Пример #1
def PandC_datasets_test():
    """Test if pDataset and cDataset work exactly the same"""
        from models.dataset import cDataset
        from models.dataset import pDataset
        print("Test not run, could not import cDataset or pDataset")
        return False

    check = True

    size = 5

    for i in range(100):
        n = random.randint(1, size)
        m = random.randint(1, size)
        cdset = cDataset(n, m)
        pdset = pDataset(n, m)

        for i in range(10):
            x = np.random.rand(n)
            y = np.random.rand(m)
            cdset.add_xy(x, y)
            pdset.add_xy(x, y)
            checkpoint = cdset.size == pdset.size == i+1
            if not checkpoint:
                print('checkpoint 1')
            check = check and checkpoint

        for i in range(10):
            assert tuple(pdset.get_x(i)) == tuple(pdset.get_x(i))

        for i in range(100):

            x = np.random.rand(n)
            k = random.randint(1, size)
            cdists, cnn_x = cdset.nn_x(x, k = k)
            pdists, dnn_x = pdset.nn_x(x, k = k)
            if sorted(cnn_x) != sorted(dnn_x):
                print(n, m, k)
                print(cnn_x, cdists)
                print(dnn_x, pdists*pdists)
                print('Error', x)
                print('c++   ', sorted(cnn_x), cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0]), x - cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0]))
                print('python', sorted(dnn_x), pdset.get_x(dnn_x[1]), x - pdset.get_x(dnn_x[1]))
            check = check and sorted(cnn_x) == sorted(dnn_x)

            y = np.random.rand(m)
            cnn_y = cdset.nn_y(y, k = k)[1]
            dnn_y = pdset.nn_y(y, k = k)[1]
            check = check and sorted(cnn_y) == sorted(dnn_y)

        # for i in xrange(100):
        #     index = random.randint(0, cdset.size-1)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x(index), pdset.get_x(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_y(index), pdset.get_y(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x_padded(index), pdset.get_x_padded(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)

    return check
Пример #2
def PandC_datasets_test2():
    """Test if pDataset and cDataset work exactly the same, interweaving adding and nn request"""
        from models.dataset import cDataset
        from models.dataset import pDataset
        print("Test not run, could not import cDataset or pDataset")
        return False

    check = True

    for i in range(100):
        n = random.randint(1, 20)
        m = random.randint(1, 20)
        n, m = 1, 1
        cdset = cDataset(n, m)
        pdset = pDataset(n, m)

        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                x = np.random.rand(n)
                y = np.random.rand(m)
                cdset.add_xy(x, y)
                pdset.add_xy(x, y)

                check = check and cdset.size == pdset.size == 10*i+j+1

            for j in range(3):

                x = np.random.rand(n)
                k = random.randint(1, 20)
                cdists, cnn_x = cdset.nn_x(x, k = k)
                pdists, dnn_x = pdset.nn_x(x, k = k)
                if sorted(cnn_x) != sorted(dnn_x):
                    # print cnn_x, cdists
                    # print dnn_x, pdists
                    # print dnn_x, pdists*pdists
                    # print 'Error', x
                    # print 'c++   ', sorted(cnn_x), cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0])[0], x - cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0])[0]
                    # print 'python', sorted(dnn_x), pdset.get_x(dnn_x[0])[0], x - pdset.get_x(dnn_x[0])[0]
                check = check and sorted(cnn_x) == sorted(dnn_x)

                y = np.random.rand(m)
                cnn_y = cdset.nn_y(y, k = k)[1]
                dnn_y = pdset.nn_y(y, k = k)[1]
                if sorted(cnn_y) != sorted(dnn_y):
                    # print 'error'
                    # print cnn_y
                    # print dnn_y
                check = check and sorted(cnn_y) == sorted(dnn_y)

        for i in range(100):
            index = random.randint(0, cdset.size-1)
            check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x(index), pdset.get_x(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
            check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_y(index), pdset.get_y(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
            check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x_padded(index), pdset.get_x_padded(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)

        return check
Пример #3
def PandC_datasets_test2():
    """Test if pDataset and cDataset work exactly the same, interweaving adding and nn request"""
        from models.dataset import cDataset
        from models.dataset import pDataset
        print("Test not run, could not import cDataset or pDataset")
        return False

    check = True

    for i in range(100):
        n = random.randint(1, 20)
        m = random.randint(1, 20)
        n, m = 1, 1
        cdset = cDataset(n, m)
        pdset = pDataset(n, m)

