activation='relu' # leakyReLU instead of ReLU pool=False # stride convolution instead of maxpooling key = 'PPT' for sea in seasons: # ---------- Generator ---------- # # load weights model_name = 'UNET-G{}_{}_{}_tune'.format(N_input, VAR, sea) # UNET{}_{}_{}_tune model_path = temp_dir+model_name+'.hdf' print('Import model: {}'.format(model_name)) backbone = keras.models.load_model(model_path) W = backbone.get_weights() # generator G = mu.UNET(N, (None, None, N_input), pool=pool, activation=activation) # optimizer opt_G = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=l[0]) print('Compiling G') G.compile(loss=keras.losses.mean_squared_error, optimizer=opt_G) G.set_weights(W) # <--- # ---------- Descriminator ---------- # # load weights model_name = 'NEO_D_{}_{}_pretrain'.format(VAR, sea) # GAN_D_{}_{} model_path = temp_dir+model_name+'.hdf' print('Import model: {}'.format(model_name)) backbone = keras.models.load_model(model_path) W = backbone.get_weights()
# return 0.25*K.mean(K.abs(loss_models[0](y_true) - loss_models[0](y_pred)))+\ # 0.25*K.mean(K.abs(loss_models[1](y_true) - loss_models[1](y_pred)))+\ # 0.25*K.mean(K.abs(loss_models[2](y_true) - loss_models[2](y_pred)))+\ # 0.25*K.mean(K.abs(y_true -y_pred)) for sea in seasons: print('===== {} training ====='.format(sea)) # Content loss definition loss_models = dummy_loss_model(VAR, sea) W = dummy_model_loader(N_input, VAR, sea) # tuned model model_name_tune = 'UNET-C{}_{}_{}_tune'.format(N_input, VAR, sea) model_path_tune = temp_dir+model_name_tune+'.hdf' # checkpoint train_path_tune = temp_dir+model_name_tune+'.npy' # train history model = mu.UNET(N, (None, None, N_input)) # optimizer opt_sgd = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=l, decay=0.025) # callback callbacks = [keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0.000001, patience=2, verbose=True), keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_path_tune, verbose=True, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True)] # compile model.compile(loss=CLOSS, optimizer=opt_sgd, metrics=[keras.losses.mean_absolute_error]) model.set_weights(W) # full list of training files trainfiles = glob(file_path+'{}_BATCH_*_TORI_*{}*.npy'.format(VAR, sea)) # e.g., TMAX_BATCH_128_VORI_mam30.npy, validfiles = glob(file_path+'{}_BATCH_*_VORI_*{}*.npy'.format(VAR, sea)) # excluding "ORIAUG" pattern # shuffle filenames shuffle(trainfiles)
lr = 5e-5 epochs = 150 activation='relu' pool=False # stride convolution instead of maxpooling # early stopping settings min_del = 0 max_tol = 3 # early stopping with patience # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # training by seasons for sea in seasons: # UNET configuration dscale_unet = mu.UNET(N, (None, None, N_input), pool=pool, activation=activation) opt_ = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=lr) dscale_unet.compile(loss=keras.losses.mean_absolute_error, optimizer=opt_) # check point settings # "temp_dir" is where models are saved, defined in the save_name = 'UNET_raw_{}_{}'.format(VAR, sea) save_path = temp_dir+save_name+'/' hist_path = temp_dir+'{}_loss.npy'.format(save_name) # allocate arrays for training/validation loss T_LOSS = np.empty((int(epochs*L_train),)); T_LOSS[...] = np.nan V_LOSS = np.empty((epochs,)); V_LOSS[...] = np.nan # ---------------------- data section ---------------------- #
print('Importing pre-trained weights') # import pre-trained model (e.g., 'UNET_TMAX_A3_djf.hdf') model_name = 'UAE{}_{}_{}_tune'.format(N_input, VAR, sea) model_path = temp_dir + model_name + '.hdf' print('\tmodel: {}'.format(model_name)) backbone = keras.models.load_model(model_path) W = backbone.get_weights() # tuned model model_name_tune = 'UAE{}_{}_{}_trans'.format(N_input, VAR, sea) # save separatly model_path_tune = temp_dir + model_name_tune + '.hdf' # checkpoint print('Tuning model configurations') # elev output branch elev_tuner = mu.UNET(N, (None, None, N_input)) elev_tuner = freeze_unet(elev_tuner, l=19, lr=1e-6) # 19 # two output branches target_tuner = mu.UNET_AE(N, (None, None, N_input), output_channel_num=N_output, drop_rate=0) target_tuner = freeze_uae(target_tuner, l=0, lr=1e-6) target_tuner.set_weights(W) for n in range(max_iter): print('Tuning epoch = {}'.format(n)) if n == 0: target_tuner.set_weights(W) # set backbone weights print('\t Performance before tuning') baseline_hist = target_tuner.evaluate_generator(gen_valid, verbose=1)
inout_flag = [True, True, False, False, True, True] labels = ['batch', 'batch'] # input and output labels file_path = BATCH_dir for sea in seasons: print('========== {} =========='.format(sea)) # train with tuned UNET model_name = 'UNET-G{}_{}_{}_tune'.format(N_input, VAR, sea) model_path = temp_dir + model_name + '.hdf' print('Import model: {}'.format(model_name)) backbone = keras.models.load_model(model_path) W = backbone.get_weights() # generator G = mu.UNET(N, (None, None, N_input), pool=pool) # optimizer opt_G = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=l[0]) print('Compiling G') G.compile(loss=keras.losses.mean_absolute_error, optimizer=opt_G) G.set_weights(W) input_size = (None, None, N_input + 1) D = mu.vgg_descriminator(N, input_size) opt_D = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=l[1]) print('Compiling D') D.compile(loss=keras.losses.mean_squared_error, optimizer=opt_D) trainfiles = glob(file_path + '{}_BATCH_*_TORI_*{}*.npy'.format(