Пример #1
    def _get_mappings(self, inst):
        from .utils import _fast_map_meg_channels

        ch_subsets = self.ch_subsets_
        pos = np.array([ch['loc'][:3] for ch in inst.info['chs']])
        ch_names = inst.info['ch_names']
        n_channels = len(ch_names)
        pick_to = range(n_channels)
        mappings = []
        # Try different channel subsets
        for idx in range(len(ch_subsets)):
            # don't do the following as it will sort the channels!
            # pick_from = pick_channels(ch_names, ch_subsets[idx])
            pick_from = np.array(
                [ch_names.index(name) for name in ch_subsets[idx]])
            mapping = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels))
            if self.ch_type == 'meg':
                mapping[:, pick_from] = _fast_map_meg_channels(
                    inst, pick_from, pick_to)
            elif self.ch_type == 'eeg':
                        pick_from] = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos[pick_from],
        mappings = np.concatenate(mappings)
        return mappings
Пример #2
    def _get_mappings(self, inst):
        from .utils import _fast_map_meg_channels

        ch_subsets = self.ch_subsets_
        picked_info = mne.io.pick.pick_info(inst.info, self.picks)
        pos = np.array([ch['loc'][:3] for ch in picked_info['chs']])
        ch_names = picked_info['ch_names']
        n_channels = len(ch_names)
        pick_to = range(n_channels)
        mappings = []
        # Try different channel subsets
        for idx in range(len(ch_subsets)):
            # don't do the following as it will sort the channels!
            # pick_from = pick_channels(ch_names, ch_subsets[idx])
            pick_from = np.array([ch_names.index(name)
                                 for name in ch_subsets[idx]])
            mapping = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels))
            if self.ch_type == 'meg':
                mapping[:, pick_from] = _fast_map_meg_channels(
                    picked_info.copy(), pick_from, pick_to)
            elif self.ch_type == 'eeg':
                mapping[:, pick_from] = _make_interpolation_matrix(
                    pos[pick_from], pos[pick_to], alpha=1e-5)
        mappings = np.concatenate(mappings)
        return mappings
Пример #3
    def get_ransac_pred(self,
        """Perform RANSAC prediction.

        chn_pos : ndarray
            3-D coordinates of the electrode position
        chn_pos_good : ndarray
            3-D coordinates of all the channels not detected noisy so far
        good_chn_labs : array_like
            channel labels for the ch_pos_good channels
        n_pred_chns : int
            channel numbers used for interpolation for RANSAC
        data : ndarray
            2-D EEG data
        random_state : int | None | np.random.mtrand.RandomState
            If random_state is an int, it will be used as a seed for RandomState.
            If None, the seed will be obtained from the operating system
            (see RandomState for details). Default is None.

        ransac_pred : ndarray
            Single RANSAC prediction

        Title: noisy
        Author: Stefan Appelhoff
        Date: 2018
        Availability: https://github.com/sappelhoff/pyprep/blob/master/pyprep/noisy.py
        rng = check_random_state(random_state)

        # Pick a subset of clean channels for reconstruction
        reconstr_idx = rng.choice(np.arange(chn_pos_good.shape[0]),

        # Get positions and according labels
        reconstr_labels = good_chn_labs[reconstr_idx]
        reconstr_pos = chn_pos_good[reconstr_idx, :]

        # Map the labels to their indices within the complete data
        # Do not use mne.pick_channels, because it will return a sorted list.
        reconstr_picks = [
            for chn_lab in reconstr_labels

        # Interpolate
        interpol_mat = _make_interpolation_matrix(reconstr_pos, chn_pos)
        ransac_pred = np.matmul(interpol_mat, data[reconstr_picks, :])
        return ransac_pred
Пример #4
def _interpolate_bads_eeg(inst, picks=None, verbose=None):
    """ Interpolate bad EEG channels.

