def search(): es = pyes.ES('') query_string = request.GET.get('query') query = pyes.StringQuery(query_string) result = bill_list = [] conn = engine.connect() for res in result['hits']['hits']: id = res['_id'] bls = select([bills,bill_revs], and_( == id, ) ).apply_labels() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bls) bl = result.fetchone() if not bl: print id continue bill = utils.get_bill(bl) bill_list.append(bill) return dict(bill=bill_list)
def main(): sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) tornado.options.parse_command_line() app = Application(engine.connect()) http_server = HTTPServer(app) http_server.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
def getadverts(): i = 1 connection = engine.connect() rs = connection.execute("select campaign_id, product, campaign_name," + "SUM(CASE WHEN (station_type_desc='Local Station') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LocalStation, " + "SUM(CASE WHEN (station_type_desc='Radio') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Radio " + "from ( " + "select cmp.campaign_id, product, campaign_name, station_name, station_type_desc " + "from medmo.campaigns cmp left join medmo.campaigndetails cmpd ON cmp.campaign_id = cmpd.campaign_id " + "left join medmo.stations stn ON cmpd.station_id = stn.station_id " + "left join medmo.stationtypes stntp ON stn.station_type_id = stntp.station_type_id " + "where cmp.createdby_user_id = " + str(current_user.user_id) + ") as summary group by product, campaign_name order by campaign_id desc;") pyadverts = [] for row in rs: if i % 2 == 1: style = 'oddcard' else: style = 'evencard' # print row d = collections.OrderedDict() d['id'] = row.campaign_id d['product'] = row.product d['campaign'] = row.campaign_name d['tvStations'] = row.LocalStation d['radioStations'] = row.Radio d['style'] = style pyadverts.append(d) i += 1 return Response(json.dumps(pyadverts), mimetype='application/json', headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'})
def feed(): prefix = '://'.join(request.urlparts[:2]) title = 'Malaysian Bill Watcher' link = prefix+'/' description = ''' This is an app for Malaysian to see bill being passed by the Parliament ''' lastBuildDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow() li = [] bls = select([bills,bill_revs],\ order_by('update_date').apply_labels() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bls) bill = result.fetchall() for i in bill: i_bill = utils.get_bill(i) i_title = i_bill.long_name i_description = "year:%s \nstatus: %s" % (i_bill.year,i_bill.status) i_link = prefix+'/detail/%s/' % ( i_pubDate = i_bill.update_date i_guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(i_link) itm = PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(title=i_title,description=i_description, link=i_link,guid=i_guid,pubDate=i_pubDate) li.append(itm) rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(title=title,link=link,description=description, items = li) output = cStringIO.StringIO() rss.write_xml(output) response.content_type = 'application/rss+xml' return output.getvalue()
def update_mysql_data(self, engine, schema, table_name, data_dict, where, logger): # sql_comment = 'UPDATE %s SET ' % table_name + ','.join(['%s=%r' % (k, data_dict[k]) for k in data_dict]) + ' WHERE %s=%r;' % (where[0], where[1]) # cursor = session.execute(sql_comment) # session.commit() # result = cursor.lastrowid # print("cursor",cursor) # print("result",result) # print(cursor.lastrowid) try: # 绑定引擎 metadata = MetaData(engine) # 连接数据表 tb_bdm_employee = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # 连接引擎 conn = engine.connect() ins = tb_bdm_employee.update().where( schema.Column(where[0]) == where[1]).values( **data_dict ) # table.update().where('foo') # 传递参数并执行语句 result = conn.execute(ins) return result except Exception as e: print("error_update_dict:", data_dict) file_path = os.path.join( sys.path[0], "logs", "%s.log" % datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y_%m_%d")) log = logger(filename=file_path) log.removeHandler(log.handlers) traceback.print_exc() return None
def getadvertdetails(): advert_id = request.args['a'] connection = engine.connect() i = 0 rs = connection.execute("SELECT cmpd.campaign_id, cmpd.station_id, station_name, station_type_desc, stn.station_type_id, " + "schedule_dates FROM medmo.campaigndetails cmpd join medmo.stations stn ON " + "cmpd.station_id = stn.station_id join medmo.stationtypes stntp ON " + "stn.station_type_id = stntp.station_type_id WHERE cmpd.campaign_id = " + str(advert_id) + " ORDER BY station_type_id, station_id;") advertdetails = [] for row in rs: if i % 2 == 1: style = 'oddcard' else: style = 'evencard' d = collections.OrderedDict() d['campaign_id'] = row.campaign_id d['station_id'] = row.station_id d['station_name'] = row.station_name d['station_type_desc'] = row.station_type_desc d['station_type_id'] = row.station_type_id d['schedule_dates'] = row.schedule_dates d['style'] = style advertdetails.append(d) return Response(json.dumps(advertdetails), mimetype='application/json', headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'})
