", self._includes],
            ["mappings", self._mappings],
            ["functions", self._functions],
            ["transformations", self._transformations],

        # For each pair, replace with that object's content
        for mapping_type, items in replaces:

            # The marker we search for
            marker = f"//#shadermaker {mapping_type}"

            for block_of_code in items:
                have_marker = False
                for line in self._fragment_shader.split("\n"):
                    if marker in line:
                        indent = line.split(marker)[0]
                        have_marker = True

                if have_marker:
                        marker = marker,
                        data = block_of_code.get_string_content(indent = indent),
                        indent = indent,
        # Assign final shader
        self._final_shader = BlockOfCode(self._fragment_shader, scoped = False, name = self.name)
Пример #3
    def gamma_correction(self, exponent = 2.0, **kwargs):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMakerTransformations.gamma_coorection]"

        boc = BlockOfCode((
            f"layered = pow(layered, vec4(1.0 / {exponent}));"
        ), scoped = kwargs.get("scoped", False))
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Returning BlockOfCode:")
        for line in boc.get_content(newline = False): logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | {line}")
        return boc
Пример #4
    def alpha_composite(self, new, old = "layered", **kwargs):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMakerTransformations.alpha_composite]"

        boc = BlockOfCode((
            f"layered = mmv_alpha_composite({new}, {old});"
        ), scoped = kwargs.get("scoped", False))
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Returning BlockOfCode:")
        for line in boc.get_content(newline = False): logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | {line}")
        return boc
Пример #5
    def get_texture(self, texture_name, uv = "stuv", assign_to_variable = "processing", new_variable = True, **kwargs):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMakerTransformations.get_texture]"

        new = "vec4 " if new_variable else ""
        boc = BlockOfCode((
            f"{new}{assign_to_variable} = texture({texture_name}, {uv});"
        ), scoped = kwargs.get("scoped", True))
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Returning BlockOfCode:")
        for line in boc.get_content(newline = False): logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | {line}")
        return boc
Пример #6
 def fade_in(self, formula = "(atan(mmv_time*mmv_time)*2) / 3.141596", stop_after = 10):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMakerTransformations.fade_in]"
     boc = BlockOfCode((
         f"if (mmv_time < {stop_after}) {{\n"
         f"    float fadein = {formula};\n"
         f"    layered = fadein * layered;\n"
     ), scoped = True)
     logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Returning BlockOfCode:")
     for line in boc.get_content(newline = False): logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | {line}")
     return boc
Пример #7
class MMVShaderMaker:
    def __init__(self, working_directory, name = None, replaces = {}):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.__init__]"

        # Instantiate classes
        self.utils = Utils()
        self.block_of_code = BlockOfCode

        # Refactors
        self.transformations = MMVShaderMakerTransformations()
        self.loaders = MMVShaderMakerLoaders(mmv_shader_maker = self)
        self.macros = MMVShaderMakerMacros(mmv_shader_maker = self)
        # Where to place directories and whatnot
        self.working_directory = working_directory

        # # Sessions and Shader Maker runtime directory

        # Reset runtime directory
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Resetting directory")

        # # Add stuff

        # Attributes
        self._includes = []
        self._mappings = []
        self._functions = []
        self._transformations = []

        # Get and add name mapping
        self.name = name
        self.replaces = replaces
        # Start with the base shader
        self._fragment_shader = BASE_FRAGMENT_SHADER
        self._final_shader = None
        self._path_on_disk = None

    def clone(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
    def set_name(self, name): self.name = name

    # Build the shader and save to the working directory, returns the final path
    # Append suffix is useful for layer shaders, set to False for includes
    def finish(self, append_prefix = True):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.finish]"
        if self.name is None:
            self.name = str(uuid.uuid4())
        elif append_prefix:
            self.name = f"[{len(os.listdir(self.working_directory))}]_{self.name}"
        save = self.working_directory / f"{self.name}.glsl"
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Finishing shader [{self.name}] saving to [{save}]")
        return self.get_path()

