Пример #1
def bottleneck_layer(_x, num_channels, hgid):
    # 4 residual blocks with 512 channels in the middle
    pow_str = 'center.' * 5
    _x = residual(_x, num_channels, name='kps.%d.%s0' % (hgid, pow_str))
    _x = residual(_x, num_channels, name='kps.%d.%s1' % (hgid, pow_str))
    _x = residual(_x, num_channels, name='kps.%d.%s2' % (hgid, pow_str))
    _x = residual(_x, num_channels, name='kps.%d.%s3' % (hgid, pow_str))
    return _x
Пример #2
def connect_left_right(left, right, num_channels, num_channels_next, name):
    # left: 2 residual modules
    left = residual(left, num_channels_next, name=name + 'skip.0')
    left = residual(left, num_channels_next, name=name + 'skip.1')

    # up: 2 times residual & nearest neighbour
    out = residual(right, num_channels, name=name + 'out.0')
    out = residual(out, num_channels_next, name=name + 'out.1')
    out = UpSampling2D(name=name + 'out.upsampleNN')(out)
    out = Add(name=name + 'out.add')([left, out])
    return out
Пример #3
def left_features(bottom, hgid, dims):
    # create left half blocks for hourglass module
    # f1, f2, f4 , f8, f16, f32 : 1, 1/2, 1/4 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 resolution
    # 5 times reduce/increase: (256, 384, 384, 384, 512)
    features = [bottom]
    for kk, nh in enumerate(dims):
        pow_str = ''
        for _ in range(kk):
            pow_str += '.center'
        _x = residual(features[-1],
                      name='kps.%d%s.down.0' % (hgid, pow_str),
        _x = residual(_x, nh, name='kps.%d%s.down.1' % (hgid, pow_str))
    return features
Пример #4
def HourglassNetwork(heads, num_stacks, cnv_dim=256, inres=(512, 512), weights='ctdet_coco',
                     dims=[256, 384, 384, 384, 512]):
  """Instantiates the Hourglass architecture.
  Optionally loads weights pre-trained on COCO.
  Note that the data format convention used by the model is
  the one specified in your Keras config at `~/.keras/keras.json`.
  # Arguments
      num_stacks: number of hourglass modules.
      cnv_dim: number of filters after the resolution is decreased.
      inres: network input shape, should be a multiple of 128.
      weights: one of `None` (random initialization),
            'ctdet_coco' (pre-training on COCO for 2D object detection),
            'hpdet_coco' (pre-training on COCO for human pose detection),
            or the path to the weights file to be loaded.
      dims: numbers of channels in the hourglass blocks.
  # Returns
      A Keras model instance.
  # Raises
      ValueError: in case of invalid argument for `weights`,
          or invalid input shape.
  if not (weights in {'ctdet_coco', 'hpdet_coco', None} or os.path.exists(weights)):
    raise ValueError('The `weights` argument should be either '
                     '`None` (random initialization), `ctdet_coco` '
                     '(pre-trained on COCO), `hpdet_coco` (pre-trained on COCO) '
                     'or the path to the weights file to be loaded.')
  input_layer = Input(shape=(inres[0], inres[1], 3), name='HGInput')
  inter = pre(input_layer, cnv_dim)
  prev_inter = None
  outputs = []
  for i in range(num_stacks):
    prev_inter = inter
    _heads, inter = hourglass_module(heads, inter, cnv_dim, i, dims)
    if i < num_stacks - 1:
      inter_ = Conv2D(cnv_dim, 1, use_bias=False, name='inter_.%d.0' % i)(prev_inter)
      inter_ = BatchNormalization(epsilon=1e-5, name='inter_.%d.1' % i)(inter_)

      cnv_ = Conv2D(cnv_dim, 1, use_bias=False, name='cnv_.%d.0' % i)(inter)
      cnv_ = BatchNormalization(epsilon=1e-5, name='cnv_.%d.1' % i)(cnv_)

      inter = Add(name='inters.%d.inters.add' % i)([inter_, cnv_])
      inter = Activation('relu', name='inters.%d.inters.relu' % i)(inter)
      inter = residual(inter, cnv_dim, 'inters.%d' % i)

  model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=outputs)
  if weights == 'ctdet_coco':
    weights_path = get_file(
      '%s_hg.hdf5' % weights,
  elif weights == 'hpdet_coco':
    weights_path = get_file(
      '%s_hg.hdf5' % weights,
  elif weights is not None:

  return model
Пример #5
def pre(_x, num_channels):
  # front module, input to 1/4 resolution
  _x = convolution(_x, 7, 128, name='pre.0', stride=2)
  _x = residual(_x, num_channels, name='pre.1', stride=2)
  return _x