def insert_mysql_data(self, engine, table_name, data_dict, logger): # sql_comment = "insert into {table_name} {filed_list} values {data_tuple}".format( # table_name=table_name,filed_list=filed_list, data_tuple=data_tuple) # sql_comment = "insert into tb_bdm_employee 'EmployeeID' values 5" # # print(sql_comment) # cursor = session.execute(sql_comment) # session.commit() # result = cursor.lastrowid # print(cursor.lastrowid) try: # 绑定引擎 metadata = MetaData(engine) # 连接数据表 tb_bdm_employee = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # 连接引擎 conn = engine.connect() ins = tb_bdm_employee.insert() # 传递参数并执行语句 result = conn.execute(ins, **data_dict) return result.lastrowid except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() file_path = os.path.join( sys.path[0], "logs", "%s.log" % datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y_%m_%d")) log = logger(filename=file_path) log.removeHandler(log.handlers) traceback.print_exc() return None
def feed(): prefix = '://'.join(request.urlparts[:2]) title = 'Malaysian Bill Watcher' link = prefix+'/' description = ''' This is an app for Malaysian to see bill being passed by the Parliament ''' lastBuildDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow() li = [] bls = select([bills,bill_revs],\ order_by('update_date') conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bls) bill = result.fetchall() for i in bill: i_title = i['long_name'] i_description = "year:%s \nstatus: %s" % (i['year'],i['status']) i_link = prefix+'/detail/%s/' % (i['bill_id']) i_pubDate = i['update_date'] i_guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(i_link) itm = PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(title=i_title,description=i_description, link=i_link,guid=i_guid,pubDate=i_pubDate) li.append(itm) rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(title=title,link=link,description=description, items = li) output = cStringIO.StringIO() rss.write_xml(output) response.content_type = 'application/rss+xml' return output.getvalue()
def list_all(): print request.GET.keys() if request.GET.get('page_no'): page_no = int(request.GET.get('page_no')) else: page_no = 1 first = (page_no - 1) * settings.ITEM_PER_PAGE + 1 last = settings.ITEM_PER_PAGE * page_no bl = select([bills,bill_revs],and_(,>=first,<=last ) ).order_by(bill_revs.c.update_date) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bl) bill = result.fetchall() cnt = select([bills]) result = conn.execute(cnt) count = result.fetchall() page_list = range(len(count) / 5) page_list = [i+1 for i in page_list] return dict(bill=bill,page_list=page_list,page_no=page_no, next_page=page_no+1,prev_page=page_no-1)
def db(self): if not hasattr(BaseHandler, "_db"): #BaseHandler._db = tornado.database.Connection( # host=options.mysql_host, database=options.mysql_database, # user=options.mysql_user, password=options.mysql_password) BaseHandler._db = engine.connect() return BaseHandler._db
def get_item(id): bill_query = select([bills], == id) data = {} conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bill_query) bill = result.fetchone() for i in bill.keys(): data[i] = bill[i] rev_query = select([bill_revs], bill_revs.c.bill_id == id) result = conn.execute(rev_query) revision = result.fetchall() data['revision'] = [] for rev in revision: temp = {} for key in rev.keys(): if type(rev[key]) == datetime.datetime: temp[key] = rev[key].strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%s') elif type(rev[key]) == temp[key] = rev[key].strftime('%d/%m/%Y') else: temp[key] = rev[key] data['revision'].append(temp) return data
def get_item(id): bill_query = select([bills], data = {} conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bill_query) bill = result.fetchone() for i in bill.keys(): data[i] = bill[i] rev_query = select([bill_revs],bill_revs.c.bill_id==id) result = conn.execute(rev_query) revision = result.fetchall() data['revision'] = [] for rev in revision: temp = {} for key in rev.keys(): if type(rev[key]) == datetime.datetime: temp[key] = rev[key].strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%s') elif type(rev[key]) == temp[key] = rev[key].strftime('%d/%m/%Y') else: temp[key] = rev[key] data['revision'].append(temp) return data
def write_mysql(_id, values): """write data into mysql db """ with engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute(var_pmid.delete().where(var_pmid.c._id == _id)) for i in range(0, len(values), 1000): batch = values[i:i + 1000] conn.execute(var_pmid.insert(), batch) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
def all_item(): id_query = select([]) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(id_query) data = [] ids = result.fetchall() for i in ids: data.append(get_item(i['id'])) return {'data': data}
def all_item(): id_query = select([]) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(id_query) data = [] ids = result.fetchall() for i in ids: data.append(get_item(i['id'])) return {'data':data}
