def build_model(self): net_mod = importlib.import_module('models.' + self.net_gen_name) self.G = net_mod.Generator(self.image_c, self.g_conv_dim, self.dim_attr, self.dim_id, self.dim_source, self.gen_norm) from models.model_map import Manipulator self.Map_illu = Manipulator(self.n_illu, self.dim_attr) self.Map_pose = Manipulator(self.n_pose, self.dim_attr) self.G_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(), self.g_lr) self.Map_illu_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Map_illu.parameters(), self.t_lr) self.Map_pose_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Map_pose.parameters(), self.t_lr) self.print_network(self.G, 'generator') self.print_network(self.Map_illu, 'T_illu') self.print_network(self.Map_pose, 'T_pose') if self.resume: dd = self.resume if os.path.exists(self.resume) else os.path.join( self.networks_dir, self.resume) self.restore_model(dd) if self.D1 or self.D2: # load disc disc_mod = importlib.import_module('models.' + self.net_disc_name) head = [self.use_sigmoid] if self.D1 else [] if self.D2: head.extend([self.n_illu * 2, self.n_pose * 2]) self.Disc = disc_mod.Discriminator(self.image_c, self.d_conv_dim, head) self.disc_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Disc.parameters(), self.d_lr) self.print_network(self.Disc, 'Disc') self.G_state_t = 0 self.D_state_t = 0 self.M_state_t = 0
pose_colors = ['#e41a1c','#377eb8','#4daf4a','#984ea3','#ff7f00','#ffff33','#a65628'] pose_labels = ['-45', '-30', '-15', '0', '15', '30', '45'] elif config.data_dir[-1]=='3': illu_labels = ['-67', '-30', '0', '30', '67'] pose_colors = illu_colors pose_labels = ['-60', '-15', '0', '15', '60'] session_colors = ['#1b9e77','#d95f02'] ''' # build model imgsize = 128 G = gen_mod.Generator(config.image_c, config.g_conv_dim, config.dim_attr, config.dim_id, config.dim_source, config.gen_norm) G.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'G.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) Map_illu = Manipulator(config.n_illu, config.dim_attr) Map_pose = Manipulator(config.n_pose, config.dim_attr) Map_illu.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'Map_illu.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) Map_pose.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'Map_pose.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) #----- classification--------- tsne_map()
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') save_dir = 'evaluate_multi_db_new/fids' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) # load models gen_mod = importlib.import_module('models.' + config.net_gen_name) G = gen_mod.Generator(config.image_c, config.g_conv_dim, config.dim_attr, config.dim_id, config.dim_source, config.gen_norm) G.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(config.networks_dir, config.model, 'models/G.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) Map_illu = Manipulator(config.n_illu, config.dim_attr) Map_pose = Manipulator(config.n_pose, config.dim_attr) Map_illu.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(config.networks_dir, config.model, 'models/Map_illu.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) Map_pose.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(config.networks_dir, config.model, 'models/Map_pose.ckpt'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) # load incept net block_idx = InceptionV3.BLOCK_INDEX_BY_DIM[config.dims] incept_model = InceptionV3([block_idx]).to(device).eval()
class Solver(object): """Solver for training and testing StarGAN.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize configurations.""" self.train_type = config.train_type self.D1 = config.D1 self.D2 = config.D2 self.D2_weight = config.D2_weight self.use_sigmoid = config.use_sigmoid self.use_pool = config.use_pool self.use_cyc = config.use_cyc self.use_triplet = config.use_triplet if self.use_pool: self.fake_pool = ImagePool(config.batch_size * 3) self.net_gen_name = config.net_gen_name self.net_disc_name = config.net_disc_name self.gen_norm = config.gen_norm self.g_conv_dim = config.g_conv_dim self.d_conv_dim = config.d_conv_dim self.dim_attr = config.dim_attr self.dim_id = config.dim_id self.dim_source = config.dim_source self.attr_alpha = config.attr_alpha self.source_alpha = config.source_alpha self.id_alpha = config.id_alpha self.lambda_triplet = config.lambda_triplet self.lambda_map = config.lambda_map self.lambda_cyc = config.lambda_cyc self.lambda_cyc_id = config.lambda_cyc_id self.lambda_disc = config.lambda_disc self.lambda_D2 = config.lambda_D2 self.lambda_D2_coef = config.lambda_D2_coef self.lambda_D2_coef_decay = config.lambda_D2_coef_decay self.data_dir = config.data_dir self.datasets = config.datasets self.splits = config.splits self.n_illu = config.n_illu self.n_pose = config.n_pose self.image_c = config.image_c self.image_size = 128 self.batch_size = config.batch_size self.patch_size = config.patch_size self.num_epoch = config.num_epoch self.g_lr = config.g_lr self.t_lr = config.t_lr self.g_lr_decay = config.g_lr_decay self.t_lr_decay = config.t_lr_decay self.d_lr = config.d_lr self.d_lr_decay = config.d_lr_decay self.device = torch.device( 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.resume = config.resume self.log_dir = config.log_dir self.sample_dir = config.sample_dir self.model_save_dir = config.model_save_dir self.networks_dir = config.networks_dir # Step size. self.log_step = config.log_step self.sample_step = config.sample_step self.model_save_step = config.model_save_step self.lr_update_step = config.lr_update_step #################################################################################### # Init dataloader self.prep_dataloader() self.test_batch() self.num_iter = self.n_samples // (self.batch_size * 3) print('num_iter', self.num_iter) self.build_model() if self.D2 and self.D2_weight: self.get_D2_weight() # loss function self.loss_rec_fn = F.smooth_l1_loss #self.loss_rec_fn = F.l1_loss self.loss_map_fn = F.mse_loss self.loss_attr_triplet_fn = OnlineTripletLoss( self.attr_alpha, RandomNegativeTripletSelector(self.attr_alpha)) self.loss_id_triplet_fn = OnlineTripletLoss( self.id_alpha, RandomNegativeTripletSelector(self.id_alpha)) # save config self.current_time = time.strftime('%m-%d-%H-%M', time.gmtime()) self.log_fname = os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'log-' + self.current_time + '.txt') self.save_dict(config, os.path.join(self.log_fname)) def prep_dataloader(self): # Data loader. id_offset = 0 self.n_samples = 0 self.attrs = ['illu', 'pose', 'both'] self.dataloaders = [] for i, db in enumerate(self.datasets): dataloader = MyDataLoader(db, self.data_dir, self.splits[i], id_offset, True, self.n_illu, self.n_pose, self.batch_size) id_offset += dataloader.max_id() self.n_samples += dataloader.n_pair self.dataloaders.append(dataloader) def build_model(self): net_mod = importlib.import_module('models.' + self.net_gen_name) self.G = net_mod.Generator(self.image_c, self.g_conv_dim, self.dim_attr, self.dim_id, self.dim_source, self.gen_norm) from models.model_map import Manipulator self.Map_illu = Manipulator(self.n_illu, self.dim_attr) self.Map_pose = Manipulator(self.n_pose, self.dim_attr) self.G_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(), self.g_lr) self.Map_illu_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Map_illu.parameters(), self.t_lr) self.Map_pose_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Map_pose.parameters(), self.t_lr) self.print_network(self.G, 'generator') self.print_network(self.Map_illu, 'T_illu') self.print_network(self.Map_pose, 'T_pose') if self.resume: dd = self.resume if os.path.exists(self.resume) else os.path.join( self.networks_dir, self.resume) self.restore_model(dd) if self.D1 or self.D2: # load disc disc_mod = importlib.import_module('models.' + self.net_disc_name) head = [self.use_sigmoid] if self.D1 else [] if self.D2: head.extend([self.n_illu * 2, self.n_pose * 2]) self.Disc = disc_mod.Discriminator(self.image_c, self.d_conv_dim, head) self.disc_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.Disc.parameters(), self.d_lr) self.print_network(self.Disc, 'Disc') self.G_state_t = 0 self.D_state_t = 0 self.M_state_t = 0 def save_dict(self, log, savefile): with open(savefile, 'w') as out: for item in vars(log): out.write(item + ':' + str(getattr(log, item)) + '\n') def save_log(self, line, savefile): with open(savefile, 'a') as out: out.write(line + '\n') def print_network(self, model, name): """Print out the network information.""" num_params = 0 for p in model.parameters(): num_params += p.numel() #print(model) print(name) print("The number of parameters: {}".format(num_params)) def reset_grad(self): self.G_optimizer.zero_grad() self.Map_pose_optimizer.zero_grad() self.Map_illu_optimizer.zero_grad() if self.D1 or self.D2: self.disc_optimizer.zero_grad() def restore_model(self, old_dir): """Restore the trained generator and discriminator.""" print( 'Loading the trained models from model dir {}...'