Пример #1
def draw(img, screen, grid, bgGrid, screenW,
         screenH):  #originPoint, viewH viewW (IN GRIDS)
    origin = grid.origin
    for y in range(0, screenH):
        for x in range(0, screenW):
            p = entities.Point(x + origin.x, y + origin.y)
            value = model.get_cell(grid, p)
            bgValue = model.get_cell(bgGrid, p)
            #Background handling - concrete and grass

            screen.blit(img.Background, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))

            if bgValue == model.CONCRETE:
                screen.blit(img.Concrete, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
            #Entity handling

            if value == model.GATHERER:
                g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
                if g.move:
                    screen.blit(img.gathSprite, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
                                (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))

            elif value == model.GENERATOR:
                g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
                            (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
            elif value == model.RESOURCE:
                screen.blit(img.resSprite, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
            elif value == model.OBSTACLE:
                screen.blit(img.Rock, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
            elif value == model.TRAIL:
                screen.blit(img.Trail, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
            elif value == model.TRANSFORM:
                g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
                screen.blit(img.transformList[g.times - 1],
                            (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
                #if click-drag is used to place these, and then tried to transform,
                #get error

    mPointx = grid.mouseHover.x + origin.x
    mPointy = grid.mouseHover.y + origin.y
    mPoint = entities.Point(mPointx, mPointy)
    hoverVal = model.get_cell(grid, mPoint)
    if hoverVal == model.EMPTY:
            (grid.mouseHover.x * CELL_SIZE, grid.mouseHover.y * CELL_SIZE))
            (grid.mouseHover.x * CELL_SIZE, grid.mouseHover.y * CELL_SIZE))
Пример #2
def draw(img, screen, grid, bgGrid, screenW, screenH): #originPoint, viewH viewW (IN GRIDS)
	origin = grid.origin
	for y in range(0, screenH):
		for x in range(0, screenW):
			p = entities.Point(x + origin.x, y + origin.y)
			value = model.get_cell(grid, p)
			bgValue = model.get_cell(bgGrid, p)
			#Background handling - concrete and grass

			screen.blit(img.Background, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))

			if bgValue == model.CONCRETE: 
				screen.blit(img.Concrete, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
			#Entity handling

			if value == model.GATHERER: 
				g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
				if g.move: 
					screen.blit(img.gathSprite, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
					screen.blit(img.consumeList[g.animationLoop], (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))

			elif value == model.GENERATOR: 
				g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
				screen.blit(img.marketList[g.times], (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
			elif value == model.RESOURCE: 
				screen.blit(img.resSprite, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
			elif value == model.OBSTACLE: 
				screen.blit(img.Rock, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
			elif value == model.TRAIL: 
				screen.blit(img.Trail, (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
			elif value == model.TRANSFORM: 
				g = grid.entityList[controller.findEntity(grid.entityList, p)]
				screen.blit(img.transformList[g.times - 1], (x * CELL_SIZE, y * CELL_SIZE))
				#if click-drag is used to place these, and then tried to transform, 
				#get error 

	mPointx = grid.mouseHover.x + origin.x 
	mPointy = grid.mouseHover.y + origin.y
	mPoint = entities.Point(mPointx, mPointy)
	hoverVal = model.get_cell(grid, mPoint)
	if hoverVal == model.EMPTY: 
		screen.blit(img.greenBox, (grid.mouseHover.x  * CELL_SIZE, grid.mouseHover.y * CELL_SIZE))
		screen.blit(img.redBox,  (grid.mouseHover.x  * CELL_SIZE, grid.mouseHover.y * CELL_SIZE))
Пример #3
def resourceClick(grid, point, entityL): 
	if model.get_cell(grid, point) == 3: 
		print ("Clicked Resource at ", point.x, point.y) 
		return model.spawnResources(grid, point, entityL, 2, 1)
		print ("Did not click resource") 
		return []
Пример #4
def resourceClick(grid, point, entityL): 
	if model.get_cell(grid, point) == 3: 
		print ("Clicked Resource at ", point.x, point.y) 
		return model.spawnResources(grid, point, entityL, 2, 1)
		print ("Did not click resource") 
		return []
Пример #5
def save(grid, bgGrid):
    entityList = grid.entityList
    f = open('gaia.sav', 'w')

    for entity in entityList:
        if isinstance(entity, entities.CSCStudent):
            f.write('gatherer ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' +
                    str(entity.position.y) + ' ' + str(entity.rate) + '\n')
        elif isinstance(entity, entities.CampusMarket):
            f.write('generator ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' +
                    str(entity.position.y) + '\n')
        elif isinstance(entity, entities.MonsterEnergy):
            f.write('resource ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' +
                    str(entity.position.y) + '\n')
        elif isinstance(entity, entities.Obstacle):
            f.write('obstacle ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' +
                    str(entity.position.y) + '\n')

    for x in range(0, bgGrid.width):
        for y in range(0, bgGrid.height):
            p = entities.Point(x, y)
            if model.get_cell(bgGrid, p) == model.CONCRETE:
                f.write('concrete ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + '\n')

    print("You saved the file!")
Пример #6
def determineNewGathererPosition(grid, gatherer, resource):
    #Determines position one grixel toward the CLOSEST resource in both the x and y axis
    #Eventually, will determine the closest resource of a list of resources
    oldx = gatherer.position.x
    oldy = gatherer.position.y
    oldpoint = entities.Point(oldx, oldy)

    if resource.position.x > gatherer.position.x:
        gatherer.position.x += 1
    elif resource.position.x < gatherer.position.x:
        gatherer.position.x -= 1
    if model.get_cell(grid, gatherer.position) == 4:
        gatherer.position.x = oldx

