def initialize_torchvision_model(name, d_out, **kwargs): import torchvision # get constructor and last layer names if name == 'wideresnet50': constructor_name = 'wide_resnet50_2' last_layer_name = 'fc' elif name == 'densenet121': constructor_name = name last_layer_name = 'classifier' elif name in ('resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', 'resnet101'): constructor_name = name last_layer_name = 'fc' else: raise ValueError(f'Torchvision model {name} not recognized') # construct the default model, which has the default last layer constructor = getattr(torchvision.models, constructor_name) model = constructor(**kwargs) # adjust the last layer d_features = getattr(model, last_layer_name).in_features if d_out is None: # want to initialize a featurizer model last_layer = Identity(d_features) model.d_out = d_features else: # want to initialize a classifier for a particular num_classes last_layer = nn.Linear(d_features, d_out) model.d_out = d_out setattr(model, last_layer_name, last_layer) return model
def __init__( self, input_height=28, input_channels=1, noise_dim=100, z_dim=32, nonlinearity='softplus', enc_noise=False, ): super().__init__() self.input_height = input_height self.input_channels = input_channels self.noise_dim = noise_dim self.z_dim = z_dim self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.enc_noise = enc_noise h_dim = 256 nos_dim = noise_dim if not enc_noise else h_dim s_h = input_height s_h2 = conv_out_size(s_h, 5, 2, 2) s_h4 = conv_out_size(s_h2, 5, 2, 2) s_h8 = conv_out_size(s_h4, 5, 2, 2) #print(s_h, s_h2, s_h4, s_h8) self.afun = get_nonlinear_func(nonlinearity) self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(self.input_channels, 16, 5, 2, 2, bias=True) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 5, 2, 2, bias=True) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 5, 2, 2, bias=True) self.fc4 = nn.Linear(s_h8 * s_h8 * 32 + nos_dim, 800, bias=True) self.fc5 = nn.Linear(800, z_dim, bias=True) self.nos_encode = Identity() if not enc_noise \ else MLP(input_dim=noise_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=2, use_nonlinearity_output=True)
def initialize_torchvision_model(config, name, d_out, **kwargs): # get constructor and last layer names if name == 'wideresnet50': constructor_name = 'wide_resnet50_2' last_layer_name = 'fc' elif name == 'densenet121': constructor_name = name last_layer_name = 'classifier' elif name in ('resnet50', 'resnet34', 'resnet18'): constructor_name = name last_layer_name = 'fc' else: raise ValueError(f'Torchvision model {name} not recognized') # construct the default model, which has the default last layer constructor = getattr(torchvision.models, constructor_name) model = constructor(**kwargs) if config.resnet_byol_path is not None: state_dict = torch.load(config.resnet_byol_path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) if config.freeze_pretrained: for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False freeze_batch_norm_running_params(model) # adjust the last layer d = getattr(model, last_layer_name).in_features if d_out is None: # want to initialize a featurizer model last_layer = Identity(d) model.d_out = d else: # want to initialize a classifier for a particular num_classes last_layer = nn.Linear(d, d_out) model.d_out = d_out model.n_outputs = d setattr(model, last_layer_name, last_layer) # set the feature dimension as an attribute for convenience return model
def __init__( self, input_dim=2, #10, h_dim=128, context_dim=2, std=0.01, num_hidden_layers=1, nonlinearity='softplus', noise_type='gaussian', enc_input=False, # True, enc_ctx=False, #True, #init=True, std_method='default', ): super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.context_dim = context_dim self.std = std self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.noise_type = noise_type self.enc_input = enc_input if self.enc_input: inp_dim = h_dim else: inp_dim = input_dim self.enc_ctx = enc_ctx if self.enc_ctx: ctx_dim = h_dim else: ctx_dim = context_dim self.ctx_dim = ctx_dim self.ctx_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_ctx \ else MLP(context_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1 if self.enc_ctx == 'deep' else 1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.inp_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_input \ else MLP(input_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.neglogprob = MLP(inp_dim + ctx_dim + 1, h_dim, 1, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False)
def __init__( self, input_dim=2, #10, h_dim=128, context_dim=2, std=0.01, num_hidden_layers=1, nonlinearity='tanh', noise_type='gaussian', enc_input=True, enc_ctx=True, #init=True, ): super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.context_dim = context_dim self.std = std self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.noise_type = noise_type self.enc_input = enc_input if self.enc_input: inp_dim = h_dim else: inp_dim = input_dim self.enc_ctx = enc_ctx if self.enc_ctx: ctx_dim = h_dim else: ctx_dim = context_dim #self.init = init self.ctx_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_ctx \ else MLP(context_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.inp_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_input \ else MLP(input_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.dae = MLP(inp_dim + ctx_dim, h_dim, input_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False)
