class HomeLogic(object): def __init__(self): self.dao = MongoDataModel() def get_banner_config_info(self): banner_config_info = self.dao.find('banner_config_info', {"status": 1}, sort=[('sort', -1)]) return banner_config_info def get_mian_lottery_info(self): lottery_config_info = self.dao.find('lottery_config_info', {}, sort=[('sort', -1)]) return lottery_config_info def get_main_focus_matches_info(self): matches = self.dao.find_one('focus_matches_info', {"status": 1}, sort=[('endtime', -1)]) return matches def get_operation_config_info(self): operation_config = self.dao.find('operation_config_info', {"status": "1"}, sort=[('sort', -1)]) return operation_config def get_bulletin_list(self, pn=1, rn=10): pn = (pn - 1) * rn bulletin_info = self.dao.find('bulletin_info', {"status": "1"}, sort=[('crtime', -1)], pn=pn, rn=rn) return bulletin_info
def __init__(self, lotid): TABLE_MAP = { 3: "lottery_ssq_expect_info", 28: "lottery_dlt_expect_info", 44: "lottery_gx11x5_expect_info" } self.dao = MongoDataModel() self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "")
def __init__(self, lotid): TABLE_MAP = { 46: "lottery_ticket_jczq_match_info", 47: "lottery_ticket_jclq_match_info" } self.dao = MongoDataModel() self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "")
def __init__(self, lotid): super(BaseDraw, self).__init__() TABLE_MAP = { 3: "lottery_ssq_open_info", 28: "lottery_dlt_open_info", 44: "lottery_gx11x5_expect_info", 46: "lottery_ticket_jczq_match_result", 47: "lottery_ticket_jclq_match_result" } self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "") self.dao = MongoDataModel()
class InfoLogic(object): def __init__(self): self.dao = MongoDataModel() def get_info_list(self, tabid, pagesize, pageno): pn = int(pageno) - 1 articles = self.dao.find('dongqiudi_articles', {"tabid": int(tabid)}, projection={"body": 0, "_id": 0}, count=True, rn=int(pagesize), pn=pn, sort=[('display_time', -1)]) return articles def get_info_detail(self, tabid, id): articles = self.dao.find_one('dongqiudi_articles', {"tabid": int(tabid), "id": int(id)}) return articles
def __init__(self): self.conn_r = db_pool.get_mysql("nncp_ro") self.conn_w = db_pool.get_mysql("nncp_wr") self.conn = db_pool.get_mysql("nncp") self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) self.rds = db_pool.get_redis("msgbus") self.mongo = MongoDataModel()
def __init__(self): self.conn_r = db_pool.get_mysql("betblock_r") self.conn_w = db_pool.get_mysql("betblock_w") self.conn = None self.cursor = None self.dao = MongoDataModel() self.state = False self.lazy_commit = False
class BaseJc(object): def __init__(self, lotid): TABLE_MAP = { 46: "lottery_ticket_jczq_match_info", 47: "lottery_ticket_jclq_match_info" } self.dao = MongoDataModel() self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "") def get_jc_on_sale_matches(self): """ 获取竞彩对阵 :param pn: :param rn: :return: """ curtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) matches_info = self.dao.find(self.table, {"endTime": {"$gt": curtime}}) return matches_info def get_matches_by_matchid(self, matchid): """ 通过matchid 获取对阵数据 :return: """ matches_info = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {"matchId": matchid}) return matches_info def get_matches_by_matchids(self, matchids): """ 通过matchids 批量获取对阵数据 :return: """ matches_info = self.dao.find(self.table, {"matchId": {"$in": matchids}}) return matches_info
class BaseExpect(object): def __init__(self, lotid): TABLE_MAP = { 3: "lottery_ssq_expect_info", 28: "lottery_dlt_expect_info", 44: "lottery_gx11x5_expect_info" } self.dao = MongoDataModel() self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "") def get_expect_info_list(self, pn=1, rn=10): """ 获取期号列表 :param pn: :param rn: :return: """ pn = (pn-1)*10 expect_info = self.dao.find(self.table, {}, sort=[('expect', -1)], rn=rn, pn=pn) return expect_info def get_current_expect(self): """ 获取当前期 :return: """ curr_expect = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {"isCurrent": "1"}) return curr_expect.get("expect") if curr_expect else "" def get_current_expect_info(self): """当前期号信息 :return: """ curr_expect = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {"isCurrent": "1"}) return curr_expect
class BaseDraw(object): def __init__(self, lotid): super(BaseDraw, self).__init__() TABLE_MAP = { 3: "lottery_ssq_open_info", 28: "lottery_dlt_open_info", 44: "lottery_gx11x5_expect_info", 46: "lottery_ticket_jczq_match_result", 47: "lottery_ticket_jclq_match_result" } self.lotid = lotid self.table = TABLE_MAP.get(int(self.lotid), "") self.dao = MongoDataModel() def get_opencode_by_expects(self, expects): """通过期号获取开奖信息 """ opencode = self.dao.find(self.table, {"expect": {"$in": expects}}, sort=[('expect', -1)]) return opencode def get_opencode_by_expect(self, expect): opencode = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {'expect': expect}) return opencode def get_newest_opencode(self): opencode = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {"openCode": {"$ne": ""}}, sort=[('expect', -1)]) return opencode def get_history_opencode_list(self, pn=1, rn=10): pn = (pn-1) * 10 opencode = self.dao.find(self.table, {"openCode": {"$ne": ""}}, sort=[('expect', -1)], pn=pn, rn=rn) return opencode def get_latest_matchscore(self): match = self.dao.find_one(self.table, {}, sort=[('matchId', -1)]) return match
