Пример #1
def test_read_segment():
    """Test writing raw edf files when preload is False
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw1 = read_raw_edf(edf_path, stim_channel=139, preload=False)
    raw1_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test1-raw.fif')
    raw1.save(raw1_file, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1)
    raw11 = Raw(raw1_file, preload=True)
    data1, times1 = raw1[:139, :]
    data11, times11 = raw11[:139, :]
    assert_allclose(data1, data11, rtol=1e-6)
    assert_array_almost_equal(times1, times11)
    assert_equal(sorted(raw1.info.keys()), sorted(raw11.info.keys()))

    raw2 = read_raw_edf(edf_path, stim_channel=139, preload=True)
    raw2_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test2-raw.fif')
    raw2.save(raw2_file, overwrite=True)
    data2, times2 = raw2[:139, :]
    assert_allclose(data1, data2, rtol=1e-6)
    assert_array_equal(times1, times2)

    raw1 = Raw(raw1_file, preload=True)
    raw2 = Raw(raw2_file, preload=True)
    assert_array_equal(raw1._data, raw2._data)

    # test the _read_segment function by only loading some of the data
    raw1 = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=False)
    raw2 = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)

    # select some random range of data to compare
    data1, times1 = raw1[:, 345:417]
    data2, times2 = raw2[:, 345:417]
    assert_array_equal(data1, data2)
    assert_array_equal(times1, times2)
Пример #2
def test_stim_channel():
    """Test reading raw edf files with stim channel"""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, misc=range(-4, 0), stim_channel=139,

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info, meg=False, eeg=True,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)

    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_edf, edf_path, preload=False)
Пример #3
def test_bdf_stim_channel():
    """Test BDF stim channel."""
    # test if last channel is detected as STIM by default
    raw_py = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=bdf_path,
    assert channel_type(raw_py.info, raw_py.info["nchan"] - 1) == 'stim'

    # test BDF file with wrong scaling info in header - this should be ignored
    # for BDF stim channels
    events = [[242, 0, 4],
              [310, 0, 2],
              [952, 0, 1],
              [1606, 0, 1],
              [2249, 0, 1],
              [2900, 0, 1],
              [3537, 0, 1],
              [4162, 0, 1],
              [4790, 0, 1]]
    with pytest.deprecated_call(match='stim_channel'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_stim_channel_path, preload=True)
    bdf_events = find_events(raw)
    assert_array_equal(events, bdf_events)
    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_stim_channel_path, preload=False,
    bdf_events = find_events(raw)
    assert_array_equal(events, bdf_events)
Пример #4
def test_gdf2_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 2.x files."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(gdf2_path + '.gdf', eog=None, misc=None, preload=True,

    nchan = raw.info['nchan']
    ch_names = raw.ch_names  # Renamed STATUS -> STI 014.
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # This .mat was generated using the official biosig matlab package
    mat = sio.loadmat(gdf2_path + '_biosig.mat')
    data_biosig = mat['dat'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = data_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Find events
    events = find_events(raw, verbose=1)
    events[:, 2] >>= 8  # last 8 bits are system events in biosemi files
    assert_equal(events.shape[0], 2)  # 2 events in file
    assert_array_equal(events[:, 2], [20, 28])

    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='No events found'):
        # header contains no events
        raw = read_raw_edf(gdf2_path + '.gdf', stim_channel='auto')
    assert_equal(nchan, raw.info['nchan'])  # stim channel not constructed
    assert_array_equal(ch_names[1:], raw.ch_names[1:])

    # gh-5604
    assert raw.info['meas_date'] == DATE_NONE
    _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=gdf2_path + '.gdf',
                     eog=None, misc=None, stim_channel='STATUS')
Пример #5
def test_edf_overlapping_annotations():
    """Test EDF with overlapping annotations."""
    n_warning = 2
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        read_raw_edf(edf_overlap_annot_path, preload=True, verbose=True)
        assert_equal(sum('overlapping' in str(ww.message) for ww in w),
Пример #6
def test_edf_data():
    """Test reading raw edf files"""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, misc=range(-4, 0), stim_channel=139,

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info, meg=False, eeg=True,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)

    # Make sure concatenation works
    raw_concat = concatenate_raws([raw_py.copy(), raw_py])
    assert_equal(raw_concat.n_times, 2 * raw_py.n_times)

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)
Пример #7
def test_gdf2_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 2.x files."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(gdf2_path + '.gdf', eog=None, misc=None, preload=True,

    nchan = raw.info['nchan']
    ch_names = raw.ch_names  # Renamed STATUS -> STI 014.
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # This .mat was generated using the official biosig matlab package
    mat = sio.loadmat(gdf2_path + '_biosig.mat')
    data_biosig = mat['dat'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = data_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Find events
    events = find_events(raw, verbose=1)
    events[:, 2] >>= 8  # last 8 bits are system events in biosemi files
    assert_equal(events.shape[0], 2)  # 2 events in file
    assert_array_equal(events[:, 2], [20, 28])

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # header contains no events
        raw = read_raw_edf(gdf2_path + '.gdf', stim_channel='auto')
        assert_equal(len(w), 1)
        assert_true(str(w[0].message).startswith('No events found.'))
    assert_equal(nchan, raw.info['nchan'])  # stim channel not constructed
    assert_array_equal(ch_names[1:], raw.ch_names[1:])
Пример #8
def test_read_raw_edf_stim_channel_input_parameters():
    """Test edf raw reader deprecation."""
    _MSG = "`read_raw_edf` is not supposed to trigger a deprecation warning"
    with pytest.warns(None) as recwarn:
    assert all([w.category != DeprecationWarning for w in recwarn.list]), _MSG

    for invalid_stim_parameter in ['EDF Annotations', 'BDF Annotations']:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                           match="stim channel is not supported"):
            read_raw_edf(edf_path, stim_channel=invalid_stim_parameter)
Пример #9
def test_stim_channel():
    """Test reading raw edf files with stim channel."""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, misc=range(-4, 0), stim_channel=139,

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info, meg=False, eeg=True,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)
    events = find_edf_events(raw_py)
    assert_true(len(events) - 1 == len(find_events(raw_py)))  # start not found

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)

