def main(): args = get_args() torch.set_grad_enabled(False) if == "mobile0.25": cfg = cfg_mnet elif == "resnet50": cfg = cfg_re50 else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Only mobile0.25 and resnet50 are suppoted.") # net and model net = RetinaFace(cfg=cfg, phase="test") net = load_model(net, args.trained_model, args.cpu) net.eval() if args.fp16: net = net.half() print("Finished loading model!") cudnn.benchmark = True device = torch.device("cpu" if args.cpu else "cuda") net = file_paths = sorted(args.input_path.rglob("*.jpg")) if args.num_gpu is not None: start, end = split_array(len(file_paths), args.num_gpu, args.gpu_id) file_paths = file_paths[start:end] output_path = args.output_path if args.save_boxes: output_label_path = output_path / "labels" output_label_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if args.save_crops: output_image_path = output_path / "images" output_image_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) transform = albu.Compose([ albu.Normalize( p=1, mean=(104, 117, 123), std=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), max_pixel_value=1) ], p=1) test_loader = DataLoader( InferenceDataset(file_paths, args.origin_size, transform=transform), batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False, ) with torch.no_grad(): for raw_input in tqdm(test_loader): torched_images = raw_input["torched_image"] if args.fp16: torched_images = torched_images.half() resizes = raw_input["resize"] image_paths = Path(raw_input["image_path"]) raw_images = raw_input["raw_image"] labels = [] if (args.batch_size == 1 and args.save_boxes and (output_label_path / f"{Path(image_paths[0]).stem}.json").exists()): continue loc, conf, land = net( # forward pass batch_size = torched_images.shape[0] image_height, image_width = torched_images.shape[2:] scale1 = torch.Tensor([ image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, ]) scale1 = scale = torch.Tensor( [image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height]) scale = priorbox = PriorBox(cfg, image_size=(image_height, image_width)) priors = priorbox.forward() priors = prior_data = for batch_id in range(batch_size): image_path = image_paths[batch_id] file_id = Path(image_path).stem raw_image = raw_images[batch_id] resize = resizes[batch_id].float() boxes = decode([batch_id], prior_data, cfg["variance"]) boxes *= scale / resize scores = conf[batch_id][:, 1] landmarks = decode_landm([batch_id], prior_data, cfg["variance"]) landmarks *= scale1 / resize # ignore low scores valid_index = torch.where( scores > args.confidence_threshold)[0] boxes = boxes[valid_index] landmarks = landmarks[valid_index] scores = scores[valid_index] order = scores.argsort(descending=True) boxes = boxes[order] landmarks = landmarks[order] scores = scores[order] # do NMS keep = nms(boxes, scores, args.nms_threshold) boxes = boxes[keep, :].int() landmarks = landmarks[keep].int() if boxes.shape[0] == 0: continue scores = scores[keep].cpu().numpy().astype(np.float64) for crop_id, bbox in enumerate(boxes): bbox = bbox.cpu().numpy() labels += [{ "crop_id": crop_id, "bbox": bbox.tolist(), "score": scores[crop_id], "landmarks": landmarks[crop_id].tolist(), }] if args.save_crops: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox x_min = max(0, x_min) y_min = max(0, y_min) crop = raw_image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max].cpu().numpy() target_folder = output_image_path / f"{file_id}" target_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) crop_file_path = target_folder / f"{file_id}_{crop_id}.jpg" if crop_file_path.exists(): continue cv2.imwrite( str(crop_file_path), cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90], ) if args.save_boxes: result = { "file_path": image_path, "file_id": file_id, "bboxes": labels, } with open(output_label_path / f"{file_id}.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=2)
def process_video_files( network: str, trained_model: str, decode_gpu: bool, is_fp16: bool, file_paths: list, num_gpu: Optional[int], gpu_id: int, output_path: Path, is_save_boxes: bool, is_save_crops: bool, num_frames: int, resize_coeff: Optional[Tuple], confidence_threshold: float, num_workers: int, nms_threshold: float, batch_size: int, resize_scale: float, min_size: int, keep_top_k: int, ) -> None: torch.set_grad_enabled(False) if network == "mobile0.25": cfg = cfg_mnet_test elif network == "resnet50": cfg = cfg_re50_test else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Only mobile0.25 and resnet50 are suppoted, but we got {network}") if min_size < 0: raise ValueError( f"Min size should be positive, but we got {min_size}.") # net and model net = RetinaFace(cfg=cfg, phase="test") net = load_model(net, trained_model, load_to_cpu=False) net.eval() if is_fp16: net = net.half() device = torch.device("cuda") print("Finished loading model!") cudnn.benchmark = True transform = albu.Compose([ albu.Normalize( p=1, mean=(104, 117, 123), std=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), max_pixel_value=1) ], p=1) if num_gpu is not None: start, end = split_array(len(file_paths), num_gpu, gpu_id) file_paths = file_paths[start:end] with torch.no_grad(): func = partial(get_frames, num_frames=num_frames, resize_coeff=resize_coeff, transform=transform, decode_gpu=decode_gpu) with torch.no_grad(): with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( num_workers) as executor: for result in tqdm(, file_paths), total=len(file_paths), leave=False, desc="Loading data files"): if len(result) != 0: result["is_fp16"] = is_fp16 result["device"] = device result["batch_size"] = batch_size result["cfg"] = cfg result["nms_threshold"] = nms_threshold result["confidence_threshold"] = confidence_threshold result["is_save_crops"] = is_save_crops result["is_save_boxes"] = is_save_boxes result["output_path"] = output_path result["net"] = net result["min_size"] = min_size result["resize_scale"] = resize_scale result["keep_top_k"] = keep_top_k process_frames(**result)
