def __init__(self, window, pipeline, som): self.window = window self.sbar = SearchBar(70, 140) self.tbar = ToolBar(0, 20) self.btn = Button(480, 200) self.good_option = Option(1, 200, 550) self.bad_option = Option(2, 400, 550) self.searched = False cwd = os.getcwd() files = os.listdir(cwd) print("Files in %r: %s" % (cwd, files)) #CREACION DE INSTANCIA SOM self.som = som self.pipeline = pipeline # Pasando el pipeline como parámetro al TweetDetail # TweetDetail: Clase en donde se realiza la extracción y muestra del tweet self.tweet_detail = TweetDetail(120, 260, self.pipeline, self.som) self.tweet_id = '' self.clicked_bar = False
def create_button(self, color, x, y, width, height, font_size, text='', name=''): model = Button(color, x, y, width, height, font_size, text, name) view = ButtonView(model) controller = ButtonController(model, view) self.add_button(controller)
class App(): def __init__(self, window, pipeline, som): self.window = window self.sbar = SearchBar(70, 140) self.tbar = ToolBar(0, 20) self.btn = Button(480, 200) self.good_option = Option(1, 200, 550) self.bad_option = Option(2, 400, 550) self.searched = False cwd = os.getcwd() files = os.listdir(cwd) print("Files in %r: %s" % (cwd, files)) #CREACION DE INSTANCIA SOM self.som = som self.pipeline = pipeline # Pasando el pipeline como parámetro al TweetDetail # TweetDetail: Clase en donde se realiza la extracción y muestra del tweet self.tweet_detail = TweetDetail(120, 260, self.pipeline, self.som) self.tweet_id = '' self.clicked_bar = False def draw_app(self): self.sbar.draw_search_bar(self.window) self.tbar.draw_tool_bar(self.window) self.btn.draw_button(self.window) if self.searched == False: self.good_option.draw_option(self.window) self.bad_option.draw_option(self.window) if self.searched == True: self.tweet_detail.draw_tweet(self.window) if self.tweet_detail.get_result() == 0: self.good_option.change_opacity(self.window) self.bad_option.increment(self.window) if self.tweet_detail.get_result() == 1: self.bad_option.change_opacity(self.window) self.good_option.increment(self.window) def search(self, pos): self.sbar.is_clicked(pos) if self.clicked_bar == False: self.clicked_bar = True elif self.clicked_bar == True: self.clicked_bar = False def erase_text(self, pos): if self.clicked_bar == True: self.sbar.erase_text(pos) def search_text_write(self, event): if self.clicked_bar == True: self.sbar.write_search_text(event) def search_text_space(self, event): self.sbar.space_search_text(event) def search_text_paste(self): self.sbar.paste_search_text() def over_button(self, pos): self.btn.is_over(pos) def click_button(self, pos): if self.sbar.get_text() != '': self.btn.is_over(pos) self.tweet_id = self.sbar.get_tweet_id() self.tweet_detail.get_tweet(self.tweet_id) self.searched = True
def run_game(): """初始化游戏并创建一个屏幕对象""" pygame.init() #定义设置 ai_settings = Settings() #定义屏幕 #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") #定义飞船 ships = Group() #定义子弹组 bullets = Group() #定义外星人组 aliens = Group() #定义统计数据 stats = Statistic(ai_settings, aliens, bullets, ships) #定义头顶菜单 bar = Bar(screen) score = ScoreBoard(ai_settings, stats, screen = screen) topscore = TopScore(ai_settings, stats, screen = screen) #定义按钮 play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play") restart_button = SButton(ai_settings, screen, "Restart", ai_settings.s_button_size, ai_settings.s_button_color, 540, 360, 32) exit_button = SButton(ai_settings, screen, "Exit", ai_settings.s_button_size, ai_settings.s_button_color, 660, 360, 32) #定义状态 status = GameStatus() #new_alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen) #aliens.add(new_alien) #定义是否是第一次 class Init(): def __init__(self): self.bool = True def assign(self, bool_sign): self.bool = bool_sign init = Init() #定义事件检测 ck = gf.CheckEvent(ships, bullets, ai_settings, screen, aliens, play_button, restart_button, exit_button, status, stats, init) #定义帧率 fclk = pygame.time.Clock() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------事件部分------------------------------ #开始游戏的主循环 while True: gf.ship_init(ai_settings, aliens, bullets, ships, screen) gf.alien_hitted(aliens) #监视键盘和鼠标事件 ck.check_event() if status.game_activity(): ships.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, bullets) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, aliens) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #print(len(bullets)) #-------------------------窗口刷新部分----------------------------- #每次循环都会重绘屏幕 gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ships, bullets, aliens, play_button, restart_button, exit_button, bar, score, topscore, status, stats) fclk.tick(ai_settings.fps)