    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_edf, edf_path, preload=False,

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        raw = read_raw_edf(edf_stim_resamp_path, verbose=True, stim_channel=-1)
    assert_equal(len(w), 2)
    assert_true(any('Events may jitter' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    assert_true(any('truncated' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
    assert_equal(len(w), 0)

    events = raw_py.find_edf_events()
    assert_true(len(events) == 0)
Пример #10
def test_read_raw_edf_deprecation_of_annot_annotmap(tmpdir):
    """Test deprecation of annot and annotmap."""
    annot = (b'+0.1344\x150.2560\x14two\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00'
    annot_file = tmpdir.join('annotations.txt')
    annotmap_file = tmpdir.join('annotations_map.txt')

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match="annot.*annotmap.*"):
        read_raw_edf(input_fname=edf_path, annot=str(annot_file),
                     annotmap=str(annotmap_file), preload=True)
Пример #11
def test_edf_data():
    """Test edf files."""
    raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=edf_path,
                           stim_channel=None, exclude=['Ergo-Left', 'H10'],
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, stim_channel='auto', preload=True)

    assert_equal(len(raw.ch_names) + 2, len(raw_py.ch_names))
    # Test saving and loading when annotations were parsed.
    edf_events = find_events(raw_py, output='step', shortest_event=0,
                             stim_channel='STI 014')

    # onset, duration, id
    events = [[0.1344, 0.2560, 2],
              [0.3904, 1.0000, 2],
              [2.0000, 0.0000, 3],
              [2.5000, 2.5000, 2]]
    events = np.array(events)
    events[:, :2] *= 512  # convert time to samples
    events = np.array(events, dtype=int)
    events[:, 1] -= 1
    events[events[:, 1] <= 0, 1] = 1
    events[:, 1] += events[:, 0]

    onsets = events[:, [0, 2]]
    offsets = events[:, [1, 2]]

    events = np.zeros((2 * events.shape[0], 3), dtype=int)
    events[0::2, [0, 2]] = onsets
    events[1::2, [0, 1]] = offsets

    assert_array_equal(edf_events, events)

    # Test with number of records not in header (-1).
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    broken_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'broken.edf')
    with open(edf_path, 'rb') as fid_in:
        fid_in.seek(0, 2)
        n_bytes = fid_in.tell()
        fid_in.seek(0, 0)
        rbytes = fid_in.read(int(n_bytes * 0.4))
    with open(broken_fname, 'wb') as fid_out:
        fid_out.write(b'-1      ')
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning,
                      match='records .* not match the file size'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(broken_fname, preload=True, stim_channel='auto')
        read_raw_edf(broken_fname, exclude=raw.ch_names[:132], preload=True,
Пример #12
def test_gdf_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 1.x files."""
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Overlapping events'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(gdf1_path + '.gdf', eog=None,
                           misc=None, preload=True, stim_channel='auto')
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # this .npy was generated using the official biosig python package
    raw_biosig = np.load(gdf1_path + '_biosig.npy')
    raw_biosig = raw_biosig * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = raw_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Test for stim channel
    events = find_events(raw, shortest_event=1)
    # The events are overlapping.
    assert_array_equal(events[:, 0], raw._raw_extras[0]['events'][1][::2])

    # Test events are encoded to stim channel.
    events = find_events(raw)
    evs = raw.find_edf_events()
    assert (all([event in evs[1] for event in events[:, 0]]))

    # gh-5604
    assert raw.info['meas_date'] == DATE_NONE
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Overlapping events'):
        _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=gdf1_path + '.gdf',
                         eog=None, misc=None, stim_channel='auto')
Пример #13
def test_bdf_data():
    """Test reading raw bdf files
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, montage=montage_path, eog=eog,
                          misc=misc, preload=True)
    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(bdf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)

    # Manually checking that float coordinates are imported

    # Make sure concatenation works
    raw_concat = concatenate_raws([raw_py.copy(), raw_py])
    assert_equal(raw_concat.n_times, 2 * raw_py.n_times)
Пример #14
def test_edf_data():
    """Test edf files"""
    _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=edf_path, stim_channel=None)
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    # Test saving and loading when annotations were parsed.
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test-raw.fif')
    raw_py.save(raw_file, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1)
    Raw(raw_file, preload=True)

    edf_events = find_events(raw_py, output='step', shortest_event=0,
                             stim_channel='STI 014')

    # onset, duration, id
    events = [[0.1344, 0.2560, 2],
              [0.3904, 1.0000, 2],
              [2.0000, 0.0000, 3],
              [2.5000, 2.5000, 2]]
    events = np.array(events)
    events[:, :2] *= 512  # convert time to samples
    events = np.array(events, dtype=int)
    events[:, 1] -= 1
    events[events[:, 1] <= 0, 1] = 1
    events[:, 1] += events[:, 0]

    onsets = events[:, [0, 2]]
    offsets = events[:, [1, 2]]

    events = np.zeros((2 * events.shape[0], 3), dtype=int)
    events[0::2, [0, 2]] = onsets
    events[1::2, [0, 1]] = offsets

    assert_array_equal(edf_events, events)
Пример #15
def test_gdf_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 1.x files."""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # interpolate / overlap events
        raw = read_raw_edf(gdf1_path + '.gdf', eog=None,
                           misc=None, preload=True, stim_channel='auto')
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # this .npy was generated using the official biosig python package
    raw_biosig = np.load(gdf1_path + '_biosig.npy')
    raw_biosig = raw_biosig * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = raw_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Test for stim channel
    events = find_events(raw, shortest_event=1)
    # The events are overlapping.
    assert_array_equal(events[:, 0], raw._raw_extras[0]['events'][1][::2])

    # Test events are encoded to stim channel.
    events = find_events(raw)
    evs = raw.find_edf_events()
    assert_true(all([event in evs[1] for event in events[:, 0]]))
Пример #16
def test_gdf_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 1.x files."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(gdf1_path + '.gdf', eog=None, misc=None, preload=True)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # Test Status is added as event
    EXPECTED_EVS_ONSETS = raw._raw_extras[0]['events'][1]
    evs, evs_id = events_from_annotations(raw)
    assert_array_equal(evs[:, 0], EXPECTED_EVS_ONSETS)
    assert evs_id == {'Unknown': 1}

