Пример #1
def test_calculate_chpi_positions():
    """Test calculation of cHPI positions
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        raw = Raw(chpi_fif_fname, allow_maxshield=True, preload=True)
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    quats = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw, verbose='debug')
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats)
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_est, rot_est, t_est), 0.003)

    # degenerate conditions
    raw_no_chpi = Raw(test_fif_fname)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_no_chpi)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['coord_frame'] = 999
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_bad)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['r'] = np.ones(3)
    raw_bad.crop(0, 1., copy=False)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # bad pos
        with catch_logging() as log_file:
            _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_bad, verbose=True)
    # ignore HPI info header and [done] footer
    for line in log_file.getvalue().strip().split('\n')[4:-1]:
        assert_true('0/5 good' in line)
Пример #2
def test_calculate_chpi_positions():
    """Test calculation of cHPI positions."""
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    raw = read_raw_fif(chpi_fif_fname, allow_maxshield='yes', preload=True,
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    quats = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw, verbose='debug')
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats)
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_est, rot_est, t_est), 0.003)

    # degenerate conditions
    raw_no_chpi = read_raw_fif(test_fif_fname, add_eeg_ref=False)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_no_chpi)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['coord_frame'] = 999
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_bad)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['r'] = np.ones(3)
    raw_bad.crop(0, 1., copy=False)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # bad pos
        with catch_logging() as log_file:
            _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_bad, verbose=True)
    # ignore HPI info header and [done] footer
    assert_true('0/5 good' in log_file.getvalue().strip().split('\n')[-2])

    # half the rate cuts off cHPI coils
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # uint cast suggestion
        raw.resample(300., npad='auto')
    assert_raises_regex(RuntimeError, 'above the',
                        _calculate_chpi_positions, raw)
Пример #3
def test_calculate_chpi_positions():
    """Test calculation of cHPI positions
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    raw = Raw(chpi_fif_fname, allow_maxshield='yes', preload=True)
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    quats = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw, verbose='debug')
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats)
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_est, rot_est, t_est), 0.003)

    # degenerate conditions
    raw_no_chpi = Raw(test_fif_fname)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_no_chpi)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['coord_frame'] = 999
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_bad)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info['dig']:
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d['r'] = np.ones(3)
    raw_bad.crop(0, 1., copy=False)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # bad pos
        with catch_logging() as log_file:
            _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_bad, verbose=True)
    # ignore HPI info header and [done] footer
    for line in log_file.getvalue().strip().split('\n')[4:-1]:
        assert_true('0/5 good' in line)

    # half the rate cuts off cHPI coils
    raw.resample(300., npad='auto')
    assert_raises_regex(RuntimeError, 'above the', _calculate_chpi_positions,
Пример #4
def test_calculate_chpi_positions():
    """Test calculation of cHPI positions
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    raw = Raw(chpi_fif_fname, allow_maxshield="yes", preload=True)
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info["sfreq"]
    quats = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw, verbose="debug")
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats)
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_est, rot_est, t_est), 0.003)

    # degenerate conditions
    raw_no_chpi = Raw(test_fif_fname)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_no_chpi)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info["dig"]:
        if d["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d["coord_frame"] = 999
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _calculate_chpi_positions, raw_bad)
    raw_bad = raw.copy()
    for d in raw_bad.info["dig"]:
        if d["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI:
            d["r"] = np.ones(3)
    raw_bad.crop(0, 1.0, copy=False)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # bad pos
        with catch_logging() as log_file:
            _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_bad, verbose=True)
    # ignore HPI info header and [done] footer
    for line in log_file.getvalue().strip().split("\n")[4:-1]:
        assert_true("0/5 good" in line)

