def alphamatting(): netG = NetG(False).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() img_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/alphamatting/input_lowers' trimap_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/alphamatting/trimap_lowres' img_name = os.listdir(img_root) current_path = os.getcwd() for name in tqdm.tqdm(img_name): for i in range(1, 4): trimap_floder = 'Trimap' + str(i) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_root, name)) trimap = cv2.imread(os.path.join(trimap_root, trimap_floder, name))[:, :, 0] pred_mattes = inference_img_whole(netG, img, trimap) pred_mattes = pred_mattes.astype(np.uint8) save_path = os.path.join(current_path, trimap_floder) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_path, name), pred_mattes)
def clip_input(): with t.no_grad(): net_G = NetG().cuda() net_G.eval() net_G.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) img_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/input_lowers' trimap_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/trimap_lowres' img_name = os.listdir(img_root) for name in tqdm.tqdm(img_name): for i in range(1, 4): trimap_floder = 'Trimap' + str(i) img =, name)) print('img_size', img.size) print('img_shape', np.shape(img)) img, w_clip, h_clip = padding_img(img) print('img.shape', np.shape(img)) # print('img', w_clip, h_clip) crop_img = clip_img(img, h_clip, w_clip) img = transform(img) trimap = os.path.join(trimap_root, trimap_floder, name)) (h_r, w_r) = np.shape(trimap) trimap, w_clip, h_clip = padding_img(trimap) # print('trimap', w_clip, h_clip) crop_tri = clip_img(trimap, h_clip, w_clip) input_img =, crop_tri), dim=1) input_img = input_img.cuda() fake_alpha = net_G(input_img) com_fake = combination(fake_alpha, h_clip, w_clip) vis.images(com_fake.cpu().numpy(), win='fake_alpha') vis.images(img.numpy() * 0.5 + 0.5, win='input') # print(fake_alpha[0].size()) # print(com_fake.size()) save_alpha = to_pil(com_fake.cpu()) save_alpha = save_alpha.convert('L') print('fake_alpha.shape', np.shape(save_alpha)) box = (0, 0, w_r, h_r) save_alpha = save_alpha.crop(box) if not os.path.exists(trimap_floder): os.mkdir(trimap_floder) print('save_alpha.shape', np.shape(save_alpha)) + '/' + name) return
def whole_adobe(): netG = NetG(False).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() tester = Tester( net_G=netG, test_root= '/data1/zzl/dataset/Combined_Dataset/Test_set/Adobe-licensed_images', device='cuda:0') test_result = tester.test() for k, v in test_result.items(): print(k, v)
def main(): netG = nn.DataParallel(NetG()).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() img_root = 'examples/image/spring-289527_1920_15.png' # '/home/zzl/dataset/Combined_Dataset/Test_set/Adobe-licensed_images/image/antique-honiton-lace-1182740_1920_0.png' trimap_root = 'examples/trimap/spring-289527_1920_15.png' # '/home/zzl/dataset/Combined_Dataset/Test_set/Adobe-licensed_images/trimaps/antique-honiton-lace-1182740_1920_0.png' image = cv2.imread(img_root) trimap = cv2.imread(trimap_root)[:, :, 0] pred_mattes = inference_img_whole(netG, image, trimap) pred_mattes = pred_mattes.astype(np.uint8) # pred_mattes[trimap == 255] = 255 # pred_mattes[trimap == 0] = 0 cv2.imwrite('result.png', pred_mattes)
def resize_input(): with t.no_grad(): net_G = NetG().cuda() net_G.eval() net_G.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) img_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/input_lowers' trimap_root = '/data1/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/trimap_lowres' img_name = os.listdir(img_root) for name in tqdm.tqdm(img_name): for i in range(1, 4): trimap_floder = 'Trimap' + str(i) img =, name)) (w, h) = img.size w_large = w // 320 + 1 h_large = h // 320 + 1 img = img.resize((w_large * 320, h_large * 320)) img = transform(img) trimap = os.path.join(trimap_root, trimap_floder, name)) trimap = trimap.resize((w_large * 320, h_large * 320)) (w, h) = np.shape(trimap) trimap = np.reshape(trimap, (w, h, 1)) trimap = transform(trimap) input_img =, trimap), dim=0) input_img = input_img[None] input_img = input_img.cuda() fake_alpha = net_G(input_img) vis.images(fake_alpha.cpu().numpy(), win='fake_alpha') vis.images(img.numpy() * 0.5 + 0.5, win='input') # print(fake_alpha[0].size()) save_alpha = to_pil(fake_alpha.cpu()[0]) save_alpha = save_alpha.convert('L') box = (0, 0, w, h) save_alpha = save_alpha.crop(box) if not os.path.exists(trimap_floder): os.mkdir(trimap_floder) print(np.shape(save_alpha)) + '/' + name)
def alphamatting(): netG = nn.DataParallel(NetG()).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() img_root = '/data0/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/input_lowers' trimap_root = '/data0/zzl/dataset/matting/alphamatting/trimap_lowres' img_name = os.listdir(img_root) for name in tqdm.tqdm(img_name): for i in range(1, 4): trimap_floder = 'Trimap' + str(i) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_root, name)) trimap = cv2.imread(os.path.join(trimap_root, trimap_floder, name))[:, :, 0] pred_mattes = inference_img_whole(netG, img, trimap) pred_mattes = pred_mattes.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(trimap_floder + '/' + name, pred_mattes)
def adobe(): netG = nn.DataParallel(NetG()).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() ROOT = '/home/zzl/dataset/Combined_Dataset/Test_set/Adobe-licensed_images' img_root = os.path.join(ROOT, 'image') trimap_root = os.path.join(ROOT, 'trimaps') img_names = sorted(os.listdir(img_root)) out_root = '/home/zzl/result' for name in img_names: img_path = os.path.join(img_root, name) trimap_path = os.path.join(trimap_root, name) img = cv2.imread(img_path) trimap = cv2.imread(trimap_path)[:, :, 0] pred_mattes = inference_img_whole(netG, img, trimap) pred_mattes = pred_mattes.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(out_root + '/' + name, pred_mattes)
def main(): netG = NetG(False).cuda() netG.load_state_dict(t.load(MODEL_DIR, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) netG.eval() img_root = './examples/images' trimap_root = './examples/trimaps' save_root = './result' images = os.listdir(img_root) for img in images: image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_root, img)) trimap = cv2.imread(os.path.join(trimap_root, img))[:, :, 0] pred_mattes = inference_img_whole(netG, image, trimap) pred_mattes = pred_mattes.astype(np.uint8) # pred_mattes[trimap == 255] = 255 # pred_mattes[trimap == 0] = 0 if not os.path.exists(save_root): os.mkdir(save_root) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_root, img), pred_mattes)
import torchvision.transforms as transforms import numpy as np import torch as t import os import math from model.AlphaGAN import NetG from visualize import Visualizer from PIL import Image device = t.device('cuda:0') vis = Visualizer('alphaGAN_test') net_G = NetG() net_G.load_state_dict(t.load('/home/zzl/model/alphaGAN/netG/new_aspp/netG_5.pth')) transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) def clip_img(img, h_clip, w_clip): img_list = [] for x in range(w_clip): for y in range(h_clip): region = (x*320, y*320, x*320+320, y*320+320) crop_img = img.crop(region) crop_img = transform(crop_img)