def __init__(self, parent, stype='st'): if stype not in ['dm15', 'st']: raise ValueError, "This model only supports the dm15 and st parameter" model.__init__(self, parent) self.rbs = ['u', 'B', 'V', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'Y', 'J', 'H'] self.parameters = { 'DM': None, stype: None, 'EBVhost': None, 'Tmax': None } self.errors = {'DM': 0, stype: 0, 'EBVhost': 0, 'Tmax': 0} if stype == 'dm15': self.template = NIR_ubertemp.template() else: self.template = NIR_ubertemp.stemplate() self.stype = stype if stype in ['st']: self.a, self.ea, self.b, self.eb, self.c,, self.Rv_host, self.eRv_host, self.sigSN = read_table( os.path.join(base, 'st_calibration2.dat')) else: self.a, self.ea, self.b, self.eb, self.c,, self.Rv_host, self.eRv_host, self.sigSN = read_table( os.path.join(base, 'dm15_calibration2.dat')) self.do_Robs = 0 self.Robs = {}
def __init__ (self, vpath): model.__init__(self, vpath) ## ## General settings ## self.buildable = True self.quantitative = True self.confidential = False self.identity = True self.SDFileName = 'name' self.SDFileActivity = 'activity' ## ## Normalization settings ## self.norm = True self.normStand = True self.normNeutr = False self.normNeutrMethod = 'moka' self.normNeutr_pH = 7.4 self.norm3D = True ## ## Molecular descriptor settings ## self.MD = 'adriana' # 'padel'|'pentacle'|'adriana' self.padelMD = ['-2d','-3d'] # '-2d'|'-3d' self.padelMaxRuntime = None self.padelDescriptor = None self.pentacleProbes = ['DRY','O','N1','TIP'] self.pentacleOthers = [] ## ## Modeling settings ## self.model = 'pls' self.modelLV = 2 self.modelAutoscaling = True self.modelCutoff = 'auto' self.selVar = True #self.selVarMethod = GOLPE self.selVarLV = 2 #self.selVarCV = 'LOO' self.selVarRun = 2 self.selVarMask = None ## ## Path to external programs ## self.mokaPath = '/opt/blabber/blabber4eTOX/' self.padelPath = '/opt/padel/padel218ws/' self.padelURL = 'http://localhost:9000/computedescriptors?params=' self.pentaclePath = '/opt/pentacle/pentacle106eTOX/' self.adrianaPath = '/opt/AdrianaCode/AdrianaCode226/' self.corinaPath = '/opt/corina/corina3494/' self.javaPath = '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/' self.RPath = '/opt/R/R-3.0.2/' self.standardiserPath = '/opt/standardiser/standardise20140206/'
def __init__(self, isTest): model.__init__(self, 'RNN', 'RNN network') Conf = Configuration_RNN() Conf.Return() self.input_layer_input_w, self.input_layer_output_w, self.input_layer_output_b, self.core_layer_input_w, self.core_layer_output_w, self.core_layer_output_b, self.action_layer_input_w, self.action_layer_output_w, self.action_layer_output_b, self.batch_size, self.epoch, self.learning_rate, self.checkpoint_path = Conf.Return( ) self.repeat, self.transfer_layer_input_w = Conf.Return_RNN() if isTest: self.epoch = 1 np.random.seed(1337) tf.set_random_seed(1337)
def __init__(self, isTest=5): model.__init__(self, 'FC', 'Fully connective network') Conf = Configuration_FC() Conf.Return() self.input_layer_input_w, self.input_layer_output_w, self.input_layer_output_b, self.core_layer_input_w, self.core_layer_output_w, self.core_layer_output_b, self.action_layer_input_w, self.action_layer_output_w, self.action_layer_output_b, self.batch_size, self.epoch, self.learning_rate, self.checkpoint_path = Conf.Return( ) if isTest: self.epoch = 1 np.random.seed(1337) tf.set_random_seed(1337)
def __init__(self, isTest=5): model.__init__(self, 'RandGlimpse', 'RandGlimpse network') Conf = Configuration_RandGlimpse() Conf.Return() self.input_layer_input_w, self.input_layer_output_w, self.input_layer_output_b, self.core_layer_input_w, self.core_layer_output_w, self.core_layer_output_b, self.action_layer_input_w, self.action_layer_output_w, self.action_layer_output_b, self.batch_size, self.epoch, self.learning_rate, self.checkpoint_path = Conf.Return( ) self.repeat, self.transfer_layer_input_w = Conf.Return_RNN() self.sensorX, self.sensorY, self.depth, self.hg_size, self.hl_size, self.glimpse_size = Conf.Return_RandGlimpse( ) if isTest: self.epoch = 1 np.random.seed(1337) tf.set_random_seed(1337)
def __init__(self, isTest=5): model.__init__(self, 'CNN', 'CNN network') Conf = Configuration_CNN() Conf.Return() Conf.Return_CNN() self.input_layer_input_w, self.input_layer_output_w, self.input_layer_output_b, self.core_layer_input_w, self.core_layer_output_w, self.core_layer_output_b, self.action_layer_input_w, self.action_layer_output_w, self.action_layer_output_b, self.batch_size, self.epoch, self.learning_rate, self.checkpoint_path = Conf.Return( ) self.filter_depth, self.filter_height, self.filter_width, self.in_channels, self.out_channels, self.stride = Conf.Return_CNN( ) if isTest: self.epoch = 1 np.random.seed(1337) tf.set_random_seed(1337)