from singletons.monitor import Monitor from singletons.light_system import LightSystem from utils import config GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) monitor = Monitor() light_sys = LightSystem() system_state = ss.IDLE alarm = None num_display = NumberDisplay() confirm_button = Button(16, "confirm", cooldown=1) up_button = Button(18, "up") down_button = Button(12, "down") light_button = Button(22, "light", cooldown=1) button_system = ButtonSystem( [confirm_button, up_button, down_button, light_button]) monitor.on() try: while True: pressed_button = button_system.poll() # <--- STATE INDEPENDENT --->
def set_button(self, image_path: str, position: Tuple[int, int]) -> None: self.button = Button(image_path, position)
def on_init(self): pg.init() pg.display.set_caption("Pipes") self._disp = pg.display.set_mode( self.size, pg.HWSURFACE | pg.DOUBLEBUF | pg.NOFRAME) self.smallFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 15) self.mediumFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 25) self.largeFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 40) self.close_btn = Button( x=1336, y=0, width=30, height=30, text="X", text_color=color.RED, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.RED, click_fn=self.stop, ) self.add_btn = Button( x=0, y=738, width=30, height=30, text="+", text_color=color.GREEN, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.GREEN, click_fn=self.add, ) self.obstruction_btn = Button( x=30, y=738, width=200, height=30, text="Obstruction", text_color=color.ORANGE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.ORANGE, click_fn=self.obstruct, ) self.change_dir_btn = Button( x=230, y=738, width=260, height=30, text="Change direction", text_color=color.BLUE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.BLUE, click_fn=self.change_dir, ) self.create_conduct_btn = Button( x=490, y=738, width=260, height=30, text="Create conduct", text_color=color.PURPLE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.PURPLE, click_fn=self.conduct, ) self.create_tank_btn = Button( x=750, y=738, width=160, height=30, text="Add tank", text_color=color.YELLOW, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.YELLOW, click_fn=self.tank, ) self._running = True
class App: def load_inital_city(self): city = City() with open("json/ciudad.json") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) for neighborhood in data: neighbor = city.add_neighborhood(neighborhood["name"]) if neighborhood["tank"]: neighbor.set_tank(neighborhood["tank"]["capacity"]) for neighborhood in data: for adj in neighborhood["adjacencies"]: neighbor_from = city.find_neighborhood( neighborhood["name"]) neighbor_to = city.find_neighborhood(adj) if neighbor_from is None or neighbor_to is None: continue city.add_conduct(neighbor_from, neighbor_to) return city def __init__(self): # Pygame stuff self._clock = pg.time.Clock() self._running = True self._disp = None # Window size and pos self.width = 1366 self.height = 768 self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.size = self.width, self.height # Font definitions self.smallFont = None self.mediumFont = None self.largeFont = None # Objects definition self.close_btn = None self.add_btn = None self.obstruction_btn = None self.change_dir_btn = None self.create_conduct_btn = None self.create_tank_btn = None = self.load_inital_city() # Event flags self.is_obstructing = False self.is_changing_dir = False self.is_creating_tank = False self.to_create_conduct = None # Center the window os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS"] = "%i,%i" % (self.x, self.y) os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "0" def stop(self): self._running = False def add(self): name = "" for letter in ascii_uppercase: neigh = list( filter(lambda n: == letter, if not len(neigh): name = letter neighbor = if not neighbor: return if randint(0, 1): neighbor.set_tank(randint(100, 500)) if randint(0, 1) and neighbor.tank: n = len( - 1 pos = randint(0, n) while ([pos] == neighbor and not[pos].tank): pos = randint(0, n),[pos]) return if randint(0, 1): n = len( - 1 pos = randint(0, n) while[pos] == neighbor: pos = randint(0, n)[pos], neighbor) def