    Operates in place.

    inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked
        The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.
    picks: np.ndarray, shape(n_channels, ) | list | None
        The channel indices to be used for interpolation.
    from mne.bem import _fit_sphere
    from mne.utils import logger, warn
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _do_interp_dots
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _make_interpolation_matrix
    import numpy as np

    if picks is None:
        picks = pick_types(inst.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=[])

    bads_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)
    goods_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)

    bads_idx[picks] = [inst.ch_names[ch] in inst.info['bads'] for ch in picks]

    if len(picks) == 0 or bads_idx.sum() == 0:

    goods_idx[picks] = True
    goods_idx[bads_idx] = False

    pos = inst._get_channel_positions(picks)

    # Make sure only good EEG are used
    bads_idx_pos = bads_idx[picks]
    goods_idx_pos = goods_idx[picks]
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx_pos]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx_pos]

    # test spherical fit
    radius, center = _fit_sphere(pos_good)
    distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_good - center)**2, 1))
    distance = np.mean(distance / radius)
    if np.abs(1. - distance) > 0.1:
        warn('Your spherical fit is poor, interpolation results are '
             'likely to be inaccurate.')

    logger.info('Computing interpolation matrix from {0} sensor '

    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)

    logger.info('Interpolating {0} sensors'.format(len(pos_bad)))
    _do_interp_dots(inst, interpolation, goods_idx, bads_idx)
Пример #5
def _interpolate_bads_eeg(inst, picks=None, verbose=None):
    """ Interpolate bad EEG channels.

    Operates in place.

    inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked
        The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.
    picks: np.ndarray, shape(n_channels, ) | list | None
        The channel indices to be used for interpolation.
    from mne.bem import _fit_sphere
    from mne.utils import logger, warn
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _do_interp_dots
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _make_interpolation_matrix
    import numpy as np

    if picks is None:
        picks = pick_types(inst.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=[])

    bads_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)
    goods_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)

    bads_idx[picks] = [inst.ch_names[ch] in inst.info['bads'] for ch in picks]

    if len(picks) == 0 or bads_idx.sum() == 0:

    goods_idx[picks] = True
    goods_idx[bads_idx] = False

    pos = inst._get_channel_positions(picks)

    # Make sure only good EEG are used
    bads_idx_pos = bads_idx[picks]
    goods_idx_pos = goods_idx[picks]
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx_pos]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx_pos]

    # test spherical fit
    radius, center = _fit_sphere(pos_good)
    distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_good - center) ** 2, 1))
    distance = np.mean(distance / radius)
    if np.abs(1. - distance) > 0.1:
        warn('Your spherical fit is poor, interpolation results are '
             'likely to be inaccurate.')

    logger.info('Computing interpolation matrix from {0} sensor '

    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)

    logger.info('Interpolating {0} sensors'.format(len(pos_bad)))
    _do_interp_dots(inst, interpolation, goods_idx, bads_idx)
Пример #6
    def _get_ransac_pred(self, chn_pos, chn_pos_good, good_chn_labs,
                         n_pred_chns, data):
        """Make a single ransac prediction.

        chn_pos : ndarray, shape(n_chns, 3)
            3D coordinates of the electrodes used to collect
            the EEG data.

        chn_pos_good : ndarray, shape(n_good_chns, 3)
            3D coordinates of only the "clean" electrodes used to collect
            the EEG data.

        good_chn_labs : array_like, shape(n_good_chns,)
            The channel labels of the channels in `chn_good_pos`.

        n_pred_chns : int
            Number of channels used for each interpolation during

        data : ndarray, shape(n_chns, n_timepoints)
            The EEG data.

        ransac_pred : ndarray of shape(n_chns, n_timepts)
            A single prediction based on ransac. Several of these
            should be averaged (e.g., median) to get `ransac_eeg`

        See Also
        _run_ransac, find_bad_by_ransac

        # Pick a subset of clean channels for reconstruction
        reconstr_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(chn_pos_good.shape[0]),

        # Get positions and according labels
        reconstr_labels = good_chn_labs[reconstr_idx]
        reconstr_pos = chn_pos_good[reconstr_idx, :]