def __init__(self, vpath): model.__init__(self, vpath) ########################################################################################################## ## ## General settings ## ## General characteristics of the model ## ########################################################################################################## self.buildable = True # True if the model needs to be trained (built) before it can be used # for prediction self.quantitative = True # True for quantitative dependent variables, False for qualitative # (e.g. 1 or 0) endpoints self.confidential = True # True for building the model without storing any information about # the training series stuctures self.identity = False # If set to True, the structure of any query compound is compared with # those in the training series, returning the annotated value self.experimental = False # If set to True, and the input file contains a field with the label # described by 'SDFileExperimental' this value is returned ########################################################################################################## ## ## Input setting ## ## Labels of SDFile fields recognized by the program in the input file. These have the following ## synthax. For example, if the SDFilenName field is 'name', the input file will contain this string ## as shown: ## ## > <name> ## aspirin ## ########################################################################################################## self.SDFileName = 'name' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the name of # the molecule self.SDFileActivity = 'activity' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the value of # the dependent variable. Leave blank for non-supervided models (PCA) self.SDFileExperimental = '' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the value to # be returned, typically an experimentally determined value self.SDFileMetadata = [ ] # Label of any SDFile field that must be passed throug the normalization # filters. Typically they contain information that is used by models ########################################################################################################## ## ## Normalization settings ## ## Define how the input structures are normalized and transformed prior to being processed ## ## These settings apply both to the stucture of the training series and query structures, which are ## submitted to exactly the same normalization workflow ## ## * Licenses: the program moka is third party software and requires a license activation ## ########################################################################################################## self.norm = False # If True the structures are normalized. When set to False the values # of all the following settings are ignored self.normStand = True # If True the structures are submitted to the structural normalization # program 'standardizer' self.normNeutr = True # If True the ionization of the structures is adjusted to the pH # detailed by 'normNeutr_pH' using the program defined below self.normNeutrMethod = 'moka' # Name of the program used to adjust the ionization of the structures # when the value of 'normNeutr' is set to True self.normNeutr_pH = 7.4 # Value of the pH used to adjust the ionization of the structures # when the value of 'normNeutr' is set to True self.norm3D = True # If True the structures are converted to 3D using the program 'corina' # irrespectivelly if the input structure is 2D or already 3D ########################################################################################################## ## ## Molecular descriptor settings ## ## Define the program used to calculate the molecular descriptors (MD) from the input structures and ## diverse parameters defining how these programs will carry out the molecular descriptor computation ## ## * Licenses: the program pentacle is third party software and requires a license activation ## ########################################################################################################## self.MD = 'padel' # Program used to calculate the MD. Must be one of the following # values: 'padel', 'pentacle', 'adriana' or 'external' # padel relevant settings self.padelMD = [ '-2d' ] # Type of padel MD to be calculared. Must be a subset of the values # in the following list, separated by a comma: '-2d' or '-3d' self.padelMaxRuntime = None # Timeout (in miliseconds) used by padel to compute a single molecule. # If the computation time excedes this value the MD are undefined self.padelDescriptor = None # Name of a xml formated filed containing the names of the MD computed # by padel # pentacle relevant settings self.pentacleProbes = [ 'DRY', 'O', 'N1', 'TIP' ] # Name of the molecular probes used by program pentacle to compute # the molecular descriptors. Must be a subset of the values in the # following list, separated by a comma: 'DRY', 'O', 'N1' or 'TIP' self.pentacleOthers = [ ] # Include here any command line parameter to be sent to