def __init__( self, input_dim=2, noise_dim=2, h_dim=64, z_dim=2, nonlinearity='tanh', num_hidden_layers=1, enc_input=False, enc_noise=False, clip_logvar=None, ): super().__init__( input_dim=input_dim, noise_dim=noise_dim, h_dim=h_dim, z_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, enc_input=enc_input, enc_noise=enc_noise, clip_logvar=clip_logvar, ) inp_dim = input_dim if not enc_input else h_dim ctx_dim = noise_dim if not enc_noise else h_dim self.inp_encode = Identity() if not enc_input \ else MLP(input_dim=input_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.nos_encode = Identity() if not enc_noise \ else MLP(input_dim=noise_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.fc = MLP(input_dim=inp_dim + ctx_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers - 1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.reparam = NormalDistributionLinear(h_dim, z_dim, nonlinearity=clip_logvar)
def __init__( self, input_dim=2, z_dim=2, noise_dim=2, h_dim=64, nonlinearity='tanh', num_hidden_layers=1, enc_input=False, enc_latent=False, clip_logvar=None, ): super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.z_dim = z_dim self.noise_dim = noise_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.enc_input = enc_input self.enc_latent = enc_latent inp_dim = input_dim if not enc_input else h_dim ltt_dim = z_dim if not enc_latent else h_dim self.inp_encode = Identity() if not enc_input \ else MLP(input_dim=input_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.ltt_encode = Identity() if not enc_latent \ else MLP(input_dim=z_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.fc = MLP(input_dim=inp_dim + ltt_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers - 1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.reparam = NormalDistributionLinear(h_dim, noise_dim, nonlinearity=clip_logvar)
def __init__( self, input_dim=2, noise_dim=2, h_dim=64, z_dim=2, nonlinearity='softplus', num_hidden_layers=1, std=1., init='none', #'gaussian', enc_noise=False, ): super().__init__( input_dim=input_dim, noise_dim=noise_dim, h_dim=h_dim, z_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, std=std, init=init, enc_noise=enc_noise, ) nos_dim = noise_dim if not enc_noise else h_dim self.inp_encode = MLP(input_dim=input_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.nos_encode = Identity() if not enc_noise \ else MLP(input_dim=noise_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=0, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.fc = MLP(input_dim=h_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=1, use_nonlinearity_output=False) if self.init == 'gaussian': self.reset_parameters() else: pass
class ConditionalARDAE(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim=2, #10, h_dim=128, context_dim=2, std=0.01, num_hidden_layers=1, nonlinearity='tanh', noise_type='gaussian', enc_input=True, enc_ctx=True, #init=True, std_method='default', ): super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.context_dim = context_dim self.std = std self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.noise_type = noise_type self.enc_input = enc_input if self.enc_input: inp_dim = h_dim else: inp_dim = input_dim self.enc_ctx = enc_ctx if self.enc_ctx: ctx_dim = h_dim else: ctx_dim = context_dim self.ctx_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_ctx \ else MLP(context_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.inp_encode = Identity() if not self.enc_input \ else MLP(input_dim, h_dim, h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers-1, use_nonlinearity_output=True) self.neglogprob = MLP(inp_dim + ctx_dim + 1, h_dim, 1, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False) def reset_parameters(self): nn.init.normal_(self.neglogprob.fc.weight) self.inp_encode.apply(weights_init) def add_noise(self, input, std=None): std = self.std if std is None else std if self.noise_type == 'gaussian': return add_gaussian_noise(input, std) elif self.noise_type == 'uniform': return add_uniform_noise(input, std) elif self.noise_type == 'laplace': return add_laplace_noise(input, std) else: raise NotImplementedError def loss(self, input, target): # recon loss (likelihood) recon_loss = F.mse_loss(input, target) #, reduction='sum') return recon_loss def forward(self, input, context, std=None, scale=None): # init assert input.dim() == 3 # bsz x ssz x x_dim assert context.dim() == 3 # bsz x 1 x ctx_dim batch_size = input.size(0) sample_size = input.size(1) if std is None: std = input.new_zeros(batch_size, sample_size, 1) else: assert torch.is_tensor(std) if scale is None: scale = 1. # reschape input = input.view(batch_size * sample_size, self.input_dim) # bsz*ssz x xdim _, context = expand_tensor(context, sample_size=sample_size, do_unsqueeze=False) # bsz*ssz x xdim #context = context.view(batch_size*sample_size, -1) # bsz*ssz x xdim std = std.view(batch_size * sample_size, 1) # add noise x_bar, eps = self.add_noise(input, std) # grad true x_bar.requires_grad = True # encode ctx = self.ctx_encode(context) inp = self.inp_encode(x_bar) # concat h =[inp, ctx, std], dim=1) # (unnorm) logprob logprob = -self.neglogprob(h) logprob = torch.sum(logprob) # de-noise with context glogprob = grad(logprob, x_bar) ''' get loss ''' #loss = (std**2)*self.loss(std*glogprob, -eps) loss = self.loss(std * glogprob, -eps) # return return None, loss def glogprob(self, input, context, std=None, scale=None): # init assert input.dim() == 3 # bsz x ssz x x_dim assert context.dim() == 3 # bsz x 1 x ctx_dim #std = self.std if std is None else std batch_size = input.size(0) sample_size = input.size(1) if std is None: std = input.new_zeros(batch_size * sample_size, 1) else: assert torch.is_tensor(std) if scale is None: scale = 1. # reschape input = input.view(batch_size * sample_size, self.input_dim) # bsz*ssz x xdim _, context = expand_tensor(context, sample_size=sample_size, do_unsqueeze=False) # bsz*ssz x xdim #context = context.view(batch_size*sample_size, -1) # bsz*ssz x xdim std = std.view(batch_size * sample_size, 1) # grad true input.requires_grad = True # encode ctx = self.ctx_encode(context) inp = self.inp_encode(input) # concat h =[inp, ctx, std], dim=1) # (unnorm) logprob logprob = -self.neglogprob(h) logprob = torch.sum(logprob) # de-noise with context glogprob = grad(logprob, input) return glogprob.view(batch_size, sample_size, self.input_dim)
def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_actions, hidden_dim, noise_dim, num_enc_layers, num_fc_layers, args, nonlinearity='elu', fc_type='mlp'): super(StochasticPolicy, self).__init__() self.num_enc_layers = num_enc_layers self.num_fc_layers = num_fc_layers self.args = args self.num_actions = num_actions self.noise_dim = noise_dim assert noise_dim >= num_actions, 'noise_dim: {}, num_actions: {}'.format( noise_dim, num_actions) inp_dim = num_inputs if num_enc_layers < 0 else hidden_dim if num_enc_layers < 0: self.encode = Identity() else: self.encode = MLP(num_inputs, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_enc_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=True) if fc_type == 'mlp': self.fc = MLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, hidden_dim, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False) torch.nn.init.normal_(self.fc.fc.weight, std=1.) elif fc_type == 'wnres': self.fc = ResMLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, hidden_dim, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, layer='wnlinear', use_nonlinearity_output=False) elif fc_type == 'res': self.fc = ResMLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, hidden_dim, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, layer='linear', use_nonlinearity_output=False) elif fc_type == 'mlpdeep': self.fc = MLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, 64, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False) torch.nn.init.normal_(self.fc.fc.weight, std=1.) elif fc_type == 'wnresdeep': self.fc = ResMLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, 64, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, layer='wnlinear', use_nonlinearity_output=False) elif fc_type == 'resdeep': self.fc = ResMLP(inp_dim + noise_dim, 64, num_actions, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_fc_layers, layer='linear', use_nonlinearity_output=False) else: raise NotImplementedError
def __init__( self, noise_dim=100, z_dim=32, c_dim=512, #450, h_dim=800, num_hidden_layers=1, nonlinearity='elu', #act=nn.ELU(), do_center=False, enc_noise=False, enc_type='mlp', ): super().__init__() self.noise_dim = noise_dim self.z_dim = z_dim self.c_dim = c_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers assert num_hidden_layers > 0 self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.do_center = do_center self.enc_noise = enc_noise nos_dim = noise_dim if not enc_noise else c_dim self.enc_type = enc_type assert enc_type in [ 'mlp', 'res-wn-mlp', 'res-mlp', 'res-wn-mlp-lin', 'res-mlp-lin' ] act = get_afunc(nonlinearity_type=nonlinearity) self.inp_encode = nn.Sequential( nn_.ResConv2d(1, 16, 3, 2, padding=1, activation=act), act, nn_.ResConv2d(16, 16, 3, 1, padding=1, activation=act), act, nn_.ResConv2d(16, 32, 3, 2, padding=1, activation=act), act, nn_.ResConv2d(32, 32, 3, 1, padding=1, activation=act), act, nn_.ResConv2d(32, 32, 3, 2, padding=1, activation=act), act, nn_.Reshape((-1, 32 * 4 * 4)), nn_.ResLinear(32 * 4 * 4, c_dim), act) #self.fc = nn.Sequential( # nn.Linear(c_dim + nos_dim, h_dim, bias=True), # act, # nn.Linear(h_dim, z_dim, bias=True), # ) if enc_type == 'mlp': self.fc = MLP(input_dim=c_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False) elif enc_type == 'res-wn-mlp': self.fc = ResMLP(input_dim=c_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False, layer='wnlinear') elif enc_type == 'res-mlp': self.fc = ResMLP(input_dim=c_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=z_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers, use_nonlinearity_output=False, layer='linear') elif enc_type == 'res-wn-mlp-lin': self.fc = nn.Sequential( ResMLP(input_dim=c_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers - 1, use_nonlinearity_output=True, layer='wnlinear'), nn.Linear(h_dim, z_dim, bias=True), ) elif enc_type == 'res-mlp-lin': self.fc = nn.Sequential( ResMLP(input_dim=c_dim + nos_dim, hidden_dim=h_dim, output_dim=h_dim, nonlinearity=nonlinearity, num_hidden_layers=num_hidden_layers - 1, use_nonlinearity_output=True, layer='linear'), nn.Linear(h_dim, z_dim, bias=True), ) else: raise NotImplementedError self.nos_encode = Identity() if not enc_noise \ else nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(noise_dim, c_dim, bias=True), act, )