Пример #1
  def setUp( self ):
    self.object_id = u"17"
    self.notebook_id = u"18"
    self.note_id = u"19"
    self.filename = u"foo.png"
    self.size_bytes = 2888
    self.content_type = "image/png"
    self.delta = timedelta( seconds = 1 )

    self.file = File.create( self.object_id, self.notebook_id, self.note_id, self.filename,
                             self.size_bytes, self.content_type )
Пример #2
    def upload(self, upload, notebook_id, note_id, x_progress_id, user_id):
    Upload a file from the client for attachment to a particular note. The x_progress_id must be
    provided as part of the query string, even if the other values are submitted as form data.

    @type upload: cgi.FieldStorage
    @param upload: file handle to uploaded file
    @type notebook_id: unicode
    @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload is to
    @type note_id: unicode or NoneType
    @param note_id: id of the note that the upload is to (if any)
    @type x_progess_id: unicode
    @param x_progess_id: id of the file being uploaded
    @type user_id: unicode or NoneType
    @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
    @rtype: unicode
    @return: rendered HTML page
    @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook or note
    @raise Upload_error: the Content-Length header value is invalid
        global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock
        file_id = x_progress_id

            uploaded_file = current_uploads.get(file_id)
            if not uploaded_file:
                return dict(script=general_error_script %
                            u"Please select a file to upload.")

            del (current_uploads[file_id])

        user = self.__database.load(User, user_id)
        notebook = self.__users.load_notebook(user_id,

        if not user or not notebook or notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES:
            return dict(
                script=general_error_script %
                u"Sorry, you don't have access to do that. Please make sure you're logged in as the correct user."

        content_type = upload.headers.get("content-type")

        # if we didn't receive all of the expected data, abort
        if uploaded_file.total_received_bytes < uploaded_file.content_length:
            return dict(
                script=general_error_script %
                u"The uploaded file was not fully received. Please try again or contact support."

        if uploaded_file.file_received_bytes == 0:
            return dict(
                script=general_error_script %
                u"The uploaded file was not received. Please make sure that the file exists."

        # if the uploaded file's size would put the user over quota, bail and inform the user
        rate_plan = self.__users.rate_plan(user.rate_plan)
        storage_quota_bytes = rate_plan.get(u"storage_quota_bytes")

        if storage_quota_bytes and user.storage_bytes + uploaded_file.total_received_bytes > storage_quota_bytes:
            return dict(script=quota_error_script)

        # record metadata on the upload in the database
        db_file = File.create(file_id, notebook_id, note_id,
                              uploaded_file.file_received_bytes, content_type)
        self.__database.save(db_file, commit=False)
        self.__users.update_storage(user_id, commit=False)

        return dict()
Пример #3
  def upload( self, upload, notebook_id, note_id, x_progress_id, user_id ):
    Upload a file from the client for attachment to a particular note. The x_progress_id must be
    provided as part of the query string, even if the other values are submitted as form data.

    @type upload: cgi.FieldStorage
    @param upload: file handle to uploaded file
    @type notebook_id: unicode
    @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload is to
    @type note_id: unicode or NoneType
    @param note_id: id of the note that the upload is to (if any)
    @type x_progess_id: unicode
    @param x_progess_id: id of the file being uploaded
    @type user_id: unicode or NoneType
    @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
    @rtype: unicode
    @return: rendered HTML page
    @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook or note
    @raise Upload_error: the Content-Length header value is invalid
    global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock
    file_id = x_progress_id

      uploaded_file = current_uploads.get( file_id )
      if not uploaded_file:
        return dict( script = general_error_script % u"Please select a file to upload." )

      del( current_uploads[ file_id ] )

    user = self.__database.load( User, user_id )
    notebook = self.__users.load_notebook( user_id, notebook_id, read_write = True )

    if not user or not notebook or notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES:
      return dict( script = general_error_script % u"Sorry, you don't have access to do that. Please make sure you're logged in as the correct user." )

    content_type = upload.headers.get( "content-type" )

    # if we didn't receive all of the expected data, abort
    if uploaded_file.total_received_bytes < uploaded_file.content_length:
      return dict( script = general_error_script % u"The uploaded file was not fully received. Please try again or contact support." )

    if uploaded_file.file_received_bytes == 0:
      return dict( script = general_error_script % u"The uploaded file was not received. Please make sure that the file exists." )

    # if the uploaded file's size would put the user over quota, bail and inform the user
    rate_plan = self.__users.rate_plan( user.rate_plan )
    storage_quota_bytes = rate_plan.get( u"storage_quota_bytes" )

    if storage_quota_bytes and user.storage_bytes + uploaded_file.total_received_bytes > storage_quota_bytes:
      return dict( script = quota_error_script )

    # record metadata on the upload in the database
    db_file = File.create( file_id, notebook_id, note_id, uploaded_file.filename, uploaded_file.file_received_bytes, content_type )
    self.__database.save( db_file, commit = False )
    self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False )

    return dict()