def get_dump_path(_id): dirname = '/app/data/paper_data' from models import (engine, paper_status) with engine.connect() as conn: query = == _id) row = conn.execute(query).fetchone() if row is not None: return os.path.join(dirname, row['path']) else: return os.path.join(dirname, 'unknown')
def insert_sqlserver_data(self, engine, table_name, data_dict): # 绑定引擎 metadata = MetaData(engine) # 连接数据表 tb_bdm_employee = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # 连接引擎 conn = engine.connect() ins = tb_bdm_employee.insert() # 传递参数并执行语句 result = conn.execute(ins, **data_dict) return result
def import_stock_history_ohlcv(): ss = Session() conn = engine.connect() stocks = ss.query(Stock.code).all() for stock in stocks: quote_inserts = read_history_quotes(stock.code) for ins in quote_inserts: try: conn.execute(ins) except Exception as e: continue
def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ with engine.connect() as connection: context.configure(connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def detail(id): bl = select([bills], == id) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bl) bill = result.fetchone() rev = select([bill_revs],bill_revs.c.bill_id == bill['id']).\ order_by(bill_revs.c.year.desc()) result = conn.execute(rev) revision = result.fetchall() return dict(bill=bill,revision=revision)
def update_sqlserver_data(self, engine, table_name, data_dict, where): metadata = MetaData(engine) # 连接数据表 tb_bdm_employee = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # 连接引擎 conn = engine.connect() ins = tb_bdm_employee.update().where( schema.Column(where[0]) == where[1]).values( **data_dict ) # table.update().where('foo') # 传递参数并执行语句 result = conn.execute(ins) return result
def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ connection = engine.connect() context.configure(connection=connection, target_metadata=metadata) try: with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations() finally: connection.close()
def run_migrations_online(): """ Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ from models import engine with engine.connect() as connection: context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=TARGET_METADATA ) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def request_followers(application_id: str) -> None: """Request the followers for all main accounts. Uses the fetcher service to request followers in parallel""" follower_count = 200 request_limit = 15 request_chunks = 5 with engine.connect() as connection: requests_left = request_limit while requests_left > 0: try: limit = min(requests_left, request_chunks) main_users = list( models.account.select_main_with_followers( application_id, SOURCES['TWITTER'], limit, connection)) if not main_users: return requests_left -= len(main_users) request = create_timeline_payload(application_id, follower_count, main_users) followers_response = urlopen(request) followers_response_code = followers_response.getcode() if followers_response_code == 200: response = json.loads(read_response(followers_response)) for followers in response: result = followers['result'] name = followers['screenName'] users = result['users'] cursor = result['next_cursor'] user_followers = [ user['screen_name'] for user in users if not user['protected'] ] models.account_relationship.insert_multiple( application_id, name, user_followers, SOURCES['TWITTER'], cursor, connection) else: raise IOError('Invalid response from Fetcher Service') except (ValueError, HTTPException) as e: print(e) except HTTPError as e: print(
def get_indexable_bills(): revision = select([bill_revs,bills], conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(revision) data = result.fetchall() for item in data: temp = {} for key in item.keys(): if key == 'id': continue elif key == 'url': full_path = download(item[key]) if not full_path: continue temp['document'] = pyes.file_to_attachment(full_path) else: temp[key] = item[key] yield temp
def get_indexable_bills(): revision = select([bill_revs, bills], bill_revs.c.bill_id == conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(revision) data = result.fetchall() for item in data: temp = {} for key in item.keys(): if key == 'id': continue elif key == 'url': full_path = download(item[key]) if not full_path: continue temp['document'] = pyes.file_to_attachment(full_path) else: temp[key] = item[key] yield temp
def detail(rev_id): bls = select([bills,bill_revs], and_( == rev_id, ) ).apply_labels() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bls) bl = result.fetchone() bill = utils.get_bill(bl) revs = select([bill_revs],bill_revs.c.bill_id == bill.bill_id).\ order_by(bill_revs.c.year.desc()) result = conn.execute(revs) revision = result.fetchall() return dict(bill=bill,revision=revision)