def check_beishu(self, beishu): config = MongoDataModel().find_one('lottery_config_info', {'lotid': str(self.lotid)}) beishulimit = int(config.get('beishulimit', -1)) if int(beishu) < beishulimit: raise ews.EwsError(ews.STATUS_LOTTOCHECK_ERROR, '体彩中心通知【世界杯期间每单投注倍数不得小于{}倍】'.format(beishulimit))
def check_switch(self): config = MongoDataModel().find_one('lottery_config_info', {'lotid': str(self.lotid)}) if int(config.get('status', -1)) == -1: raise ews.EwsError(ews.STATUS_LOTTOCHECK_ERROR, '暂停销售')
def __init__(self): self.dao = MongoDataModel()
def continue_chasenumber(self, params): """追号计划继续 """ cid = params.get("cid") getmoney = params.get("getmoney") pid = None try: sql = "SELECT * FROM t_chasenumber WHERE f_cid=%s AND f_chasestatus=%s FOR UPDATE" self.cursor.execute(sql, (cid, define.CHASE_STATUS_SUCC)) chasenumber = self.cursor.fetchone() or {} if not chasenumber: raise Exception("追号计划不存在或已完成! lotid={}|chaseid={}".format( self.lotid, cid)) #命中中奖停止条件 stopprize = chasenumber.get("f_stopprize") expecttotal = chasenumber.get("f_expecttotal") expectnum = chasenumber.get("f_expectnum") lastexpect = chasenumber.get("f_lastexpect") allmoney = chasenumber.get("f_allmoney") lotid = chasenumber.get("f_lotid") uid = chasenumber.get("f_uid") if stopprize > 0 and getmoney > stopprize: #追号方案退款 sql = "SELECT * FROM t_account_info WHERE f_uid=%s" self.cursor.execute(sql, (uid, )) uinfo = self.cursor.fetchone() or {} returnmoney = allmoney * (expecttotal - expectnum) balance_recharge = uinfo.get("f_balance_recharge") balance_draw = uinfo.get("f_balance_draw") freeze = uinfo.get("f_freeze") balance_draw = balance_draw + returnmoney sql = "UPDATE t_account_info SET f_balance_draw=%s WHERE f_uid=%s" self.cursor.execute(sql, (balance_draw, uid)) #更新追号状态 sql = "UPDATE t_chasenumber SET f_chasestatus=%s, f_stopreturnmoney=%s WHERE f_cid=%s" self.cursor.execute( sql, (define.CHASE_STATUS_PRIZESTOP, returnmoney, cid)) #流水日志 sql = """INSERT INTO t_account_log( f_uid, f_oid, f_lotid, f_inout, f_money, f_balance_recharge, f_balance_draw, f_freeze) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) """ self.cursor.execute( sql, (uid, cid, lotid, define.ACCOUNT_LOG_TYPE_CHASECANCEL, returnmoney, balance_recharge, balance_draw, freeze)) self.conn.commit() return {} else: #查询当前期号 curr_expect = "" try: if int(self.lotid) in [28, 3]: curr_expect = MongoDataModel().find_one( self.expecttable, {"isCurrent": "1"}) curr_expect = curr_expect.get( "expect") if curr_expect else "" elif int(self.lotid) in [44]: curtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) curr_expect = MongoDataModel().find_one( self.expecttable, { "startTime": { "$lte": curtime }, "stopTime": { "$gt": curtime } }, sort=[('expect', -1)], rn=10) curr_expect = curr_expect.get( "expect") if curr_expect else "" except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if not curr_expect: raise Exception("追号获取当前期号失败! lotid={}|chaseid={}".format( self.lotid, cid)) if curr_expect == lastexpect: raise Exception( "当前期重复追号拦截! lotid={}|chaseid={}|expect={}".format( self.lotid, cid, lastexpect)) #更新追号进度 israndom = chasenumber.get("israndom") expectnum += 1 chasestatus = define.CHASE_STATUS_SUCC if expectnum < expecttotal else define.CHASE_STATUS_FINISHSTOP sql = "UPDATE t_chasenumber SET f_expectnum=%s, f_chasestatus=%s, f_lastexpect=%s WHERE f_cid=%s" self.cursor.execute(sql, (expectnum, chasestatus, curr_expect, cid)) #投注下单 uid = chasenumber.get("f_uid") lotid = chasenumber.get("f_lotid") wtype = chasenumber.get("f_wtype") fileorcode = chasenumber.get("f_fileorcode") selecttype = chasenumber.get("f_selecttype") zhushu = chasenumber.get("f_zhushu") beishu = chasenumber.get("f_beishu") couponid = 0 sql = """ INSERT INTO {}( f_uid, f_chaseid, f_lotid, f_wtype, f_beishu, f_zhushu, f_expect, f_allmoney, f_couponid, f_fileorcode, f_selecttype, f_placetime, f_orderstatus) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) """ sql = sql.format(self.table) self.cursor.execute( sql, (uid, cid, lotid, wtype, beishu, zhushu, curr_expect, allmoney, couponid, fileorcode, selecttype,, define.ORDER_STATUS_SUCC)) pid = self.cursor.lastrowid #同步插入方案汇总表 self._insert_project_union(pid) self.conn.commit() logger.debug( "[TRADE SVR]Continue chasenumber! uid=%s|lotid=%s|cid=%s|pid=%s", uid, lotid, cid, pid) return { "uid": uid, "pid": pid, "cid": cid, "lotid": lotid, "allmoney": allmoney, "couponid": couponid } except Exception as ex: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.conn.rollback() return {}