    # this .npy was generated using the official biosig python package
    raw_biosig = np.load(gdf1_path + '_biosig.npy')
    raw_biosig = raw_biosig * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = raw_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Test for events
    assert len(raw.annotations.duration == 963)

    # gh-5604
    assert raw.info['meas_date'] == DATE_NONE
Пример #17
def test_gdf2_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 2.x files."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(gdf2_path + '.gdf', eog=None, misc=None, preload=True)

    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # This .mat was generated using the official biosig matlab package
    mat = sio.loadmat(gdf2_path + '_biosig.mat')
    data_biosig = mat['dat'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = data_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)

    # Find events
    events = find_events(raw, verbose=1)
    events[:, 2] >>= 8  # last 8 bits are system events in biosemi files
    assert_equal(events.shape[0], 2)  # 2 events in file
    assert_array_equal(events[:, 2], [20, 28])

    # gh-5604
    assert raw.info['meas_date'] == DATE_NONE
    _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=gdf2_path + '.gdf',
                     eog=None, misc=None)
Пример #18
def test_duplicate_channel_labels_edf():
    """Test reading edf file with duplicate channel names."""
    EXPECTED_CHANNEL_NAMES = ['EEG F1-Ref-0', 'EEG F2-Ref', 'EEG F1-Ref-1']
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Channel names are not unique'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(duplicate_channel_labels_path, preload=False)

    assert raw.ch_names == EXPECTED_CHANNEL_NAMES
Пример #19
def test_edf_data():
    """Test edf files."""
    raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=edf_path,
                           stim_channel=None, exclude=['Ergo-Left', 'H10'])
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    assert_equal(len(raw.ch_names) + 2, len(raw_py.ch_names))
    # Test saving and loading when annotations were parsed.
    edf_events = find_events(raw_py, output='step', shortest_event=0,
                             stim_channel='STI 014')

    # onset, duration, id
    events = [[0.1344, 0.2560, 2],
              [0.3904, 1.0000, 2],
              [2.0000, 0.0000, 3],
              [2.5000, 2.5000, 2]]
    events = np.array(events)
    events[:, :2] *= 512  # convert time to samples
    events = np.array(events, dtype=int)
    events[:, 1] -= 1
    events[events[:, 1] <= 0, 1] = 1
    events[:, 1] += events[:, 0]

    onsets = events[:, [0, 2]]
    offsets = events[:, [1, 2]]

    events = np.zeros((2 * events.shape[0], 3), dtype=int)
    events[0::2, [0, 2]] = onsets
    events[1::2, [0, 1]] = offsets

    assert_array_equal(edf_events, events)
Пример #20
def test_edf_annotations():
    """Test if events are detected correctly in a typical MNE workflow."""

    # test an actual file
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    edf_events = find_events(raw, output='step', shortest_event=0,
                             stim_channel='STI 014')

    # onset, duration, id
    events = [[0.1344, 0.2560, 2],
              [0.3904, 1.0000, 2],
              [2.0000, 0.0000, 3],
              [2.5000, 2.5000, 2]]
    events = np.array(events)
    events[:, :2] *= 512  # convert time to samples
    events = np.array(events, dtype=int)
    events[:, 1] -= 1
    events[events[:, 1] <= 0, 1] = 1
    events[:, 1] += events[:, 0]

    onsets = events[:, [0, 2]]
    offsets = events[:, [1, 2]]

    events = np.zeros((2 * events.shape[0], 3), dtype=int)
    events[0::2, [0, 2]] = onsets
    events[1::2, [0, 1]] = offsets

    assert_array_equal(edf_events, events)
Пример #21
def test_append():
    """Test appending raw edf objects using Raw.append"""
    for preload in (True, False):
        raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, preload=False)
        raw0 = raw.copy()
        raw1 = raw.copy()
        assert_true(2 * len(raw) == len(raw0))
        assert_allclose(np.tile(raw[:, :][0], (1, 2)), raw0[:, :][0])

    # different types can't combine
    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, preload=True)
    raw0 = raw.copy()
    raw1 = raw.copy()
    raw2 = RawArray(raw[:, :][0], raw.info)
    assert_raises(ValueError, raw.append, raw2)
Пример #22
def test_edf_stim_ch_pick_up(test_input, EXPECTED):
    """Test stim_channel."""
    TYPE_LUT = {v[0]: k for k, v in _KIND_DICT.items()}
    fname = op.join(data_dir, 'test_stim_channel.edf')

    raw = read_raw_edf(fname, stim_channel=test_input)
    ch_types = {ch['ch_name']: TYPE_LUT[ch['kind']] for ch in raw.info['chs']}
    assert ch_types == EXPECTED
Пример #23
def test_orig_units():
    """Test exposure of original channel units."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)

    # Test original units
    orig_units = raw._orig_units
    assert len(orig_units) == 140
    assert orig_units['A1'] == u'µV'  # formerly 'uV' edit by _check_orig_units
Пример #24
def test_find_edf_events_deprecation():
    """Test find_edf_events deprecation."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path)
    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="find_edf_events"):

    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="find_edf_events"):
Пример #25
def test_stim_channel():
    """Test reading raw edf files with stim channel."""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, misc=range(-4, 0), stim_channel=139,

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info, meg=False, eeg=True,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)
    events = find_edf_events(raw_py)
    assert (len(events) - 1 == len(find_events(raw_py)))  # start not found

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)

    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_edf, edf_path, preload=False,

    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning,
                      match='Interpolating stim .* Events may jitter'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(edf_stim_resamp_path, verbose=True, stim_channel=-1)
    with pytest.warns(None) as w:
    assert len(w) == 0

    events = raw_py.find_edf_events()
    assert (len(events) == 0)
Пример #26
def test_append():
    """Test appending raw edf objects using Raw.append
    # Author: Alan Leggitt <*****@*****.**>
    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, preload=True)
    raw0 = raw.copy()
    raw1 = raw.copy()
    assert_true(2 * len(raw) == len(raw0))
    # XXX This is currently failing b/c of non-preload!
    # assert_allclose(np.tile(raw[:, :][0], (1, 2)), raw0[:, :][0])

