def eval(i_ckpt): # does not perform multi-scale test. ms-test is in tf.reset_default_graph() if FLAGS.float_type == 16: print('\n< using tf.float16 >\n') float_type = tf.float16 else: print('\n< using tf.float32 >\n') float_type = tf.float32 input_size = FLAGS.test_image_size with tf.device('/cpu:0'): data_dir, img_mean, num_classes = find_data_path(FLAGS.database) images_filenames, labels_filenames = read_labeled_image_list( FLAGS.database, data_dir, 'val') images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_size, input_size, 3])] labels_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, input_size, input_size, 1])] model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(num_classes, mode='val',, data_format=FLAGS.data_format, float_type=float_type, has_aux_loss=False, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper) logits = model.inference(images_pl) probas_op = tf.nn.softmax(logits[0], dim=1 if FLAGS.data_format == 'NCHW' else 3) # ========================= end of building model ================================ gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) #[tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()]) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) if i_ckpt is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) eval_step = i_ckpt.split('-')[-1] print('Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, eval_step)) print('\n< eval process begins >\n') average_loss = 0.0 confusion_matrix = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes), dtype=np.int64) if FLAGS.test_max_iter is None: max_iter = len(images_filenames) else: max_iter = FLAGS.test_max_iter step = 0 show_iter = max_iter // 20 while step < max_iter: image, label = cv2.imread(images_filenames[step], 1), cv2.imread(labels_filenames[step], 0) label = np.reshape(label, [1, label.shape[0], label.shape[1], 1]) if 'ADE' in FLAGS.database: # the first label (0) of ADE is background. label -= 1 imgsplitter = ImageSplitter(image, 1.0, FLAGS.color_switch, input_size, img_mean) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: imgsplitter.get_split_crops()} [logits] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) total_logits = imgsplitter.reassemble_crops(logits) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: image_mirror = image[:, ::-1] imgsplitter_mirror = ImageSplitter(image_mirror, 1.0, FLAGS.color_switch, input_size, img_mean) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops()} [logits_m] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = imgsplitter_mirror.reassemble_crops(logits_m) total_logits += logits_m[:, ::-1] prediction = np.argmax(total_logits, axis=-1) step += 1 compute_confusion_matrix(label, prediction, confusion_matrix) if step % show_iter == 0: print('%s %s] %d / %d. iou updating' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, max_iter)) compute_iou(confusion_matrix) print('imprecise loss', average_loss / step) precision = compute_iou(confusion_matrix) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return average_loss / max_iter, precision
def infer(image_filename, i_ckpt): # < single gpu version > # < use FLAGS.batch_size as batch size, it is a number of crops running each time > # < use FLAGS.weight_ckpt as i_ckpt > # < use FLAGS.database to indicate img_mean and num_classes > _, img_mean, num_classes = reader.find_data_path(FLAGS.database) crop_size = FLAGS.test_image_size # < network > model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(num_classes,, gpu_num(), three_convs_beginning=FLAGS.three_convs_beginning) images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])] eval_probas_op = model.build_forward_ops(images_pl) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()] loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) scales = [1.0] if == 1: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] def run_once(input_image): H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < in case that input_image is smaller than crop_size > dif_height = H - crop_size dif_width = W - crop_size if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: input_image = helper.numpy_pad_image(input_image, dif_height, dif_width) H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < split this image into crops > split_crops = [] heights = helper.decide_intersection(H, crop_size) widths = helper.decide_intersection(W, crop_size) for height in heights: for width in widths: image_crop = input_image[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] split_crops.append(image_crop[np.newaxis, :]) # < > num_chunks = int((len(split_crops) - 1) / FLAGS.batch_size) + 1 proba_crops_list = [] for chunk_i in range(num_chunks): feed_dict = {} start = chunk_i * FLAGS.batch_size end = min((chunk_i+1)*FLAGS.batch_size, len(split_crops)) feed_dict[images_pl[0]] = np.concatenate(split_crops[start:end]) proba_crops_part =, feed_dict=feed_dict) proba_crops_list.append(proba_crops_part[0]) proba_crops = np.concatenate(proba_crops_list) # < reassemble > reassemble = np.zeros((H, W, num_classes), np.float32) index = 0 for height