    # half the rate cuts off cHPI coils
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # uint cast suggestion
        raw.resample(300.0, npad="auto")
    assert_raises_regex(RuntimeError, "above the", _calculate_chpi_positions, raw)
Пример #5
def _assert_quats(actual, desired, dist_tol=0.003, angle_tol=5., err_rtol=0.5,
                  gof_rtol=0.001, vel_atol=2e-3):  # 2 mm/s
    """Compare estimated cHPI positions."""
    __tracebackhide__ = True
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(actual)
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(desired)
    quats_est = rot_to_quat(rot_est)
    gofs, errs, vels = desired[:, 7:].T
    gofs_est, errs_est, vels_est = actual[:, 7:].T
    del actual, desired

    # maxfilter produces some times that are implausibly large (weird)
    if not np.isclose(t[0], t_est[0], atol=1e-1):  # within 100 ms
        raise AssertionError('Start times not within 100 ms: %0.3f != %0.3f'
                             % (t[0], t_est[0]))
    use_mask = (t >= t_est[0]) & (t <= t_est[-1])
    t = t[use_mask]
    trans = trans[use_mask]
    quats = rot_to_quat(rot)
    quats = quats[use_mask]
    gofs, errs, vels = gofs[use_mask], errs[use_mask], vels[use_mask]

    # double-check our angle function
    for q in (quats, quats_est):
        angles = _angle_between_quats(q, q)
        assert_allclose(angles, 0., atol=1e-5)

    # limit translation difference between MF and our estimation
    trans_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, trans_est, axis=0)(t)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((trans - trans_est_interp) ** 2, axis=1))
    assert np.isfinite(distances).all()
    arg_worst = np.argmax(distances)
    assert distances[arg_worst] <= dist_tol, (
        '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f mm'
        % (t[arg_worst], 1000 * distances[arg_worst], 1000 * dist_tol))

    # limit rotation difference between MF and our estimation
    # (note that the interpolation will make this slightly worse)
    quats_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, quats_est, axis=0)(t)
    angles = 180 * _angle_between_quats(quats_est_interp, quats) / np.pi
    arg_worst = np.argmax(angles)
    assert angles[arg_worst] <= angle_tol, (
        '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f deg'
        % (t[arg_worst], angles[arg_worst], angle_tol))

    # error calculation difference
    errs_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, errs_est)(t)
    assert_allclose(errs_est_interp, errs, rtol=err_rtol, atol=1e-3,
                    err_msg='err')  # 1 mm

    # gof calculation difference
    gof_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, gofs_est)(t)
    assert_allclose(gof_est_interp, gofs, rtol=gof_rtol, atol=1e-7,

    # velocity calculation difference
    vel_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, vels_est)(t)
    assert_allclose(vel_est_interp, vels, atol=vel_atol,
Пример #6
def test_simulate_raw_chpi():
    """Test simulation of raw data with cHPI."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_chpi_fname, allow_maxshield='yes')
    sphere = make_sphere_model('auto', 'auto', raw.info)
    # make sparse spherical source space
    sphere_vol = tuple(sphere['r0'] * 1000.) + (sphere.radius * 1000., )
    src = setup_volume_source_space('sample', sphere=sphere_vol, pos=70.)
    stc = _make_stc(raw, src)
    # simulate data with cHPI on
    raw_sim = simulate_raw(raw, stc, None, src, sphere, cov=None, chpi=False)
    # need to trim extra samples off this one
    raw_chpi = simulate_raw(raw,
    # test cHPI indication
    hpi_freqs, _, hpi_pick, hpi_ons = _get_hpi_info(raw.info)[:4]
    assert_allclose(raw_sim[hpi_pick][0], 0.)
    assert_allclose(raw_chpi[hpi_pick][0], hpi_ons.sum())
    # test that the cHPI signals make some reasonable values
    picks_meg = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False)
    picks_eeg = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)

    for picks in [picks_meg, picks_eeg]:
        psd_sim, freqs_sim = psd_welch(raw_sim, picks=picks)
        psd_chpi, freqs_chpi = psd_welch(raw_chpi, picks=picks)

        assert_array_equal(freqs_sim, freqs_chpi)
        freq_idx = np.sort(
            [np.argmin(np.abs(freqs_sim - f)) for f in hpi_freqs])
        if picks is picks_meg:
                (psd_chpi[:, freq_idx] > 100 * psd_sim[:, freq_idx]).all())
            assert_allclose(psd_sim, psd_chpi, atol=1e-20)

