Пример #1
    def __init__(self, args=args_default):
        # set basic paramters
        self.frequency = args['frequency']
        self.bw = args['bw']  # Bandwidth in Hz
        self.tx_pow = args['tx_power']  # TX power in dBm
        self.nsect_t = args['nsect_t']
        self.nsect_a = args['nsect_a']

        self.uav_number = args['uav_number']
        self.bs_elev_angle_t = args[
            'bs_elev_t']  # downtilt on terrestrial cells
        self.bs_elev_angle_a = args['bs_elev_a']
        self.uav_elev_angle = args['uav_elev']
        self.thetabw = args['thetabw']
        self.phibw = args['phibw']
        # set constant values
        self.lambda_ = const_values.speed_of_light / self.frequency
        self.pi = const_values.pi
        self.nf = 6  # Noise figure in dB
        self.kT = -174  # Thermal noise in dB/Hz

        ## let's get link state using the trained VAE model
        #model_dir = 'models/uav_beijing'
        self.pl_max = 200.0
        # Construct the channel model object
        self.chan_mod = load_model('uav_boston', src='remote')
        self.npath_max = self.chan_mod.npaths_max
        # Load the learned link classifier model
        # Load the learned path model
        self.npaths_max = self.chan_mod.npaths_max
        self.arr_gnb_list_a = []
        self.arr_gnb_list_t = []
        self.arr_ue_list = []
Пример #2
elem_ue = Elem3GPP(thetabw=65, phibw=65)
elem_gnb_t = Elem3GPP(thetabw=65, phibw=65)
elem_gnb_a = Elem3GPP(thetabw=65, phibw=65)

frequency = 28e9
nsect = 1
arr_gnb_t = URA(elem=elem_gnb_t, nant=np.array([8, 8]), fc=frequency)
arr_gnb_a = URA(elem=elem_gnb_a, nant=np.array([8, 8]), fc=frequency)
arr_ue0 = URA(elem=elem_ue, nant=np.array([4, 4]), fc=frequency)

#arr_gnb_list_a = multi_sect_array( arr_gnb_a, sect_type= 'azimuth', nsect=nsect, theta0=45 )
arr_gnb_list_t = RotatedArray(arr_gnb_t, theta0=90)
#arr_gnb_list_t = multi_sect_array(arr_gnb_t, sect_type = 'azimuth', nsect= nsect,theta0=90)
arr_ue = RotatedArray(arr_ue0, theta0=-90, drone=True)
chan_mod = load_model('uav_lon_tok', src='remote')
#self.npath_max = self.chan_mod.npaths_max
# Load the learned link classifier model
# Load the learned path model

bs_loc = np.array([0, 0, 0])
R = 20
height = 10
n = 21
drone = True
if drone is True:
    type = 'E_Gain_Drone_Side_of_Measured_Patterns_using_new_rotation'
    type = 'E_Gain_Drone_Side_of_3GPP_Patterns_using_new_rotation'
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
                 horizontal_axis_of_net=np.linspace(0, 100, 20),
                 vertical_axis_of_net=np.linspace(1, 150, 20),
        This class plots a heat map showing strength of SNR values using color bar
        We can observe how SNR values change in different planes (x-y, y-z, x-z)
        for terrestrial and aerial BSs changing antenna configurations: number of sectors and tilted angle

        mod_name: model name depending on name of city
        bs_type: Either 'Terrestrial' or 'Aerial'
        npts: number of random channels generated at one point
        nsect: number of sectors for antenna array
        cdf_prob: the probability to take SNR value from its CDF
        net_work_area_hori: horizontal values consisting of network area ( observation plane)
        net_work_area_verti: vertical values consisting of network area (observation plane)
        cmap_name: types of color bar: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        plane_type: types of plane where we can observe data
        plan_shift: value for shifting observation plane

        # Paramters
        self.bw = 400e6  # Bandwidth in Hz
        self.nf = 6  # Noise figure in dB
        self.kT = -174  # Thermal noise in dBm/Hz
        self.tx_pow = 23  # TX power in dBm
        self.horizontal_axis_of_net = horizontal_axis_of_net
        self.vertical_axis_of_net = vertical_axis_of_net
        self.cmap_name = cmap_name
        self.plane_type = plane_type
        self.plane_shift = plane_shift  # value for shifting plane
        fc = 28e9  # carrier frequency in Hz
        nant_gnb = np.array([8, 8])  # gNB array size
        nant_ue = np.array([4, 4])  # UE/UAV array size

        # We downtilt the array and then replicate it over three sectors
        elem_gnb = Elem3GPP(thetabw=65, phibw=65)
        self.arr_gnb0 = URA(elem=elem_gnb, nant=nant_gnb, fc=fc)

        # UE array.  Array is pointing down.
        elem_ue = Elem3GPP(thetabw=65, phibw=65)
        arr_ue0 = URA(elem=elem_ue, nant=nant_ue, fc=fc)
        self.arr_ue = RotatedArray(arr_ue0, theta0=-90)

        # Construct and load the channel model object
        #print('Loading pre-trained model %s' % mod_name)
        self.chan_mod = load_model(mod_name, src='remote')

        # Get types of cell; terrestrial or aerial
        cell_types = self.chan_mod.rx_types
        self.cell_type = np.where(np.array(cell_types) == bs_type)[0]
        self.npts = npts
        self.nsect = nsect
        self.cdf_prob = cdf_prob

        self.vmin = -10
        self.vmax = 60
Пример #4
# Number of x and z bins
nx = 40
nz = 20

# Range of x and z distances to test
xlim = np.array([0, 500])
zlim = np.array([0, 130])
Create the arrays
 Load the pre-trained model
# Construct and load the channel model object
chan_mod = load_model(mod_name)

# Get types of RX
rx_types = chan_mod.rx_types

# Terrestrial gNB.
# We downtilt the array and then replicate it over three sectors
elem_gnb = Elem3GPP(thetabw=30, phibw=30)
arr_gnb0 = URA(elem=elem_gnb, nant=nant_gnb, fc=fc)
# UE array.  Array is pointing down.
elem_ue = Elem3GPP(thetabw=30, phibw=30)
arr_ue0 = URA(elem=elem_ue, nant=nant_ue, fc=fc)
arr_ue = RotatedArray(arr_ue0, theta0=180)

SNR_median = []
uptilt_a_list = [-10, 0, 5, 10, 30, 40, 45, 60, 80, 90]