in heights: for width in widths: reassemble[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] += proba_crops[index] index += 1 # < crop to original image > if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: reassemble = helper.numpy_crop_image(reassemble, dif_height, dif_width) return reassemble testDir = '/home/lihang/data/cityscape/demoVideo/stuttgart_02' imgFiles = mytool.GetFileList(testDir, 'png') for idx, imgFile in enumerate(imgFiles): print(idx) if idx < 502: continue img_contents = tf.read_file(imgFile) img = tf.image.decode_image(img_contents, channels=3) img.set_shape((None, None, 3)) # decode_image does not returns no shape. img = tf.cast(img, dtype=tf.float32) img -= img_mean orig_one_image = orig_height, orig_width, channel = orig_one_image.shape total_proba = np.zeros((orig_height, orig_width, num_classes), dtype=np.float32) for scale in scales: if scale != 1.0: one_image = cv2.resize(orig_one_image, dsize=(0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale) else: one_image = np.copy(orig_one_image) proba = run_once(one_image) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: proba_mirror = run_once(one_image[:, ::-1]) proba += proba_mirror[:, ::-1] if scale != 1.0: proba = cv2.resize(proba, (orig_width, orig_height)) total_proba += proba prediction = np.argmax(total_proba, axis=-1) # cv2.imwrite('./demo_examples/demo_prediction.png', prediction) if FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': fileName = imgFile.split('/')[-1] cv2.imwrite('./demo_examples/' + fileName, cv2.cvtColor(helper_cityscapes.coloring(prediction), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
def train(resume_step=None): # < preparing arguments > if FLAGS.float_type == 16: print('\n< using tf.float16 >\n') float_type = tf.float16 else: print('\n< using tf.float32 >\n') float_type = tf.float32 new_layer_names = FLAGS.new_layer_names if FLAGS.new_layer_names is not None: new_layer_names = new_layer_names.split(',') # < data set > data_list = FLAGS.subsets_for_training.split(',') if len(data_list) < 1: data_list = ['train'] list_images = [] list_labels = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): reader = SegmentationImageReader( FLAGS.database, data_list, (FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.train_image_size), FLAGS.random_scale, random_mirror=True, random_blur=True, random_rotate=FLAGS.random_rotate, color_switch=FLAGS.color_switch, scale_rate=(FLAGS.scale_min, FLAGS.scale_max)) for _ in xrange(FLAGS.gpu_num): image_batch, label_batch = reader.dequeue(FLAGS.batch_size) list_images.append(image_batch) list_labels.append(label_batch) # < network > model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG( reader.num_classes, mode='train',, bn_mode='frozen' if FLAGS.bn_frozen else 'gather', data_format=FLAGS.data_format, initializer=FLAGS.initializer, fine_tune_filename=FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, wd_mode=FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, gpu_num=FLAGS.gpu_num, float_type=float_type, has_aux_loss=FLAGS.has_aux_loss, train_like_in_paper=FLAGS.train_like_in_paper, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper, new_layer_names=new_layer_names, loss_type=FLAGS.loss_type, consider_dilated=FLAGS.consider_dilated) train_ops = model.build_train_ops(list_images, list_labels) # < log dir and model id > logdir = LogDir(FLAGS.database, model_id()) logdir.print_all_info() if not os.path.exists(logdir.log_dir): print('creating ', logdir.log_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.database_dir): print('creating ', logdir.database_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.database_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.exp_dir): print('creating ', logdir.exp_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(logdir.snapshot_dir): print('creating ', logdir.snapshot_dir, '...') os.mkdir(logdir.snapshot_dir) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) init = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] # < convert npy to .ckpt > step = 0 if '.npy' in FLAGS.fine_tune_filename: # This can transform .npy weights with variables names being the same to the tf ckpt model. fine_tune_variables = [] npy_dict = np.load(FLAGS.fine_tune_filename).item() new_layers_names = ['Momentum'] for v in tf.global_variables(): if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): continue name =':0')[0] if name not in npy_dict: continue v.load(npy_dict[name], sess) fine_tune_variables.append(v) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables), logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=0) return # < load pre-trained model> import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None and resume_step is None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') new_layers_names.append('up_sample') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print('< Finetuning Process: not import %s >' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables, allow_empty=True) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('< Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s. >' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) elif