    # test localization based on cHPI information
    quats_sim = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_chpi)
    trans_sim, rot_sim, t_sim = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats_sim)
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_sim, rot_sim, t_sim),
Пример #7
def test_simulate_raw_chpi():
    """Test simulation of raw data with cHPI"""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # MaxShield
        raw = Raw(raw_chpi_fname, allow_maxshield=True)
    sphere = make_sphere_model('auto', 'auto', raw.info)
    # make sparse spherical source space
    sphere_vol = tuple(sphere['r0'] * 1000.) + (sphere.radius * 1000.,)
    src = setup_volume_source_space('sample', sphere=sphere_vol, pos=70.)
    stc = _make_stc(raw, src)
    # simulate data with cHPI on
    raw_sim = simulate_raw(raw, stc, None, src, sphere, cov=None, chpi=False)
    # need to trim extra samples off this one
    raw_chpi = simulate_raw(raw, stc, None, src, sphere, cov=None, chpi=True,
    # test cHPI indication
    hpi_freqs, _, hpi_pick, hpi_ons = _get_hpi_info(raw.info)[:4]
    assert_allclose(raw_sim[hpi_pick][0], 0.)
    assert_allclose(raw_chpi[hpi_pick][0], hpi_ons.sum())
    # test that the cHPI signals make some reasonable values
    picks_meg = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False)
    picks_eeg = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)

    for picks in [picks_meg, picks_eeg]:
        psd_sim, freqs_sim = psd_welch(raw_sim, picks=picks)
        psd_chpi, freqs_chpi = psd_welch(raw_chpi, picks=picks)

        assert_array_equal(freqs_sim, freqs_chpi)
        freq_idx = np.sort([np.argmin(np.abs(freqs_sim - f))
                           for f in hpi_freqs])
        if picks is picks_meg:
            assert_true((psd_chpi[:, freq_idx] >
                         100 * psd_sim[:, freq_idx]).all())
            assert_allclose(psd_sim, psd_chpi, atol=1e-20)

    # test localization based on cHPI information
    quats_sim = _calculate_chpi_positions(raw_chpi)
    trans_sim, rot_sim, t_sim = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(quats_sim)
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(read_head_pos(pos_fname))
    t -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    _compare_positions((trans, rot, t), (trans_sim, rot_sim, t_sim),
Пример #8
def getHeadPosDist(headPosFile, returnDist = True):
    """Get Head Position and sample2sample distance from Maxfilter Pos file.
        Code is based on mne.viz.plot_head_positions (see https://mne.tools/stable/index.html)

    headPosFile : str
        Pos filepath
    returnDist : bool
        Return sample2sample distance?
    positions : array, shape (N, 3)
        head position (x,y,z) in mm 
    movDist : array, sahep (N, 1)
        sample2sample Distance
    import mne
    import numpy as np
    from mne.chpi import head_pos_to_trans_rot_t
    headPos = mne.chpi.read_head_pos(headPosFile)

    pos = [headPos]
    for ii, p in enumerate(pos):
        p = np.array(p, float)
        if p.ndim != 2 or p.shape[1] != 10:
            raise ValueError('pos (or each entry in pos if a list) must be '
                             'dimension (N, 10), got %s' % (p.shape,))
        if ii > 0:
            p[:, 0] += pos[ii - 1][-1, 0] - p[0, 0]
        pos[ii] = p
    pos = np.concatenate(pos, axis=0)    
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(pos)  # also ensures pos is okay

    positions = mne.fixes.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', rot[:, :3, :3].transpose([0, 2, 1]),-trans) * 1000

