Пример #1
                def getMatches(data):
                    from models.model_wrap import PointTracker

                    desc = data['desc']
                    warped_desc = data['warped_desc']

                    nn_thresh = 1.2
                    print("nn threshold: ", nn_thresh)
                    tracker = PointTracker(max_length=2, nn_thresh=nn_thresh)
                    # matches = tracker.nn_match_two_way(desc, warped_desc, nn_)
                    tracker.update(keypoints.T, desc.T)
                    tracker.update(warped_keypoints.T, warped_desc.T)
                    matches = tracker.get_matches().T
                    mscores = tracker.get_mscores().T

                    # mAP
                    # matches = data['matches']
                    print("matches: ", matches.shape)
                    print("mscores: ", mscores.shape)
                        print("mscore max: ", mscores.max(axis=0))
                        print("mscore min: ", mscores.min(axis=0))
                    except ValueError:

                    return matches, mscores
Пример #2
def export_descriptor(config, output_dir, args):
    # input 2 images, output keypoints and correspondence
    save prediction:
            'image': np(320,240)
            'prob' (keypoints): np (N1, 2)
            'desc': np (N2, 256)
            'warped_image': np(320,240)
            'warped_prob' (keypoints): np (N2, 2)
            'warped_desc': np (N2, 256)
            'homography': np (3,3)
            'matches': np [N3, 4]
    from utils.loader import get_save_path
    from utils.var_dim import squeezeToNumpy

    # basic settings
    device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    logging.info("train on device: %s", device)
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yml"), "w") as f:
        yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False)
    writer = SummaryWriter(getWriterPath(task=args.command, date=True))
    save_path = get_save_path(output_dir)
    save_output = save_path / "../predictions"
    os.makedirs(save_output, exist_ok=True)

    ## parameters
    outputMatches = True
    subpixel = config["model"]["subpixel"]["enable"]
    patch_size = config["model"]["subpixel"]["patch_size"]

    # data loading
    from utils.loader import dataLoader_test as dataLoader
    task = config["data"]["dataset"]
    data = dataLoader(config, dataset=task)
    test_set, test_loader = data["test_set"], data["test_loader"]
    from utils.print_tool import datasize
    datasize(test_loader, config, tag="test")

    # model loading
    from utils.loader import get_module
    Val_model_heatmap = get_module("", config["front_end_model"])
    ## load pretrained
    val_agent = Val_model_heatmap(config["model"], device=device)

    ## tracker
    tracker = PointTracker(max_length=2, nn_thresh=val_agent.nn_thresh)

    ###### check!!!
    count = 0
    for i, sample in tqdm(enumerate(test_loader)):
        img_0, img_1 = sample["image"], sample["warped_image"]

        # first image, no matches
        # img = img_0
        def get_pts_desc_from_agent(val_agent, img, device="cpu"):
            pts: list [numpy (3, N)]
            desc: list [numpy (256, N)]
            heatmap_batch = val_agent.run(
            )  # heatmap: numpy [batch, 1, H, W]
            # heatmap to pts
            pts = val_agent.heatmap_to_pts()
            # print("pts: ", pts)
            if subpixel:
                pts = val_agent.soft_argmax_points(pts, patch_size=patch_size)
            # heatmap, pts to desc
            desc_sparse = val_agent.desc_to_sparseDesc()
            # print("pts[0]: ", pts[0].shape, ", desc_sparse[0]: ", desc_sparse[0].shape)
            # print("pts[0]: ", pts[0].shape)
            outs = {"pts": pts[0], "desc": desc_sparse[0]}
            return outs

        def transpose_np_dict(outs):
            for entry in list(outs):
                outs[entry] = outs[entry].transpose()

        outs = get_pts_desc_from_agent(val_agent, img_0, device=device)
        pts, desc = outs["pts"], outs["desc"]  # pts: np [3, N]

        if outputMatches == True:
            tracker.update(pts, desc)

        # save keypoints
        pred = {"image": squeezeToNumpy(img_0)}
        pred.update({"prob": pts.transpose(), "desc": desc.transpose()})

        # second image, output matches
        outs = get_pts_desc_from_agent(val_agent, img_1, device=device)
        pts, desc = outs["pts"], outs["desc"]

        if outputMatches == True:
            tracker.update(pts, desc)

        pred.update({"warped_image": squeezeToNumpy(img_1)})
        # print("total points: ", pts.shape)
                "warped_prob": pts.transpose(),
                "warped_desc": desc.transpose(),
                "homography": squeezeToNumpy(sample["homography"]),

        if outputMatches == True:
            matches = tracker.get_matches()
            print("matches: ", matches.transpose().shape)
            pred.update({"matches": matches.transpose()})
        print("pts: ", pts.shape, ", desc: ", desc.shape)

        # clean last descriptor

        filename = str(count)
        path = Path(save_output, "{}.npz".format(filename))
        np.savez_compressed(path, **pred)
        # print("save: ", path)
        count += 1
    print("output pairs: ", count)