    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, preload=False)
    raw0 = raw.copy()
    raw1 = raw.copy()
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, raw0.append, raw1)
    raw2 = RawArray(raw[:, :][0], raw.info)
    assert_raises(ValueError, raw.append, raw2)
Пример #27
def test_append():
    """Test appending raw edf objects using Raw.append
    # Author: Alan Leggitt <*****@*****.**>
    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_path, preload=False)
    raw0 = raw.copy()
    raw1 = raw.copy()
    assert_true(2 * len(raw) == len(raw0))
Пример #28
def load_subject(id_num, runs):
    Loads raw EEG recordings for one subject and at least one run of

        id_num: int, the subject's ID number
        runs: int or list of ints -- which experiment(s) to read data from

        MNE Raw object
    edf_files = load_data(id_num, runs)
    if len(edf_files) > 1:
        raw_objects = [read_raw_edf(file, preload=True) for file in edf_files]
        mne_raw = concatenate_raws(raw_objects, preload=True)
        mne_raw = read_raw_edf(edf_files[0], preload=True)
    return mne_raw
Пример #29
def test_edf_stim_channel():
    """Test stim channel for edf file."""
    # test if stim channel is automatically detected
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    assert_true(channel_type(raw.info, raw.info["nchan"] - 1) == 'stim')

    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_stim_channel_path, preload=True,
    true_data = np.loadtxt(edf_txt_stim_channel_path).T

    # EDF writer pad data if file to small
    _, ns = true_data.shape
    edf_data = raw._data[:, :ns]

    # assert stim channels are equal
    assert_array_equal(true_data[-1], edf_data[-1])

    # assert data are equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(true_data[0:-1] * 1e-6, edf_data[0:-1])
Пример #30
def test_to_data_frame():
    """Test edf Raw Pandas exporter"""
    for path in [edf_path, bdf_path]:
        raw = read_raw_edf(path, stim_channel=None, preload=True)
        _, times = raw[0, :10]
        df = raw.to_data_frame()
        assert_true((df.columns == raw.ch_names).all())
        assert_array_equal(np.round(times * 1e3), df.index.values[:10])
        df = raw.to_data_frame(index=None, scalings={'eeg': 1e13})
        assert_true('time' in df.index.names)
        assert_array_equal(df.values[:, 0], raw._data[0] * 1e13)
Пример #31
def test_bdf_stim_channel():
    """Test BDF stim channel."""
    # test if last channel is detected as STIM by default
    raw_py = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf,
    assert channel_type(raw_py.info, raw_py.info["nchan"] - 1) == 'stim'

    # test BDF file with wrong scaling info in header - this should be ignored
    # for BDF stim channels
    events = [[242, 0, 4], [310, 0, 2], [952, 0, 1], [1606, 0, 1],
              [2249, 0, 1], [2900, 0, 1], [3537, 0, 1], [4162, 0, 1],
              [4790, 0, 1]]
    with pytest.deprecated_call(match='stim_channel'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_stim_channel_path, preload=True)
    bdf_events = find_events(raw)
    assert_array_equal(events, bdf_events)
    raw = read_raw_edf(bdf_stim_channel_path,
    bdf_events = find_events(raw)
    assert_array_equal(events, bdf_events)
Пример #32
    def test_convert_defaults(self):
        """Test default behavior"""
        path = convert_to_edf(self.temp_dir)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            edf = read_raw_edf(path, preload=True)

        self.assertTrue(len(edf.get_data()) > 0)

        for ch_name in ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']:
            self.assertTrue(ch_name in edf.ch_names)
Пример #33
def test_subject_info(tmpdir):
    """Test exposure of original channel units."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path)
    assert raw.info['subject_info'] is None  # XXX this is arguably a bug
    edf_info = raw._raw_extras[0]
    assert edf_info['subject_info'] is not None
    want = {'id': 'X', 'sex': 'X', 'birthday': 'X', 'name': 'X'}
    for key, val in want.items():
        assert edf_info['subject_info'][key] == val, key
    fname = tmpdir.join('test_raw.fif')
    raw = read_raw_fif(fname)
    assert raw.info['subject_info'] is None  # XXX should eventually round-trip
Пример #34
def test_edf_stim_ch_pick_up(test_input, EXPECTED):
    """Test stim_channel."""
    # This is fragile for EEG/EEG-CSD, so just omit csd
    KIND_DICT = get_channel_type_constants()
    TYPE_LUT = {
        v['kind']: k
        for k, v in KIND_DICT.items() if k not in ('csd', 'chpi')
    }  # chpi not needed, and unhashable (a list)
    fname = op.join(data_dir, 'test_stim_channel.edf')

    raw = read_raw_edf(fname, stim_channel=test_input)
    ch_types = {ch['ch_name']: TYPE_LUT[ch['kind']] for ch in raw.info['chs']}
    assert ch_types == EXPECTED
Пример #35
def test_double_export_edf(tmp_path):
    """Test exporting an EDF file multiple times."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(123456)
    format = 'edf'
    ch_types = ['eeg', 'eeg', 'stim', 'ecog', 'ecog', 'seeg', 'eog', 'ecg',
                'emg', 'dbs', 'bio']
    info = create_info(len(ch_types), sfreq=1000, ch_types=ch_types)
    data = rng.random(size=(len(ch_types), 1000)) * 1e-5

    # include subject info and measurement date
    info['subject_info'] = dict(first_name='mne', last_name='python',
                                birthday=(1992, 1, 20), sex=1, hand=3)
    raw = RawArray(data, info)

    # export once
    temp_fname = tmp_path / f'test.{format}'
    raw.export(temp_fname, add_ch_type=True)
    raw_read = read_raw_edf(temp_fname, infer_types=True, preload=True)

    # export again
    raw_read.export(temp_fname, add_ch_type=True, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = read_raw_edf(temp_fname, infer_types=True, preload=True)

    # stim channel should be dropped

    assert raw.ch_names == raw_read.ch_names
    # only compare the original length, since extra zeros are appended
    orig_raw_len = len(raw)
        raw.get_data(), raw_read.get_data()[:, :orig_raw_len], decimal=4)
        raw.times, raw_read.times[:orig_raw_len], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)

