Пример #1
def delete(id: str):
    if not exists_by_id(id):
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f'Model ID {id} does not exist. You may change the ID',
Пример #2
def update(id: str, schema: ModelUpdateSchema):
    if not exists_by_id(id):
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f'Model ID {id} does not exist. You may change the ID',
    return update_model(id, schema)
Пример #3
def profile(model_id: str, device: str='cuda', batch_size: int=1):
    if not exists_by_id(model_id):
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f'Model ID {model_id} does not exist. You may change the ID',
    profile_result = profile_model(model_id, device, batch_size)
    return profile_result
Пример #4
def convert(
        id: str = typer.Option(None, '-i', '--id', help='ID of model.'),
        yaml_file: Optional[Path] = typer.Option(
            None, '-f', '--yaml-file', exists=True, file_okay=True,
            help='Path to configuration YAML file. You should either set the `yaml_file` field or fields '
                 '(`FILE_OR_DIR`, `--name`, `--framework`, `--engine`, `--version`, `--task`, `--dataset`,'
                 '`--metric`, `--input`, `--output`).'
        register: bool = typer.Option(False, '-r', '--register', is_flag=True, help='register the converted models to modelhub, default false')
    model = None
    if id is None and yaml_file is None:
        raise ValueError('WARNING: Please assign a way to find the target model! details refer to --help')
    if id is not None and yaml_file is not None:
        raise ValueError('WARNING: Do not use -id and -path at the same time!')
    elif id is not None and yaml_file is None:
        if ModelDB.exists_by_id(id):
            model = ModelDB.get_by_id(id)
            typer.echo(f"model id: {id} does not exist in modelhub")
    elif id is None and yaml_file is not None:
        # get MLModel from yaml file
        with open(yaml_file) as f:
            model_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
        model_yaml = MLModelFromYaml.parse_obj(model_config)
        model_in_saved_path = model_yaml.saved_path
        if model_in_saved_path != model_yaml.weight:
            copy2(model_yaml.weight, model_in_saved_path)
        if model_yaml.engine == Engine.TFS:
            weight_dir = model_yaml.weight
            make_archive(weight_dir.with_suffix('.zip'), 'zip', weight_dir)

        model_data = model_yaml.dict(exclude_none=True, exclude={'convert', 'profile'})
        model = MLModel.parse_obj(model_data)

    # auto execute all possible convert and return a list of save paths of every converted model
    generated_dir_list = generate_model_family(model)
    typer.echo(f"Converted models are save in: {generated_dir_list}")
    if register:
        model_data = model.dict(exclude={'weight', 'id', 'model_status', 'engine'})
        for model_dir in generated_dir_list:
            parse_result = parse_path_plain(model_dir)
            engine = parse_result['engine']
            model_cvt = MLModel(**model_data, weight=model_dir, engine=engine, model_status=[ModelStatus.CONVERTED])
            typer.echo(f"converted {engine} are successfully registered in Modelhub")