        # Map the labels to their indices within the complete data
        # Do not use mne.pick_channels, because it will return a sorted list.
        reconstr_picks = [
            list(self.ch_names).index(chn_lab) for chn_lab in reconstr_labels

        # Interpolate
        interpol_mat = _make_interpolation_matrix(reconstr_pos, chn_pos)
        ransac_pred = np.matmul(interpol_mat, data[reconstr_picks, :])
        return ransac_pred
Пример #7
def test_interplation():
    """Test interpolation"""
    epochs.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked = epochs.average()
    ave_before = evoked.data[bads_idx]

    pos = epochs.get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert_equal(interpolation.shape, (1, len(epochs.ch_names) - 1))

    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked.data[goods_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    epochs.info['bads'] = []
    assert_raises(ValueError, epochs.interpolate_bads_eeg)

    epochs.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    epochs.preload = False
    assert_raises(ValueError,  epochs.interpolate_bads_eeg)
    epochs.preload = True

    epochs2.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012', 'MEG 1711']

    ave_after2 = epochs2.average().data[n_meg + np.where(bads_idx)[0]]

    assert_array_almost_equal(ave_after, ave_after2, decimal=16)

    raw = io.RawArray(data=epochs._data[0], info=epochs.info)
    raw_before = raw._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw._data[bads_idx]
    assert_equal(np.all(raw_before == raw_after), False)

    evoked = epochs.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked.data[bads_idx])

    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        assert_raises(ValueError, inst.interpolate_bads_eeg)
    def get_ransac_pred(self, chn_pos, chn_pos_good, good_chn_labs,
                        n_pred_chns, data):
        """Perform RANSAC prediction.

        chn_pos : ndarray
            3-D coordinates of the electrode position
        chn_pos_good : ndarray
            3-D coordinates of all the channels not detected noisy so far
        good_chn_labs : array_like
            channel labels for the ch_pos_good channels
        n_pred_chns : int
            channel numbers used for interpolation for RANSAC
        data : ndarray
            2-D EEG data

        ransac_pred : ndarray
            Single RANSAC prediction

        rng = check_random_state(self.random_state)

        # Pick a subset of clean channels for reconstruction
        reconstr_idx = rng.choice(np.arange(chn_pos_good.shape[0]),

        # Get positions and according labels
        reconstr_labels = good_chn_labs[reconstr_idx]
        reconstr_pos = chn_pos_good[reconstr_idx, :]

        # Map the labels to their indices within the complete data
        # Do not use mne.pick_channels, because it will return a sorted list.
        reconstr_picks = [
            for chn_lab in reconstr_labels

        # Interpolate
        interpol_mat = _make_interpolation_matrix(reconstr_pos, chn_pos)
        ransac_pred = np.matmul(interpol_mat, data[reconstr_picks, :])
        return ransac_pred
Пример #9
def get_ransac_pred(chn_pos, chn_pos_good, good_chn_labs, n_pred_chns, raw, data):
    """Performs RANSAC prediction

        chn_pos: ndarray
                 3-D coordinates of the electrode position
        chn_pos_good: ndarray
                      3-D coordinates of all the channels not detected noisy so far
        good_chn_labs: array_like
                        channel labels for the ch_pos_good channels
        n_pred_chns: int
                     channel numbers used for interpolation for RANSAC
        data: ndarry
              2-D EEG data
        raw: raw mne object
             contains the EEG data and information associated with it
        ransac_pred: ndarray
                    Single RANSAC prediction