    # check channel types except for 'bio', which loses its type
    orig_ch_types = raw.get_channel_types()
    read_ch_types = raw_read.get_channel_types()
    assert_array_equal(orig_ch_types, read_ch_types)
Пример #36
def get_raw(subject, runs=[6, 10, 14]):
    raw_fnames = eegbci.load_data(subject, runs)
    raw_files = [
        read_raw_edf(f, preload=True, stim_channel='auto') for f in raw_fnames
    raw = concatenate_raws(raw_files)
    raw.rename_channels(lambda x: x.strip('.'))
    return raw
Пример #37
def test_edf_data():
    """Test reading raw edf files"""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path,
                          misc=range(-4, 0),

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)

    # Make sure concatenation works
    raw_concat = concatenate_raws([raw_py.copy(), raw_py])
    assert_equal(raw_concat.n_times, 2 * raw_py.n_times)

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)
Пример #38
 def __init__(self, basedir, subj):
     self.basedir = basedir
     pardir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.basedir, os.pardir))
     self.traindir = self.basedir + '//' + subj + '//'
     self.testdir = self.basedir + '//' + subj + '//'
     self.icaDir = self.basedir + '//' + subj + '//TPython_100.mat'
     self.labFile = pardir + '//labels.txt'
     trainfiles = [self.traindir + 'Session1.edf']
     testfiles =  [self.traindir + 'Session2.edf']
     self.trainfiles = [read_raw_edf(f, preload=True, stim_channel=None) for f in
     self.testfiles = [read_raw_edf(f, preload=True, stim_channel=None) for f in
     for raw in self.trainfiles:
             raw.drop_channels(['Diff 2', 'Diff 3', 'Diff 4', 'EDF Annotations'])
             raw.drop_channels(['EDF Annotations'])
     for raw in self.testfiles:
             raw.drop_channels(['Diff 2', 'Diff 3', 'Diff 4', 'EDF Annotations'])
             raw.drop_channels(['EDF Annotations'])
def read_EDF(psg, hyp):
    data = read_raw_edf(
        'D:/Project/Dataset/Sleep EDF Database Expanded/sleep-cassette/' +
        psg + '.edf')
    raw_data = data.get_data()
    data_hyp = read_annotations(
        'D:/Project/Dataset/Sleep EDF Database Expanded/sleep-cassette/' +
        hyp + '.edf')
    l1 = raw_data[0]
    l2 = raw_data[1]
    l3 = raw_data[2]
    l4 = raw_data[4]
    l5 = hyp_reader(data_hyp)
    return l1, l2, l3, l4, l5
Пример #40
    def __init__(self,path):
        self.raw = None
        self.baseline = None
        self.bandpass = None
        self.corrected = None
        # Raw data & meta data
        self.path_edf, self.path_stage = path
        raw = read_raw_edf(self.path_edf, preload=True, verbose=0)

        raw.pick_channels(['EEG Fp1-A2','EEG F7-A2','EEG F3-A2','EEG T5-A2', \
                           'EEG O1-A2','EEG Fp2-A1','EEG F4-A1','EEG F8-A1','EEG T6-A1','EEG O2-A1'])
        # Rename channel name to standard1005 
        raw.rename_channels({'EEG Fp1-A2': 'Fp1','EEG F7-A2': 'F7',
        'EEG F3-A2': 'F3', 'EEG T5-A2': 'T5','EEG O1-A2': 'O1',
        'EEG Fp2-A1': 'Fp2', 'EEG F4-A1': 'F4', 'EEG F8-A1': 'F8',
        'EEG T6-A1': 'T6', 'EEG O2-A1': 'O2'})
        raw.set_montage('standard_1005', raise_if_subset=False)

        self.raw = raw.copy()

        self.meas_date, _ = self.raw.info['meas_date']
        self.ch_names = self.raw.info['ch_names']
        # Stage file: 
        with open(self.path_stage, 'r') as f: 
            stages = f.read().splitlines()
            fname, lname, subject, start_date, start_time, \
             end_date, end_time = stages[0].split(',')
            stages = stages[1:]

        # Stages and stages indices
        self.stages = stages
        self.subject = subject
        task_indices = [idx for idx, _ in enumerate(self.stages) if _ == '13']
        self.tasks = group_consecutives(task_indices)

        rest_indices = [idx for idx, _ in enumerate(self.stages) if _ == '12']
        self.rests = group_consecutives(rest_indices)

        self.start_timestamp = time.mktime(
            datetime.strptime(f"{start_date} {start_time}", \
                              "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p").timetuple())
        self.DIFFTIME = self.start_timestamp - self.meas_date
Пример #41
def test_gdf_data():
    """Test reading raw GDF 1.x files."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(gdf1_path + '.gdf', eog=None,
                       misc=None, preload=True, stim_channel=None)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude='bads')
    data, _ = raw[picks]

    # this .npy was generated using the official biosig python package
    raw_biosig = np.load(gdf1_path + '_biosig.npy')
    raw_biosig = raw_biosig * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_biosig = raw_biosig[picks]

    # Assert data are almost equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(data, data_biosig, 8)
Пример #42
def test_to_data_frame(fname):
    """Test EDF/BDF Raw Pandas exporter."""
    ext = op.splitext(fname)[1].lstrip('.').lower()
    if ext == 'edf':
        raw = read_raw_edf(fname, preload=True, verbose='error')
    elif ext == 'bdf':
        raw = read_raw_bdf(fname, preload=True, verbose='error')
    _, times = raw[0, :10]
    df = raw.to_data_frame(index='time')
    assert (df.columns == raw.ch_names).all()
    assert_array_equal(np.round(times * 1e3), df.index.values[:10])
    df = raw.to_data_frame(index=None, scalings={'eeg': 1e13})
    assert 'time' in df.columns
    assert_array_equal(df.values[:, 1], raw._data[0] * 1e13)
Пример #43
def test_to_data_frame():
    """Test edf Raw Pandas exporter."""
    for path in [edf_path, bdf_path]:
        raw = read_raw_edf(path,
        _, times = raw[0, :10]
        df = raw.to_data_frame()
        assert (df.columns == raw.ch_names).all()
        assert_array_equal(np.round(times * 1e3), df.index.values[:10])
        df = raw.to_data_frame(index=None, scalings={'eeg': 1e13})
        assert 'time' in df.index.names
        assert_array_equal(df.values[:, 0], raw._data[0] * 1e13)
Пример #44
def test_edf_stim_channel():
    """Test stim channel for edf file."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_stim_channel_path, preload=True, stim_channel=-1)
    true_data = np.loadtxt(edf_txt_stim_channel_path).T