    # Load full shader from path
    def load_shader_from_path(self, path: Path, replaces = {}, get_name_from_file = True):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.load_from_path]"
        path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
        # Concatenate both dictionaries
        for key, item in self.replaces.items():
            replaces[key] = item

        # Log action
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Loading shader from path [{path}]")
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Replaces: {replaces}")

        # Assign same name of the file
        if (self.name is None) or get_name_from_file:
            logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} No name so far, getting filename.. will error if not pathlib.Path")
            self.name = path.stem
            logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Ok! Name is [{self.name}]")

        # Load file on path
        with open(path, "r") as f:
            data = f.read()

        # Replace stuff
        for key, value in replaces.items():
            logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} | Replacing [{key}] -> [{value}]")
            data = data.replace(f"{{{key}}}", f"{value}")
        # Assign data to fragment shader
        self._fragment_shader = data

    # # # # Add functions

    # # Mappings

    # Return a pretty dictionary and commented with //, multi lines like:
    # //#mmv {                                                                                                                         //  //
    # //  'anisotropy': 16,                                                                                                             //  //
    # //  'height': None,    
    # ...
    # //}
    def __pretty_mapper(self, dictionary):
        pretty = pprint.pformat(dictionary)[1:-1].split("\n")

        # Add newlines on {}
        pretty.insert(0, "{")

        # Iterate on lines
        processing = []
        for index, line in enumerate(pretty):

            # Add coment if not start or end (because we put //#mmv)
            if not ( (index == 0) or (index == len(pretty) - 1) ):
                line = f"// {line}"

          # Append and join
        return '\n'.join(processing)

    # Add image from file mapping to a target width and height.
    # Uses the resolution of the read file if some width or height is None (or both)
    def add_image_mapping(self, name, path, width = None, height = None, repeat_x = True, repeat_y = True, mipmaps = True, anisotropy = 16):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_image_mapping]"
        path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
        mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "image", "value": str(path), "width": width, "height": height, "mipmaps": mipmaps, "repeat_x": repeat_x, "repeat_y": repeat_y, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # Video mapping to a target width and height
    def add_video_mapping(self, name, path, width, height, anisotropy = 16):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_video_mapping]"
        path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
        mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "video", "value": str(path), "width": width, "height": height, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # Pipeline (as) texture is for communicating big arrays from Python to ModernGL's shader being executed
    def add_pipeline_texture_mapping(self, name, width, height, depth, repeat_x = False, repeat_y = False, mipmaps = True, anisotropy = 16):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_pipeline_texture_mapping]"
        mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "pipeline_texture", "width": width, "height": height, "depth": depth, "repeat_x": repeat_x, "repeat_y": repeat_y, "mipmaps": mipmaps, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # Strict shader only renders at this target resolution internally, regardless of output dimensions
    def add_strict_shader_mapping(self, name, path, width, height, anisotropy = 16):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_strict_shader_mapping]"
        path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
        mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "shader", "value": str(path), "width": width, "height": height, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # Dynamic shader adapts to the viewport / output dimensions, recommended
    def add_dynamic_shader_mapping(self, name, path, anisotropy = 16):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_dynamic_shader_mapping]"
        path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
        mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "dynshader", "value": str(path), "anisotropy": anisotropy}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # Name the shader on this class's name
    def _add_name_mapping(self):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_name_mapping]"
        mapping = {"type": "name", "value": self.name}
        mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
        self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # # Functions

    # Append some function to this shader
    def add_function(self, function: BlockOfCode):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_include]"
        function.scoped = False  # Enforce non scoped functions

    # # Includes

    # Include some file
    def add_include(self, include: str, mode = "multiple"):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_include]"
        mapping = {"type": "include", "value": include, "mode": mode}
        self._includes.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))

