Пример #1
def api_article_add(*, request, title, category, tag, content, summary):
    r = web.Response()
    blog = Blogs(title = title, user_id = getWebCookie(request, 'id'), summary = summary, content = content)
    id = yield from blog.save()
    category = urldecode(category)
    category = category[0].split(',')
    tags = tag.split('/')
    if id > 0:
        for i in category:
            blog_category = BlogCategory(blog_id = id, category_id = i)
            blog_category_id = yield from blog_category.save()
        for t in tags:
            t = t.strip()
            tag_title = yield from Tag.findAll('title=?', [t])
            if len(tag_title) > 0:
                tag_id = tag_title[0].get('id')
                tag = Tag(title = t)
                tag_id = yield from tag.save()
            blog_tag = BlogTag(blog_id = id, tag_id = tag_id)
            blog_tag_id = yield from blog_tag.save()
    if id > 0 and blog_category_id > 0 and blog_tag_id > 0:
        result = APIResult(1, '', '发布成功')
        result = APIResult(0, '', '发布失败')
    return jsonResult(r, result)
Пример #2
def api_create_blog(request, name, summary, content):
	if not name or not name.strip():
		raise APIValueError('name','empty name')
	if not summary or not summary.strip():
		raise APIValueError('summary', 'empty summary')
	if not content or not content.strip():
		raise APIValueError('content', 'empty content')

	blog = Blogs(user_id=request.__user__.id, user_name=request.__user__.name, user_image=request.__user__.image, name=name.strip(), summary=summary.strip(), content=content.strip())
	yield from blog.save()

	r = aiohttp.web.Response()
	r.content_type = 'application/json'
	r.body = json.dumps(blog,ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')
	return r