    # EDF writer pad data if file to small
    _, ns = true_data.shape
    edf_data = raw._data[:, :ns]

    # assert stim channels are equal
    assert_array_equal(true_data[-1], edf_data[-1])

    # assert data are equal
    assert_array_almost_equal(true_data[0:-1] * 1e-6, edf_data[0:-1])
Пример #45
def test_find_events_backward_compatibility():
    """Test if events are detected correctly in a typical MNE workflow."""
    EXPECTED_EVENTS = [[68, 0, 2],
                       [199, 0, 2],
                       [1024, 0, 3],
                       [1280, 0, 2]]
    # test an actual file
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    event_id = _get_edf_default_event_id(raw.annotations.description)
    events_from_EFA, _ = events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=event_id,

    assert_array_equal(events_from_EFA, EXPECTED_EVENTS)
Пример #46
def test_edf_set_montage_none():
    """Test that using montage=None in init and set_montage differs."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_path, montage=None)
    original_chs = deepcopy(raw.info['chs'])
    assert raw.info['dig'] is None

    assert object_diff(raw.info['chs'], original_chs)  # They differ

    # read_raw_edf initializes 0s and set_montage NaNs
    all_loc = np.array([ch['loc'] for ch in original_chs])
    assert_array_equal(all_loc, np.zeros_like(all_loc))
    assert_array_equal(np.array([ch['loc'] for ch in raw.info['chs']]),
                       np.full_like(all_loc, np.NaN))
Пример #47
def get_classification_dataset(subject=1, typeInt=4):
    #Task 1 (open and close left or right fist)
    #Task 2 (imagine opening and closing left or right fist)
    #Task 3 (open and close both fists or both feet)
    #Task 4 (imagine opening and closing both fists or both feet)
    assert (typeInt >= 1)
    assert (typeInt <= 4)
    from mne.io import concatenate_raws, read_raw_edf
    from mne.datasets import eegbci
    tmin, tmax = -1., 4.
    runs = [3, 7, 11]
    runs = [r + typeInt - 1 for r in runs]
    print("loading subject {} with runs {}".format(subject, runs))
    if typeInt <= 1:
        event_id = dict(left=2, right=3)
        event_id = dict(hands=2, feet=3)

    raw_fnames = eegbci.load_data(subject, runs)
    raws = [read_raw_edf(f, preload=True) for f in raw_fnames]
    raw = concatenate_raws(raws)

    raw.filter(7., 30., fir_design='firwin', skip_by_annotation='edge')

    eegbci.standardize(raw)  # set channel names
    montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage('standard_1005')
    raw.rename_channels(lambda x: x.strip('.'))
    events, _ = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=dict(T1=2, T2=3))

    picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info,

    # Read epochs (train will be done only between 1 and 2s)
    # Testing will be done with a running classifier
    epochs = mne.Epochs(raw,
    return (epochs)
Пример #48
def test_stim_channel():
    """Test reading raw edf files with stim channel"""
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path,
                          misc=range(-4, 0),

    picks = pick_types(raw_py.info,
                       exclude=['EDF Annotations'])
    data_py, _ = raw_py[picks]

    print(raw_py)  # to test repr
    print(raw_py.info)  # to test Info repr

    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data'] * 1e-6  # data are stored in microvolts
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[picks]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data_py, data_eeglab, 10)

    # Test uneven sampling
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_uneven_path, stim_channel=None)
    data_py, _ = raw_py[0]
    # this .mat was generated using the EEG Lab Biosemi Reader
    raw_eeglab = io.loadmat(edf_uneven_eeglab_path)
    raw_eeglab = raw_eeglab['data']
    data_eeglab = raw_eeglab[0]

    # match upsampling
    upsample = len(data_eeglab) / len(raw_py)
    data_py = np.repeat(data_py, repeats=upsample)
    assert_array_equal(data_py, data_eeglab)

    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_edf, edf_path, preload=False)
Пример #49
def load_raw_edf(path, channels):
    Input: Path to edf data, array of montage info (what EEG channels were used)
    Output: Edf data as numpy arrays
    logging.debug('Loading edf data from path: ' + str(path))
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        logging.debug('ERROR: Given path <' + path + '> does not exist.')
        return None

    raw_edf = read_raw_edf(path, verbose=False, preload=True)
    tmp = raw_edf.to_data_frame()
    edf_numpy = tmp.to_numpy()
    return edf_numpy
Пример #50
def test_edf_data():
    """Test edf files."""
    raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_edf, input_fname=edf_path,
                           exclude=['Ergo-Left', 'H10'], verbose='error')
    raw_py = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)

    assert_equal(len(raw.ch_names) + 2, len(raw_py.ch_names))

    # Test with number of records not in header (-1).
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    broken_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'broken.edf')
    with open(edf_path, 'rb') as fid_in:
        fid_in.seek(0, 2)
        n_bytes = fid_in.tell()
        fid_in.seek(0, 0)
        rbytes = fid_in.read(int(n_bytes * 0.4))
    with open(broken_fname, 'wb') as fid_out:
        fid_out.write(b'-1      ')
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning,
                      match='records .* not match the file size'):
        raw = read_raw_edf(broken_fname, preload=True)
        read_raw_edf(broken_fname, exclude=raw.ch_names[:132], preload=True)
    def load_nme_data(self):
        raw_fnames = eegbci.load_data(1, self.RUNS)

        raw_files = []
            read_raw_edf(f, preload=True, stim_channel='auto')
            for f in raw_fnames

        raw = concatenate_raws(raw_files)
        raw.rename_channels(lambda x: x.strip('.'))