    # # Transformations

    # Append some transformation to this shader (executed in main function)
    def add_transformation(self, transformation: BlockOfCode):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_transformation]"

    # # # # Generating, saving, getting strings

    def __replace_progressive(self, marker: str, data: str, indent: str):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.__replace_progressive]"
        self._fragment_shader = self._fragment_shader.replace(f"{indent}{marker}", f"{data}{indent}{marker}")

    # # Core loop

    # Build the final shader, assign it to self._final_shader
    def build_final_shader(self) -> BlockOfCode:
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.build_final_shader]"

        # Replaces pair of name on the final shader and the items
        replaces = [
            ["includes", self._includes],
            ["mappings", self._mappings],
            ["functions", self._functions],
            ["transformations", self._transformations],

        # For each pair, replace with that object's content
        for mapping_type, items in replaces:

            # The marker we search for
            marker = f"//#shadermaker {mapping_type}"

            for block_of_code in items:
                have_marker = False
                for line in self._fragment_shader.split("\n"):
                    if marker in line:
                        indent = line.split(marker)[0]
                        have_marker = True

                if have_marker:
                        marker = marker,
                        data = block_of_code.get_string_content(indent = indent),
                        indent = indent,
        # Assign final shader
        self._final_shader = BlockOfCode(self._fragment_shader, scoped = False, name = self.name)

    # String of the final shader
    def get_final_shader_string(self) -> str:
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.get_final_shader_string]"

        # Can't get shader if didn't run .build_final_shader()
        assert self._final_shader is not None, "You haven't run .build_final_shader()"
        return self._final_shader.get_string_content()

    # Save this shader to a file
    def save_shader_to_file(self, path):
        debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.save_shader_to_file]"
        self._path_on_disk = path

        # Log action
        logging.info(f"{debug_prefix} Saving shader name [{self.name}] to path [{path}]")

        # Open the file on the path and write the strings
        with open(path, "w") as shader_file:

    # Get the shader's path    
    def get_path(self):
        assert self._path_on_disk is not None, "You haven't run .save_shader_to_file()"
        return self._path_on_disk
Пример #8
 def add_include(self, include: str, mode = "multiple"):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_include]"
     mapping = {"type": "include", "value": include, "mode": mode}
     self._includes.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))
Пример #9
 def add_function(self, function: BlockOfCode):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_include]"
     function.scoped = False  # Enforce non scoped functions
Пример #10
 def _add_name_mapping(self):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_name_mapping]"
     mapping = {"type": "name", "value": self.name}
     mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
     self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))
Пример #11
 def add_dynamic_shader_mapping(self, name, path, anisotropy = 16):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_dynamic_shader_mapping]"
     path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
     mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "dynshader", "value": str(path), "anisotropy": anisotropy}
     mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
     self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))
Пример #12
 def add_pipeline_texture_mapping(self, name, width, height, depth, repeat_x = False, repeat_y = False, mipmaps = True, anisotropy = 16):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_pipeline_texture_mapping]"
     mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "pipeline_texture", "width": width, "height": height, "depth": depth, "repeat_x": repeat_x, "repeat_y": repeat_y, "mipmaps": mipmaps, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
     mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
     self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))
Пример #13
 def add_image_mapping(self, name, path, width = None, height = None, repeat_x = True, repeat_y = True, mipmaps = True, anisotropy = 16):
     debug_prefix = "[MMVShaderMaker.add_image_mapping]"
     path = self.utils.enforce_pathlib_Path(path)
     mapping = {"type": "map", "name": name, "loader": "image", "value": str(path), "width": width, "height": height, "mipmaps": mipmaps, "repeat_x": repeat_x, "repeat_y": repeat_y, "anisotropy": anisotropy}
     mapping = self.__pretty_mapper(dictionary = mapping)
     self._mappings.append(BlockOfCode(f"//#mmv {mapping}", scoped = False, name = f"{debug_prefix}"))