.format(old_dir)) G_path = os.path.join(old_dir, 'models', 'G.ckpt') Map_illu_path = os.path.join(old_dir, 'models', 'Map_illu.ckpt') Map_pose_path = os.path.join(old_dir, 'models', 'Map_pose.ckpt') self.G.load_state_dict( torch.load(G_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.Map_illu.load_state_dict( torch.load(Map_illu_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.Map_pose.load_state_dict( torch.load(Map_pose_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) def update_lr_G(self): """Decay learning rates of the generator and discriminator.""" g_lr = self.g_lr / (1 + self.G_state_t * self.g_lr_decay) for param_group in self.G_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = g_lr self.G_state_t += 1 def update_lr_M(self): t_lr = self.t_lr / (1 + self.M_state_t * self.t_lr_decay) for param_group in self.Map_illu_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = t_lr for param_group in self.Map_pose_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = t_lr self.M_state_t += 1 def update_lr_D(self): d_lr = self.d_lr / (1 + self.D_state_t * self.d_lr_decay) for param_group in self.disc_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = d_lr self.D_state_t += 1 def denorm(self, x): """Convert the range from [-1, 1] to [0, 1].""" out = (x + 1) / 2 return out.clamp_(0, 1) def label2onehot(self, n_class, y): t = np.array(y) n = len(t) out = torch.zeros(n, n_class) out[np.arange(n), t] = 1 return out def save_model(self): G_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, 'G.ckpt') M_i_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, 'Map_illu.ckpt') M_p_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, 'Map_pose.ckpt'), G_path), M_i_path), M_p_path) if self.D1 or self.D2:, os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, 'D.ckpt')) print('Saved model checkpoints into {}...'.format(self.model_save_dir)) def test_batch(self): test_x, test_y = [], [] for dataloader in self.dataloaders: x, y = dataloader.get_fixed() test_x.append(x) test_y.append(y) if len(test_x) > 0: self.test_x =, 0).to(self.device) self.test_y = np.concatenate(test_y, 0) else: self.test_x = test_x[0].to(self.device) self.test_y = test_y[0] def test_visual(self, epoch): with torch.no_grad(): n = self.test_x.size(0) x_fake_list = [self.test_x] illu_f, pose_f, id_f, source_f = self.G.forward_enc(self.test_x) rot = torch.zeros(n, self.n_illu) for k in range(self.n_illu): rot[:] = 0 rot[:, k] = 1 fake_illu = self.Map_illu(illu_f, x_fake = self.G.forward_dec(fake_illu, pose_f, id_f, source_f).detach() x_fake_list.append(x_fake) rot = torch.zeros(n, self.n_pose) for k in range(self.n_pose): rot[:] = 0 rot[:, k] = 1 fake_pose = self.Map_pose(pose_f, x_fake = self.G.forward_dec(illu_f, fake_pose, id_f, source_f).detach() x_fake_list.append(x_fake) x_rec = self.G.forward_dec(illu_f, pose_f, id_f, source_f).detach().cpu() x_concat =, dim=3).cpu() # revise non transform as rec for i in range(n): il, p = self.test_y[i, 1:3] x_concat[i, :, :, self.image_size * (il + 1):self.image_size * (il + 2)] = x_rec[i] x_concat[i, :, :, self.image_size * (p + 1 + self.n_illu):self.image_size * (p + 2 + self.n_illu)] = x_rec[i] sample_path = os.path.join(self.sample_dir, '{}-images.jpg'.format(epoch)) save_image(self.denorm(x_concat), sample_path, nrow=1, padding=0) print('Saved real and fake images into {}...'