the program # pentacle # external relevant settings self.MDexternalFile = None # Name of a TSV with MD. The first colum must be a text string # used to associate the MD with a given compound self.MDexternalID = None # Name of the SDField containing the text string used in the TSV # file for associating the MD with the compound self.MDexternalField = None # Name of a SDFiled with a tab separated line containing MD for this # molecule. This could be used to pass MD for predicted compound, not # present in the TSV file used at model building time ########################################################################################################## ## ## Modeling settings ## ## Define the modeling method used to build the predictive model and diverse parameters defining ## how this method will work ## ########################################################################################################## self.model = 'pls' # Name of the modeling method used to build the model. Must be one of # the following values: 'pls', 'pca', 'RF' # pls relevant settings self.modelLV = 2 # Number of latent variables used to build the model self.modelAutoscaling = True # If true, the molecular descriptors will be normalized to unit # variance by dividing each value by the variable variance self.modelCutoff = 'auto' # Applicable only for PLS-DA ('quantitative' is False). The cutoff # value used to asign 1 or 0 to the predictions. # When set to 'auto' the value is assigned automatically as the one # producing the best compromise between sensitivity and specificity self.selVar = False # If True the program will run the variable selection method # defined by 'selVarMethod'. This setting can extend significantly # the time required to build a model (by many hours or even days) # variable selection relevant settings self.selVarMethod = 'golpe' # Name of the variable selection method. Must be one the following # values: 'golpe' (to be extended in following versions) self.selVarLV = 2 # Number of latent variables used to build the reduced models used # by the variable selection. Could be diferent than 'modelLV' self.selVarCV = 'LOO' # Name of the cross-validation method used during the variable # selection. Must be one the following values: 'LOO' (to be extended # in following versions) self.selVarRun = 2 # Number of maximumm sequential runs of the GOLPE algorithm to run # before stop. The algorithm will run only until the model predictive # ability (assesed by cross-validation) will no longer improve self.selVarMask = None # Name of a file containing a previously computed mask of selected and # non selected variables # RF relevant settings self.RFestimators = 100 # number of trees in the forest self.RFfeatures = 'sqrt' # The number of features to consider when looking for the best split. # Acceptable values are 'sqrt', 'log2' and 'none' # - 'sqrt': then max_features=sqrt(n_features) # - 'log2': then max_features=log2(n_features) # - 'none': then max_features=n_features self.RFclass_weight = 'balanced' # None or Balanced # class_weight : dict, list of dicts, “balanced” # The “balanced” mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely # proportional to class frequencies in the input data as n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)) self.RFtune = True # If true optimizes the values of RFestimators and RFfeatures and generates a # diagnostic plot self.RFrandom = False # If True a random seed is used for boostrapping # RF: Qualitative and Quantitative # Only valid for Qualitative Models # If True a random seed is used as aleatory, if False, random seed is fixed to 1226. # int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) # The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the d.ta for # probability estimation. ## Model Validation Settings self.ModelValidationCV = 'loo' ## ('kfold', 'gkfold', 'stkfold', 'logo', 'lpgo', 'loo', 'lpo', 'shufsplit', 'gshufplit', 'stshufsplit', 'psplit', 'tsplit') self.ModelValidationN = 2 ## int, Only for n_splits or n_groups self.ModelValidationP = 1 ## int, Only for n_samples e.g. LeavePOut(p) ## kfold = KFold(n_splits=2, random_state=self.random_state, shuffle=False) ### K-Folds cross-validator ## gkfold = GroupKFold(n_splits=2) ### K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups. ## stkfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2, random_state=self.random_state, shuffle=False) ### Stratified K-Folds cross-validator ## logo = LeaveOneGroupOut() ### Leave One Group Out cross-validator ## lpgo = LeavePGroupsOut(n_groups=2) ### Leave P Group(s) Out cross-validator ## loo = LeaveOneOut() ### Leave-One-Out cross-validator ## lpo = LeavePOut(2) ### Leave-P-Out cross-validator ## shufsplit = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, random_state=0, test_size=0.25, train_size=None) ### Random permutation cross-validator ## gshufplit = GroupShuffleSplit(test_size=10, n_splits=100) ### Shuffle-Group(s)-Out cross-validation iterator ## stshufsplit = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) ### Stratified ShuffleSplit cross-validator ## psplit = PredefinedSplit(test_fold=array([ 0, 1, -1, 1])) ### Predefined split cross-validator ## tssplit = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=3) ### Time Series cross-validator self.ModelValidationLC = False ## Plot learning curve ########################################################################################################## ## ## View settings ## ## Define the type of visual representation to be generated as well as some properties of the generated ## graphics, like the color, shape and dimension of the markers ## ## Available graphic types: ## ## 'pca' builds a PCA model with the training series of the selected model and the same MDs. Then ## represents the scores of the PC1 and PC2 in the horizontal and vertical axes ## ## 'property' represents the training series of the selected model using the log P for the X axis and ## the molecular weight (MW) for the Y axis, as computed using RDKit ## ## 'project' projects the training series of the selected model on a reference dataset for which ## it must have been generated a PCA model. The markers of each compound can be assigned ## colors according to the distance to model (DModX) ## ## ########################################################################################################## self.viewType = 'property' # Type of graphic to generate. Must be one of the following # values: 'pca', 'property' or 'project' self.viewBackground = False # If True, the selected model is represented together with another # dataset, shown as reference, defined by the two following settings self.viewReferenceEndpoint = None # Name of the reference dataset (the endpoint label) self.viewReferenceVersion = 0 # Version of the reference dataset self.plotPCAColor = 'red' # Color of the marker self.plotPCAMarkerShape = 'D' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPCAMarkerSize = 40 # Size of the marker self.plotPCAMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotPRPColor = 'red' # Color of the marker self.plotPRPMarkerShape = 'D' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPRPMarkerSize = 40 # Size of the marker self.plotPRPMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotPRJColor = 'DModX' # Color of the marker or 'DModX' to assign a color according to # the distance to model (DModX) of every compound self.plotPRJMarkerShape = 'o' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPRJMarkerSize = 50 # Size of the marker self.plotPRJMarkerLine = 1 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotBGColor = '#aaaaaa' # Color of the marker self.plotBGMarkerShape = 'o' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotBGMarkerSize = 20 # Size of the marker self.plotBGMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border ########################################################################################################## ## ## Path to external programs ## ## Define the absolute path to diverse external programs used by the program. If the software is ## updated, the correct path must be introduced here ## ########################################################################################################## self.mokaPath = '/opt/blabber/blabber4eTOX/' self.padelPath = '/opt/padel/padel218ws/' self.padelURL = 'http://localhost:9000/computedescriptors?params=' self.pentaclePath = '/opt/pentacle/pentacle106eTOX/' self.adrianaPath = '/opt/AdrianaCode/AdrianaCode226/' self.corinaPath = '/opt/corina/corina3494/' self.javaPath = '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/' self.RPath = '/opt/R/R-3.0.2/' self.standardiserPath = '/opt/standardiser/standardise20140206/'
def __init__(self): model.__init__(self)
def __init__ (self, vpath): model.__init__(self, vpath) ########################################################################################################## ## ## General settings ## ## General characteristics of the model ## ########################################################################################################## self.buildable = True # True if the model needs to be trained (built) before it can be used # for prediction self.quantitative = True # True for quantitative dependent variables, False for qualitative # (e.g. 1 or 0) endpoints self.confidential = False # True for building the model without storing any information about # the training series stuctures self.identity = False # If set to True, the structure of any query compound is compared with # those in the training series, returning the annotated value self.experimental = False # If set to True, and the input file contains a field with the label # described by 