        Title: noisy
        Author: Stefan Appelhoff
        Date: 2018
        Availability: https://github.com/sappelhoff/pyprep/blob/master/pyprep/noisy.py

    ch_names = raw.info["ch_names"]
    reconstr_idx = np.random.choice(
        np.arange(chn_pos_good.shape[0]), size=n_pred_chns, replace=False)
    reconstr_labels = list()
    reconstr_pos = np.zeros((len(reconstr_idx), 3))
    for i in range(0, len(reconstr_idx)):
        reconstr_pos[i, :] = chn_pos_good[reconstr_idx[i], :]

    reconstr_picks = [list(ch_names).index(chn_lab) for chn_lab in reconstr_labels]
    interpol_mat = _make_interpolation_matrix(reconstr_pos, chn_pos)
    ransac_pred = np.matmul(interpol_mat, data[reconstr_picks, :])
    return ransac_pred
Пример #10
def _get_ransac_pred(chn_pos, chn_pos_good, good_chn_labs, complete_chn_labs,
                     reconstr_idx, data):
    """Perform RANSAC prediction.

    chn_pos : np.ndarray
        3-D coordinates of the electrode position
    chn_pos_good : np.ndarray
        3-D coordinates of all the channels not detected noisy so far
    good_chn_labs : array_like
        channel labels for the ch_pos_good channels
    complete_chn_labs : array_like
        labels of the channels in data in the same order
    reconstr_idx : array_like
        indexes of the channels in good_chn_labs to use for reconstruction
    data : np.ndarray
        2-D EEG data

    ransac_pred : np.ndarray
        Single RANSAC prediction

    # Get positions and according labels
    reconstr_labels = good_chn_labs[reconstr_idx]
    reconstr_pos = chn_pos_good[reconstr_idx, :]

    # Map the labels to their indices within the complete data
    # Do not use mne.pick_channels, because it will return a sorted list.
    reconstr_picks = [
        list(complete_chn_labs).index(chn_lab) for chn_lab in reconstr_labels

    # Interpolate
    interpol_mat = _make_interpolation_matrix(reconstr_pos, chn_pos)
    ransac_pred = np.matmul(interpol_mat, data[reconstr_picks, :])
    return ransac_pred
Пример #11
def _make_interpolation_matrices(random_ch_picks, chn_pos_good):
    """Create an interpolation matrix for each RANSAC sample of channels.

    This function takes the spatial coordinates of random subsets of currently-good
    channels and uses them to predict what the signal will be at the spatial
    coordinates of all other currently-good channels. The results of this process are
    returned as matrices that can be multiplied with EEG data to generate predicted

    random_ch_picks : list of list of int
        A list containing multiple random subsets of currently-good channels.
    chn_pos_good : np.ndarray
        3-D spatial coordinates of all currently-good channels.

    interpolation_mats : list of np.ndarray
        A list of interpolation matrices, one for each random subset of channels.
        Each matrix has the shape `[num_good_channels, num_good_channels]`, with the
        number of good channels being inferred from the size of `ch_pos_good`.

    This function currently makes use of a private MNE function,
    ``mne.channels.interpolation._make_interpolation_matrix``, to generate matrices.

    n_chans_good = chn_pos_good.shape[0]

    interpolation_mats = []
    for sample in random_ch_picks:
        mat = np.zeros((n_chans_good, n_chans_good))
        subset_pos = chn_pos_good[sample, :]
        mat[:, sample] = _make_interpolation_matrix(subset_pos, chn_pos_good)

    return interpolation_mats
Пример #12
def test_interpolation():
    """Test interpolation"""
    raw, epochs, epochs_eeg, epochs_meg = _load_data()

    # It's a trade of between speed and accuracy. If every second channel is
    # selected the tests are more than 3x faster but the correlation
    # drops to 0.8
    thresh = 0.80

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert_equal(interpolation.shape, (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1))
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    assert_raises(ValueError,  epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert_equal(np.all(raw_before == raw_after), False)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        assert_raises(ValueError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works for MEG
    epochs_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    evoked = epochs_meg.average()
    pick = pick_channels(epochs_meg.info['ch_names'], epochs_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- raw
    raw_meg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_meg._data[0], info=epochs_meg.info)
    raw_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    data1 = raw_meg[pick, :][0][0]
    # reset_bads=False here because epochs_meg appears to share the same info
    # dict with raw and we want to test the epochs functionality too
    data2 = raw_meg.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False)[pick, :][0][0]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    # the same number of bads as before
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == len(raw_meg.info['bads']))