resume_step is not None: # ./snapshot/model.ckpt-3000 i_ckpt = logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt-%d' % resume_step loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) step = resume_step print('< Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s. >' % (i_ckpt, resume_step)) else: print('< Not import any model. >') f_log = open(logdir.exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') f_log.write('step,loss,precision,wd\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') print('\n< training process begins >\n') average_loss = 0.0 show_period = 20 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) has_nan = False while step < max_iter + 1: if FLAGS.poly_lr == 1: lrn_rate = ((1 - 1.0 * step / max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate step += 1 if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) _, loss, wd, precision = [train_ops, model.loss, model.wd, model.precision_op], feed_dict={ model.lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, model.wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, model.wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 }) if math.isnan(loss) or math.isnan(wd): print('\nloss or weight norm is nan. Training Stopped!\n') has_nan = True break average_loss += loss if step % snapshot == 0:, logdir.snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step)[tf.local_variables_initializer()]) if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).total_seconds() left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time / 3600.0 t0 = average_loss /= show_period f_log.write('%d,%f,%f,%f\n' % (step, average_loss, precision, wd)) f_log.flush() print('%s %s] Step %s, lr = %f, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, wd_rate, wd_rate2)) print('\t loss = %.4f, precision = %.4f, wd = %.4f' % (average_loss, precision, wd)) print('\t estimated time left: %.1f hours. %d/%d' % (left_hours, step, max_iter)) average_loss = 0.0 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return f_log, logdir, has_nan # f_log and logdir returned for eval.
def predict(i_ckpt): tf.reset_default_graph() print '================', if FLAGS.data_type == 16: #print 'using tf.float16 =====================' data_type = tf.float16 else: #print 'using tf.float32 =====================' data_type = tf.float32 image_size = FLAGS.test_image_size #print '=====because using pspnet, the inputs have a fixed size and should be divided by 48:', image_size assert FLAGS.test_image_size % 48 == 0 num_classes = 2 IMG_MEAN = np.array((103.939, 116.779, 123.68), dtype=np.float32) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): coord = tf.train.Coordinator() reader = ImageReader('./infer', 'test.txt', '480,480', 'False', 'False', 255, IMG_MEAN, coord) images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])] labels_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, image_size, image_size, 1])] with tf.variable_scope('resnet_v1_50'): model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG( num_classes, None, None, None, mode=FLAGS.mode, bn_epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, resnet='resnet_v1_50', norm_only=FLAGS.norm_only, float_type=data_type, has_aux_loss=False, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper, resize_images_method=FLAGS.resize_images_method) l = model.inference(images_pl) # ========================= end of building model ================================ gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()]) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) if i_ckpt is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) eval_step = i_ckpt.split('-')[-1] #print('Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, eval_step)) print '======================= eval process begins =========================' if FLAGS.save_prediction == 0 and FLAGS.mode != 'test': print 'not saving prediction ... ' average_loss = 0.0 confusion_matrix = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes), dtype=np.int64) if FLAGS.save_prediction == 1 or FLAGS.mode == 'test': try: os.mkdir('./' + FLAGS.mode + '_set') except: pass prefix = './' + FLAGS.mode + '_set' try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2])) except: pass prefix = os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2]) if == 1: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] else: scales = [1.0] images_filenames = reader.image_list # labels_filenames = reader.label_list if FLAGS.test_max_iter is None: max_iter = len(images_filenames) else: max_iter = FLAGS.test_max_iter # IMG_MEAN = [123.680000305, 116.778999329, 103.939002991] # RGB mean from official PSPNet step = 0 while step < max_iter: image = cv2.imread(images_filenames[step], 1) # label = np.reshape(label, [1, label.shape[0], label.shape[1], 1]) image_height, image_width = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] total_logits = np.zeros((image_height, image_width, num_classes), np.float32) for