'SDFileExperimental' this value is returned ########################################################################################################## ## ## Input setting ## ## Labels of SDFile fields recognized by the program in the input file. These have the following ## synthax. For example, if the SDFilenName field is 'name', the input file will contain this string ## as shown: ## ## > <name> ## aspirin ## ########################################################################################################## self.SDFileName = 'name' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the name of # the molecule self.SDFileActivity = 'activity' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the value of # the dependent variable. Leave blank for non-supervided models (PCA) self.SDFileExperimental = '' # Label of the SDFile field in the input file containing the value to # be returned, typically an experimentally determined value self.SDFileMetadata = [] # Label of any SDFile field that must be passed throug the normalization # filters. Typically they contain information that is used by models ########################################################################################################## ## ## Normalization settings ## ## Define how the input structures are normalized and transformed prior to being processed ## ## These settings apply both to the stucture of the training series and query structures, which are ## submitted to exactly the same normalization workflow ## ## * Licenses: the program moka is third party software and requires a license activation ## ########################################################################################################## self.norm = False # If True the structures are normalized. When set to False the values # of all the following settings are ignored self.normStand = True # If True the structures are submitted to the structural normalization # program 'standardizer' self.normNeutr = True # If True the ionization of the structures is adjusted to the pH # detailed by 'normNeutr_pH' using the program defined below self.normNeutrMethod = 'moka' # Name of the program used to adjust the ionization of the structures # when the value of 'normNeutr' is set to True self.normNeutr_pH = 7.4 # Value of the pH used to adjust the ionization of the structures # when the value of 'normNeutr' is set to True self.norm3D = True # If True the structures are converted to 3D using the program 'corina' # irrespectivelly if the input structure is 2D or already 3D ########################################################################################################## ## ## Molecular descriptor settings ## ## Define the program used to calculate the molecular descriptors (MD) from the input structures and ## diverse parameters defining how these programs will carry out the molecular descriptor computation ## ## * Licenses: the program pentacle is third party software and requires a license activation ## ########################################################################################################## self.MD = 'padel' # Program used to calculate the MD. Must be one of the following # values: 'padel', 'pentacle', 'adriana' or 'external' # padel relevant settings self.padelMD = ['-2d'] # Type of padel MD to be calculared. Must be a subset of the values # in the following list, separated by a comma: '-2d' or '-3d' self.padelMaxRuntime = None # Timeout (in miliseconds) used by padel to compute a single molecule. # If the computation time excedes this value the MD are undefined self.padelDescriptor = None # Name of a xml formated filed containing the names of the MD computed # by padel # pentacle relevant settings self.pentacleProbes = ['DRY','O', 'N1','TIP'] # Name of the molecular probes used by program pentacle to compute # the molecular descriptors. Must be a subset of the values in the # following list, separated by a comma: 'DRY', 'O', 'N1' or 'TIP' self.pentacleOthers = [] # Include here any command line parameter to be sent to the program # pentacle # external relevant settings self.MDexternalFile = None # Name of a TSV with MD. The first colum must be a text string # used to associate the MD with a given compound self.MDexternalID = None # Name of the SDField containing the text string used in the TSV # file for associating the MD with the compound self.MDexternalField = None # Name of a SDFiled with a tab separated line containing MD for this # molecule. This could be used to pass MD for predicted compound, not # present in the TSV file used at model building time ########################################################################################################## ## ## Modeling settings ## ## Define the modeling method used to build the predictive model and diverse parameters defining ## how this method will work ## ########################################################################################################## self.model = 'pls' # Name of the modeling method used to build the model. Must be one of # the following values: 'pls', 'pca', 'RF' # pls relevant settings self.modelLV = 2 # Number of latent variables used to build the model self.modelAutoscaling = True # If true, the molecular descriptors will be normalized to unit # variance by dividing each value by the variable variance self.modelCutoff = 'auto' # Applicable only for PLS-DA ('quantitative' is False). The cutoff # value used to asign 1 or 0 to the predictions. # When set to 'auto' the value is assigned automatically as the one # producing the best compromise between sensitivity and specificity self.selVar = False # If True the program will run the variable selection method # defined by 'selVarMethod'. This setting can extend significantly # the time required to build a model (by many hours or even days) # variable selection relevant settings self.selVarMethod = 'golpe' # Name of the variable selection method. Must be one the following # values: 'golpe' (to be extended in following versions) self.selVarLV = 2 # Number of latent variables used to build the reduced models used # by the variable selection. Could be diferent than 'modelLV' self.selVarCV = 'LOO' # Name of the cross-validation method used during the variable # selection. Must be one the following values: 'LOO' (to be extended # in following versions) self.selVarRun = 2 # Number of maximumm sequential runs of the GOLPE algorithm to run # before stop. The algorithm will run only until the model predictive # ability (assesed by cross-validation) will no longer improve self.selVarMask = None # Name of a file containing a previously computed mask of selected and # non selected variables # RF relevant settings self.RFestimators = 100 # number of trees in the forest self.RFfeatures = 'sqrt' # The number of features to consider when looking for the best split. # Acceptable values are 'sqrt', 'log2' and 'none' # - 'sqrt': then max_features=sqrt(n_features) # - 'log2': then max_features=log2(n_features) # - 'none': then max_features=n_features self.RFclass_weight = 'balanced' # None or Balanced # class_weight : dict, list of dicts, “balanced” # The “balanced” mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely # proportional to class frequencies in the input data as n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)) self.RFtune = True # If true optimizes the values of RFestimators and RFfeatures and generates a # diagnostic plot self.RFrandom = False # If True a random seed is used for boostrapping # RF: Qualitative and Quantitative # Only valid for Qualitative Models # If True a random seed is used as aleatory, if False, random seed is fixed to 1226. # int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) # The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the d.ta for # probability estimation. ## Model Validation Settings self.ModelValidationCV = 'loo' ## ('kfold', 'gkfold', 'stkfold', 'logo', 'lpgo', 'loo', 'lpo', 'shufsplit', 'gshufplit', 'stshufsplit', 'psplit', 'tsplit') self.ModelValidationN = 2 ## int, Only for n_splits or n_groups self.ModelValidationP = 1 ## int, Only for n_samples e.g. LeavePOut(p) ## kfold = KFold(n_splits=2, random_state=self.random_state, shuffle=False) ### K-Folds cross-validator ## gkfold = GroupKFold(n_splits=2) ### K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups. ## stkfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2, random_state=self.random_state, shuffle=False) ### Stratified K-Folds cross-validator ## logo = LeaveOneGroupOut() ### Leave One Group Out cross-validator ## lpgo = LeavePGroupsOut(n_groups=2) ### Leave P Group(s) Out cross-validator ## loo = LeaveOneOut() ### Leave-One-Out cross-validator ## lpo = LeavePOut(2) ### Leave-P-Out cross-validator ## shufsplit = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, random_state=0, test_size=0.25, train_size=None) ### Random permutation cross-validator ## gshufplit = GroupShuffleSplit(test_size=10, n_splits=100) ### Shuffle-Group(s)-Out cross-validation iterator ## stshufsplit = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) ### Stratified ShuffleSplit cross-validator ## psplit = PredefinedSplit(test_fold=array([ 0, 1, -1, 1])) ### Predefined split cross-validator ## tssplit = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=3) ### Time Series cross-validator self.ModelValidationLC = False ## Plot learning curve ########################################################################################################## ## ## View settings ## ## Define the type of visual representation to be generated as well as some properties of the generated ## graphics, like the color, shape and dimension of the markers ## ## Available graphic types: ## ## 'pca' builds a PCA