    if returnDist:
        movDist = []
        from math import sqrt

        for iii in range(1,len(positions)):
            tmp = sqrt((positions[iii,0] - positions[iii-1,0])**2 + (positions[iii,1] - positions[iii-1,1])**2 + (positions[iii,2] - positions[iii-1,2])**2)
        return positions, np.array(movDist)
        return positions
Пример #9
def _assert_quats(actual, desired, dist_tol=0.003, angle_tol=5.):
    """Compare estimated cHPI positions."""
    __tracebackhide__ = True
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(actual)
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(desired)
    quats_est = rot_to_quat(rot_est)

    # maxfilter produces some times that are implausibly large (weird)
    if not np.isclose(t[0], t_est[0], atol=1e-1):  # within 100 ms
        raise AssertionError('Start times not within 100 ms: %0.3f != %0.3f'
                             % (t[0], t_est[0]))
    use_mask = (t >= t_est[0]) & (t <= t_est[-1])
    t = t[use_mask]
    trans = trans[use_mask]
    quats = rot_to_quat(rot)
    quats = quats[use_mask]

    # double-check our angle function
    for q in (quats, quats_est):
        angles = _angle_between_quats(q, q)
        assert_allclose(angles, 0., atol=1e-5)

    # limit translation difference between MF and our estimation
    trans_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, trans_est, axis=0)(t)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((trans - trans_est_interp) ** 2, axis=1))
    assert np.isfinite(distances).all()
    arg_worst = np.argmax(distances)
    assert distances[arg_worst] <= dist_tol, (
        '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f mm'
        % (t[arg_worst], 1000 * distances[arg_worst], 1000 * dist_tol))

    # limit rotation difference between MF and our estimation
    # (note that the interpolation will make this slightly worse)
    quats_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, quats_est, axis=0)(t)
    angles = 180 * _angle_between_quats(quats_est_interp, quats) / np.pi
    arg_worst = np.argmax(angles)
    assert angles[arg_worst] <= angle_tol, (
        '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f deg'
        % (t[arg_worst], angles[arg_worst], angle_tol))
Пример #10
def _assert_quats(actual, desired, dist_tol=0.003, angle_tol=5.):
    """Compare estimated cHPI positions."""
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    trans_est, rot_est, t_est = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(actual)
    trans, rot, t = head_pos_to_trans_rot_t(desired)
    quats_est = rot_to_quat(rot_est)

    # maxfilter produces some times that are implausibly large (weird)
    if not np.isclose(t[0], t_est[0], atol=1e-1):  # within 100 ms
        raise AssertionError('Start times not within 100 ms: %0.3f != %0.3f'
                             % (t[0], t_est[0]))
    use_mask = (t >= t_est[0]) & (t <= t_est[-1])
    t = t[use_mask]
    trans = trans[use_mask]
    quats = rot_to_quat(rot)
    quats = quats[use_mask]

    # double-check our angle function
    for q in (quats, quats_est):
        angles = _angle_between_quats(q, q)
        assert_allclose(angles, 0., atol=1e-5)

    # limit translation difference between MF and our estimation
    trans_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, trans_est, axis=0)(t)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((trans - trans_est_interp) ** 2, axis=1))
    arg_worst = np.argmax(distances)
    assert_true(distances[arg_worst] <= dist_tol,
                '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f mm'
                % (t[arg_worst], 1000 * distances[arg_worst], 1000 * dist_tol))

    # limit rotation difference between MF and our estimation
    # (note that the interpolation will make this slightly worse)
    quats_est_interp = interp1d(t_est, quats_est, axis=0)(t)
    angles = 180 * _angle_between_quats(quats_est_interp, quats) / np.pi
    arg_worst = np.argmax(angles)
    assert_true(angles[arg_worst] <= angle_tol,
                '@ %0.3f seconds: %0.3f > %0.3f deg'
                % (t[arg_worst], angles[arg_worst], angle_tol))