.format(sample_path)) def test_valid(self): # only cares about the rec loss with torch.no_grad(): loss_valid = [0 for i in range(3)] for j, dataloader in enumerate(self.dataloaders): n = len(dataloader.valid_batch) for i in range(n): xx_img, __, tt_img, tt_label = dataloader.get_test_batch(i) feat_illu, feat_pose, feat_id, feat_source = self.G.forward_enc( if self.attrs[j] == 'illu' or self.attrs[j] == 'both': rot_illu = self.label2onehot( self.n_illu, tt_label[:, 1]).to(self.device) feat_illu = self.Map_illu(feat_illu, rot_illu) if self.attrs[j] == 'pose' or self.attrs[j] == 'both': rot_pose = self.label2onehot( self.n_pose, tt_label[:, 2]).to(self.device) feat_pose = self.Map_pose(feat_pose, rot_pose) rec_tt = self.G.forward_dec(feat_illu, feat_pose, feat_id, feat_source) loss = self.loss_rec_fn(rec_tt, loss_valid[j] = loss_valid[j] + loss.item() loss_valid[j] = loss_valid[j] / n return loss_valid def gradient_penalty(self, y, x): """Compute gradient penalty: (L2_norm(dy/dx) - 1)**2.""" weight = torch.ones(y.size()).to(self.device) dydx = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=y, inputs=x, grad_outputs=weight, retain_graph=True, create_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0] dydx = dydx.view(dydx.size(0), -1) dydx_l2norm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(dydx**2, dim=1)) return torch.mean((dydx_l2norm - 1)**2) def get_D2_weight(self): # real [self.A_x_img, self.B_x_img, self.C_x_img] v = 2.0 / (3 * self.n_illu) weight_illu_real = [v for i in range(self.n_illu)] weight_illu_real[self.n_illu // 2] += 1 / 3.0 self.weight_illu_real = torch.Tensor(weight_illu_real).to(self.device) v = 2.0 / (3 * self.n_pose) weight_pose_real = [v for i in range(self.n_pose)] weight_pose_real[self.n_pose // 2] += 1 / 3.0 self.weight_pose_real = torch.Tensor(weight_pose_real).to(self.device) # false # [0.5self.A_y_f, 0.5self.A_y_t, 0.5self.B_y_f, 0.5self.B_y_t, self.C_y_t] m_illu_A = [1 for i in range(self.n_illu)] m_illu_B = [0.5 for i in range(self.n_illu)] m_illu_B[self.n_illu // 2] += self.n_illu / 2.0 # frontal weight_illu_fake = np.array([m_illu_A, m_illu_B, m_illu_A]).sum(0) weight_illu_fake /= (3 * self.n_illu) self.weight_illu_fake = torch.Tensor(weight_illu_fake).to(self.device) m_pose_B = [1 for i in range(self.n_pose)] m_pose_A = [0.5 for i in range(self.n_pose)] m_pose_A[self.n_pose // 2] += self.n_pose / 2.0 # frontal weight_pose_fake = np.array([m_pose_A, m_pose_B, m_pose_A]).sum(0) weight_pose_fake /= (3 * self.n_pose) self.weight_pose_fake = torch.Tensor(weight_pose_fake).to(self.device) self.pad_il = torch.tensor(0.0).expand_as(self.weight_illu_real).to( self.device) self.pad_p = torch.tensor(0.0).expand_as(self.weight_pose_real).to( self.device) self.weight_illu_real =[self.weight_illu_real, self.pad_il]) self.weight_pose_real =[self.weight_pose_real, self.pad_p]) def update_disc(self): # real images real_img =[self.A_x_img, self.B_x_img, self.C_x_img], 0) real_label = np.concatenate( [self.A_x_label, self.B_x_label, self.C_x_label], 0) # fake images ind = torch.randperm(self.batch_size) ind_f = ind[:self.batch_size // 2] ind_t = ind[self.batch_size // 2:] if not self.use_pool: fake_img =[ self.A_y_f[ind_f].detach(), self.A_y_t[ind_t].detach(), self.B_y_f[ind_f].detach(), self.B_y_t[ind_t].detach(), self.C_y_t.detach() ], 0) fake_label = np.concatenate([ self.A_fake_label[ind_f], self.A_t_label[ind_t, :3], self.B_fake_label[ind_f], self.B_t_label[ind_t, :3], self.C_t_label[:, :3] ], 0) else: fakeA1, fake_lA1 = self.fake_pool.query(self.A_y_f[ind_f].detach(), self.A_fake_label[ind_f]) fakeA2, fake_lA2 = self.fake_pool.query(self.A_y_t[ind_t].detach(), self.A_t_label[ind_t, :3]) fakeB1, fake_lB1 = self.fake_pool.query(self.B_y_f[ind_f].detach(), self.B_fake_label[ind_f]) fakeB2, fake_lB2 = self.fake_pool.query(self.B_y_t[ind_t].detach(), self.B_t_label[ind_t, :3]) fakeC, fake_lC = self.fake_pool.query(self.C_y_t.detach(), self.C_t_label[:, :3]) fake_img =[fakeA1, fakeA2, fakeB1, fakeB2, fakeC], 0) fake_label = np.concatenate( [fake_lA1, fake_lA2, fake_lB1, fake_lB2, fake_lC], 0) # discriminator loss pred_real = self.Disc(real_img) pred_fake = self.Disc(fake_img) v_D1_real, v_D1_fake, v_D2_il, v_D2_p = 0, 0, 0, 0 if self.D1: if self.use_sigmoid: #bce target_d1_real = torch.tensor(1.0).expand_as(pred_real[0]).to( self.device) target_d1_fake = torch.tensor(0.0).expand_as(pred_fake[0]).to( self.device) loss_D1_real = F.binary_cross_entropy(pred_real[0], target_d1_real) loss_D1_fake = F.binary_cross_entropy(pred_fake[0], target_d1_fake) loss_D1 = loss_D1_real + loss_D1_fake else: # wgan loss_D1_real = -torch.mean(pred_real[0]) loss_D1_fake = torch.mean(pred_fake[0]) alpha = torch.rand(len(real_img), 1, 1, 1).to(self.device) input_hat = (alpha * real_img + (1 - alpha) * fake_img).requires_grad_(True) pred_hat = self.Disc(input_hat) loss_gp = self.gradient_penalty(pred_hat[0], input_hat) loss_D1 = loss_D1_real + loss_D1_fake + loss_gp v_D1_real, v_D1_fake = loss_D1_real.item(), loss_D1_fake.item() if self.D2: if self.D1: pred_il_real, pred_p_real = pred_real[1], pred_real[2] pred_il_fake, pred_p_fake = pred_fake[1], pred_fake[2] else: pred_il_real, pred_p_real = pred_real[0], pred_real[1] pred_il_fake, pred_p_fake = pred_fake[0], pred_fake[1] target_D2_real = torch.LongTensor(real_label[:, 1:3]).to(self.device) target_D2_fake = torch.LongTensor(fake_label[:, 1:3]).add( torch.LongTensor([self.n_illu, self.n_pose])).to(self.device) lambda_D2_coef = self.lambda_D2_coef * ( 1 - self.D_state_t * self.lambda_D2_coef_decay) if not self.D2_weight: loss_D2_il, loss_D2_p = F.cross_entropy( pred_il_real, target_D2_real[:, 0]), F.cross_entropy( pred_p_real, target_D2_real[:, 1]) if lambda_D2_coef > 0: loss_D2_il_f, loss_D2_p_f = F.cross_entropy( pred_il_fake, target_D2_fake[:, 0]), F.cross_entropy( pred_p_fake, target_D2_fake[:, 1]) else: loss_D2_il = F.cross_entropy(pred_il_real, target_D2_real[:, 0], weight=self.weight_illu_real) loss_D2_p = F.cross_entropy(pred_p_real, target_D2_real[:, 1], weight=self.weight_pose_real) if lambda_D2_coef > 0: loss_D2_il_f = F.cross_entropy( pred_il_fake, target_D2_fake[:, 0],[self.pad_il, self.weight_illu_fake])) loss_D2_p_f = F.cross_entropy( pred_p_fake, target_D2_fake[:, 1],[self.pad_p, self.weight_pose_fake])) if lambda_D2_coef > 0: loss_D2_il = loss_D2_il + loss_D2_il_f * lambda_D2_coef loss_D2_p = loss_D2_p + loss_D2_p_f * lambda_D2_coef v_D2_il, v_D2_p = loss_D2_il.item(), loss_D2_p.item() if self.D1: loss_D = loss_D1 if self.D2: loss_D = loss_D + self.lambda_D2 * (loss_D2_il + loss_D2_p) elif self.D2: loss_D = loss_D2_il + loss_D2_p loss_D.backward() self.disc_optimizer.step() return v_D1_real, v_D1_fake, v_D2_il, v_D2_p def train_0(self, num_epoch): """Train face generator with manipulator on C """ # Start training. print('Start training...') start_time = time.time() for i in range(num_epoch): for j in range(self.num_iter): self.reset_grad() self.A_x_img, self.A_x_label, self.A_t_img, self.A_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 0].get_train_batch() self.A_x_img, self.A_t_img = self.device), self.B_x_img, self.B_x_label, self.B_t_img, self.B_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 1].get_train_batch() self.B_x_img, self.B_t_img = self.device), A_t_illu, A_t_pose, A_t_id, A_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_t_img) A_x_illu, A_x_pose, A_x_id, A_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_x_img) B_t_illu, B_t_pose, B_t_id, B_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_t_img) B_x_illu, B_x_pose, B_x_id, B_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_x_img) A_rot_illu = self.label2onehot( self.n_illu, self.A_t_label[:, 1]).to(self.device) A_x_illu_t = self.Map_illu(A_x_illu, A_rot_illu) self.A_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(A_x_illu_t, A_x_pose, A_x_id, A_x_source) B_rot_pose = self.label2onehot( self.n_pose, self.B_t_label[:, 2]).to(self.device) B_x_pose_t = self.Map_pose(B_x_pose, B_rot_pose) self.B_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(B_x_illu, B_x_pose_t, B_x_id, B_x_source) self.A_fake_label = np.concatenate( [self.A_x_label[:, :2], self.B_t_label[:, 2:3]], 1) A_x_pose_f = self.Map_pose(A_x_pose, B_rot_pose) self.B_fake_label = np.concatenate([ self.B_x_label[:, 0:1], self.A_t_label[:, 1:2], self.B_x_label[:, 2:3] ], 1) B_x_illu_f = self.Map_illu(B_x_illu, A_rot_illu) loss_map_illu_A = self.loss_map_fn(A_x_illu_t, A_t_illu) loss_xt_A = self.loss_map_fn( A_x_pose, A_t_pose) + self.loss_map_fn(A_x_id, A_t_id) loss_map_pose_A = self.loss_map_fn(A_x_pose_f, B_t_pose) loss_A_y = self.loss_rec_fn(self.A_y_t, self.A_t_img) loss_map_pose_B = self.loss_map_fn(B_x_pose_t, B_t_pose) loss_xt_B = self.loss_map_fn( B_x_illu, B_t_illu) + self.loss_map_fn(B_x_id, B_t_id) loss_map_illu_B = self.loss_map_fn(B_x_illu_f, A_t_illu) loss_B_y = self.loss_rec_fn(self.B_y_t, self.B_t_img) # ========C============== self.C_x_img, self.C_x_label, self.C_t_img, self.C_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 2].get_train_batch() self.C_x_img, self.C_t_img = self.device), C_t_illu, C_t_pose, C_t_id, C_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.C_t_img) C_x_illu, C_x_pose, C_x_id, C_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.C_x_img) C_rot_illu = self.label2onehot( self.n_illu, self.C_t_label[:, 1]).to(self.device) C_rot_pose = self.label2onehot( self.n_pose, self.C_t_label[:, 2]).to(self.device) C_x_illu_t = self.Map_illu(C_x_illu, C_rot_illu) C_x_pose_t = self.Map_pose(C_x_pose, C_rot_pose) self.C_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(C_x_illu_t, C_x_pose_t, C_x_id, C_x_source) loss_map_illu_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_illu_t, C_t_illu) loss_map_pose_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_pose_t, C_t_pose) loss_xt_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_id, C_t_id) loss_C_y = self.loss_rec_fn(self.C_y_t, self.C_t_img) #============= feature space ============= # feat loss if self.use_triplet: real_label = np.concatenate( [self.A_x_label, self.B_x_label, self.C_x_label], 0) real_illu =[A_x_illu, B_x_illu, C_x_illu], 0) real_pose =[A_x_pose, B_x_pose, C_x_pose], 0) real_id =[A_x_id, B_x_id, C_x_id], 0) loss_illu, __ = self.loss_attr_triplet_fn( real_illu, real_label[:, 1]) loss_pose, __ = self.loss_attr_triplet_fn( real_pose, real_label[:, 2]) loss_id, __ = self.loss_id_triplet_fn( real_id, real_label[:, 0]) ## ========== total loss loss_total = loss_C_y +loss_A_y + loss_B_y +\ (loss_map_illu_C + loss_map_pose_C + loss_map_illu_A + loss_map_illu_B + loss_map_pose_A + loss_map_pose_B + loss_xt_A + loss_xt_B + loss_xt_C) * self.lambda_map if self.use_triplet: loss_total = loss_total + (loss_illu + loss_pose + loss_id) * self.lambda_triplet loss_total.backward() self.G_optimizer.step() self.Map_pose_optimizer.step() self.Map_illu_optimizer.step() if (i * self.num_iter + j) % self.lr_update_step == 0: self.update_lr_G() self.update_lr_M() ss = 'update g_lr:{:.8f}, t_lr:{:.8f}'.format( self.g_lr / (1 + (self.G_state_t - 1) * self.g_lr_decay), self.t_lr / (1 + (self.M_state_t - 1) * self.t_lr_decay)) print(ss) # Print out training information. if (i + 1) % self.log_step == 0: loss_valid_A, loss_valid_B, loss_valid_C = self.test_valid() loss = {} loss['G/rec_A_y'] = loss_A_y.item() loss['G/rec_B_y'] = loss_B_y.item() loss['G/rec_C_y'] = loss_C_y.item() if self.use_triplet: loss['F/illu'] = loss_illu.item() loss['F/pose'] = loss_pose.item() loss['F/id'] = loss_id.item() loss['M/A_pose'] = loss_map_pose_A.item() loss['M/A_illu'] = loss_map_illu_A.item() loss['M/B_pose'] = loss_map_pose_B.item() loss['M/B_illu'] = loss_map_illu_B.item() loss['M/C_pose'] = loss_map_pose_C.item() loss['M/C_illu'] = loss_map_illu_C.item() loss['V/A'] = loss_valid_A loss['V/B'] = loss_valid_B loss['V/C'] = loss_valid_C et = time.time() - start_time et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7] log = "Elapsed [{}], Epoch [{}/{}], Iteration [{}]".format( et, i + 1, num_epoch, (i + 1) * self.num_iter) for tag, value in loss.items(): log += ", {}: {:.6f}".format(tag, value) print(log) self.save_log(log, self.log_fname) # Translate fixed images for debugging. if (i + 1) % self.sample_step == 0: self.test_visual(i + 1) # Save model checkpoints. if (i + 1) % self.model_save_step == 0: self.save_model() self.save_log(ss, self.log_fname) def train_1(self): """Train face generator with manipulator. """ # Start training. print('Start training...') start_time = time.time() for i in range(self.num_epoch): for j in range(self.num_iter): self.reset_grad() #===================A, illumination change with ground truth================ self.A_x_img, self.A_x_label, self.A_t_img, self.A_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 0].get_train_batch() self.A_x_img, self.A_t_img = self.device), self.B_x_img, self.B_x_label, self.B_t_img, self.B_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 1].get_train_batch() self.B_x_img, self.B_t_img = self.device), A_t_illu, A_t_pose, A_t_id, A_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_t_img) A_x_illu, A_x_pose, A_x_id, A_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_x_img) B_t_illu, B_t_pose, B_t_id, B_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_t_img) B_x_illu, B_x_pose, B_x_id, B_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_x_img) A_rot_illu = self.label2onehot( self.n_illu, self.A_t_label[:, 1]).to(self.device) A_x_illu_t = self.Map_illu(A_x_illu, A_rot_illu) self.A_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(A_x_illu_t.detach(), A_x_pose.detach(), A_x_id.detach(), A_x_source) B_rot_pose = self.label2onehot( self.n_pose, self.B_t_label[:, 2]).to(self.device) B_x_pose_t = self.Map_pose(B_x_pose, B_rot_pose) self.B_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(B_x_illu.detach(), B_x_pose_t.detach(), B_x_id.detach(), B_x_source) self.A_fake_label = np.concatenate( [self.A_x_label[:, :2], self.B_t_label[:, 2:3]], 1) A_x_pose_f = self.Map_pose(A_x_pose, B_rot_pose) self.A_y_f = self.G.forward_dec(A_x_illu.detach(), A_x_pose_f.detach(), A_x_id.detach(), A_x_source) self.B_fake_label = np.concatenate([ self.B_x_label[:, 0:1], self.A_t_label[:, 1:2], self.B_x_label[:, 2:3] ], 1) B_x_illu_f = self.Map_illu(B_x_illu, A_rot_illu) self.B_y_f = self.G.forward_dec(B_x_illu_f.detach(), B_x_pose.detach(), B_x_id.detach(), B_x_source) loss_map_illu_A = self.loss_map_fn(A_x_illu_t, A_t_illu) loss_xt_A = self.loss_map_fn( A_x_pose, A_t_pose) + self.loss_map_fn(A_x_id, A_t_id) loss_map_pose_A = self.loss_map_fn(A_x_pose_f, B_t_pose) loss_A_y = self.loss_rec_fn( self.G.forward_dec(A_x_illu_t, A_x_pose, A_x_id, A_x_source), self.A_t_img) loss_map_pose_B = self.loss_map_fn(B_x_pose_t, B_t_pose) loss_xt_B = self.loss_map_fn( B_x_illu, B_t_illu) + self.loss_map_fn(B_x_id, B_t_id) loss_map_illu_B = self.loss_map_fn(B_x_illu_f, A_t_illu) loss_B_y = self.loss_rec_fn( self.G.forward_dec(B_x_illu, B_x_pose_t, B_x_id, B_x_source), self.B_t_img) # ========C joint dataset============== self.C_x_img, self.C_x_label, self.C_t_img, self.C_t_label = self.dataloaders[ 2].get_train_batch() self.C_x_img, self.C_t_img = self.device), C_t_illu, C_t_pose, C_t_id, C_t_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.C_t_img) C_x_illu, C_x_pose, C_x_id, C_x_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.C_x_img) C_rot_illu = self.label2onehot( self.n_illu, self.C_t_label[:, 1]).to(self.device) C_rot_pose = self.label2onehot( self.n_pose, self.C_t_label[:, 2]).to(self.device) C_x_illu_t = self.Map_illu(C_x_illu, C_rot_illu) C_x_pose_t = self.Map_pose(C_x_pose, C_rot_pose) self.C_y_t = self.G.forward_dec(C_x_illu_t.detach(), C_x_pose_t.detach(), C_x_id.detach(), C_x_source) loss_map_illu_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_illu_t, C_t_illu) loss_map_pose_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_pose_t, C_t_pose) loss_xt_C = self.loss_map_fn(C_x_id, C_t_id) loss_C_y = self.loss_rec_fn( self.G.forward_dec(C_x_illu_t, C_x_pose_t, C_x_id, C_x_source), self.C_t_img) #=====================Disc========================= if self.D1 or self.D2: loss_d1_real, loss_d1_fake, loss_d2_il, loss_d2_p = self.update_disc( ) #============= Gen============= loss_total = loss_A_y + loss_B_y + loss_C_y + \ (loss_map_illu_A + loss_map_pose_B + loss_map_illu_C + loss_map_pose_C + loss_map_illu_B + loss_map_pose_A + loss_xt_B+ loss_xt_A + loss_xt_C) *self.lambda_map # feat loss if self.use_triplet: real_label = np.concatenate( [self.A_x_label, self.B_x_label, self.C_x_label], 0) real_illu =[A_x_illu, B_x_illu, C_x_illu], 0) real_pose =[A_x_pose, B_x_pose, C_x_pose], 0) real_id =[A_x_id, B_x_id, C_x_id], 0) loss_illu, __ = self.loss_attr_triplet_fn( real_illu, real_label[:, 1]) loss_pose, __ = self.loss_attr_triplet_fn( real_pose, real_label[:, 2]) loss_id, __ = self.loss_id_triplet_fn( real_id, real_label[:, 0]) loss_total = loss_total + (loss_illu + loss_pose + loss_id) * self.lambda_triplet # cycle if self.use_cyc: A_yf_illu, A_yf_pose, A_yf_id, A_yf_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_y_f) A_yt_illu, A_yt_pose, A_yt_id, A_yt_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.A_y_t) B_yf_illu, B_yf_pose, B_yf_id, B_yf_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_y_f) B_yt_illu, B_yt_pose, B_yt_id, B_yt_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.B_y_t) C_yt_illu, C_yt_pose, C_yt_id, C_yt_source = self.G.forward_enc( self.C_y_t) loss_cyc_attr = (F.mse_loss(A_yf_illu, A_x_illu.detach()) + F.mse_loss(A_yf_pose, B_t_pose.detach()) + \ F.mse_loss(A_yt_illu, A_t_illu.detach()) + F.mse_loss(A_yt_pose, A_x_pose.detach()) +\ F.mse_loss(B_yf_illu, A_t_illu.detach()) + F.mse_loss(B_yf_pose, B_x_pose.detach())+\ F.mse_loss(B_yt_illu, B_x_illu.detach()) + F.mse_loss(B_yt_illu, B_t_pose.detach()) + \ F.mse_loss(C_yt_illu, C_t_illu.detach()) + F.mse_loss(C_yt_pose, C_t_pose.detach()))/10 loss_cyc_id = (F.mse_loss(A_yf_id, A_x_id.detach()) + F.mse_loss(A_yt_id, A_t_id.detach()) + \ F.mse_loss(B_yf_id, B_x_id.detach()) + F.mse_loss(B_yt_id, B_t_id.detach()) +\ F.mse_loss(C_yt_id, C_x_id.detach()))/5 loss_cyc = loss_cyc_attr + loss_cyc_id * self.lambda_cyc_id loss_total = loss_total + loss_cyc * self.lambda_cyc # disc loss if self.D1 or self.D2: # fake images ind = torch.randperm(self.batch_size) ind_f = ind[:self.batch_size // 2] ind_t = ind[self.batch_size // 2:] fake_img =[ self.A_y_f[ind_f], self.A_y_t[ind_t], self.B_y_f[ind_f], self.B_y_t[ind_t], self.C_y_t ], 0) fake_label = np.concatenate([ self.A_fake_label[ind_f], self.A_t_label[ind_t, :3], self.B_fake_label[ind_f], self.B_t_label[ind_t, :3], self.C_t_label[:, :3] ], 0) target_D2_fake = torch.LongTensor(fake_label[:, 1:3]).to( self.device) pred_fake = self.Disc(fake_img) if self.D1: if self.use_sigmoid: target_d1_real = torch.tensor(1.0).expand_as( pred_fake[0]).to(self.device) loss_D1 = F.binary_cross_entropy( pred_fake[0], target_d1_real) else: loss_D1 = -torch.mean(pred_fake[0]) if self.D2: if self.D1: pred_illu, pred_pose = pred_fake[1], pred_fake[2] else: pred_illu, pred_pose = pred_fake[0], pred_fake[1] if self.D2_weight: loss_D2_il = F.cross_entropy( pred_illu, target_D2_fake[:, 0], [self.weight_illu_fake, self.pad_il])) loss_D2_p = F.cross_entropy( pred_pose, target_D2_fake[:, 1], [self.weight_pose_fake, self.pad_p])) loss_D2 = loss_D2_il + loss_D2_p else: loss_D2 = F.cross_entropy( pred_illu, target_D2_fake[:, 0]) + F.cross_entropy( pred_pose, target_D2_fake[:, 1]) if self.D1: loss_disc = loss_D1 if self.D2: loss_disc = loss_disc + loss_D2 * self.lambda_D2 elif self.D2: loss_disc = loss_D2 * self.lambda_D2 loss_total = loss_total + loss_disc * self.lambda_disc loss_total.backward() self.G_optimizer.step() self.Map_pose_optimizer.step() self.Map_illu_optimizer.step() if (i * self.num_iter + j) % self.lr_update_step == 0: self.update_lr_G() self.update_lr_M() self.update_lr_D() ss = 'update g_lr:{:.8f}, t_lr:{:.8f}, d_lr{:.8f}'.format( self.g_lr / (1 + (self.G_state_t - 1) * self.g_lr_decay), self.t_lr / (1 + (self.M_state_t - 1) * self.t_lr_decay), self.d_lr / (1 + (self.D_state_t - 1) * self.d_lr_decay)) print(ss) # Print out training information. if (i + 1) % self.log_step == 0: loss_valid_A, loss_valid_B, loss_valid_C = self.test_valid() loss = {} if self.D1: loss['D1/real'] = loss_d1_real loss['D1/fake'] = loss_d1_fake if self.D2: loss['D2/illu'] = loss_d2_il loss['D2/pose'] = loss_d2_p loss['G/rec_C_y'] = loss_C_y.item() loss['G/rec_A_y'] = loss_A_y.item() loss['G/rec_B_y'] = loss_B_y.item() if self.D1 or self.D2: loss['GD'] = loss_disc.item() if self.use_triplet: loss['F/illu'] = loss_illu.item() loss['F/pose'] = loss_pose.item() loss['F/id'] = loss_id.item() loss['M/A_illu'] = loss_map_illu_A.item() loss['M/A_pose'] = loss_map_pose_A.item() loss['M/B_illu'] = loss_map_illu_B.item() loss['M/B_pose'] = loss_map_pose_B.item() loss['M/C_illu'] = loss_map_illu_C.item() loss['M/C_pose'] = loss_map_pose_C.item() if self.use_cyc: loss['cyc/fake_attr'] = loss_cyc_attr.item() loss['cyc/id'] = loss_cyc_id.item() #loss['cyc/source'] = loss_cyc_source.item() loss['V/A'] = loss_valid_A loss['V/B'] = loss_valid_B loss['V/C'] = loss_valid_C et = time.time() - start_time et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7] log = "Elapsed [{}], Epoch [{}/{}], Iteration [{}]".format( et, i + 1, self.num_epoch, (i + 1) * self.num_iter) for tag, value in loss.items(): log += ", {}: {:.6f}".format(tag, value) print(log) self.save_log(log, self.log_fname) # Translate fixed images for debugging. if (i + 1) % self.sample_step == 0: self.test_visual(i + 1) # Save model checkpoints. if (i + 1) % self.model_save_step == 0: self.save_model() self.save_log(ss, self.log_fname) def train(self): loss_A, loss_B, loss_C = self.test_valid() print('loss_A', loss_A, 'loss_B', loss_B, 'loss_C', loss_C) if self.train_type == 0: self.train_0(30) elif self.train_type == 1: ''' self.test_visual(0) self.G_state_t = (30 * self.num_iter)//self.lr_update_step self.M_state_t = self.G_state_t self.update_lr_G() self.update_lr_M() ''' self.train_1()