Пример #1
# To begin, just start this .py file

import time
from general.welcome_player import initial_start, list_games, picking_game
from general.game_decison import choose_game
from general.shut_down import end_program
from model.player import Player

initial_start()  # print a hearty welcome

# get player
player = Player()
# get the players name, by prompting
gamer_name = player.prompt_name()


gaming_active = True
while gaming_active:
    list_games()  # talk to the player by name, list games
    game_pick_result, make_decision = picking_game()  # pick a game to play
    # check if the input was valid, before starting that game
    if game_pick_result:
        choose_game(make_decision)  # start picked game
        keep_gaming = input("Continue the fun and pick another game? y / n > ")
        if keep_gaming.lower() == "y":
            print("Great! You know the drill!")
            gaming_active = False