Пример #1
def insert_tasks(PL, task_file):

    pipeline = Pipeline(PL.name, PL.log_dir)
    logging.debug("Pipeline is: {}".format(pipeline))

    task_list = PL.prepare_managed_tasks()
    logging.debug("Task list is: {}".format([x['name'] for x in task_list]))

    # we need to be able to translate the dependencies as stored in the task
    # list (list of other task names that a particular task depends on)
    # into a list of Job object references that have already been added to the
    # session. We will build up a dictionary of task['name'] : Job as we
    # insert them
    deps_to_job = {}
    print("  Inserting tasks into {}".format(task_file))
    logging.info("Inserting tasks into {}".format(task_file))
        for task in task_list:
            print("    -> {}".format(task['name']))
                dependencies = [deps_to_job[d] for d in task['dependencies']]
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.exception("Key error processing dependencies")
                msg = "Task {} depends on a task that hasn't been been " \
                      "processed ({}). Check your Pipeline XML".format(
                          task['name'], e.args[0])
                raise Exception(msg)
            job = Job(pipeline, task['name'], task['threads'],
                      task['stdout_path'], task['stderr_path'],
                      task['script_path'], task['epilogue_path'], task['mem'],
                      task['email_list'], task['mail_options'],
                      task['batch_env'], dependencies, task['queue'],

            deps_to_job[task['name']] = job
            logging.debug("Adding job {} (log dir: {}) to session".format(
                job.job_name, job.pipeline.log_directory))
    except Exception as e:
        logging.exception("Error inserting tasks into database")
        print("Error inserting tasks into database: {}".format(e),

    # only commit the session if we were able to add all the jobs to the session
    # without catching an Exception

    logging.info("  {} tasks have been inserted into task file {}; "
                 "(log dir: {})".format(len(task_list), task_file, PL.log_dir))

    return len(task_list)