scale in scales: imgsplitter = ImageSplitter(image, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, IMG_MEAN) crops = imgsplitter.get_split_crops() # This is a suboptimal solution. More batches each iter, more rapid. # But the limit of batch size is unknown. # TODO: Or there should be a more efficient way. if crops.shape[0] > 10: half = crops.shape[0] / 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[0:half]} [logits_0] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[half:]} [logits_1] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: imgsplitter.get_split_crops()} [logits] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) scale_logits = imgsplitter.reassemble_crops(logits) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: image_mirror = image[:, ::-1] imgsplitter_mirror = ImageSplitter(image_mirror, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, IMG_MEAN) crops_m = imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() if crops_m.shape[0] > 10: half = crops_m.shape[0] / 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[0:half]} [logits_0] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[half:]} [logits_1] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = { images_pl[0]: imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() } [logits_m] =[model.probabilities], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = imgsplitter_mirror.reassemble_crops(logits_m) scale_logits += logits_m[:, ::-1] if scale != 1.0: scale_logits = cv2.resize(scale_logits, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) total_logits += scale_logits prediction = np.argmax(total_logits, axis=-1) # print np.max(label), np.max(prediction) if FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes' and (FLAGS.save_prediction == 1 or FLAGS.mode == 'test'): image_prefix = images_filenames[step].split('/')[-1].split('_leftImg8bit.png')[0] + '_' \ + FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2] cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_prediction.png'), trainid_to_labelid(prediction)) if FLAGS.coloring == 1: color_prediction = coloring(prediction) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_coloring.png'), cv2.cvtColor(color_prediction, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) elif FLAGS.database == 'sonardata' and (FLAGS.save_prediction == 1 or FLAGS.mode == 'test'): image_prefix = images_filenames[step].split('/')[-1].split( '.png')[0] cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '.png'), prediction) else: pass step += 1 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return average_loss / max_iter
def predict(i_ckpt): assert i_ckpt is not None if FLAGS.float_type == 16: print('\n< using tf.float16 >\n') float_type = tf.float16 else: print('\n< using tf.float32 >\n') float_type = tf.float32 image_size = FLAGS.test_image_size assert FLAGS.test_image_size % 48 == 0 with tf.device('/cpu:0'): reader = SegmentationImageReader(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.mode, (image_size, image_size), random_scale=False, random_mirror=False, random_blur=False, random_rotate=False, color_switch=FLAGS.color_switch) images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])] model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(reader.num_classes, mode='val',, data_format=FLAGS.data_format, float_type=float_type, has_aux_loss=False, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper) logits = model.inference(images_pl) probas_op = tf.nn.softmax(logits[0], dim=1 if FLAGS.data_format == 'NCHW' else 3) # ========================= end of building model ================================ gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()]) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) print('Succesfully loaded model from %s.' % i_ckpt) print( '======================= eval process begins =========================' ) if FLAGS.save_prediction == 0 and FLAGS.mode != 'test': print('not saving prediction ... ') average_loss = 0.0 confusion_matrix = np.zeros((reader.num_classes, reader.num_classes), dtype=np.int64) if FLAGS.save_prediction == 1 or FLAGS.mode == 'test': try: os.mkdir('./' + FLAGS.mode + '_set') except: pass prefix = './' + FLAGS.mode + '_set' try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2])) except: pass prefix = os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2]) if == 1: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] else: scales = [1.0] images_filenames = reader.image_list labels_filenames = reader.label_list img_mean = reader.img_mean if FLAGS.test_max_iter is None: max_iter = len(images_filenames) else: max_iter = FLAGS.test_max_iter step = 0 while step < max_iter: image, label = cv2.imread(images_filenames[step], 1), cv2.imread(labels_filenames[step], 0) label = np.reshape(label, [1, label.shape[0], label.shape[1], 1]) image_height, image_width = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] total_logits = np.zeros( (image_height, image_width, reader.num_classes), np.float32) for scale in scales: imgsplitter = ImageSplitter(image, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, img_mean) crops = imgsplitter.get_split_crops() # This is a suboptimal solution. More batches each iter, more rapid. # But the limit of batch size is unknown. # TODO: Or there should be a more efficient way. if crops.shape[0] > 10 and FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': half = crops.shape[0] // 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[0:half]} [logits_0] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[half:]} [logits_1] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: imgsplitter.get_split_crops()} [logits] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) scale_logits = imgsplitter.reassemble_crops(logits) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: image_mirror = image[:, ::-1] imgsplitter_mirror = ImageSplitter(image_mirror, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, img_mean) crops_m = imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() if crops_m.shape[0] > 10: half = crops_m.shape[0] // 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[0:half]} [logits_0] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[half:]} [logits_1] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = { images_pl[0]: imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() } [logits_m] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = imgsplitter_mirror.reassemble_crops(logits_m) scale_logits += logits_m[:, ::-1] if scale != 1.0: scale_logits = cv2.resize(scale_logits, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) total_logits += scale_logits prediction = np.argmax(total_logits, axis=-1) # print np.max(label), np.max(prediction) image_prefix = images_filenames[step].split('/')[-1].split( '.')[0] + '_' + FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2] if FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_prediction.png'), trainid_to_labelid(prediction)) if FLAGS.coloring == 1: cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_coloring.png'), cv2.cvtColor(coloring(prediction), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) else: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_prediction.png'), prediction) # TODO: add coloring for databases other than Cityscapes. step += 1 compute_confusion_matrix(label, prediction, confusion_matrix) if step % 20 == 0: print('%s %s] %d / %d. iou updating' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, max_iter)) compute_iou(confusion_matrix) print(average_loss / step) precision = compute_iou(confusion_matrix) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return average_loss / max_iter, precision
def train_and_eval(): # < data set > data_list = FLAGS.subsets_for_training.split(',') if len(data_list) < 1: data_list = ['train'] train_reader_inits = [] eval_reader_inits = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': train_image_reader = reader.QueueBasedImageReader( FLAGS.database, data_list) batch_images, batch_labels = train_image_reader.get_batch( FLAGS.batch_size * gpu_num(), FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.random_mirror, FLAGS.random_blur, FLAGS.random_rotate, FLAGS.color_switch, FLAGS.random_scale, (FLAGS.scale_min, FLAGS.scale_max)) list_images = tf.split(batch_images, gpu_num()) list_labels = tf.split(batch_labels, gpu_num()) eval_image_reader = reader.QueueBasedImageReader( FLAGS.database, 'val') eval_image, eval_label, _ = eval_image_reader.get_eval_batch( FLAGS.color_switch) else: # the performance is not good as using queue runners. train_image_reader = reader.ImageReader(FLAGS.database, data_list) train_reader_iterator = train_image_reader.get_batch_iterator( FLAGS.batch_size * gpu_num(), FLAGS.train_image_size, FLAGS.random_mirror, FLAGS.random_blur, FLAGS.random_rotate, FLAGS.color_switch, FLAGS.random_scale, (FLAGS.scale_min, FLAGS.scale_max)) batch_images, batch_labels = train_reader_iterator.get_next() list_images = tf.split(batch_images, gpu_num()) list_labels = tf.split(batch_labels, gpu_num()) eval_image_reader = reader.ImageReader(FLAGS.database, 'val') eval_reader_iterator = eval_image_reader.get_eval_iterator( FLAGS.color_switch) eval_image, eval_label, _ = eval_reader_iterator.get_next( ) # one image. train_reader_inits.append(train_reader_iterator.initializer) eval_reader_inits.append(eval_reader_iterator.initializer) # < network > model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(train_image_reader.num_classes,, gpu_num(), FLAGS.initializer, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, FLAGS.optimizer, FLAGS.momentum, FLAGS.train_like_in_caffe, FLAGS.three_convs_beginning, FLAGS.new_layer_names, consider_dilated=FLAGS.consider_dilated) train_ops, losses_op, metrics_op = model.build_train_ops( list_images, list_labels) eval_image_pl = [] crop_size = FLAGS.test_image_size for _ in range(gpu_num()): eval_image_pl.