    # MEG -- epochs
    data1 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    data2 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == 0)

    # MEG -- evoked
    data1 = evoked.data[pick]
    data2 = evoked.interpolate_bads().data[pick]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
Пример #13
def test_interpolation():
    """Test interpolation."""
    raw, epochs, epochs_eeg, epochs_meg = _load_data()

    # speed accuracy tradeoff: channel subselection is faster but the
    # correlation drops
    thresh = 0.7

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Doing nothing'):

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert interpolation.shape == (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1)
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert not np.all(raw_before == raw_after)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert len(raw_few.ch_names) == 2
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with pytest.warns(None) as w:
    assert len(w) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert (new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5
    assert np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.1

    # check that interpolation works when non M/EEG channels are present
    # before MEG channels
    raw.rename_channels({'MEG 0113': 'TRIGGER'})
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='unit .* changed from .* to .*'):
        raw.set_channel_types({'TRIGGER': 'stim'})
    raw.info['bads'] = [raw.info['ch_names'][1]]

    # check that interpolation works for MEG
    epochs_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    evoked = epochs_meg.average()
    pick = pick_channels(epochs_meg.info['ch_names'], epochs_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- raw
    raw_meg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_meg._data[0], info=epochs_meg.info)
    raw_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    data1 = raw_meg[pick, :][0][0]

    data2 = raw_meg.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False,
                                     mode='fast')[pick, :][0][0]
    assert np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh
    # the same number of bads as before
    assert len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == len(raw_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- epochs
    data1 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    data2 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    assert np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh
    assert len(epochs_meg.info['bads']) == 0

    # MEG -- evoked (plus auto origin)
    data1 = evoked.data[pick]
    data2 = evoked.interpolate_bads(origin='auto').data[pick]
    assert np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh
Пример #14
def test_interpolation_eeg(offset, avg_proj, ctol, atol, method):
    """Test interpolation of EEG channels."""
    raw, epochs_eeg = _load_data('eeg')
    epochs_eeg = epochs_eeg.copy()
    assert not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(epochs_eeg.info['projs'])
    # Offsetting the coordinate frame should have no effect on the output
    for inst in (raw, epochs_eeg):
        for ch in inst.info['chs']:
            if ch['kind'] == io.constants.FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH:
                ch['loc'][:3] += offset
                ch['loc'][3:6] += offset
        for d in inst.info['dig']:
            d['r'] += offset

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    kw = dict(method=method)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Doing nothing'):

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    if avg_proj:
        assert_allclose(evoked_eeg.data.mean(0), 0., atol=1e-20)
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    if avg_proj:
        good_picks = pick_types(evoked_eeg.info, meg=False, eeg=True)
        assert_allclose(evoked_eeg.data[good_picks].mean(0), 0., atol=1e-20)
    evoked_eeg_bad = evoked_eeg.copy()
    bads_picks = pick_channels(epochs_eeg.ch_names,
    evoked_eeg_bad.data[bads_picks, :] = 1e10

    # Test first the exclude parameter
    evoked_eeg_2_bads = evoked_eeg_bad.copy()
    evoked_eeg_2_bads.info['bads'] = ['EEG 004', 'EEG 012']
                                         ['EEG 004', 'EEG 012'])] = 1e10
    evoked_eeg_interp = evoked_eeg_2_bads.interpolate_bads(origin=(0., 0., 0.),
                                                           exclude=['EEG 004'],
    assert evoked_eeg_interp.info['bads'] == ['EEG 004']
    assert np.all(evoked_eeg_interp.get_data('EEG 004') == 1e10)
    assert np.all(evoked_eeg_interp.get_data('EEG 012') != 1e10)