obstruct(self): self.is_obstructing = True self.obstruction_btn.disabled = True def change_dir(self): self.is_changing_dir = True self.change_dir_btn.disabled = True def conduct(self): self.to_create_conduct = [] self.create_conduct_btn.disabled = True def tank(self): self.is_creating_tank = True self.create_tank_btn.disabled = True def button_events(self): if not self.close_btn.disabled and self.close_btn.is_hovered(): if not self.add_btn.disabled and self.add_btn.is_hovered(): if not self.obstruction_btn.disabled and self.obstruction_btn.is_hovered( ): if not self.change_dir_btn.disabled and self.change_dir_btn.is_hovered( ): if (not self.create_conduct_btn.disabled and self.create_conduct_btn.is_hovered()): if not self.create_tank_btn.disabled and self.create_tank_btn.is_hovered( ): def conduct_events(self): for conduct in for pipe in conduct.pipes: if pipe.is_hovered(): if self.is_obstructing: conduct.close() self.obstruction_btn.disabled = False self.is_obstructing = False if self.is_changing_dir: conduct.change_dir() self.change_dir_btn.disabled = False self.is_changing_dir = False def neighbor_events(self): for neighbor in if self.to_create_conduct is not None and neighbor.is_hovered(): self.to_create_conduct.append(neighbor) neighbor.selected = True if len(self.to_create_conduct) != 2: return[0], self.to_create_conduct[1]) self.to_create_conduct[0].selected = False self.to_create_conduct[1].selected = False self.create_conduct_btn.disabled = False self.to_create_conduct = None break if self.is_creating_tank and neighbor.is_hovered(): if neighbor.tank: return neighbor.set_tank(randint(100, 500)) self.is_creating_tank = False self.create_tank_btn.disabled = False def without_filter(self, n): if n.tank: n.highlight = False return False for neigh in if not neigh.tank: neigh.highlight = False continue if n in neigh.adjacencies: n.highlight = False return False return True def on_init(self): pg.init() pg.display.set_caption("Pipes") self._disp = pg.display.set_mode( self.size, pg.HWSURFACE | pg.DOUBLEBUF | pg.NOFRAME) self.smallFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 15) self.mediumFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 25) self.largeFont = pg.font.Font("fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 40) self.close_btn = Button( x=1336, y=0, width=30, height=30, text="X", text_color=color.RED, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.RED, click_fn=self.stop, ) self.add_btn = Button( x=0, y=738, width=30, height=30, text="+", text_color=color.GREEN, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.GREEN, click_fn=self.add, ) self.obstruction_btn = Button( x=30, y=738, width=200, height=30, text="Obstruction", text_color=color.ORANGE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.ORANGE, click_fn=self.obstruct, ) self.change_dir_btn = Button( x=230, y=738, width=260, height=30, text="Change direction", text_color=color.BLUE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.BLUE, click_fn=self.change_dir, ) self.create_conduct_btn = Button( x=490, y=738, width=260, height=30, text="Create conduct", text_color=color.PURPLE, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.PURPLE, click_fn=self.conduct, ) self.create_tank_btn = Button( x=750, y=738, width=160, height=30, text="Add tank", text_color=color.YELLOW, text_accent_color=color.BLACK, bg_color=color.BLACK, bg_accent_color=color.YELLOW, click_fn=self.tank, ) self._running = True def on_event(self, event): if event.type == pg.QUIT: self._running = False if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: self.button_events() self.conduct_events() self.neighbor_events() def on_loop(self): without_tank = filter(lambda n: self.without_filter(n), for neigh in without_tank: neigh.highlight = True def on_render(self): self._disp.fill(color.BLACK) self.close_btn.render(self._disp, self.smallFont) self.add_btn.render(self._disp, self.mediumFont) self.obstruction_btn.render(self._disp, self.mediumFont) self.change_dir_btn.render(self._disp, self.mediumFont) self.create_conduct_btn.render(self._disp, self.mediumFont) self.create_tank_btn.render(self._disp, self.mediumFont), self.smallFont) pg.display.update() def on_cleanup(self): pg.quit() def on_execute(self): self.on_init() while self._running: for event in pg.event.get(): self.on_event(event) self.on_loop() self.on_render() # Limit to 60 fps self._clock.tick(60) self.on_cleanup()