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])) eval_probas_op = model.build_forward_ops(eval_image_pl) # < log dir and model id > exp_dir, snapshot_dir = prepare_log_dir(FLAGS.database, get_model_id()) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) init = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] + train_reader_inits # < load pre-trained model> import_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if FLAGS.fine_tune_filename is not None: fine_tune_variables = [] new_layers_names = model.new_layers_names new_layers_names.append('Momentum') new_layers_names.append('up_sample') for v in import_variables: if any(elem in for elem in new_layers_names): print('\t[verbo] < Finetuning Process: not import %s >' % continue fine_tune_variables.append(v) loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=fine_tune_variables, allow_empty=True) loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) print('\t[verbo] < Succesfully loaded fine-tune model from %s. >' % FLAGS.fine_tune_filename) else: print('\t[verbo] < Not import any model. >') f_log = open(exp_dir + '/' + str( + '.txt', 'w') tags = '' for loss_op in losses_op: tags +='/')[-1].split(':')[0] + ',' for metric_op in metrics_op: tags +='/')[-1].split(':')[0] + ',' tags = tags[:-1] f_log.write(tags + '\n') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') print('\n\t < training process begins >\n') show_period = FLAGS.train_max_iter // 2000 snapshot = FLAGS.snapshot max_iter = FLAGS.train_max_iter lrn_rate = FLAGS.lrn_rate lr_step = [] if FLAGS.lr_step is not None: temps = FLAGS.lr_step.split(',') for t in temps: lr_step.append(int(t)) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=2) t0 = None wd_rate = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate wd_rate2 = FLAGS.weight_decay_rate2 has_nan = False step = 0 if FLAGS.save_first_iteration == 1:, snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) def run_for_eval(input_image): H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < in case that input_image is smaller than crop_size > dif_height = H - crop_size dif_width = W - crop_size if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: input_image = helper.numpy_pad_image(input_image, dif_height, dif_width) H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < split > split_crops = [] heights = helper.decide_intersection(H, crop_size) widths = helper.decide_intersection(W, crop_size) for height in heights: for width in widths: image_crop = input_image[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] split_crops.append(image_crop[np.newaxis, :]) feed_dict = {} splitters = chunks(split_crops, gpu_num()) for list_index in range(len(splitters) - 1): piece_crops = np.concatenate( split_crops[splitters[list_index]:splitters[list_index + 1]]) feed_dict[eval_image_pl[list_index]] = piece_crops for i in range(gpu_num()): if eval_image_pl[i] not in feed_dict.keys(): feed_dict[eval_image_pl[i]] = np.zeros( (1, crop_size, crop_size, 3), np.float32) proba_crops_pieces =, feed_dict=feed_dict) proba_crops = np.concatenate(proba_crops_pieces) # < reassemble > reassemble = np.zeros((H, W, eval_image_reader.num_classes), np.float32) index = 0 for height in heights: for width in widths: reassemble[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] += proba_crops[index] index += 1 # < crop to original image > if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: reassemble = helper.numpy_crop_image(reassemble, dif_height, dif_width) return reassemble while step < max_iter + 1: if FLAGS.poly_lr == 1: lrn_rate = ((1 - 1.0 * step / max_iter)**0.9) * FLAGS.lrn_rate step += 1 if len(lr_step) > 0 and step == lr_step[0]: lrn_rate *= FLAGS.step_size lr_step.remove(step) _, losses, metrics = [train_ops, losses_op, metrics_op], feed_dict={ model.lrn_rate_ph: lrn_rate, model.wd_rate_ph: wd_rate, model.wd_rate2_ph: wd_rate2 }) if math.isnan(losses[0]) or math.isnan(losses[-1]): print('\nloss or weight norm is nan. Training Stopped!\n') has_nan = True break if step % show_period == 0: left_hours = 0 if t0 is not None: delta_t = ( - t0).total_seconds() left_time = (max_iter - step) / show_period * delta_t left_hours = left_time / 3600.0 t0 = # these losses are not averaged. merged_losses = losses + metrics str_merged_loss = str(step) + ',' for i, l in enumerate(merged_losses): if i == len(merged_losses) - 1: str_merged_loss += str(l) + '\n' else: str_merged_loss += str(l) + ',' f_log.write(str_merged_loss) f_log.flush() print( '%s %s] Step %d, lr = %f, wd_mode = %d, wd_rate = %f, wd_rate_2 = %f ' % (str(, str(os.getpid()), step, lrn_rate, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, wd_rate, wd_rate2)) for i, tag in enumerate(tags.split(',')): print(tag, '=', merged_losses[i], end=', ') print('') print('\tEstimated time left: %.2f hours. %d/%d' % (left_hours, step, max_iter)) if step % snapshot == 0 or step == max_iter:, snapshot_dir + '/model.ckpt', global_step=step) confusion_matrix = np.zeros( (eval_image_reader.num_classes, eval_image_reader.num_classes), dtype=np.int64)[tf.local_variables_initializer()] + eval_reader_inits) for i in range(len(eval_image_reader.image_list)): orig_one_image, one_label =[eval_image, eval_label]) proba = run_for_eval(orig_one_image) prediction = np.argmax(proba, axis=-1) helper.compute_confusion_matrix(one_label, prediction, confusion_matrix) mIoU = helper.compute_iou(confusion_matrix) str_merged_loss = 'TEST:' + str(step) + ',' + str(mIoU) + '\n' f_log.write(str_merged_loss) f_log.flush() f_log.close() if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def inference(i_ckpt): if FLAGS.float_type == 16: print('\n< using tf.float16 >\n') float_type = tf.float16 else: print('\n< using tf.float32 >\n') float_type = tf.float32 image_size = FLAGS.test_image_size assert FLAGS.test_image_size % 48 == 0 images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])] data_dir, img_mean, num_classes = find_data_path(FLAGS.database) model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(num_classes, mode='val',, data_format=FLAGS.data_format, float_type=float_type, has_aux_loss=False, structure_in_paper=FLAGS.structure_in_paper) logits = model.inference(images_pl) probas_op = tf.nn.softmax(logits[0], dim=1 if FLAGS.data_format == 'NCHW' else 3) # ========================= end of building model ================================ gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()]) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) if i_ckpt is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) eval_step = i_ckpt.split('-')[-1] print('Succesfully loaded model from %s at step=%s.' % (i_ckpt, eval_step)) print( '======================= eval process begins =========================' ) try: os.mkdir('./inference_set') except: pass prefix = './inference_set' try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2])) except: pass prefix = os.path.join(prefix, FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2]) if == 1: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] else: scales = [1.0] def inf_one_image(image_path): t0 = image = cv2.imread(image_path, 1) image_height, image_width = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] total_logits = np.zeros((image_height, image_width, num_classes), np.float32) for scale in scales: imgsplitter = ImageSplitter(image, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, img_mean) crops = imgsplitter.get_split_crops() # This is a suboptimal solution. More batches each iter, more rapid. # But the limit of batch size is unknown. # TODO: Or there should be a more efficient way. if crops.shape[0] > 10 and FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': half = crops.shape[0] // 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[0:half]} [logits_0] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops[half:]} [logits_1] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: imgsplitter.get_split_crops()} [logits] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) scale_logits = imgsplitter.reassemble_crops(logits) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: image_mirror = image[:, ::-1] imgsplitter_mirror = ImageSplitter(image_mirror, scale, FLAGS.color_switch, image_size, img_mean) crops_m = imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() if crops_m.shape[0] > 10: half = crops_m.shape[0] // 2 feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[0:half]} [logits_0] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) feed_dict = {images_pl[0]: crops_m[half:]} [logits_1] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = np.concatenate((logits_0, logits_1), axis=0) else: feed_dict = { images_pl[0]: imgsplitter_mirror.get_split_crops() } [logits_m] =[probas_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) logits_m = imgsplitter_mirror.reassemble_crops(logits_m) scale_logits += logits_m[:, ::-1] if scale != 1.0: scale_logits = cv2.resize(scale_logits, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) total_logits += scale_logits prediction = np.argmax(total_logits, axis=-1) image_prefix = image_path.split('/')[-1].split( '.')[0] + '_' + FLAGS.weights_ckpt.split('/')[-2] if FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_prediction.png'), trainid_to_labelid(prediction)) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_coloring.png'), cv2.cvtColor(coloring(prediction), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) else: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(prefix, image_prefix + '_prediction.png'), prediction) # TODO: add coloring for databases other than Cityscapes. delta_t = ( - t0).total_seconds() print('\n[info]\t saved!', delta_t, 'seconds.') if FLAGS.image_path is not None: inf_one_image(FLAGS.image_path) else: while True: image_path = raw_input('Enter the image filename:') try: inf_one_image(image_path) except: continue coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return