    # Now test without exclude parameter
    evoked_eeg_bad.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg_interp = evoked_eeg_bad.copy().interpolate_bads(origin=(0., 0.,
    if avg_proj:
        assert_allclose(evoked_eeg_interp.data.mean(0), 0., atol=1e-6)
    interp_zero = evoked_eeg_interp.data[bads_idx]
    if method is None:  # using
        pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
        pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
        interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
        assert interpolation.shape == (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1)
        interp_manual = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg_bad.data[goods_idx])
        assert_array_equal(interp_manual, interp_zero)
        del interp_manual, interpolation, pos, pos_good, pos_bad
    assert_allclose(ave_before, interp_zero, atol=atol)
    assert ctol[0] < np.corrcoef(ave_before, interp_zero)[0, 1] < ctol[1]
    interp_fit = evoked_eeg_bad.copy().interpolate_bads(**kw).data[bads_idx]
    assert_allclose(ave_before, interp_fit, atol=2.5e-6)
    assert ctol[1] < np.corrcoef(ave_before, interp_fit)[0, 1]  # better

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='requires epochs data to be loade'):
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads(**kw)._data[bads_idx]
    assert not np.all(raw_before == raw_after)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs_eeg]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='requires.*data to be loaded'):

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert len(raw_few.ch_names) == 2
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with _record_warnings() as w:
        raw_few.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False, **kw)
    assert len([ww for ww in w if 'more than' not in str(ww.message)]) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert (new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5
    assert np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.2
Пример #15
def test_interpolation():
    """Test interpolation"""
    raw, epochs, epochs_eeg, epochs_meg = _load_data()

    # It's a trade of between speed and accuracy. If every second channel is
    # selected the tests are more than 3x faster but the correlation
    # drops to 0.8
    thresh = 0.80

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert_equal(interpolation.shape, (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1))
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    assert_raises(ValueError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert_equal(np.all(raw_before == raw_after), False)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        assert_raises(ValueError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works for MEG
    epochs_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    evoked = epochs_meg.average()
    pick = pick_channels(epochs_meg.info['ch_names'], epochs_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- raw
    raw_meg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_meg._data[0], info=epochs_meg.info)
    raw_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    data1 = raw_meg[pick, :][0][0]
    # reset_bads=False here because epochs_meg appears to share the same info
    # dict with raw and we want to test the epochs functionality too
    data2 = raw_meg.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False)[pick, :][0][0]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    # the same number of bads as before
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == len(raw_meg.info['bads']))

    # MEG -- epochs
    data1 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    data2 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == 0)

    # MEG -- evoked
    data1 = evoked.data[pick]
    data2 = evoked.interpolate_bads().data[pick]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
def test_interpolation_eeg():
    """Test interpolation of EEG channels."""
    raw, epochs_eeg = _load_data('eeg')

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Doing nothing'):

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert interpolation.shape == (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1)
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert not np.all(raw_before == raw_after)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs_eeg]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert len(raw_few.ch_names) == 2
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with pytest.warns(None) as w:
    assert len(w) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert (new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5
    assert np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.1
Пример #17
def test_interpolation_eeg():
    """Test interpolation of EEG channels."""
    raw, epochs_eeg = _load_data('eeg')

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Doing nothing'):

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert interpolation.shape == (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1)
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert not np.all(raw_before == raw_after)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs_eeg]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert len(raw_few.ch_names) == 2
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with pytest.warns(None) as w:
    assert len(w) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert (new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5
    assert np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.1
Пример #18
def test_interpolation_eeg(offset):
    """Test interpolation of EEG channels."""
    raw, epochs_eeg = _load_data('eeg')
    epochs_eeg = epochs_eeg.copy()
    # Offsetting the coordinate frame should have no effect on the output
    for inst in (raw, epochs_eeg):
        for ch in inst.info['chs']:
            if ch['kind'] == io.constants.FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH:
                ch['loc'][:3] += offset
                ch['loc'][3:6] += offset
        for d in inst.info['dig']:
            d['r'] += offset

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Doing nothing'):