def list_all(): page_no = request.GET.get('page_no') bl = select([bills,bill_revs],and_(, ) ).order_by(bill_revs.c.update_date).apply_labels() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute(bl) bill_list = result.fetchall() bill = [] for item in bill_list: bill.append(utils.get_bill(item)) bill_total = len(bill_list) pages = utils.Pagination(settings.ITEM_PER_PAGE,bill_total,page_no) bill = bill[pages.first:pages.last] return dict(bill=bill,pages=pages)
def drop_everything(): # conn = engine.connect() # the transaction only applies if the DB supports # transactional DDL, i.e. Postgresql, MS SQL Server trans = conn.begin() inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine) # gather all data first before dropping anything. # some DBs lock after things have been dropped in # a transaction. metadata = MetaData() tbs = [] all_fks = [] for table_name in inspector.get_table_names(): fks = [] for fk in inspector.get_foreign_keys(table_name): if not fk['name']: continue fks.append(ForeignKeyConstraint((), (), name=fk['name'])) t = Table(table_name, metadata, *fks) tbs.append(t) all_fks.extend(fks) for fkc in all_fks: conn.execute(DropConstraint(fkc)) for table in tbs: conn.execute(DropTable(table)) trans.commit()
def update_mysql_data(self, engine, schema, table_name, data_dict, where, logger): try: # 绑定引擎 metadata = MetaData(engine) # 连接数据表 tb_bdm_employee = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True) # address_table = Table('address', metadata, autoload=True) # 连接引擎 conn = engine.connect() # print('where', where) # print('data_dict', data_dict) ins = tb_bdm_employee.update().where(schema.Column(where[0]) == where[1]).values( **data_dict) # table.update().where('foo') # 传递参数并执行语句 result = conn.execute(ins) return result except Exception as e: file_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "logs", "%s.log" % datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y_%m_%d")) log = logger(filename=file_path) log.removeHandler(log.handlers) traceback.print_exc() return None
def addBook(): bkName = request.form.get('bkName', False) bkAuthor = request.form.get('bkAuthor', False) bkPress = request.form.get('bkPress', False) bkNum = request.form.get('bkNum', False) bkNum = int(bkNum) if not (bkName and bkAuthor and bkPress): return {'status': 0, 'message': '传入数据不全'} if bkNum <= 0: return {'status': 0, 'message': '新书数量为零或负数'} try: con = engine.connect() for i in range(bkNum): con.execute( f"insert into TB_Book (bkName, bkAuthor, bkPress, bkStatus, bkPrice) values ('{bkName}', '{bkAuthor}', '{bkPress}', '在馆', 20)" ) con.close() except ProgrammingError: return {'status': 0, 'message': '输入的数据可能有误'} else: return {'status': 1, 'message': '新书入库成功'}
def get_app(self): engine = create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:") metadata.bind = engine self.conn = engine.connect() metadata.create_all() return Application(self.conn)
def request_user_timelines(application_id: str, is_main=True, request_limit=1500) -> int: """Requests the twitter timeline for all accounts in the database. Either main or not. Uses the fetcher service.""" request_chunks = 20 with engine.connect() as connection: requests_left = request_limit while requests_left > 0: limit = min(requests_left, request_chunks) account_ids = map_to_attribute( 'id', account_model.select_multiple_incomplete(application_id, SOURCES['TWITTER'], connection, ismain=is_main, limit=limit)) # There are no more accounts that need to be fetched if not account_ids: return requests_left requests_left -= len(account_ids) accounts_timeline = account_model.select_oldest_timelines( account_ids, connection) timeline_payload = create_timeline_payload(accounts_timeline) request = create_post_request(TWITTER_TIMELINE, { 'applicationId': application_id, 'accounts': timeline_payload }) try: timeline_response = urlopen(request) timeline_response_code = timeline_response.getcode() if timeline_response_code != 200: continue raw_response = read_response(timeline_response) response = json.loads(raw_response) for account in response['success']: with connection.begin(): name = account['screenName'] timeline = account['timeline'] statuses = [] if isinstance(timeline, str): continue for status in timeline: statuses.append({ 'text': status['text'], 'id': status['id'], 'date': convert_twitter_date(status['created_at']) }) if len(statuses) > 1: account_timeline.insert_multiple( application_id, name, SOURCES['TWITTER'], statuses[1:], connection) else: account_id = account_model.select_one_id( application_id, name, SOURCES['TWITTER'], connection) account_model.update_one_iscomplete( account_id, True, connection) for res in response['errors']: with connection.begin(): name = res['screenName'] status = res['status'] if status == 404: account_id = account_model.select_one_id( application_id, name, SOURCES['TWITTER'], connection) if not account_id: continue account = account_model.select_one_by_id( account_id, connection) # Delete account from accounts Table if it has been removed from Twitter if not account['isMain']: account_rel_model.delete_follower_account_rel( account_id, connection) account_model.delete_one_by_id( account_id, connection) except (ValueError, HTTPException) as e: print(e) except HTTPError as e: print( return requests_left