        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                x = np.random.rand(n)
                y = np.random.rand(m)
                cdset.add_xy(x, y)
                pdset.add_xy(x, y)

                check = check and cdset.size == pdset.size == 10 * i + j + 1

            for j in range(3):

                x = np.random.rand(n)
                k = random.randint(1, 20)
                cdists, cnn_x = cdset.nn_x(x, k=k)
                pdists, dnn_x = pdset.nn_x(x, k=k)
                if sorted(cnn_x) != sorted(dnn_x):
                    # print cnn_x, cdists
                    # print dnn_x, pdists
                    # print dnn_x, pdists*pdists
                    # print 'Error', x
                    # print 'c++   ', sorted(cnn_x), cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0])[0], x - cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0])[0]
                    # print 'python', sorted(dnn_x), pdset.get_x(dnn_x[0])[0], x - pdset.get_x(dnn_x[0])[0]
                check = check and sorted(cnn_x) == sorted(dnn_x)

                y = np.random.rand(m)
                cnn_y = cdset.nn_y(y, k=k)[1]
                dnn_y = pdset.nn_y(y, k=k)[1]
                if sorted(cnn_y) != sorted(dnn_y):
                    # print 'error'
                    # print cnn_y
                    # print dnn_y
                check = check and sorted(cnn_y) == sorted(dnn_y)

        for i in range(100):
            index = random.randint(0, cdset.size - 1)
            check = check and np.allclose(
                cdset.get_x(index), pdset.get_x(index), rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)
            check = check and np.allclose(
                cdset.get_y(index), pdset.get_y(index), rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)
            check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x_padded(index),

        return check
Пример #4
def PandC_datasets_test():
    """Test if pDataset and cDataset work exactly the same"""
        from models.dataset import cDataset
        from models.dataset import pDataset
        print("Test not run, could not import cDataset or pDataset")
        return False

    check = True

    size = 5

    for i in range(100):
        n = random.randint(1, size)
        m = random.randint(1, size)
        cdset = cDataset(n, m)
        pdset = pDataset(n, m)

        for i in range(10):
            x = np.random.rand(n)
            y = np.random.rand(m)
            cdset.add_xy(x, y)
            pdset.add_xy(x, y)
            checkpoint = cdset.size == pdset.size == i + 1
            if not checkpoint:
                print('checkpoint 1')
            check = check and checkpoint

        for i in range(10):
            assert tuple(pdset.get_x(i)) == tuple(pdset.get_x(i))

        for i in range(100):

            x = np.random.rand(n)
            k = random.randint(1, size)
            cdists, cnn_x = cdset.nn_x(x, k=k)
            pdists, dnn_x = pdset.nn_x(x, k=k)
            if sorted(cnn_x) != sorted(dnn_x):
                print(n, m, k)
                print(cnn_x, cdists)
                print(dnn_x, pdists * pdists)
                print('Error', x)
                print('c++   ', sorted(cnn_x), cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0]),
                      x - cdset.get_x(cnn_x[0]))
                print('python', sorted(dnn_x), pdset.get_x(dnn_x[1]),
                      x - pdset.get_x(dnn_x[1]))
            check = check and sorted(cnn_x) == sorted(dnn_x)

            y = np.random.rand(m)
            cnn_y = cdset.nn_y(y, k=k)[1]
            dnn_y = pdset.nn_y(y, k=k)[1]
            check = check and sorted(cnn_y) == sorted(dnn_y)

        # for i in xrange(100):
        #     index = random.randint(0, cdset.size-1)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x(index), pdset.get_x(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_y(index), pdset.get_y(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)
        #     check = check and np.allclose(cdset.get_x_padded(index), pdset.get_x_padded(index), rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)

    return check