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert interpolation.shape == (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1)
    interp_manual = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    interp_zero = evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads(
        origin=(0., 0., 0.)).data[bads_idx]
    assert_array_equal(interp_manual, interp_zero)
    assert_allclose(ave_before, interp_zero, atol=3e-6)
    assert 0.985 < np.corrcoef(ave_before, interp_zero)[0, 1] < 0.99
    evoked_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    interp_fit = evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx]
    assert_allclose(ave_before, interp_fit, atol=2e-6)
    assert 0.99 < np.corrcoef(ave_before, interp_fit)[0, 1]  # better

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert not np.all(raw_before == raw_after)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs_eeg]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert len(raw_few.ch_names) == 2
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with pytest.warns(None) as w:
    assert len([ww for ww in w if 'more than' not in str(ww.message)]) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert (new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5
    assert np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.2
Пример #19
def test_interpolation():
    """Test interpolation"""
    raw, epochs, epochs_eeg, epochs_meg = _load_data()

    # It's a trade of between speed and accuracy. If every second channel is
    # selected the tests are more than 3x faster but the correlation
    # drops to 0.8
    thresh = 0.80

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert_equal(interpolation.shape, (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1))
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    assert_raises(ValueError,  epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert_equal(np.all(raw_before == raw_after), False)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        assert_raises(ValueError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert_equal(len(raw_few.ch_names), 2)
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert_true((new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5)
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.1)

    # check that interpolation works when non M/EEG channels are present
    # before MEG channels
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # change of units
        raw.rename_channels({'MEG 0113': 'TRIGGER'})
        raw.set_channel_types({'TRIGGER': 'stim'})
        raw.info['bads'] = [raw.info['ch_names'][1]]

    # check that interpolation works for MEG
    epochs_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    evoked = epochs_meg.average()
    pick = pick_channels(epochs_meg.info['ch_names'], epochs_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- raw
    raw_meg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_meg._data[0], info=epochs_meg.info)
    raw_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    data1 = raw_meg[pick, :][0][0]

    data2 = raw_meg.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False)[pick, :][0][0]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    # the same number of bads as before
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == len(raw_meg.info['bads']))

    # MEG -- epochs
    data1 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    data2 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    assert_true(len(epochs_meg.info['bads']) == 0)

    # MEG -- evoked
    data1 = evoked.data[pick]
    data2 = evoked.interpolate_bads().data[pick]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
Пример #20
def test_interpolation():
    """Test interpolation"""
    raw, epochs, epochs_eeg, epochs_meg = _load_data()

    # It's a trade of between speed and accuracy. If every second channel is
    # selected the tests are more than 3x faster but the correlation
    # drops to 0.8
    thresh = 0.80

    # check that interpolation does nothing if no bads are marked
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
    assert_true(any('Doing nothing' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))

    # create good and bad channels for EEG
    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = []
    goods_idx = np.ones(len(epochs_eeg.ch_names), dtype=bool)
    goods_idx[epochs_eeg.ch_names.index('EEG 012')] = False
    bads_idx = ~goods_idx

    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    ave_before = evoked_eeg.data[bads_idx]

    # interpolate bad channels for EEG
    pos = epochs_eeg._get_channel_positions()
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx]
    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
    assert_equal(interpolation.shape, (1, len(epochs_eeg.ch_names) - 1))
    ave_after = np.dot(interpolation, evoked_eeg.data[goods_idx])

    epochs_eeg.info['bads'] = ['EEG 012']
    evoked_eeg = epochs_eeg.average()
    assert_array_equal(ave_after, evoked_eeg.interpolate_bads().data[bads_idx])

    assert_allclose(ave_before, ave_after, atol=2e-6)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    epochs_eeg.preload = False
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, epochs_eeg.interpolate_bads)
    epochs_eeg.preload = True

    # check that interpolation changes the data in raw
    raw_eeg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_eeg._data[0], info=epochs_eeg.info)
    raw_before = raw_eeg._data[bads_idx]
    raw_after = raw_eeg.interpolate_bads()._data[bads_idx]
    assert_equal(np.all(raw_before == raw_after), False)