def main(): args = get_args() torch.set_grad_enabled(False) if == "mobile0.25": cfg = cfg_mnet elif == "resnet50": cfg = cfg_re50 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Only mobile0.25 and resnet50 are suppoted.") # net and model net = RetinaFace(cfg=cfg, phase="test") net = load_model(net, args.trained_model, args.cpu) net.eval() if args.fp16: net = net.half() print("Finished loading model!") cudnn.benchmark = True device = torch.device("cpu" if args.cpu else "cuda") net = file_paths = sorted(args.input_path.rglob("*.mp4"))[: args.num_videos] if args.num_gpu is not None: start, end = split_array(len(file_paths), args.num_gpu, args.gpu_id) file_paths = file_paths[start:end] output_path = args.output_path if args.save_boxes: output_label_path = output_path / "labels" output_label_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if args.save_crops: output_image_path = output_path / "images" output_image_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if args.video_decoder == "cpu": decode_device = cpu(0) elif args.video_decoder == "gpu": decode_device = gpu(0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Only CPU and GPU devices are supported by decard, but got {args.video_decoder}") transform = albu.Compose([albu.Normalize(p=1, mean=(104, 117, 123), std=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), max_pixel_value=1)], p=1) with torch.no_grad(): for video_path in tqdm(file_paths): labels = [] video_id = video_path.stem with video_reader(str(video_path), ctx=decode_device) as video: len_video = len(video) if args.num_frames is None or args.num_frames == 1: frame_ids = list(range(args.num_frames)) elif args.num_frames > 1: if len_video < args.num_frames: step = 1 else: step = int(len_video / args.num_frames) frame_ids = list(range(0, len_video, step))[: args.num_frames] else: raise ValueError(f"Expect None or integer > 1 for args.num_frames, but got {args.num_frames}") frames = video.get_batch(frame_ids) if args.video_decoder == "cpu": frames = frames.asnumpy() elif args.video_decoder == "gpu": frames = dlpack.from_dlpack(frames.to_dlpack()) if args.video_decoder == "gpu": del video torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect() num_frames = len(frames) image_height = frames.shape[1] image_width = frames.shape[2] scale1 = torch.Tensor( [ image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height, ] ) scale1 = scale = torch.Tensor([image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height]) scale = priorbox = PriorBox(cfg, image_size=(image_height, image_width)) priors = priorbox.forward() priors = prior_data = if args.resize_coeff is not None: target_size = min(args.resize_coeff) max_size = max(args.resize_coeff) image_height = frames.shape[1] image_width = frames.shape[2] image_size_min = min([image_width, image_height]) image_size_max = max([image_width, image_height]) resize = float(target_size) / float(image_size_min) if np.round(resize * image_size_max) > max_size: resize = float(max_size) / float(image_size_max) else: resize = 1 for pred_id in range(num_frames): frame = frames[pred_id] torched_image = prepare_image(frame, transform, args.video_decoder).to(device) if args.fp16: torched_image = torched_image.half() loc, conf, land = net(torched_image) # forward pass frame_id = frame_ids[pred_id] boxes = decode([0], prior_data, cfg["variance"]) boxes *= scale / resize boxes = boxes.cpu().numpy() scores = conf[0].data.cpu().numpy()[:, 1] landmarks = decode_landm([0], prior_data, cfg["variance"]) landmarks *= scale1 / resize landmarks = landmarks.cpu().numpy() # ignore low scores valid_index = np.where(scores > args.confidence_threshold)[0] boxes = boxes[valid_index] landmarks = landmarks[valid_index] scores = scores[valid_index] # keep top-K before NMS order = scores.argsort()[::-1] # order = scores.argsort()[::-1][:args.top_k] boxes = boxes[order] landmarks = landmarks[order] scores = scores[order] # do NMS detection = np.hstack((boxes, scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32, copy=False) keep = py_cpu_nms(detection, args.nms_threshold) # keep = nms(detection, args.nms_threshold,force_cpu=args.cpu) # x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, score detection = detection[keep, :] landmarks = landmarks[keep].astype(int) if detection.shape[0] == 0: continue bboxes = detection[:, :4].astype(int) confidence = detection[:, 4].astype(np.float64) for crop_id in range(len(detection)): bbox = bboxes[crop_id] labels += [ { "frame_id": int(frame_id), "crop_id": crop_id, "bbox": bbox.tolist(), "score": confidence[crop_id], "landmarks": landmarks[crop_id].tolist(), } ] if args.save_crops: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox x_min = max(0, x_min) y_min = max(0, y_min) crop = frame[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] target_folder = output_image_path / f"{video_id}" target_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) crop_file_path = target_folder / f"{frame_id}_{crop_id}.jpg" if crop_file_path.exists(): continue cv2.imwrite( str(crop_file_path), cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90], ) if args.save_boxes: result = { "file_path": str(video_path), "file_id": video_id, "bboxes": labels, } with open(output_label_path / f"{video_id}.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=2)