    #Handling Y
    if resource.position.y > gatherer.position.y:
        gatherer.position.y += 1
    elif resource.position.y < gatherer.position.y:
        gatherer.position.y -= 1
    if model.get_cell(grid, gatherer.position) == 4:
        gatherer.position.y = oldy

    if not samePt(gatherer.position, oldpoint):
        model.set_cell(grid, oldpoint, 5)
Пример #7
def determineNewGathererPosition(grid, gatherer, resource):
	#Determines position one grixel toward the CLOSEST resource in both the x and y axis
	#Eventually, will determine the closest resource of a list of resources
	oldx = gatherer.position.x 
	oldy = gatherer.position.y
	oldpoint = entities.Point(oldx, oldy) 

	if resource.position.x > gatherer.position.x:    
		gatherer.position.x += 1
	elif resource.position.x < gatherer.position.x: 
		gatherer.position.x -= 1
	if model.get_cell(grid, gatherer.position) == 4: 
		gatherer.position.x = oldx
	#Handling Y 
	if resource.position.y > gatherer.position.y: 
		gatherer.position.y += 1
	elif resource.position.y < gatherer.position.y: 
		gatherer.position.y -= 1
	if model.get_cell(grid, gatherer.position) == 4: 
		gatherer.position.y = oldy

	if not samePt(gatherer.position, oldpoint): 
		model.set_cell(grid, oldpoint, 5)
Пример #8
def determineNewGathererPosition(grid, gat, res):
	#Determines position one grixel toward the CLOSEST resource in both the x and y axis
	#Eventually, will determine the closest resource of a list of resources

	newGathP = entities.Point(gat.position.x, gat.position.y)
	diry = gat.diry
	dirx = gat.dirx

	if not isinstance(res, entities.MonsterEnergy): 

	if not (gat.position.x == res.position.x) and not gat.priY: 
		direction = res.position.x - gat.position.x
		unitDir = int(direction / abs(direction)) #will be either +1 or -1
		newGathP.x += unitDir
		cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP)
		if not canMove(cellVal):
			newGathP.x -= unitDir
			newGathP.y += diry
			cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP) 
			if not canMove(cellVal): 
				newGathP.y -= 2 * diry
				cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP) 
				if not canMove(cellVal): 
					newGathP.y -= diry
					newGathP.x -= unitDir
					gat.priY = True

	elif not gat.position.y == res.position.y or gat.priY: 
		direction = res.position.y - gat.position.y
		if direction == 0: direction = 1
		unitDir = int(direction / abs(direction) )
		newGathP.y += unitDir
		gat.priY = False
		cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP)
		if not canMove(cellVal): 
			newGathP.y -= unitDir 
			newGathP.x += dirx
			gat.priY = True
			cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP)
			if not canMove(cellVal): 
				newGathP.x -= 2 * dirx
				cellVal = model.get_cell(grid, newGathP)
				if not canMove(cellVal): 
					newGathP.x -= dirx
					newGathP.y -= unitDir
					gat.priY = False

	gat.position = newGathP
Пример #9
def updateGatherers(grid): 
	resList = listOfResources(grid.entityList)
	gathList = listOfGatherers(grid.entityList) 

	for gatherer in gathList:
		if gatherer.move == True: 
			if isinstance(gatherer.aim, entities.MonsterEnergy): 
				if not (model.get_cell(grid, gatherer.aim.position) == model.RESOURCE): 
					gatherer.aim = None
				if len(resList) < 1: 
					gatherer.aim = None
				elif gatherer.direction == entities.NEAR: 
					gatherer.aim = determineNearest(resList, gatherer)
				elif gatherer.direction == entities.FAR: 
					gatherer.aim = determineFarthest(resList, gatherer) 
			if not gatherer.aim == None: 
				setDirYandX(gatherer, gatherer.aim)
Пример #10
def save(grid, bgGrid):
	entityList = grid.entityList
	f = open('gaia.sav', 'w')
	for entity in entityList:
		if isinstance(entity, entities.CSCStudent):
			f.write('gatherer ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' + str(entity.position.y) + ' ' + str(entity.rate) + '\n')
		elif isinstance(entity, entities.CampusMarket):
			f.write('generator ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' + str(entity.position.y) + '\n')
		elif isinstance(entity, entities.MonsterEnergy):
			f.write('resource ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' + str(entity.position.y) + '\n')
		elif isinstance(entity, entities.Obstacle):
			f.write('obstacle ' + str(entity.position.x) + ' ' + str(entity.position.y) + '\n')

	for x in range(0, bgGrid.width):
		for y in range(0, bgGrid.height):
			p = entities.Point(x, y)
			if model.get_cell(bgGrid, p) == model.CONCRETE:
				f.write('concrete ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + '\n')

	print("You saved the file!")
Пример #11
def handleRightClicks(grid, point):
	if not model.get_cell(grid, point) == 0: 
		model.set_cell(grid, point, 0)
		for entity in grid.entityList: 
			if samePt(entity.position, point):
Пример #12
def removePrevInCell(grid, p):
	if not model.get_cell(grid, p) == 0: 
		a = findEntity(grid.entityList, p)
Пример #13
def handleRightClicks(grid, point):
	if not model.get_cell(grid, point) == 0: 
		model.set_cell(grid, point, 0)
		for entity in grid.entityList: 
			if samePt(entity.position, point):