    # check that interpolation fails when preload is False
    for inst in [raw, epochs]:
        assert hasattr(inst, 'preload')
        inst.preload = False
        inst.info['bads'] = [inst.ch_names[1]]
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, inst.interpolate_bads)

    # check that interpolation works with few channels
    raw_few = raw.copy().crop(0, 0.1).load_data()
    raw_few.pick_channels(raw_few.ch_names[:1] + raw_few.ch_names[3:4])
    assert_equal(len(raw_few.ch_names), 2)
    raw_few.info['bads'] = [raw_few.ch_names[-1]]
    orig_data = raw_few[1][0]
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
    assert len(w) == 0
    new_data = raw_few[1][0]
    assert_true((new_data == 0).mean() < 0.5)
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(new_data, orig_data)[0, 1] > 0.1)

    # check that interpolation works when non M/EEG channels are present
    # before MEG channels
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # change of units
        raw.rename_channels({'MEG 0113': 'TRIGGER'})
        raw.set_channel_types({'TRIGGER': 'stim'})
        raw.info['bads'] = [raw.info['ch_names'][1]]

    # check that interpolation works for MEG
    epochs_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    evoked = epochs_meg.average()
    pick = pick_channels(epochs_meg.info['ch_names'], epochs_meg.info['bads'])

    # MEG -- raw
    raw_meg = io.RawArray(data=epochs_meg._data[0], info=epochs_meg.info)
    raw_meg.info['bads'] = ['MEG 0141']
    data1 = raw_meg[pick, :][0][0]

    data2 = raw_meg.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=False)[pick, :][0][0]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    # the same number of bads as before
    assert_true(len(raw_meg.info['bads']) == len(raw_meg.info['bads']))

    # MEG -- epochs
    data1 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    data2 = epochs_meg.get_data()[:, pick, :].ravel()
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
    assert_true(len(epochs_meg.info['bads']) == 0)

    # MEG -- evoked
    data1 = evoked.data[pick]
    data2 = evoked.interpolate_bads().data[pick]
    assert_true(np.corrcoef(data1, data2)[0, 1] > thresh)
Пример #21
def _interpolate_bads_eeg(inst, picks=None, verbose=False):
    """ Interpolate bad EEG channels.

    Operates in place.

    inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked
        The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.
    picks : str | list | slice | None
        Channels to include for interpolation. Slices and lists of integers
        will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *name*
        strings (e.g., ``['EEG 01', 'EEG 02']``) will pick the given channels.
        None (default) will pick all EEG channels. Note that channels in
        ``info['bads']`` *will be included* if their names or indices are
        explicitly provided.
    from mne.bem import _fit_sphere
    from mne.utils import logger, warn
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _do_interp_dots
    from mne.channels.interpolation import _make_interpolation_matrix
    import numpy as np

    if picks is None:
        picks = pick_types(inst.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=[])
        picks = _handle_picks(inst.info, picks)

    bads_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)
    goods_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=np.bool)
    bads_idx[picks] = [inst.ch_names[ch] in inst.info['bads'] for ch in picks]

    if len(picks) == 0 or bads_idx.sum() == 0:

    goods_idx[picks] = True
    goods_idx[bads_idx] = False

    pos = inst._get_channel_positions(picks)

    # Make sure only good EEG are used
    bads_idx_pos = bads_idx[picks]
    goods_idx_pos = goods_idx[picks]
    pos_good = pos[goods_idx_pos]
    pos_bad = pos[bads_idx_pos]

    # test spherical fit
    radius, center = _fit_sphere(pos_good)
    distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_good - center)**2, 1))
    distance = np.mean(distance / radius)
    if np.abs(1. - distance) > 0.1:
        warn('Your spherical fit is poor, interpolation results are '
             'likely to be inaccurate.')

    logger.info('Computing interpolation matrix from {0} sensor '

    interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)

    logger.info('Interpolating {0} sensors'.format(len(pos_bad)))
    _do_interp_dots(inst, interpolation, goods_idx, bads_idx)