def predict(i_ckpt): # < single gpu version > # < use FLAGS.batch_size as batch size > # < use FLAGS.weight_ckpt as i_ckpt > reader_init = [] with tf.device('/cpu:0'): if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': eval_image_reader = reader.QueueBasedImageReader(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.test_subset) eval_image, eval_label, eval_image_filename = eval_image_reader.get_eval_batch(FLAGS.color_switch) else: eval_image_reader = reader.ImageReader(FLAGS.database, FLAGS.test_subset) eval_reader_iterator = eval_image_reader.get_eval_iterator(FLAGS.color_switch) eval_image, eval_label, eval_image_filename = eval_reader_iterator.get_next() # one image. reader_init.append(eval_reader_iterator.initializer) crop_size = FLAGS.test_image_size # < network > model = pspnet_mg.PSPNetMG(eval_image_reader.num_classes,, gpu_num(), FLAGS.initializer, FLAGS.weight_decay_mode, FLAGS.fine_tune_filename, FLAGS.optimizer, FLAGS.momentum, FLAGS.train_like_in_caffe, FLAGS.three_convs_beginning, FLAGS.new_layer_names, consider_dilated=FLAGS.consider_dilated) images_pl = [tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])] eval_probas_op = model.build_forward_ops(images_pl) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=False) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) init = [tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()] + reader_init loader = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=0) loader.restore(sess, i_ckpt) prefix = i_ckpt.split('model.ckpt')[0] + FLAGS.test_subset + '_set/' if not os.path.exists(prefix) and 'test' in FLAGS.test_subset: os.mkdir(prefix) print('saving predictions to', prefix) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((eval_image_reader.num_classes, eval_image_reader.num_classes), dtype=np.int64) scales = [1.0] if == 1: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] def run_once(input_image): H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < in case that input_image is smaller than crop_size > dif_height = H - crop_size dif_width = W - crop_size if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: input_image = helper.numpy_pad_image(input_image, dif_height, dif_width) H, W, channel = input_image.shape # < split this image into crops > split_crops = [] heights = helper.decide_intersection(H, crop_size) widths = helper.decide_intersection(W, crop_size) for height in heights: for width in widths: image_crop = input_image[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] split_crops.append(image_crop[np.newaxis, :]) # < > num_chunks = int((len(split_crops) - 1) / FLAGS.batch_size) + 1 proba_crops_list = [] for chunk_i in range(num_chunks): feed_dict = {} start = chunk_i * FLAGS.batch_size end = min((chunk_i+1)*FLAGS.batch_size, len(split_crops)) feed_dict[images_pl[0]] = np.concatenate(split_crops[start:end]) proba_crops_part =, feed_dict=feed_dict) proba_crops_list.append(proba_crops_part[0]) proba_crops = np.concatenate(proba_crops_list) # < reassemble > reassemble = np.zeros((H, W, eval_image_reader.num_classes), np.float32) index = 0 for height in heights: for width in widths: reassemble[height:height + crop_size, width:width + crop_size] += proba_crops[index] index += 1 # < crop to original image > if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0: reassemble = helper.numpy_crop_image(reassemble, dif_height, dif_width) return reassemble for i in range(len(eval_image_reader.image_list)): orig_one_image, one_label, image_filename =[eval_image, eval_label, eval_image_filename]) orig_height, orig_width, channel = orig_one_image.shape total_proba = np.zeros((orig_height, orig_width, eval_image_reader.num_classes), dtype=np.float32) for scale in scales: if scale != 1.0: one_image = cv2.resize(orig_one_image, dsize=(0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale) else: one_image = np.copy(orig_one_image) proba = run_once(one_image) if FLAGS.mirror == 1: proba_mirror = run_once(one_image[:, ::-1]) proba += proba_mirror[:, ::-1] if scale != 1.0: proba = cv2.resize(proba, (orig_width, orig_height)) total_proba += proba prediction = np.argmax(total_proba, axis=-1) helper.compute_confusion_matrix(one_label, prediction, confusion_matrix) if 'test' in FLAGS.test_subset: if FLAGS.database == 'Cityscapes': cv2.imwrite(prefix + prediction_image_create(image_filename), helper_cityscapes.trainid_to_labelid(prediction)) if FLAGS.coloring == 1: cv2.imwrite(prefix + coloring_image_create(image_filename), cv2.cvtColor(helper_cityscapes.coloring(prediction), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) else: cv2.imwrite(prefix + prediction_image_create(image_filename, key_word='.'), prediction) if i % 100 == 0: print('%s %s] %d / %d. iou updating' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), i, len(eval_image_reader.image_list))) helper.compute_iou(confusion_matrix) print('%s %s] %d / %d. iou updating' \ % (str(, str(os.getpid()), len(eval_image_reader.image_list), len(eval_image_reader.image_list))) miou = helper.compute_iou(confusion_matrix) log_file = i_ckpt.split('model.ckpt')[0] + 'predict-ms' + str( + '-mirror' + str(FLAGS.mirror) + '.txt' f_log = open(log_file, 'w') f_log.write(sorted_str_dict(FLAGS.__dict__) + '\n') ious = helper.compute_iou_each_class(confusion_matrix) f_log.write(str(ious) + '\n') for i in range(confusion_matrix.shape[0]): f_log.write(str(ious[i]) + '\n') f_log.write(str(miou) + '\n') if FLAGS.reader_method == 'queue': coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return