        self.raw = raw
        self.data = raw.get_data()
        self.times = self.raw[-1, :][-1] * 1000
Пример #52
def plot_edf(edf_path: str, auto_scale: bool = False):
    """Plot data from the raw edf file. Note: this works from an iPython
    session but seems to throw errors when provided in a script.

        edf_path - full path to the generated edf file
        auto_scale - optional; if True will scale the EEG data; this is
            useful for fake (random) data but makes real data hard to read.
    edf = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    if auto_scale:
Пример #53
def test_ch_types():
    """Test reading of channel types from EDF channel label."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_chtypes_path)  # infer_types=False

    labels = ['EEG Fp1-Ref', 'EEG Fp2-Ref', 'EEG F3-Ref', 'EEG F4-Ref',
              'EEG C3-Ref', 'EEG C4-Ref', 'EEG P3-Ref', 'EEG P4-Ref',
              'EEG O1-Ref', 'EEG O2-Ref', 'EEG F7-Ref', 'EEG F8-Ref',
              'EEG T7-Ref', 'EEG T8-Ref', 'EEG P7-Ref', 'EEG P8-Ref',
              'EEG Fz-Ref', 'EEG Cz-Ref', 'EEG Pz-Ref', 'POL E', 'POL PG1',
              'POL PG2', 'EEG A1-Ref', 'EEG A2-Ref', 'POL T1', 'POL T2',
              'ECG ECG1', 'ECG ECG2', 'EEG F9-Ref', 'EEG T9-Ref', 'EEG P9-Ref',
              'EEG F10-Ref', 'EEG T10-Ref', 'EEG P10-Ref', 'SaO2 X9',
              'SaO2 X10', 'POL DC01', 'POL DC02', 'POL DC03', 'POL DC04',
              'POL $A1', 'POL $A2']

    # by default all types are 'eeg'
    assert(all(t == 'eeg' for t in raw.get_channel_types()))
    assert raw.ch_names == labels

    raw = read_raw_edf(edf_chtypes_path, infer_types=True)

    labels = ['Fp1-Ref', 'Fp2-Ref', 'F3-Ref', 'F4-Ref', 'C3-Ref', 'C4-Ref',
              'P3-Ref', 'P4-Ref', 'O1-Ref', 'O2-Ref', 'F7-Ref', 'F8-Ref',
              'T7-Ref', 'T8-Ref', 'P7-Ref', 'P8-Ref', 'Fz-Ref', 'Cz-Ref',
              'Pz-Ref', 'POL E', 'POL PG1', 'POL PG2', 'A1-Ref', 'A2-Ref',
              'POL T1', 'POL T2', 'ECG1', 'ECG2', 'F9-Ref', 'T9-Ref', 'P9-Ref',
              'F10-Ref', 'T10-Ref', 'P10-Ref', 'X9', 'X10', 'POL DC01',
              'POL DC02', 'POL DC03', 'POL DC04', 'POL $A1', 'POL $A2']
    types = ['eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg',
             'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg',
             'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'ecg',
             'ecg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'bio', 'bio',
             'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg']

    assert raw.get_channel_types() == types
    assert raw.ch_names == labels
Пример #54
def test_write_annotations():
    """Test writing raw files when annotations were parsed."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw1 = read_raw_edf(edf_path, preload=True)
    raw1_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test1-raw.fif')
    raw1.save(raw1_file, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1)
    raw11 = Raw(raw1_file, preload=True)
    data1, times1 = raw1[:, :]
    data11, times11 = raw11[:, :]

    assert_array_almost_equal(data1, data11)
    assert_array_almost_equal(times1, times11)
    assert_equal(sorted(raw1.info.keys()), sorted(raw11.info.keys()))

    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_edf, edf_path, preload=False)
def readRawEdf(edfDict=None,
                   'preload': True,
                   "stim_channel": "auto"
        edfDict["rawData"] = read_raw_edf(saveDir + edfDict["path"][-1],
        edfDict["fS"] = edfDict["rawData"].info["sfreq"]
        t_start = edfDict["rawData"].annotations.orig_time
        if t_start.timestamp() <= 0:
            edfDict["t0"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc)
            t_last = edfDict["t0"].timestamp(
            ) + edfDict["rawData"]._last_time + 1 / edfDict["fS"]
            edfDict["tN"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_last, tz=timezone.utc)
            t_last = t_start.timestamp(
            ) + edfDict["rawData"]._last_time + 1 / edfDict["fS"]
                "t0"] = t_start  # datetime.fromtimestamp(t_start.timestamp(), tz=timezone.utc)
            edfDict["tN"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(t_last, tz=timezone.utc)

        edfDict["tWindow"] = float(
            tWindow)  # width of EEG sample window, given in (sec)
        edfDict["tStep"] = float(
            tStep)  # step/overlap between EEG sample windows, given in (sec)

        header = mne.io.edf.edf._read_edf_header(
            fname=edfDict["rawData"].filenames[0], exclude=[])
        id_tmp = header[0]["subject_info"]["id"]
        with open(saveDir + edfDict["path"][-1], encoding="latin-1") as fp:
            first_line = fp.readline()

        # regex_found = re.findall(r"%s \S+" % id_tmp, first_line)
        subject_gender = re.search(r"%s \w+" % id_tmp,
                                   first_line).group().split(" ")[1]
        subject_age = re.search(r"%s (Age:\d+)" % id_tmp,
        edfDict["gender"] = subject_gender
        edfDict["age"] = int(subject_age)
        print("error break plese inspect:\n %s\n~~~~~~~~~~~~" %

    return edfDict
Пример #56
def write_TF(Name_begin, patient_f, patient_idx):
    channel_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(PATH, patient_f)[:-9] +

    dat = io.read_raw_edf(os.path.join(PATH, patient_f))
    ttl_idx = [idx for idx, ch in enumerate(dat.ch_names)
               if "POL DC10" in ch][0]
    mov_bin = preprocess_mov(dat.get_data()[ttl_idx, :])