exit(0) fout = sys.stdout if len(sys.argv) > 1: fout = open(sys.argv[1], 'w') gene_name = input('Gene: ') variant_name = input('Variant: ') print() if gene_name.isdigit(): gene_id = int(gene_name) else: with engine.connect() as conn: query = == gene_name) rows = conn.execute(query) row = next(rows, None) if not row: error('gene symbol not found') gene_id = row[0] print('GeneID:', gene_id, file=fout) for j, (mutation_type, rs, pattern) in enumerate(patterns): m = re.match(pattern, variant_name) if m: d = m.groupdict() break else:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def read_data(filename, sep): with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): data = tuple(w.strip() for w in line.strip().split(sep)) assert len(data) == 2 yield data from models import engine from models.userinfo import UserInfo userinfo = UserInfo() ins = userinfo.__table__.insert().values(source="renren_480w") if __name__ == "__main__": data = read_data('cleansed.txt', sep="\t") with engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute(ins, [{ "email": d[0], "password": d[1] } for d in data]) # 7824684
import vk_api from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType from vk_functions import search_users, get_photo, sort_likes, json_create from models import engine, Session, write_msg, register_user, add_user, add_user_photos, add_to_black_list, \ check_db_user, check_db_black, check_db_favorites, check_db_master, delete_db_blacklist, delete_db_favorites from vk_config import group_token # Для работы с вк_апи vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=group_token) longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk) # Для работы с БД session = Session() connection = engine.connect() def loop_bot(): for this_event in longpoll.listen(): if this_event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW: if this_event.to_me: message_text = this_event.text return message_text, this_event.user_id def menu_bot(id_num): write_msg(id_num, f"Вас приветствует бот - Vkinder\n" f"\nЕсли вы используете его первый раз - пройдите регистрацию.\n" f"Для регистрации введите - Да.\n" f"Если вы уже зарегистрированы - начинайте поиск.\n" f"\nДля поиска - девушка 18-25 Москва\n" f"Перейти в избранное нажмите - 2\n"
def connection(): connection = engine.connect() yield connection connection.close()
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, jsonify from models import User, Movie, engine, session, create_engine import webbrowser app = Flask(__name__) engine = create_engine('postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/movie_db') db_conn = engine.connect() # for the web # create a new row in the movie table @app.route('/main/createnewmovie', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def create_movie(): if request.method == 'POST': # check if the user already exists check_existing_user = session.query( == request.form['actor_name']).scalar() check_movie_exists = session.query(Movie).filter( Movie.movie_title == request.form['movie-name']).scalar() if check_existing_user and check_movie_exists: return "Movie and the role player already exists! Thanks for participation!" elif check_existing_user: # add new movie add_newmovie = Movie( movieimdbid=request.form['movie-imdb'], movie_title=request.form['movie-name'], movie_rating=request.form['ratings'], movie_releaseyear=request.form['release-year'], movie_votes=request.form['votes']) session.add(add_newmovie)
def load_data(): print 'loading' pg = load_page() conn = engine.connect() print 'here we go' for i in pg: message = '' check = select([], == result = conn.execute(check) res = result.fetchone() if not res: bill = bills.insert().values(,long_name=i.long_name) result = conn.execute(bill) pkey = result.inserted_primary_key[0] else: pkey = res['id'] # We check existing bills, remember we save link for bother the bills and revision check = select([bill_revs],and_( bill_revs.c.bill_id == int(pkey), bill_revs.c.year == int(i.year))) key = [k for k in dir(i) if not re.match('^__',k)] val = [getattr(i,k) for k in key] data = dict(zip(key,val)) data['bill_id'] = pkey if 'date_presented' in key: data['date_presented'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(i.date_presented,'%d/%m/%Y').date() result = conn.execute(check) bill_rev = result.fetchone() exec_insert = False if not bill_rev: data['create_date'] = data['update_date'] = revision = bill_revs.insert().values(**data) message = 'Bills Started: %s, year %s %s' exec_insert = True else: data['update_date'] = # because the bills is always under debate. so for the same year, and the status change, if bill_rev['status'] != i.status: revision = bill_revs.update().\ where( and_( bill_revs.c.bill_id == int(pkey), bill_revs.c.year == int(i.year) ) ).\ values(**data) message = 'Bills Updated: %s, year %s %s' exec_insert = True if exec_insert: result = conn.execute(revision) # stub of post to twitter url = settings.URL + '/detail/%d/' % (pkey) if message: print message % (i.long_name, i.year,URL+url)