model with the training series of the selected model and the same MDs. Then ## represents the scores of the PC1 and PC2 in the horizontal and vertical axes ## ## 'property' represents the training series of the selected model using the log P for the X axis and ## the molecular weight (MW) for the Y axis, as computed using RDKit ## ## 'project' projects the training series of the selected model on a reference dataset for which ## it must have been generated a PCA model. The markers of each compound can be assigned ## colors according to the distance to model (DModX) ## ## ########################################################################################################## self.viewType = 'property' # Type of graphic to generate. Must be one of the following # values: 'pca', 'property' or 'project' self.viewBackground = False # If True, the selected model is represented together with another # dataset, shown as reference, defined by the two following settings self.viewReferenceEndpoint = None # Name of the reference dataset (the endpoint label) self.viewReferenceVersion = 0 # Version of the reference dataset self.plotPCAColor = 'red' # Color of the marker self.plotPCAMarkerShape = 'D' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPCAMarkerSize = 40 # Size of the marker self.plotPCAMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotPRPColor = 'red' # Color of the marker self.plotPRPMarkerShape = 'D' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPRPMarkerSize = 40 # Size of the marker self.plotPRPMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotPRJColor = 'DModX' # Color of the marker or 'DModX' to assign a color according to # the distance to model (DModX) of every compound self.plotPRJMarkerShape = 'o' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotPRJMarkerSize = 50 # Size of the marker self.plotPRJMarkerLine = 1 # Thickness of the marker border self.plotBGColor = '#aaaaaa' # Color of the marker self.plotBGMarkerShape = 'o' # Shape of the marker (see 'matplotlib.markers' document for a list) self.plotBGMarkerSize = 20 # Size of the marker self.plotBGMarkerLine = 0 # Thickness of the marker border ########################################################################################################## ## ## Path to external programs ## ## Define the absolute path to diverse external programs used by the program. If the software is ## updated, the correct path must be introduced here ## ########################################################################################################## self.mokaPath = '/opt/blabber/blabber4eTOX/' self.padelPath = '/opt/padel/padel218ws/' self.padelURL = 'http://localhost:9000/computedescriptors?params=' self.pentaclePath = '/opt/pentacle/pentacle106eTOX/' self.adrianaPath = '/opt/AdrianaCode/AdrianaCode226/' self.corinaPath = '/opt/corina/corina3494/' self.javaPath = '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/' self.RPath = '/opt/R/R-3.0.2/' self.standardiserPath = '/opt/standardiser/standardise20140206/'
def __init__(self, parent, stype='dm15'): if stype != 'dm15': raise ValueError, "This model only supports the dm15 parameter" model.__init__(self, parent) self.rbs = [ 'u', 'B', 'V', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'Y', 'J', 'H', 'K', 'Bs', 'Vs', 'Rs', 'Is', 'J_K', 'H_K' ] self.parameters = { 'DM': None, 'dm15': None, 'EBVhost': None, 'Tmax': None } self.errors = {'DM': 0, 'dm15': 0, 'EBVhost': 0, 'Tmax': 0} self.template = NIR_ubertemp.template() # R_V as a function of which calibration fit number (see Folatelli et # al. (2009) table 9 self.Rv_host = {1: 0, 2: 3.10, 3: 1.50, 4: 1.46, 5: 1.46, 6: 1.01} self.dRv_host = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0.11, 4: 0.10, 5: 0.33, 6: 0.31} self.M0 = { 1: -19.07, 2: -19.39, 3: -19.15, 4: -19.13, 5: -19.16, 6: -19.11 } self.dM0 = {1: 0.01, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.02, 4: 0.01, 5: 0.03, 6: 0.02} self.b = {1: 1.03, 2: 0.98, 3: 0.94, 4: 1.05, 5: 0.94, 6: 1.08} self.db = {1: 0.25, 2: 0.41, 3: 0.11, 4: 0.11, 5: 0.12, 6: 0.11} # B-X pseudo-colors from Folatelli et al. (2009) table 3 self.colors = { 'u': -0.32, 'B': 0.0, 'V': -0.02, 'g': 0.05, 'r': -0.09, 'i': -0.63, 'Y': -0.69, 'J': -0.65, 'H': -0.79, 'K': -0.61, 'J_K': -0.65, 'H_K': -0.79 } self.dcolors = { 'u': 0.04, 'B': 0, 'V': 0.01, 'g': 0.02, 'r': 0.02, 'i': 0.02, 'Y': 0.03, 'J': 0.02, 'H': 0.03, 'K': 0.05, 'J_K': 0.02, 'H_K': 0.03, 'Bs': 0, 'Vs': 0, 'Rs': 0, 'Is': 0 } self.color_slopes = { 'u': -0.47, 'B': 0.0, 'V': 0.12, 'g': 0.05, 'r': 0.29, 'i': 0.39, 'Y': 0.63, 'J': 0.67, 'H': 0.66, 'K': 0.26, 'J_K': 0.67, 'H_K': 0.66 } self.dcolor_slopes = { 'u': 0.25, 'B': 0, 'V': 0.05, 'g': 0.06, 'r': 0.07, 'i': 0.08, 'Y': 0.17, 'J': 0.10, 'H': 0.11, 'K': 0.18, 'J_K': 0.10, 'H_K': 0.11, 'Bs': 0, 'Vs': 0, 'Rs': 0, 'Is': 0 } self.do_Robs = 0 self.Robs = {}