    idx_ecog = []
    for ch in channel_df["name"]:
        PATH_save = 'C:\\Users\\ICN_admin\\Dropbox (Brain Modulation Lab)\\Shared Lab Folders\\CRCNS\\PD_ButtonPress\\derivatives\\'+\
                        "sub_"+subjects[patient_idx] +"_ch_"+ch[4:]+'.npy'
        if os.path.exists(PATH_save) is True:
        if ch.startswith(Name_begin) is False or \
                channel_df.iloc[channel_df[channel_df.name == ch].index[0]]["status"] != "good":
        idx_ecog = [
            idx for idx, ch_ in enumerate(dat.ch_names) if ch_.startswith(ch)
        info = create_info(ch_names=[ch[4:]], sfreq=2000, ch_types='ecog')
        epochs = calc_epochs(dat.get_data()[idx_ecog, :],
                             epoch_lim=2500 * 2)
        freqs = np.arange(7, 200, 1)
        power = tfr_morlet(epochs,
        dat_ = power.data[
            0, :, 1000:
            9000]  # cut off borders due to Wavelet transform; 500ms till 4s post movement
        dat_z = stats.zscore(dat_, axis=1)
        #plt.imshow(dat_z, aspect='auto', extent=[-2,2,200,0])#, cmap='hot')
        #cbar = plt.colorbar()
        #cbar.set_label('Normalized spectral power [VAR]')
        #plt.title(Name_begin[4:] + " " + subjects[patient_idx])
        np.save(PATH_save, dat_z)
Пример #57
def test_load_generator(fname, recwarn):
    """Test IO of annotations from edf and bdf files with raw info."""
    raw = read_raw_edf(fname)
    assert len(raw.annotations.onset) == 2
    found_types = [k for k, v in
                   channel_indices_by_type(raw.info, picks=None).items()
                   if v]
    assert len(found_types) == 1
    events, event_id = events_from_annotations(raw)
    ch_names = ['squarewave', 'ramp', 'pulse', 'ECG', 'noise', 'sine 1 Hz',
                'sine 8 Hz', 'sine 8.5 Hz', 'sine 15 Hz', 'sine 17 Hz',
                'sine 50 Hz']
    assert raw.get_data().shape == (11, 120000)
    assert raw.ch_names == ch_names
    assert event_id == {'RECORD START': 1, 'REC STOP': 2}
    assert_array_equal(events, [[0, 0, 1], [120000, 0, 2]])
Пример #58
def read_data(data_path, eeg_signals, ecg_signals, res_signals):
    rawData = read_raw_edf(data_path)
    tmp = rawData.to_data_frame()
    if data_path[-10:-4] in F_H_patients:
        eeg_data = signal_transform(tmp[eeg_signals], 500)
        ecg_data = signal_transform(tmp[ecg_signals], 500)
        res_data = signal_transform(tmp[res_signals], 500)
        # downsample to 250 HZ (sample one point per two points)
        eeg_data = eeg_data.iloc[list(range(0, eeg_data.shape[0], 2))]
        ecg_data = ecg_data.iloc[list(range(0, ecg_data.shape[0], 2))]
        res_data = res_data.iloc[list(range(0, res_data.shape[0], 2))]
        eeg_data = signal_transform(tmp[eeg_signals], 250)
        ecg_data = signal_transform(tmp[ecg_signals], 250)
        res_data = signal_transform(tmp[res_signals], 250)
    return eeg_data, ecg_data, res_data
Пример #59
def process_single_point(psf_fname, ann_fname, args, select_ch):
    raw = read_raw_edf(psf_fname, preload=True, stim_channel=None)
    sampling_rate = raw.info['sfreq']

    raw_ch_df = raw.to_data_frame()[select_ch]
    raw_ch_df = raw_ch_df.to_frame()
    raw_ch_df['patientID'] = psf_fname.replace("-PSG.edf", "").split("/")[-1]
    raw_ch_df.index.name = "time"

    # Get raw header
    with open(psf_fname, 'rb') as f:
        reader_raw = dhedfreader.BaseEDFReader(f)
        h_raw = reader_raw.header
    raw_start_dt = datetime.strptime(h_raw['date_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # Read annotation and its header
    with open(ann_fname, 'rb') as f:
        reader_ann = dhedfreader.BaseEDFReader(f)
        h_ann = reader_ann.header
        _, _, ann = zip(*reader_ann.records())

    csvList = []

    with open(psf_fname.replace("-PSG.edf", "L.csv"), "w") as fout:
        csvWriter = csv.writer(fout)
        csvWriter.writerow(["patientID", "startTime", "time", "stage"])
        for a in ann[0]:
            onset_sec, duration_sec, ann_char = a
            current = onset_sec * sampling_rate
            while current < onset_sec * sampling_rate + duration_sec * sampling_rate:
                    psf_fname.replace("-PSG.edf", "").split("/")[-1],
                    int(current), "".join(ann_char).split(" ")[-1]
                current += 1

        psf_fname.replace("-PSG.edf", "%sR.csv" % outputDict[select_ch]))

Пример #60
def test_integer_sfreq_edf(tmp_path):
    """Test saving a Raw array with integer sfreq to EDF."""
    format = 'edf'
    info = create_info(['1', '2', '3'], sfreq=1000,
                       ch_types=['eeg', 'eeg', 'stim'])
    data = np.random.random(size=(3, 1000)) * 1e-6

    # include subject info and measurement date
    subject_info = dict(first_name='mne', last_name='python',
                        birthday=(1992, 1, 20), sex=1, hand=3)
    info['subject_info'] = subject_info
    raw = RawArray(data, info)

    temp_fname = op.join(str(tmp_path), f'test.{format}')

    raw_read = read_raw_edf(temp_fname, preload=True)

    # stim channel should be dropped

    assert raw.ch_names == raw_read.ch_names
    # only compare the original length, since extra zeros are appended
    orig_raw_len = len(raw)
        raw.get_data(), raw_read.get_data()[:, :orig_raw_len], decimal=4)
        raw.times, raw_read.times[:orig_raw_len], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)

    # export now by hard-coding physical range
    raw.export(temp_fname, physical_range=(-3200, 3200))

    # include bad birthday that is non-EDF compliant
    bad_info = info.copy()
    bad_info['subject_info']['birthday'] = (1700, 1, 20)
    raw = RawArray(data, bad_info)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Setting patient birth date'):

    # include bad measurement date that is non-EDF compliant
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    meas_date = datetime(year=1984, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Setting start date time'):